Arne H. Krumsvik

Arne H. Krumsvik
Arne verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Arne verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Kristiania University College · Department of Communication



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Professor, Past Rector (President) at Kristiania University College.
Additional affiliations
January 2023 - present
Volda University College
  • Professor
  • 20%
August 2015 - July 2018
Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology
  • Professor (Associate)
December 2014 - May 2018
Jönköping University
  • Researcher


Publications (50)
This article provides insight into the strategic priority of various approaches towards user involvement and how these are changing over time. A longitudinal series of surveys studying prioritizations among editorial staff identify a redefinition of user involvement in digital media: from 2012 to 2015 the role of users has been reframed from co-pro...
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Media innovation is all around us in the form of new genres, new products, and new platforms. But how can we understand these innovations? This chapter provides a theoretical exploration of the concept of media innovation and presents three steps to analyse them. It helps us understand what media innovations are, what is new about them, and what ma...
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Technological disruptions and increasing competition in the digital mediascape have fundamentally altered the market conditions for news media companies, raising corresponding concerns about the future of journalism. News media firms can adapt their business models by more purposefully focusing on media innovation, or the development and implementa...
This chapter takes on the less researched subject of social media innovation as a leadership and strategic issue. The study adopted a longitudinal approach based on surveys among chief executives in Norway, conducted in 2015 (n = 152) and 2020 (n = 164). From a managerial perspective, we asked what role social media plays in the news media organiza...
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This unique study, for the first time, explores the relative importance of 8 × 2 types of media innovations in the newspaper industry, based on empirical data post-pandemic, from a survey of over 100 Norwegian newspaper executives (i.e., editors-in-chief, managing directors, and publishers). In the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, newspaper leader...
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What are the factors that give NGOs influence in political processes? As a result of a deductive-inductive process, nine distinct capital forms have been identified that may influence how successful an NGO is in influencing Norwegian positions and policies. Informants in senior government and political positions have been interviewed to identify th...
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Organizational and leader-specific components are used to characterize newspaper executives' positioning toward social media. From an online survey (n=159), Norwegian newspaper executives report on the efficacy of social media, organizational culture, and work-related role stressors. Employing principal components analysis and clustering methods, w...
Når både produksjon, lagring og distribusjon av mediene digitaliseres, får vi ikke bare konvergens mellom medie-, telecom- og dataindustrien, vi får også konvergens mellom medieprodukter som tradisjonelt har tilhørt distinkt ulike mediebransjer. I denne boka kan du lese om flere aspekter ved fagpressen som har blitt likere dagspressen. Men selv om...
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Five biennial surveys from 2005 to 2013 reveal a high degree of stability in Norwegian newspaper executives’ attitudes towards digital media, despite a high turnover in the executive ranks. Editors and managers do not approve fully of their own organizations’ online activities, and they struggle to find a balanced focus between traditional and new...
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The digitization of newspapers has opened up new possibilities for user involvement, yet established practices in the media industry hinder news organisations from fully exploiting the many new opportunities that exist in the age of the Internet and social media. In this conceptual and interdisciplinary article, we explain how news actors’ strategi...
Building trust and credibility among users might be a way to secure news media’s important role as main providers of news. Nevertheless, there is limited research on whether news media companies work strategically to build trust among users, as well as how trust in media is perceived in high-trust societies such as the Nordic. In this study, our ai...
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Our many online routines leave behind trails of data about our identities, habits, preferences and connections. These data serve as filters when we seek out information, yielding relevant results and content of interest. However, commercial and political parties can use the same data to personalize persuasive messages, and some even use psychologic...
Making Media uncovers what it means and what it takes to make media, focusing on the lived experience of media professionals within the global media, including rich case studies of the main media industries and professions: television, journalism, social media entertainment, advertising and public relations, digital games, and music. This carefully...
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Digitization has caused disruption in the traditional business model of the news media. Policy implementation in the media sector is therefore increasingly raised as an economic question, involving concern for the ability of legacy media to serve as independent platforms for public deliberation. While media policy traditionally tends to focus on un...
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Norway is a small country with high Gross domestic product per capita and a digitally sophisticated market. Norwegian and Nordic owner groups control newspapers, while foreign interests control the commercial broadcasting sector. Our analysis of Community Innovation Survey data shows that newspapers, radio- and television broadcasting firms are sig...
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In this article, we analyze the mediated self-representation of Norwegian bikers in contrast to how they are represented through mainstream-media. Based on analysis of MC coverage in local, regional, and national Norwegian newspapers and postings and comments on the Facebook page of PayBack Norway, we compare an online counterpublic with coverage i...
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Media policy schemes around the world are seemingly shifting character. As budgets for direct subsidies are under increasing pressure, the role of indirect tools, such as tax reductions, are growing in relative importance. This article explores the political justifications of value-added tax (VAT) as a media policy tool, and how longitudinal shifts...
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Media business research has been growing rapidly in the Nordic region. In a highly internationalised field of research, is there a line of enquiry that is distinctively Nordic? Through an analysis of papers and articles presented at NordMedia or published in the two major journals, we summarize the main methodological, theoretical, and empirical ch...
Repurposing of traditional media content has been a major component of new media products in the portfolio of Norwegian publishers, but they have not developed bundling strategies for cross-platform distribution of the traditional product. This article explores, through an e-survey of newspaper executives and in-dept interviews with key decision ma...
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This study of digital competence in newspapers finds a strong relationship between ownership and the prioritization of digital competences. Newspaper executives in newspapers owned by media groups rated most digital competences significantly higher than executives from other newspapers, and ownership explained the relative importance of digital com...
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Five biennial surveys from 2005 to 2013 reveal a high degree of stability in Norwegian news-paper executives' attitudes towards digital media, despite a high turnover in the executive ranks. Editors and managers do not approve fully of their own organizations' online activities, and they struggle to find a balanced focus between traditional and new...
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Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many other services, have established themselves as part of the networked and increasingly hybrid public sphere, extending and transforming it to allow for and facilitate access to all kinds of content and participants. By their sheer ubiquity, these media contribute to changing media ecologies a...
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This article contributes with a unique quantitative study of newspaper executives’ perceptions on the interest and collaboration contained within digital media innovation among staff in the editorial, business and IT departments. Two research questions are explored: (1) Do newspaper executives perceive that there is diverging interest in digital me...
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Since the introduction of online newspapers in the mid-1990s, the industry has striven for the introduction of user payments. One potential innovation could be package deals for access to more titles. Based on innovation theory and principles of fair division, this article discusses how revenue might be distributed among participants if a model for...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how Twitter is used as a political backchannel and potential agenda setter during two televised political debates during the Norwegian election in 2011. The paper engages with current debates about the role of social media in audience participation and traditional media's changing role as gatekeeper...
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The aim of The Journal of Media Innovations is to serve the professional and research communities involved in the cross-disciplinary field of media innovations, and the Book Review section will be an indispensable part of the Journal from its inception, contributing to mapping this emerging field. The focus and scope within the reviews section will...
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Nesten alt som er skrevet om temaet innovasjon i media, handler om store, nasjonale eller internasjonale aktører. Innovasjon i lokale medier er ikke utforsket eller beskrevet spesielt. Det er med andre ord liten bevissthet om hvordan den lokale mediebedriften som sosial og kulturell faktor samhand-ler med andre aktører i samfunnet når det er snakk...
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The Internet has radically increased the opportunity for the public to take part in debate and deliberation, challenging the hegemonic position of the established media as the facilitators of such debate. As new forums for participation have entered the market, traditional players in television, radio and the press have also transformed their servi...
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In order to understand how new media development in a traditional media organization affects the journalism production process, it is necessary to understand the strategic role of new platforms and the rationale for a multi-platform product portfolio development. This article discusses why the role of over the first ten years of operations...
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The four strategic types focus on different parts of the news operation value chain. The Donation strategy includes users in the production of content. The Distribution strategy utilizes viral marketing in order to invite potential users to consume this content, while the Deliberation strategy enables users to react and interact with the produced a...
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Innovation is about change, and media products and services are changing. The processes of production and distribution of media are changing. The ownership and financing of media are changing. The roles of users are changing. And our ideas about media are changing. This book argues that innovation theory provides better tools for media researchers...
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In order to understand and explain current developments in the media landscape, using the lens of innovation and innovation theory adds value to media research. This chapter gives a theoretical introduction to the concept of innovation. It argues that media innovations may be related to product innovation, process innovation, position innovation, p...
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This chapter analyses the relationship between the size and ownership of news-papers and their approaches to the challenges from the tablet market, e.g. the iPad. Which newspapers were inclined to innovate by launching iPad apps? The hypotheses tested are that: (1) the size of newspapers and (2) having corporate owners, i.e. being owned by a media...
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This article summarises findings from a research project on the digitisation of Norwegian newsrooms, analysing trends in the industry and changes in user-habits. Findings suggest that most journalists are positive about the digitisation of the newsroom but fear that cutbacks in staff will prevent them from exploiting the potential of the new techno...
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An analysis of traditional and new news industries (i.e. newspapers, television, and online media) with Porter's Five Forces as a framework, explain why business models for journalism in new media are not likely to become sustainable. While the competitive force of substitutes challenges the funding of journalism in newspapers, the main concern in...
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Based on Michael E. Porter’s classic model of five forces analysis, this article examines the structural factors underlying profitability in the Norwegian newspaper, radio and television industry in the period 2000 to 2009. The article asks: What are the competitive conditions most challenging to newspapers, to radio and to television, respectively...
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This cross-national comparative case study of online news production analyzes the strategies of Cable News Network (CNN) and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), aiming at understanding of the implications of organizational strategy on the role of journalists, explains why traditional media organizations have a tendency to develop a multi-...
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This cross-national comparative case study of online news production analyzes the strategies of Cable News Network (CNN) and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), aiming to contribute to the understanding of the implications of organizational strategy on the role of journalists and explaining why traditional media organizations have a tende...
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This paper summarises selected findings from a research project on the digitisation of Norwegian newsrooms. The paper will describe important trends in the Norwegian news industry parallel to changes in readers' user-habits. Among the findings presented is a survey among journalists regarding the working environment as a result of demand for multim...
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The newspapers are in a pressed situation of circulation decline. This is partly a conse- quence of increased Internet usage, a development the papers themselves have helped push forward. This survey reveals that Norwegian newspapers executives do not approve fully of their own organizations' online activities, and explores their rationale for onli...
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This analysis of online news in China and Norway discuss not only traditional online newspapers, but in a broader perspective analyze providers of news content, including the online phenomena of aggregating portals without their own news gathering operations. This comparative case study focus on (a) online news media, (b) their market position (aud...


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