Arne KorthalsAG Nandumonitoring
Arne Korthals
BA (Hons) Environmental Studies
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Head of lab AG Nandumonitoring
Publications (19)
Homeranges and habitats of Greater Rheas Rhea americana in a cultivated landscape of northwest Mecklenburg (Germany). Vogelwarte 60: 97-110.
The founding population of Greater Rheas Rhea americana in Germany originates from an enclosure in Schleswig-Holstein, from which about ten animals escaped 22 years ago. The Greater Rhea became a new compone...
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Birds of the World
Species account Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)
Contributed information on systematics, distribution, habitat, movement and migration, diet and foraging, sounds and vocal behavior, behavior, breeding ecology, parental care, disease and body parasites, population status and regulation, conservation and...
Die größte Neozoenart in Deutschland aus der Reihe der Vögel, der in Südamerika beheimatete Nandu, lebt seit zwanzig Jahren frei in der Landschaft Nordwestmecklenburgs. Wurde anfangs noch
an der Überlebensfähigkeit der kleinen Population gezweifelt, zeigte sich im Laufe der Jahre, wie gut
diese Art in der hiesigen Kulturlandschaft zurechtkommt.
English: For the assessment of alien bird species in Germany, all species-related distribution maps from 2011 to 2019 were evaluated at A total of 126 non-native species from 26 families including winter guests with introduced populations were identified, in addition four hybrids (water birds) and three house forms (water birds). Th...
English: For the assessment of alien bird species in Germany, all species-related distribution maps from 2011 to 2019 were evaluated at A total of 126 non-native species from 26 families including winter guests with introduced populations were identified, in addition four hybrids (water birds) and three house forms (water birds). Th...
Vortrag zur Invasivität der freilebenden Population des Nandus (Rhea americana) in Deutschland, auf dem Neozoenseminar am 27.08.2019 im Bildungszentrum für Natur, Umwelt und Ländliche Räume in Flintbek (Schleswig Holstein). Germany
The new instruction manual for the monitoring of the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) in Germany contains standards for the survey of individuals, nests and carcass findings. It also contains many photographic pictures for the identification of the species, sex, different ages, footprints and faeces. It is written in german language.
Die Kartieranlei...
Habitat use of Rhea americana in Germany 2008 - 2010
The article gives an overview on the neobiotic feral population of the greater rhea (Rhea americana) in germany.
Zusammenfassung: Nach der Aufnahme der Brandenburger Fauna Flora Habitat -Gebiete (FFH-Gebiete) in das europäische Schutzgebietssystem " Natura 2000 " ergibt sich für das Land Brandenburg gegenüber der Europäischen Union (EU) die Verpflichtung zum Erhalt bestimmter Arten und Lebensräume in diesen Gebie-ten von gemeinschaftlicher Bedeutung (Sites of...
Das Ziel der Untersuchungen war, das Brutverhalten sowie die Brutplatzwahl der frei lebenden Nandupopulation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in deren Hauptverbreitungsgebiet zu dokumentieren, sowie Präferenzen in der Wahl der Neststandorte zu ermitteln.
Breeding behavior and breeding site selection of the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) in Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, Germany Brutverhalten und Brutplatzwahl des Nandus (Rhea americana) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland
In Mecklenburg Vorkommern (Germany) konnte sich eine wildlebende Population des Großen Nandu (Rhea americana) etablieren. Der Artikel enthält Information zur Herkunft des südamerikanischen Straußenvogels und gibt einen kurzen Überblick zu ersten Untersuchungsergebnissen.
The Greater Rhea (Rhea americana ssp.) belongs to the subclass Paleognathae (paleognath birds) of the order Struthioniformes, together with cassowaries, emus, kiwis and ostriches. The shape of the Greater Rhea can be described as typical ostrich-like. The species attains a height of ~ 1.40 – 1.50 m and weight up to 30 kg. It is an endemic bird spec...
The Greater Rhea (Rhea americana ssp.) belongs to the subclass Paleognathae (paleognath birds) of the order Struthioniformes, together with cassowaries, emus, kiwis and ostriches. The shape of the Greater Rhea can be described as typical ostrich-like. The species attains a height of 1.4–1.5 m and weight up to 30 kg. It is an endemic bird species to...
Map: Dispersal area of Rhea americana in Germany 2008 - 2010
Population size of Rhea americana in Germany 2008 - 2010
The Greater Rhea occurs verifiable with one feral, reproducing population in north-east Germany, with its population centre in Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. The establishment of further populations in Germany or elsewhere in Europe has not been confirmed so far. Of a special interest is the adaptation ability of this species to its new habitat and...