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  • Arne H. Eide
Arne H. Eide

Arne H. Eide
Arne H. verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Arne H. verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
SINTEF | Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning · Department of Health Research

Ph. D.


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Arne H Eide is Chief Scientist at SINTEF Digital and Professor at Institute for Social Work and Health Sciences at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology, NTNU. He has long experience in research on disability and poverty, assistive technology, community-based rehabilitation and studies on living conditions in more than 20 different low-income countries. Eide has collaborated with World Health Organization, UN, UNICEF and other international organisations over many years.
Additional affiliations
September 1997 - present
SINTEF Digital Oslo
  • Chief Scientist
January 2009 - present
Stellenbosch University
  • Professor


Publications (202)
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Background In community settings, relatives often provide care to their older family members, which is sometimes perceived as a high burden, overwhelming and stressful, contributing to an increased risk of elder abuse. In most countries, relatives have no legal obligation to provide care when family members are admitted to nursing homes; neverthele...
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Participation of children and young people with disabilities is often restricted and needs to be higher on the agenda of relevant municipal service providers. With a sociology of childhood perspective and based on thematic analysis of two focus group discussions and one individual interview with children and young people with various (dis)abilities...
AT and welfare technology services in Norway are not the exclusive preserve of any particular age group. All citizens have the right to AT when they need it to support daily life and social participation. To turn this around, older people have the same rights as anybody else to AT. In practice, there is of course an age gradient in the demographic...
Technical Report
I prosjektnotatet oppsummeres intervjuer med arbeidsdeltakere, Circular Ways, Salt og Ope om erfaringene med å delta i arbeidet med sortering av eierløs havplast. Undersøkelsen er en del av "Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet: Ute- og innemøbler av eierløs havplast - produkter for en regenerativ verdikjede". Intervjuene er gjennomført i mai/jun...
Conference Paper
WHO implemented the Rapid Assistive Technology Assessment in 2021. This is a household survey on self-reported use, need and barriers for accessing AT in 35 countries globally. In order to obtain comparable data, all surveys followed guidelines developed by WHO, including national two-stage random sampling of households. The 2021 rATA survey includ...
WHO implemented the Rapid Assistive Technology Assessment in 2021. This is a household survey on self-reported use, need and barriers for accessing AT in 35 countries globally. In order to obtain comparable data, all surveys followed guidelines developed by WHO, including national two-stage random sampling of households. The 2021 rATA survey includ...
The purpose of the study is to analyse variations in the use of health care services among next of kin to persons with dementia living in place, and in particular the importance of care competence among next of kin. The study is a crosssectional survey based on the membership register of the Dementia Branch of the Norwegian Health Association. The...
This manuscript is developed from research conducted in 2018-19 on “living conditions among persons with disabilities in Uganda”. This paper compares the living conditions among households with and without disabilities by rural-urban locations on these indicators: asset possession, dietary diversity, information access and sources and type of water...
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Background It is a contemporary and global challenge that the increasing number of older people requiring care will surpass the available caregivers. Solutions are needed to help older people maintain their health, prevent disability, and delay or avoid dependency on others. Technology can enable older people to age in place while maintaining their...
BACKGROUND It is a contemporary and global challenge that the increasing number of older people requiring care will surpass the available caregivers. Solutions are needed to help older people maintain their health, prevent disability, and delay or avoid dependency on others. Technology can enable older people to age in place while maintaining their...
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Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) are critical to promoting and protecting the rights of people with disabilities. However, little is known about the extent to which people with disabilities are aware and members of OPDs. This study uses data from nine population-based surveys in low- and middle-income countries to explore OPD aware...
Assistive technology (AT) is a human right, supporting meaningful participation for disabled people in society. However, systematic failures prevent the equitable provision of AT globally. This chapter explores the opportunities and challenges in developing a policy framework ensuring people have access to high-quality, affordable AT. We review the...
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The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between assistive technology system elements and access to assistive products. Data on assistive technology system elements and self-reported survey data on access to assistive products from 20 countries were analyzed using multivariate statistical methods, including orthogonal partial lea...
Background: Dementia is an increasing health problem with strong impact on affected individuals and their next-of-kin. Aim: To analyse the impact on next-of-kin co-ha-biting with their spouse who is living with dementia. Method: In-depth, semi-structured interviews with six spouses, of which four were women. Data was analysed by means of constant-c...
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Editorial. This special issue presents selected articles that were presented at the sixth African Network for Evidence-to-Action in Disability (AfriNEAD) virtual conference in December 2020. The conference space always affords a reflective space on how far we have come in our quest to drive translation of disability evidence to action. The confere...
Conference Paper
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With a growing population of older persons globally, the need for mainstream assistive technology (AT) as well as assistive technology specifically intended for older persons is on the increase. The association between age and functional limitations strongly indicates a growing demand due the current demographic development. There was however until...
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This research aimed at strengthening the evidence base for interventions to promote the participation and inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in their communities. Four selected municipalities in four different regions of Norway participated. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were carried out in all four municipalities with service provi...
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Succeeding at university can be a complex matter, and the barriers are manifold for students with disabilities (SwDs). Accommodations are available for those with needs, but these alone do not meet the political goals of inclusive educations. Student ambassadors act as experienced representatives on campuses, supporting others and gaining individua...
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Individuals with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in conflict settings, and a high rate of psychopathology is well documented among persons with disabilities. The objective of this study was to explore the change in disability prevalence among IDPs in two settlement areas in central Sudan and the association between disability and psycholog...
Technical Report
Pakistan is the first country to implement the rATA to assess the national AT access scenario. With active support from the WHO and Health Services Academy (HSA),Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination carried out a national survey in 2019 using a two­ stage cluster sampling including over 9000 households and nearly 63000 i...
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In 2018, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on improving access to assistive technology (AT), and mandated the WHO to prepare a global report on assistive technology based on the best available evidence and international experience. As limited data on access to AT at country and global levels were available, there was a need to conduct...
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The paper presents a scoping review of existing economic evaluations of assistive technology (AT). The study methodology utilized a PRISMA flow approach with final included studies that met an adapted PICOS framework. Types of economic evaluations employed, study type and rigor and domains of AT impact were considered and analyzed. The economic eva...
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Central to this article is the issue of choosing sites for where a fieldwork could provide a better understanding of divergences in health care accessibility. Access to health care is critical to good health, but inhabitants may experience barriers to health care limiting their ability to obtain the care they need. Most inhabitants of low-income co...
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The primary aim of this study was to determine which health care barriers were most important for people with disabilities in Malawi. To accomplish this, we devised a sequential mixed-methods research design that integrated locational survey data and qualitative data from field studies. Our secondary aim was to evaluate this research design not onl...
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Background Elder abuse is a public health problem that is gaining attention due to its serious impacts on people’s health and well-being, and it is predicted to increase along with the world’s rapidly ageing population. Staff-to-resident abuse in nursing homes is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon associated with multiple factors on different le...
Technical Report
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The national, representative study on living conditions among people with disabilities was carried out in Uganda in 2018 - 2019. The data also includes a sample of non- disabled people, providing a basis for comparison between disabled and non-disabled. The partners who implemented the study were the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NU...
Purpose To address the data gap on efforts to assess use of assistive technology among children with disability in sub-Saharan Africa. Contribute towards efforts examining access to assistive technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. Materials and methods The paper uses data from the 2017 survey on Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Ma...
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The purpose of the study is to analyze whether a set of known single predictors for care burden among next of kin to persons with dementia living in place contribute to explaining care burden also when included in one overall regression model. The cross-sectional survey is based on the list of members of the Norwegian Health Association of local d...
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Background: Sudan has one of the largest numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world, estimated at five million. The main cause of displacement was the civil war. Attention to the health and in particular the mental health of IDPs has been lacking. That includes limited population longitudinal data describing the "natural" fluctuat...
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Background. Sudan has one of the largest numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world, estimated at five million. The main cause of displacement was the civil war. Attention to the health and in particular the mental health of IDPs has been lacking. That includes limited population longitudinal data describing the “natural” fluctuati...
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Background: Resident-to-resident aggression in nursing homes is a public health problem of growing concern, impacting the safety, health and well-being of all residents involved. Despite this, little research has been conducted on its occurrence particularly in large-scale national studies. The aim of this study was to explore the extent and natur...
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Abstract Background Elder abuse is a global public health and human rights problem that is predicted to increase as many countries experience a rapid growth in their population of older adults. Elder abuse undermines an older person’s well-being and is associated with a range of serious health consequences. In institutional care settings, older res...
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Background: Elder abuse is a global public health and human rights problem that is predicted to increase as many countries experience a rapid growth in their population of older adults. Elder abuse undermines an older person's well-being and is associated with a range of serious health consequences. In institutional care settings, older residents...
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Many people are reluctant to access voluntary counselling and testing services for fear of stigma and the implications of death often associated with a positive HIV diagnosis. This study however noted how Tonga females residing in Binga, one of Zimbabwe’s poorest and most food insecure districts, were eager for an HIV positive result in order to se...
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Aim: Many children with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries do not attend school and one-third are out of school. In order to ensure that education is for all including children with disabilities, research is needed on barriers to schooling to identify targets for intervention. The study will examine the determinants of school achievem...
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Background Exposure to war and conflict increases the risk of mental health problems. Poor living conditions are known to negatively impact mental health. Hypothesis It is hypothesized that exposure to negative events after armed conflict interacts with past negative experiences, socioeconomic factors and current mental health problems. Methods A...
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Stigmatizing attitudes towards people with mental illness is a worldwide phenomenon, This Longitudinal study aimed to determine the level of stigma, among the internal displaced persons in central Sudan and explore possible changes in stigma associated with an intervention. 1549 persons were interviewed using standardized stigma attitude tools. The...
Technical Report
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ABSTRACT A large National and representative household survey among households and individuals with and without disabilities was carried out in Malawi in 2016 and 2017. The main purpose of the study was to map the living conditions among persons with disabilities and to compare with the non-disabled population. The study follows up a previous simil...
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Background: Understanding caregivers’ views on rehabilitation services is important as it may assist in informing healthcare services and patient management. Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore caregivers’ perceptions and satisfaction regarding rehabilitation services in the Western Cape, South Africa, and to inform clinical practice...
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Background Millions of people in Southern Africa are deprived of basic human rights such as the right to education and work because of the large and growing unmet demand for assistive technologies (AT). Evidence is needed to better characterize the lack of AT access. Methods This study serves to identify the sociodemographic factors that are assoc...
Purpose: Health should be a universal phenomenon. However, little is known about the relationship between disability status and health issues – particularly in rural areas. This study looks at health issues of persons with disabilities in Madwaleni, a rural impoverished area in South Africa in 2011, and compares them to persons with no disabilities...
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Background: Equitable access to health services is a key ingredient in reaching health for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. So far, research on access to health services in low- and middle-income countries has largely relied on self-reported survey data. Realizing that there may be substantial discrepancies between perceived a...
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This study looks at the equality challenges and opportunities for women with disabilities in low and middle income countries (LMICs) to participate and succeed in education, employment and motherhood. It is based on a systematic review of the literature from academic and non-governmental organization databases. The search of these databases yielded...
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Background: While disability is universal, there is a marked variation in caregivers’ experiences of caring for children with disabilities. Therefore the diversity of disability experiences across the world needs to be acknowledged in order to understand care practices relative to disability. Aim: The paper explores the link between disability perc...
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Background Global research suggests that persons with disabilities face barriers when accessing health care services. Yet, information regarding the nature of these barriers, especially in low-income and middle-income countries is sparse. Rural contexts in these countries may present greater barriers than urban contexts, but little is known about a...
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Persons with disabilities have greater health needs and challenges in accessing health care. In poor countries this is aggravated by constraints in health care and by poverty. In order to achieve equity in health, it is necessary to address the additional challenges faced by persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are among the poorest...
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This paper explores differences in experienced environmental barriers between individuals with and without disabilities and the impact of additional factors on experienced environmental barriers. Data was collected in 2011–2012 by means of a two-stage cluster sampling and comprised 400–500 households in different sites in South Africa, Sudan Malawi...
S_3_EquitAble_Control v10_1 English and Chichewa. Pdf. Control questionnaire. (PDF)
S_1_EquitAble_household v10 English and Chichewa Version. Pdf. Household questionnaire. (PDF)
S_2_EquitAble_indivudual v10_1 English and Chichewa. Pdf. Individual questionnaire. (PDF)
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Background It is estimated that over one billion persons worldwide have some form of disability. However, there is lack of knowledge and prioritisation of how to serve the needs and provide opportunities for people with disabilities. The community-based rehabilitation (CBR) guidelines, with sufficient and sustained support, can assist in providing...
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Elstad & Eide, Cogent Medicine (2017), 4: 1362840 https://doi.org/10.1080/2331205X.2017.1362840 PSYCHIATRY | RESEARCH ARTICLE Social participation and recovery orientation in a “low threshold” community mental health service: An ethnographic study Toril Anne Elstad1* and Arne Henning Eide2,3 Abstract: Accessible and flexible “low threshold” commu...
Begrepet deltagelse er ikke nytt i helse- og omsorgslitteraturen, men det erkjennes at involvering av pasienter og brukere har vært begrenset, og at kompleksiteten knyttet til økt deltagelse for brukere og pasienter til dels har blitt oversett. Denne artikkelen formidler innsikter fra åtte artikler fra et forskningsprosjekt med målsetting å utvikle...
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Background: While it is widely assumed that disability, poverty and health are closely linked, research falls short of fully understanding the link. One approach to analysing the links between disability and poverty is through the concept of structural violence, referring to social structures that contribute to the impoverishment of individuals or...
Background In resource-limited settings, people with disabilities have been left behind in the response to HIV. In the HandiVIH study, we estimate and compare HIV prevalence and associated risk factors between people with and without disabilities. Methods In this cross-sectional, population-based, observational study, we used two-phase random sam...
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This paper explores the development of disability measures for use in censuses and surveys that can serve to monitor the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) and to disaggregate indicators identified through the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The need for...
Methods: A survey was done in purposively selected sites of the study countries. Cluster sampling followed by random sampling served to identify 400-500 households (HHs) with members with disabilities per country. A HH questionnaire and individual questionnaire was completed. Country level analysis was limited to descriptive statistics. Results:...
Over more than three decades, the need for refining and improving disability definition and measurement, and using those tools to analyse the life experiences of individuals with disability, has been advanced through international initiatives and policy documents. With respect to the former, the work of the World Health Organization in the developm...
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Background Alcohol use is a major public health problem with vast implications for poor, war-torn countries. The objective of this study was to describe prevalence of alcohol use and risky drinking across socio-demographic factors in South Sudan, and to determine the association between risky drinking, traumatic events and mental distress. Methods...
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Background Good governance may result in strengthened performance of a health system. Coherent policies are essential for good health system governance. The overall aim of this research is to provide the best available scientific evidence on principles of good policy related leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation services in les...
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Purpose: It is estimated that only 5–15% of people in low and middle income countries (LMICs) who need assistive technologies (AT) have access to them. This scoping review was conducted to provide a comprehensive picture of the current evidence base on AT within LMICs and other resource limited environments. Method: The scoping review involved loca...
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Purpose This study investigates the prevalence of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) and examines exposure to potentially traumatic events and other relevant risk factors for PLEs in the general population of a conflict-affected, low-income country. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional community based study of four Greater Bahr el Ghazal States, S...
Technical Report
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This report is from the National study on living conditions among people with disabilities carried out in Nepal in 2014-2015. The study was carried out as a household survey with two-stage stratified sampling, including a screening/listing procedure using the Washington Group on Disability Statistics 6 questions, one Household questionnaire adminis...
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Background: Equitable access to health care is a challenge in many low-income countries. The most vulnerable segments of any population face increased challenges, as their vulnerability amplifies problems of the general population. This implies a heavy burden on informal care-givers in their immediate and extended households. However, research fal...
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Introduction In resource-limited countries, people with disabilities seem to be particularly vulnerable to HIV infection due to barriers to accessing information and services, frequent exposure to sexual violence and social exclusion. However, they have often been left behind in the HIV response, probably because of the lack of reliable epidemiolog...
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To examine the current perceived needs of the general population in a war-affected setting, and to study the influence of perceived needs on the participants' mental health status and functional impairment across genders. A cross-sectional community survey (n=464) was conducted in war-affected South Sudan. Three regression models were analysed. Per...
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There is an increasing awareness among researchers and others that marginalized and vulnerable groups face problems in accessing health care. Access problems in particular in low-income countries may jeopardize the targets set by the United Nations through the Millennium Development Goals. Thus, identifying barriers for individuals with disability...