Arlin Adam

Arlin Adam
Universitas Mega Buana · Public Health Department



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Arlin Adam currently works at the Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Mega Buana Palopo, Indonesia. Their most recent publication is 'The Social Construction of the Commercial Sex Workers in Makassar City'.
Additional affiliations
December 1998 - May 2021
Pejuang University of Republic Indonesia
  • Senior Lecturer
August 2008 - January 2011
State University of Makassar
Field of study
  • Health Sociology


Publications (345)
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This research aims to analyze the New Year Tradition in Papua through the lens of Marxist thought, particularly in relation to alienation, commodification, and social stratification. Using the literature review method, this research evaluates various relevant academic literatures to understand the social, cultural, and economic dynamics embodied in...
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TikTok, sebagai platform media sosial yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia, telah menjadi ruang utama untuk interaksi sosial dan penciptaan identitas digital. Artikel ini mengkaji fenomena komodifikasi media sosial melalui teori Jean Baudrillard, dengan fokus pada TikTok Indonesia. Berdasarkan konsep simulasi dan hiperrealitas, artikel ini membahas b...
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Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health challenge, particularly in developing countries such as Indonesia. In Kotamobagu city, North Sulawesi, despite being recognized as one of Indonesia's most tolerant cities, patients with TB face persistent stigmatization and discrimination. This study aimed to examine the social construction of d...
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Latar Belakang: Demam Berdarah Dengue adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue yang di tularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes, terutama Aedes aegypti atau Aedes albopictus. Nyamuk ini cepat berkembang dan menyebabkan hampir 390 juta orang terinfeksi setiap tahunnya. Demam berdarah dengue memiliki gejala serupa dengan demam dengue namun dema...
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This study examines the Mechanism of covert domination in the social practices of student intolerance in Higher Education (HE) in Bima City, with a focus on to investigate how covert domination in the social practices of student intolerance operates in HE at Bima City. The study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. This study began with...
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This study aims to describe the pattern of relations between political parties, figures and constituents in the regional head elections in Makassar City, to elaborate on the political communication strategies of figures in building patterns of relations with political parties and constituents in the regional head elections in Makassar City, and to...
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Bacaan kritis terhadap realitas pembangunan kesehatan di Kota Makassar selama 10 tahun terakhir (2014-2024) yang berorientasi pada Paradigma Sakit. banyaknya masalah penyakit menular dan tidak menular, pengelolaan lingkungan pemukiman yang buruk, prevalensi stunting yang tinggi, dan sejumlah permasalahan pada fasyankes menandakan perlunya perubahan...
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Social awareness is a very important thing and must be possessed by the community in dealing with conflicts in society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy of analyzing social awareness as a form of conflict resolution in the Kei community. Meanwhile, the method used in this study is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Da...
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Introduction: . The goal of malaria control in Indonesia is to achieve gradual elimination by 2030, starting from the district/city, provincial, regional, and national levels. The process will begin with elimination assessments for Java and Bali in 2023; Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), and Sulawesi in 2025; Kalimantan and Maluku Utara in 2027;...
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Introduction: The 2023 report from the Tuberculosis Working Group of the Directorate for Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, showed an increase in detected pulmonary TB cases from 724,309 cases in 2022 to 821,200 cases in 2023. This increase aligns with the coverage rate of pulmonary TB...
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Pelayanan gizi di Papua adalah kebutuhan mendesak karena secara sosial budaya memiliki faktor resiko kerawanan pangan dan gizi. Diantara faktor resiko sosial budaya itu, sistim pengetahuan berbasis tradisi telah mengkonstruksi perilaku konsumsi masyarakat seperti pantangan terhadap makanan tertentu, pemilihan makanan berdasarkan stratifikasi sosial...
Hiburan malam merupakan sebuah budaya yang berasal dari negara- negara barat yang banyak diadopsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Saat ini, hiburan malam telah menuai banyak persepsi pro dan kontra di kalangan masyarakat, hal ini tentu semakin memperkaya dinamika sosial yang ada dalam stuktur masyarakat. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskrip...
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Purpose: To achieve the goals and working principles of health centers and health offices, the expertise and capacity of human resources are very important in diagnosing and overcoming problems so that they can achieve solutions to each task and function carried out by health centers. Methodology/approach: This research was conducted at the Meteman...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang penerapan teori konstruktivisme yang terkait dengan Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA) interaktif di Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Pascasarjana Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review. Metode ini digunakan untuk memberikan...
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Purpose: This study aims to analyze the contestation between the medical knowledge of midwives and the local knowledge of traditional birth attendants in accompanying pregnant women to delivery in the Gowa Regency. We also investigate the contestation between the medical knowledge of midwives and the local knowledge of traditional birth attendants...
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Pinisi can be said to be a symbol and symbol of extraordinary technical progress and is still based on high artistic values and traditional culture. Because of the nature of the pinisi boat, it is not only used as a means of transportation or as a means of high value export commodities, but is also something of a symbolic nature. Because of its sym...
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Social media has become an important platform in health education. It allows individuals to connect and share information about health. However, no studies have systematically explored the role of social media as a virtual public space in health education. This systematic review aims to explore the role of social media as a virtual public sphere in...
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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a set of tools used by workers to protect all or part of their body against the potential danger of work accidents in the work area. The use of personal protective equipment is often considered unimportant by workers, especially those working in dangerous and risky areas. The discipline of workers in using per...
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Percepatan penurunan stunting di Indonesia merupakan program strategis yang ditujukan untuk memastikan tidak ada anak yang dilahirkan dalam kondisi stunting, khususnya pada masa awal kehidupan yakni 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Pemikiran ini beranjak dari dalil bahwa perbaikan gizi masa masa awal 1000 hari kehidupan akan menentukan kualitas hidup a...
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Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Psychoanalytic theory seeks to explain how personality develops with a focus on motivation, emotions, and other internal aspects. Essentially, psychoanalysis is the result of Freud's ideas about the power of preconscious structures (id, ego, and superego) in controlling human behavior. The implication is that...
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Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Philosophy is present to answer human questions that are not addressed by other fields of knowledge. Every branch of knowledge begins with philosophy and ends with art. This means that all sciences, both natural and social sciences, originate from philosophy before undergoing further development. As the founda...
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Human life in the post-modern era is characterized by very varied needs and has penetrated all levels of society, including students. In practice, students at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Makassartend to act excessively and prioritize desires over needs, for certain reasons. This must be addressed as soon as possible b...
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Menjelaskan kolaborasi pentahelix dalam mempercepat penurunan stunting di Indonesia. Gagasan mengubah paradigma berpikir penanganan stunting berimplikasi terhadap respon kebijakan baru yang relevan. Paradigmanya realitas stunting adalah realitas deviasi perilaku bukan lagi masalah gizi. Asumsinya, deviasi perilakulah yang menyebabkan munculnya masa...
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Menjelaskan tentang peran strategis PKK sebagai organisasi perempuan yang mampu memberdayakan kelompok potensil pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting di desa
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In addition to adapting with ease in the digital era, parents must be able to understand and adapt to their conditions as workers. This research aims to find out how working parents adapt to developments in the digital era and to analyze the role of the extended family environment. This research was conducted in China District, Bone Regency using a...
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Pengobatan Sangkal Putung adalah jenis pengobatan tradisional yang masih dipercaya dan dilakukan di Indonesia, terutama di Pulau Jawa. Praktik ini fokus pada penyembuhan cedera tulang seperti patah tulang dan keseleo, melalui teknik manipulasi manual yang dilakukan oleh dukun atau tabib lokal. Sangkal Putung masih sangat penting dalam sistem keseha...
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Background: The high birth rate is the main reason for the need for family planning services. Many women experience difficulties in determining the choice of type of contraception. This is not only because of the limited available methods but also because of their ignorance to make the right choice according to age, number of children and the side...
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Menjelaskan tentang pentingnya inovasi dalam pengendalian penyakit untuk merespon kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin dinamis. Basis inovasi pengendalian penyakit dapat dimunculkan melalui perubahan paradigma berpikir dari Mazhab Determinisme Penyakit menuju Mazhab Kontruktivisme Penyakit.
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The problem of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) /acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is increasingly complex, including not only health-related concerns problems but also rampant stigma and discrimination, further exacerbating the health and social conditions of the affected individuals. This study aimed to examine the triggers of stigma an...
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Conceptually, Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a pattern of human thought formed from a series of interrelated Stimulus-Cognition-Response processes, in which cognitive processes cause a person to feel and act. Since the CBT technique was carried out at LRKM Mitra Husada, specific measurements have never been carried out to see its effect on changes i...
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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemikiran Bourdieu, sebagai pengantar dalam memahami realitas sosial. Penelitian ini memperkenalkan gagasan dasar pemikiran Bourdieu dalam memahami bagaimana individu berelasi sehingga membentuk "praktik". Bagaimana 'praktik' tersebut terjadi dan apa saja yang "terlibat" dalam 'praktik' itu, dan bagaim...
Kekerasan verbal merupakan perlakuan atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh orang tua kepada anak-anak pra sekolah Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan verbal memiliki dampak yang signifikan pada anak-anak di Kelurahan Pattingalloang. Anak-anak yang mengalami kekerasan verbal sering mengalami gejala emosional seperti rendahnya kepercayaan diri,...
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Menjelaskan tentang ekosistim permasalahan stunting dan kematian ibu dan anak. Irisan kedua permasalahan pokok pembangunan kesehatan ini menempatkan ibu hamil sebagai pusat atau sasaran percepatan penurunan stunting anak dan kematian ibu & anak di Indonesia, khususnya di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Inovasi daerah yang ditawarkan adalah pemodelan sos...
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Slide menjelaskan situasi penanggulangan AIDS di Indonensia secara umum dan di Sulsel secara khusus yang memperlihatkan stagnasi. Gerak penularan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan gerak penanggulangan. Pola ini memberikan kesan pesimisme yang diperkuat oleh peningkatan eksponensial kasus HIV setiap tahunnya dan rendahnya partisipasi lintas sektor dal...
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Menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis potensi konflik kepengurusan masjid berdasarkan alat analisis beberapa teori konflik seperti konsep Ashabiyah Ibnu Khaldun, konsep dialektika Hegel, konsep pertentangan kelas Marx, konsep otoritas Dahrendhorf, konsep konflik fungsional Lewis Coser dan konsep konflik interaksiopnal Randall Collins. Identifikasi konfli...
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Implementing ecological modernization in companies is very important in achieving community welfare. However, ecological modernization only impacts the community around the company's environment. This research explores the process of ecological modernization and its impact on the community surrounding the company. A qualitative research design was...
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Strategi dan RAD HIV-AIDS di Sulsel menjelaskan tentang evaluasi pelaksanaan SRAD periode 2019-2023, analisis situasi terkini AIDS, analisis dinamika kebijakan P2 AIDS, sasaran penanggulangan sampai tahun 2027, target yang akan dicapai, rancangan strategi penanggulangan, dan peta program strategik.
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Menjelaskan tentang peran dan fungsi organisasi kemasyarakatan dalam meningkatkan permintaan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan imunisasi dan partisipasinya dalam pengendalian penyakit menular. Kekuatan lokal yang dimiliki seperti pengenalan wilayah, pengetahuan sosiokultural, sistim kepercayaan yang dianut memungkinkan peran strategisnya dalam mendetek...
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The process of moving the National Capital in Panajam has had an impact on the original ethnicity that inhabits the location, in this case, the Paser ethnicity. These ethnic communities experience patterns of subalternity relations such as their settlement land and livelihood land are suddenly determined without their knowledge, are not involved in...
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Malnourished children will have low brain capacity or an empty brain phenomenon that will impact the quality of human resources. One of the factors that cause malnutrition in children is that children do not get exclusive breastfeeding and receive complementary foods not according to their age. This study aims to determine the relationship between...
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Low-income families' understanding of nutrition is still irrational because they still use myths about consumption that cause malnutrition in their children. It is exacerbated by the influence of advertising so that the behavior of family consumption patterns is systematically constructed. The research explores the transformation of consumer behavi...
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Menjelaskan tentang perlunya penanganan TB-HIV secara multisektoralitas karena faktor resiko penularan terus bertumbuh dengan cepat sementara sumber daya penanggulangan terbatas. Mengatasi keterbatasan dilakukan melalui mobilisasi sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh sektor pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat.
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In 2022, the Indonesian government will designate the East Kalimantan Sepaku region as the transfer area for the National Capital based on geographical, demographic and sociocultural considerations. In this area lives the Paser community as an original community that has inhabited the location for hundreds of years. The process of relocating the Na...
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Abstrak. Konsumsi selalu berkaitan dengan manusia karena manusia sebagai konsumen selalu melakukan aktivitas belanja untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidup manusia. Sedangkan, konsumerisme merupakan lebih dari sebuah tindakan mengonsumsi barang dan jasa, bahkan pada saat ini konsumerisme sudah menjadi gaya hidup di kalangan masyarakat. Konsumsi dan buda...
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The prevalence of child stunting in Indonesia is 30.8%, exceeding the figure required by WHO as much as 14% which has an impact on the country's gross domestic income. The main cause based on the behavioritic paradigm is the deviation of family behavior in the first 1000 Days of Life phase. The research method uses a mix-method, namely a qualitativ...
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Menjelaskan filosofi keterkaitan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat dengan Sosiologi yang bersifat saling melengkapi. Dua rumpun keilmuan ini memiliki persilangan kajian pada dimensi obyek materil yaitu fokus kajian pada masyarakat sebagai entitas ilmiah, sosial, dan budaya serta pada sudut pandang dalam menjelaskan fenomena secara kausalitas.
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Menjelaskan tentang klasifikasi teori perilaku manusia dimulai dari asal usul (genealogi), perspektif/aliran, teorist, hingga asumsi dasar yang menjadi landasan paradigmatiknya. Peta teori ini akan membantu para peneliti dalam menggunakan teori perilaku dalam menelaah masalah sosial khususnya masalah psikologi dan sosiologi
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Background: The Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic in Indonesia has experienced a rapid increase in cases so that the government has established a Large-Scale Social Restriction (LSSR) policy. The implication is that the social life sector of the community experiences stagnation which results in low fulfillment of life necessities. While th...
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Ketika pandemi HIV & AIDS di Indonesia memasuki tingkat epidemi meluas di masyarakat (generalize epidemic level), maka lingkungan sekolah memiliki kerentanan dan ketahanan. Rentan karena lingkungan sekolah tempat berkumpulnya populasi produktif yang bisa berperan sebagai sumber dan sasaran penularan, memiliki ketahanan karena pilar edukasi untuk me...
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Era disrupsi memproduksi sejumlah problematika sosial seperti kemiskinan, peperangan, konsumerisme, perbudakan manusia, kebangkrutan moral, dan lainnya. Permasalahan sosial makro tersebut diteropong menggunakan lensa sosiologi comtenian, weberian, marxian, dan habermasian. Dari sintesa alat teropong itu menghasilkan konsep sosiologi gerakan sebagai...
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The relocation of the capital city of Indonesia in Panajam had an impact on the Paser ethnicity the original ethnicity that inhabited the location. These ethnic groups experience a pattern of subalternity relations, such as their residential land and livelihoods being suddenly set, not being involved in decision-making processes, being prohibited f...
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Gerak penanggulangan HIV & AIDS jauh lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan gerak faktor resiko penularan sehingga diproyeksi akan terjadi situasi ledakan kasus yang sulit untuk dikendalikan. Teori Push and Pull dari Evereet S. Lee digunakan dalam menjelaskan proses sosial fenomena HIV & AIDS yang diharapkan agar dapat ditingkatkan respon pengendalian un...
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This research wants to know the thoughts of one of the first generation critical figures from the Frankfurt School, namely Max Horkheimer. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a literature review study. Based on the literature review study, there are several works of Max Hoekheimer's thought. However, what this research wants to discuss a...
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Articulating religious interests in the secular public space has always been difficult to understand. Because it brings very broad consequences for the political and social aspects in a rule of law state realism. However, the emergence of religious articulations conveying divisive doctrines and arguments sparked a stalemate of discussion among the...
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Background: Education is an interaction between teachers and students to realize a learning process so that students actively develop their potential. To realize the above objectives, teachers are required to innovate the snowball-throwing learning model so that students are more responsive in receiving information. This study aims to see the effec...
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Membahas tentang prosedur penanganan HIV dan AIDS di Tempat kerja dengan mengintegrasikan dalam prosedur Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Diharapkan seluruh tempat kerja dapat melakukan pencegahan AIDS secara managerial agar perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian akibat adanya kasus HIV dan AIDS bagi tenaga kerja
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Membahas tentang narkoba yang mengancam peradaban manusia karena narkoba menyerang otak manusia sebagai sumber berpikir, berperasaan, dan bertindak. Akibatnya manusia kehilangan pemikiran sehingga panggung kehidupan mengalami disrupsi
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Membahas tentang dampak hiv dan AIDS bagi tumbuh kembang anak yang dimulai dari pertumbuhan janin, bayi, anak, dan remaja. Dampak diuraikan dalam berbagai dimensi, khususnya berkaitan dengan dampak kesehatan, sosial, dan ekonomi.
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Membahas tentang aksi pencegahan dan penanggulangan HIV yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh mahasiswa dengan dukungan kebijakan kampus yang bebas perilaku beresiko agar tercapai three zero
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Masyarakat buruh bangunan di Kelurahan Paccerakkang memiliki populasi baduta sangat tinggi, namun tumbuh kembang anak berjalan secara alami tanpa pemberian stimulasi yang dapat mendukung capaian pertumbuhan anak secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh pendidikan dengan pendekatan Denver Development Screening Test (DDST) terhad...
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Pengertian Delphi method merupakan salah satu metode penelitian kualitatif yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan opini dari para ahli tentang suatu fenomena tertentu. Metode ini biasa digunakan ketika informasi yang tersedia tentang suatu fenomena tidak tersedia secara lengkap dan berupaya mengumpulkan pandangan ahli dari berbagai perspektif. Syarat pem...
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Pendahuluan Transisi epidemologik dan demografik masalah kesehatan akibat perubahan yang cepat dalam segala bidang kehidupan yang dipengaruhi oleh factor eksternal (globalisasi)dan internal (perubahan politik dan social ekonomi), menyebabkan peningkatan kesehatan jiwa di dalam masyarakat. Survey kesehatanrumah tangga (SKRT-1995) yang dilakukan oleh...
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BACKGROUND:The incidence of TB disease is not a new disease like several other infectious diseases such as bird flu, swine flu, and the latest disease, namely Corona Virus Disease (Covid)-19 which has hit human health globally. Various realities show that people are not willing to access TB health services. This is because there is still a negative...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRAK Pandemic COVID-19 menciptakan rantai krisis yang panjang dengan pengaruh yang bersifat resiprokal. Krisis kesehatan, krisis ekonomi, krisis kemanusiaan dan sosial, dan pada akhirnya terakumulasi menjadi krisis politik. Sejak ditemukannya 2 (dua) kasus pertama di Indonesia pada tanggal 2 Maret 2020, hingga Presiden Jokowi menetapkan sebagai...
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Materi ini menjelaskan urgensi keberadaan peraturan bupati dalam mempercepat eliminasi TB pada tahun 2030 diantaranya dasar perencanaan dan penganggaran, mobilisasi jaringan dan sumber daya, tracking program dan kegiatan, mendorong partisipasi masyarakat, dan instrumen koordinasi, komunikasi, dan konsolidasi secara efektif dan efisien.
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This material explains the main ideas of accelerating COVID-19 vaccination through community participation using a behavioral and social change communication model that focuses on handling hoaxes that affect the level of public acceptance of the vaccination program


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