Arik Kiv

Arik Kiv
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | bgu · Department of Materials Engineering


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Publications (166)
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This paper presents an overview of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social, and Economic Matters (ICSF 2024), held in May 2024. The conference brought together over 250 researchers, practitioners, and educators from 19 countries to share cutting-edge research and innovative solutions across a wi...
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This paper presents a comprehensive review of the XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2024), held from May 15-17, 2024, at Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. The conference, organized in a hybrid format, brought together over 100 attendees from 9 countries, showcasing cutting-edg...
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Multifractal properties of acrylated epoxidized soybean oil with and without a photoinitiator have been investigated. Using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, the photopolymerization process is analyzed by varying illumination duration and intensity. The research is conducted in two stages: the results concerning temperature fluctuations...
Physical and chemical indicators of underground waters of the Skole region were studied. The samples were taken from natural water sources of Skole district of Lviv region and analyzed within organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of water. The organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of natural water sources...
У даній роботі досліджено вплив органічно-неорганічних уреасильних полімерів з різними прекурсорами (ICPTES+Jeffamine ED-600 та ICPTES+APTES) на біоаналітичні властивості електрохімічних біосенсорів. Параметри сконструйованих біосенсорів оцінювали за допомогою циклічної вольтамперометрії та хроноамперометричних вимірювань. Для порівняльного аналізу...
Network properties on local free volume and biosensor parameters of polymers based on acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO), a combination of AESO with vanillin dimethacrylate (VDM) in ratio 1:0.25 mol, and its combination with vanillin diacrylate (VDA) with the same molar ratio, used as laccase-holding matrixes for the construction of amperometr...
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Lateral thinking, a key component of creative thinking, is crucial in problem-solving, scientific discovery, and everyday life. However, its assessment remains challenging due to its elusive nature. This study proposes and validates a novel verbal test to objectively measure lateral thinking. The test, consisting of triads of words with subtle asso...
Porous materials occupy an important place among the materials of electronic equipment. Nanopores, which are obtained by ion irradiation of materials, have a complex internal structure that depends on the interaction of fast ions with the substance. Obtaining such structures is important, in particular, in the manufacture of biosensor devices based...
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In this work, the influence of aromatic rings on the local free volume of cured mixtures of acrylate epoxidized soybean oil (AESO) and vanillin dimethacrylate (VDM) was investigated. Cross-linking took place under the influence of UV light in the presence or absence of a photoinitiator. The local free volume and its homogeneity were characterized u...
It is shown that computer simulation can be used to obtain important information about the mechanisms of etching of track structures. These data are necessary for the design and improvement of track biosensors. The etching process is simulated by appropriate modification of interatomic potentials. A new approach to studying the mechanisms of chemic...
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This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities and advantages of augmented reality technologies and their implementation in training of future Chemistry and Biology teachers.
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This paper introduces the Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2023), which took place at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, from 17 to 19 May 2023. It provides background information and the organizational structure of the conference, as well as the structur...
Conference Paper
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Network analysis is a powerful method to characterize the complexity and dynamics of socioeconomic systems. However, traditional network analysis often ignores the higher-order dependencies that arise from the interactions of more than two nodes. In this paper, we propose to use high-order networks, which are generalized network structures that cap...
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The process of plastic deformation of steel DC04 is considered a complex, non-linear, irreversible, and self-organized process. An analysis of the irreversibility of the stress-strain time series makes it possible to identify characteristic areas of (quasi-)elastic, plastic deformation, and necking. The last two sections are the most informative. T...
The main factor determining the functioning of the track biosensor is the influence of the composition of an ionic liquid flowing through the track on the ion current density at a certain external voltage. When any contamination enters the ionic liquid flowing through the track, the current density changes. This change determines the sensitivity of...
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 10th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2021) and 5th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2022) which were held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on May 23, 2022. It consists of information on events and short summaries of selected papers.
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This article serves as an introduction to a collection of selected papers presented at the ACNS Conference on Cloud and Immersive Technologies in Education (CITEd 2022), which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, on December 21-22, 2022. The collection provides valuable insights into the latest advancements in cloud and immersive technologies in the field...
Conference Paper
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The article presents the proceedings of two workshops: Cloud-based Smart Technologies for Open Education Workshop (CSTOE 2022) and Illia O. Teplytskyi Workshop on Computer Simulation in Education (CoSinE 2022) held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on December 22, 2022. The CoSinE workshop focuses on computer simulation in education, including topics such as compu...
The lifetime spectra of positrons annihilating in polymer matrices based on acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO) and a mixture with vanillin-dimethacrylate (VDM) were measured. The chemical structure of the polymer series AESO and AESO-VDM was investigated by NIR spectroscopy. The semi-empirical quantum mechanical Tao-Eldrup model was used to es...
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Plastic deformation of DC04 steel is regarded as a nonlinear, complex, irreversible, and self-organized process. The stress–strain time series analysis provided the possibility to identify areas of (quasi-)elastic deformation, plastic deformation, and necking. The latter two regions are the most informative. The area of inelastic deformation is ref...
The hybrid periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) with APTES/DAR Schiff-based precursor 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and 4,6-diacetylresorcinol (DAR) was synthesized in the presence of a structure-directing agent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and tetraethoxysilane. Then, Pd (II) ions, as well as Pd nanoparticles, were incorporated inside t...
Being based on the known model of a cylindrical nanopore created using the classical method of molecular dynamics, we have studied the patterns of electrolyte flow passing through a nanocylinder, which is used to simulate an ion-induced track in a thin film. In this study, the nanotrack model takes into account the defect structure of the nanotrack...
Багато твердих речовин у біології, медицині та техніці є пористими, через пори різного діаметру можуть проникати розчини домішок. Стосовно класифікації пор, слід розрізняти, з одного боку, відкриті та закриті пори, а з іншого боку – макроскопічні та наноскопічні пори. Відкриті пори доступні з поверхні за допомогою недифузійних процесів капілярної п...
При побудові комп’ютерної моделі іонного треку в біосенсорі важливо враховувати основні структурні особливості реального треку. Як тепер установлено, перехід від треку до об’єму зразка не є різким. У цій роботі враховано тришарову структуру внутрішніх стінок треку (включаючи Penumbra). Показано, що проходження зарядженої рідини через трек істотно з...
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The article supports the need for training techniques for neural network computer simulations in a spreadsheet context. Their use in simulating artificial neural networks is systematically reviewed. The authors distinguish between fundamental methods for addressing the issue of network computer simulation training in the spreadsheet environment, jo...
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The investigated polymeric matrixes consisted of epoxidized linseed oil (ELO), acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO), trimethylolpropane triglycidyl ether (RD1), vanillin dimethacrylate (VDM), triarylsulfonium hexafluorophosphate salts (PI), and 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (DMPA). Linseed oil-based (ELO/PI, ELO/10RD1/PI) and soybean oil-ba...
Збереження і відновлення водних ресурсів являє собою величезну проблему для сучасного суспільства. Феноли та деякі з ксенобіотиків фенольної природи, окрім стічних вод очисних споруд, виявляються також у поверхневих і підземних водах, оскільки вони лишень частково видаляються в процесі існуючих технологічних схем очистки стічних вод. Надходження по...
The search for new nanoscale materials with predictable properties to target the timely and fast detection of toxic components in wastewater is one of the most promising directions of modern biosensorics. We have shown that TiO2 nanoparticles modified with sulfur significantly improve the main operational parameters of laccase-based electrodes when...
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Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) 18-20 May 2022, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
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This paper represents a preface to the Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) held at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 18-20 May 2022. Background information and the organizational structure of the meeting, proceedings structure, and acknowledgments of...
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 9th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2021) which held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the December 17, 2021. It consists of short introduction, papers' review and some observations about the event and its future.
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Synergetics as a scientific area of research is in demand by society. The context of synergetics makes it possible for scientists of different specializations to interact fruitfully in the language of systematic understanding and search for new solutions. The presented work raises the question of how the theory of self-organization can help in the...
Long-range effect (LRE), which is known for ion-implanted crystals of diamond, metals and semiconductors, has also been observed in ion-implanted polymers. The effect is that a change in the physical characteristics of the material is observed far beyond the region of ion penetration into the sample. The present study was performed with polymethylm...
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The study proves relevance of specialized software use to solve problems of emergencies prevention of radioactive liquids spills to teach students and graduate students. Main assessment criteria of accidents at radiation-hazardous objects associated with radioactive liquids spillage is identified. A model of radioactive substances transport in emer...
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 9th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2021) which held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the December 17, 2021. It consists of short introduction, papers' review and some observations about the event and its future.
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Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 17, 2021
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 9th Illia O. Teplytskyi Workshop on Computer Simulation in Education (CoSinE 2021), held in Kherson, Ukraine, on the October 1, 2021. The volume presents the contributions to the workshops affiliated with the ICTERI 2021: the 17th International Conference on ICT in Education,...
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Proceedings of the 9th Illia O. Teplytskyi Workshop on Computer Simulation in Education (CoSinE 2021) co-located with 17th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization, and Knowledge Transfer (ICTERI 2021), Kherson, Ukraine, October 1, 2021
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The article dwells on to the study of the responsibility of future specialists of socionomic professions as an important indicator of their digital competence. The role of responsibility as a vital indicator of digital competence of future specialists of socionomic professions was determined, which determines their conscious and responsible activit...
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The article identifies the essence of the phenomenon of gamification as a modern trend in distance education, as well as outlines its innovative potential based on the analysis of cases of introduction of gamification elements in the training of sociology students at Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University and Petro Mohyla Black Sea National Univer...
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 4th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CS&SE@SW 2021), which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the December 18, 2021. It consists of short summaries of selected papers and some observations about the event and its future.
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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CS&SE@SW 2021), Virtual Event, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 18, 2021
Conference Paper
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Regulatory actions aimed the sustainable development force ordinary traders, policymakers, institutional investors to develop new types of risk management strategies, seek better decision-making processes that would allow them more effectively reallocate funds when trading and investing in energy markets such as oil and gas. Due to their supply and...
Conference Paper
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Network analysis has proven to be a powerful method to characterize complexity in socio-economic systems, and to understand their underlying dynamical features. Here, we propose to characterize the temporal evolution of higher-order dependencies within the framework of high-order networks. We test the possibility of financial crashes identification...
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Proceedings of the Selected and Revised Papers of 9th International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy (M3E2-MLPEED 2021). Odessa, Ukraine, May 26-28, 2021
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers and revised from the M3E2 2021: 9th International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy, which held in Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine, on the May 26-28, 2021. It consists of introduction, conference review and some observations ab...
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The development of new approaches for monitoring of the dangerous substances in environment is a topical present problem to improve human life quality. In this point of view, electrochemical biosensors have received increased attention due to their high specificity, sensitivity, reliability, portability and simplicity in operation. Nowadays, there...
Conference Paper
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This paper outlines the importance of using Augmented Reality (AR) in physics education at the university as a valuable tool for visualization and increasing the attention and motivation of students to study, solving educational problems related to future professional activities, improving the interaction of teachers and students. Provided an analy...
Conference Paper
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Training and professional development of nuclear power plant personnel are essential components of the atomic energy industry's successful performance. The rapid growth of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies allowed to expand their scope and caused the need for various studies and experiments in terms of their application a...
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Training and professional development of nuclear power plant personnel are essential components of the atomic energy industry's successful performance. The rapid growth of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies allowed to expand their scope and caused the need for various studies and experiments in terms of their application a...
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This paper represents a preface to the Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2021) held at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 12{14 May 2021. Background information and the organizational structure of the meeting, paper overview and acknowledgments of the co...
Conference Paper
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The publication explores the features of the digital technologies' usage to organize the work of the Young Scientists' Councils and describes the best practices. The digital transformation of society and the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced the use of various digital technologies for scientific communication, the...
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This article represents the proceedings of the XII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2020) held at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 15–17 October 2020. Background information and the organizational structure of the meeting, a summary of the papers, and acknowledgements of the...
Ultrasensitive biomarker sensing has been used to develop novel strategies in detecting early stage cancer. Due to their unique characteristics, ie, ease of synthesis, conductivity and bio-compatibility, iron magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are exceptional nanomaterial in theragnostics. The current review focuses the critical role of iron MNPs in the...
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the 3rd Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CS&SE@SW 2020), which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the November 27, 2020. It consists of short summaries of selected papers and some observations about the event and its future.
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The publication explores the features of the digital technologies’ usage to organize the work of the Young Scientists’ Councils and describes the best practices. The digital transformation of society and the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced the use of various digital technologies for scientific communication, the...
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The article presents and describes innovative technologies of training in the professional training of Masters. For high-quality training of students of technical specialties, it becomes necessary to rethink the purpose, results of studying and means of teaching professional disciplines in modern educational conditions. The experience of implementi...
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In order for the learning process to always retain personal value for the learner, it is necessary that his or her motivation be maintained through an awareness of his or her purpose and goals. This article presents a local model (at the individual object level) of enhancing external motivation, which give to determine students’ efforts to get rewa...
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This paper represents a preface to the Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2020) held at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 15–17 October 2020. Background information and the organizational structure of the meeting, and acknowledgements of the contributions...
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Career guidance quests that involve solving intellectual and search problems in a game are associated with one's future career, being one of modern means of recruiting school leavers to vocational and higher educational institutions. Such specific computer tools of virtual and augmented reality as pupils' mobile Internet gadgets can enhance visual...
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We considered the psychological and pedagogical problems arising from online learning, especially in a pandemic. Since in these conditions the lecturer’s emotional impact on the audience is depleted, the task is to use the achievements of information technologies to find ways to “bring” the audience closer to the lecturer. A computer program has be...
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This paper presents the results of the development of an information system for assessing environmental-economic regional development based on the joint using the factor analysis and expert evaluations. As tools for the implementation of the Web-application were selected: database MySQL and the software part Microsoft Silverlight. Software implemen...
Conference Paper
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The presented paper raises the question of how the principles of Education 4.0 and the theory of self-organization (synergetics) can help in the reformation of the higher education system, and how interdisci-plinary research can be useful for both teachers and students. In this paper, we give a brief review of differentstudies devoted to Education...
Conference Paper
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This is an introductory text to a collection of papers from the AREdu 2029: The 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education, which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the May 13, 2020. It consists of short introduction, papers' review and some observations about the event and its future. Keywords: virtualization of learning, augmen...