Ariel Gonzalez LevaggiPontifical Catholic University of Argentina | UCA · Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales
Ariel Gonzalez Levaggi
Ph.D. in International Relations and Political Science (Koç University)
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and IR at Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
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Associate Professor at the International Relations and Political Science Department of the Social Sciences Faculty at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). Executive Secretary of the Center for International Affairs (UCA). Senior Researcher at the Center for Research and Strategic Studies of the Argentine Navy. He held a PhD in International Relations and Political Science from Koç University (Turkey)
August 2014 - June 2018
Publications (49)
After the impact of the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009, Latin America and the Caribbean began to grow again 4.3% in 2011 and 3.0% in 2012, which totalize a GDP of US $5.6 trillion. One of the main factors for economic growth in the region has been the trade sector. Between 2004 and 2010 both the export and import of goods doubled while...
The comparative analysis of different regions plays a pivotal role in comprehending the emerging era of intense great power competition. This article introduces the framework of Maritime Regional Security Order (MRSO), shedding light on intricate interaction patterns among local and extra-regional powers within specific geographical areas, where th...
El sistema internacional provee una serie de incentivos dispares para situaciones de conflictos latentes en el Sur Global, así como la intensidad de conflictos latentes incide en las dinámicas de seguridad regional. La Cuestión Malvinas, entendida como el conflicto de soberanía entre la República Argentina y el Reino Unido por las Islas Malvinas, G...
As the first Latin American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, this chapter examines Carlos Saavedra Lamas’ contributions to International Relations and Peace Studies and his significant impact on addressing international conflicts on the periphery of European-dominated world affairs. The chapter argues that while de League of Nations collapsed at t...
The discussion around the nature of international order is one of the most important topics for the discipline of international relations. Henry (Kissinger, Orden Mundial, Debate, Buenos Aires, 2016) states that an international order is the practical application of ideas about nature of just arrangements and the distribution of power thought to be...
Nearly eight decades after the end of World War II, the U.S. military and naval global presence remains overwhelming. Today, its Armed Forces possess more than 500 installations in 45 countries, while the largest number of posts are concentrated in Germany (194), Japan (121), and South Korea (DoD, Base Structure Report. Fiscal Year 2018 Baseline. D...
América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan un orden internacional marcado por la competencia entre grandes potencias y el impacto de la guerra en Ucrania, mientras la región aún intenta recuperarse de la crisis de la pandemia y muestra altos niveles de fragmentación interna. Frente al conflicto ucraniano, la región en general ha condenado la invasión en...
El nuevo contexto global marcado por la conflagración armada en el Este de Europa presenta una serie de riesgos y desafíos al Atlántico Sur, una zona de paz caracterizada por la estabilidad estratégica y la cooperación extendida en el período de Posguerra Fría. El presente artículo analiza el impacto sistémico de la guerra en Ucrania en tres dimensi...
This analysis examines the main contributions of Latin America and the Caribbean to the United Nations system and the position of the Latin American countries on the proposals to change and reform the United Nations Security Council.
Desde un punto de vista geopolítico, los océanos siguen siendo un espacio de competencia entre grandes potencias, además de un punto de referencia vital para la proyección estratégica de las principales naciones en el plano internacional. La lucha por la supremacía en los mares es uno de los principales indicadores de las tensiones que existen a pa...
By April 2021, Venezuela’s multidimensional crisis had led over 5.6 million of the country’s citizens to emigrate, mostly across South America. This chapter offers a comparative analysis of national policy responses to Venezuelan immigration in Argentina and Peru from a development perspective in the period 2015‒2020. Although the government of eac...
Argentina tiene una serie de desafíos internos e internacionales para abordar de modo adecuado una política exterior hacia Medio Oriente. Su ubicación geográfica, las diferencias culturales, las dificultades logísticas, los cambios de rumbo político y la inestabilidad macroeconómica son algunos de los lugares comunes a la hora de analizar la dificu...
In September 2019, the partly state-owned Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and Argentine provincial state-owned INVAP officially agreed to co-develop a geostationary satellite. Despite both being developing countries, they have extensive satellite space programmes with different stimuli. In the last two decades, Ankara has pushed for the developm...
Over the past fifteen years, Turkey has tried to achieve the status of global actor. Enhancing ties with the global South has been one policy to achieve this objective. The article aims to analyse the changing trajectory of Ankara's approach towards a non-traditional orientation of its foreign policy, the southern dimension, by focusing on the dete...
El capítulo presenta la compleja conceptualización de la región euroasiática a la luz de las tradiciones geopolíticas que compiten desde la post Guerra Fría hasta la actualidad. En la primera sección se expone la representación de Eurasia en cuatro tradiciones geopolíticas: occidentalista, panturquista, neo-otomana y eurasianista. En una segunda pa...
This paper aims to analyse the growing enlargement of the spheres of competition from the Middle East into the Horn of Africa. It does so by using insights from regional order and realist neoclassical literature to understand the expansion of regional powers into this area as the result of strategic interactions within their own region. The central...
Политические и экономические изменения в структуре мировой власти за последние два десятилетия трансформировали и детерминировали международную роль Латинской и Карибской Америки. В новую постоднополярную и пост-гегемонистскую эпоху страны континента стремились диверсифицировать свои связи с такими внерегиональными партнерами, как Китай, Россия, Ин...
Los vínculos entre Turquía y América Latina y el Caribe se han caracterizado por una tenue intensidad a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, los desplazamientos tectónicos de la política mundial y el fortalecimiento de la agencia internacional de la República euroasiática en el Sur Global durante las últimas dos décadas han provisto una serie de i...
Latin America and the Caribbean have not been strangers to the consequences of the new international stage. The COVID-19 crisis has also affected a series of regional geopolitical issues, particu- larly the regional atomization expressed in the lack of collective leadership and projects, the crisis of regionalism manifested in the limited regional...
El artículo analiza la trayectoria de la política exterior de la República de Turquía en el conflicto sirio además de sus implicancias en su relación con Rusia desde la perspectiva del realismo geoestratégico. El argumento central sostiene que Ankara se encuentra en una encerrona estratégica de difícil resolución frente al fortalecimiento ruso en e...
This book explains cooperative and confrontational regional orders in the post-Cold War era. Applying a push-and-pull framework to the evolution of regional orders, the book's theoretical section compares regional dynamics and studies the transformation and authority of governing arrangements among key regional actors who manage security and instit...
Este artículo analiza el impacto de las acciones marítimas de la República Popular China, la Federación Rusa y la República de India en el Atlántico Sur. En el contexto de una renovada competencia estratégica a nivel global, las dinámicas en los órdenes marítimos de seguridad regional están condicionadas por la evolución de conflictos regionales y...
From the ‘August’ crisis in 2008 to the high-scale intervention in the Syrian Civil War there had been increasing tensions between Russia and West that changed the global geopolitical scenario. The bulk of the literature has focused mostly on the bilateral relations between the U.S. and the Russian Federation, and its strategic implications in conf...
El orden internacional se encuentra atravesando un período de transición cuyas características fundamentales se encuentran en la erosión de la hegemonía norteamericana, y el creciente desafío en orden regionales en el espacio Euroasiático por parte de dos potencias emergentes, China y Rusia. El ciclo de deterioro del poder estadounidense ha estado...
This article analyzes the complex dynamics of international hierarchy and functional delegation among established and emerging powers, by focusing on one of the most pressing and highly debated issues of the global security agenda, nuclear non-proliferation. While the established powers delegate some responsibilities in mediation efforts to enhance...
La crisis humanitaria e institucional que vive Venezuela no puede disociarse de la dinámica de competencia geoestratégica y geoeconómica de las grandes potencias en un sistema internacional en transición. En este marco la dinámica política interna del país se configura como un componente más de un juego estratégico global desarrollado a varios nive...
This chapter examines the role played by the most relevant security and international affairs think tanks in Argentina’s foreign policy, and in particular with regard to the issue of the Malvinas islands. Within the debate on Argentina’s posture in the international scenario, it argues that the country should be considered as an emerging middle pow...
In the last years, the Russian Federation has been in the global spotlight due to a series of assertive attitudes in his ‘near abroad’ and beyond. A central debate in the IR discipline and the regional studies on the Post-Soviet Space and the Middle East has been on the sources and nature of that ‘new’ regional and global policy. Russia used to hav...
As regards the southern dimension of the Turkish foreign policy, this chapter aims to analyze the Turkish agenda for the Global South. First, it presents a historical and conceptual scheme about the role of the Global South in the foreign policy, explaining the late humanitarian and developmental involvement. Next, it presents the main tenets of th...
The multipolarisation of the world order is opening up space for new configurations of trans-regional cooperation, leading to the emergence of new international relations and governance arrangements. e Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is focussed on the 'Greater Eurasia' space that includes over 65 states, most of which convened at the Belt and Road...
Interpretations about Turkey's strategic orientations in the post-Cold War had simplified the divide between the Western, and non-western orientations. The problematic relations with the European Union, the increasing discussions about the role of Turkey in the Syrian crisis, and the increasing rapprochement with the Rus-sian Federation are lively...
Durante los últimos años, la política mundial ha sido testigo de un desplazamiento dual del eje geoeconómico desde Occidente hacia Oriente, y desde el Norte desarrollado hacia el Sur Global; además de sufrir un proceso de cambio sistémico desde la unipolaridad nor-teamericana hacia un mundo más policéntrico y regionalizado. Una serie de poderes eme...
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been central for the contemporary Turkish history due to the its novel domestic identity grounded on the moderate Islamism, and an assertive, autonomous foreign policy, beyond the Western axis. For more than a decade, Turkey developed an active agenda as an emerging middle power, thus opening new spaces a...
"Turquía-América Latina y el Caribe" examines overall relations between Turkey, Latin America and the Caribbean. This dynamic has attracted the attention of international relations and comparative politics specialists due to an increase in political, commercial and cultural interactions among the regions, Turkey's growth on the global level, and em...
Until the Second World War, Latin America had been a region where the US and Western European powers hegemonized the diplomatic and economic agenda. The Cold War witnessed the dualistic presence in the region of the Soviet Union, while the end of this period opened the field to a more multiregional and multidimensional strategic game between Latin...
The Middle East faces complex and overlapping turbulences. The Civil War in Syria and the emergence of Islamic State have radically changed the geo-strategic environment.In recent years, Turkish foreign policy has faced two major tests in relation to this new situation: a large wave of Syrian refugees and the threat of Islamic Statein southeast bor...
Durante los últimos años, Turquía se ha convertido en un actor con una presencia creciente en diversos espacios y foros internacionales demostrando una mayor autonomía con respecto a sus socios occidentales. La proyección internacional de Turquía cambió radicalmente la postura reticente hacia América Latina y el Caribe generando un campo fértil par...
Turquía, situado geográficamente entre Europa Oriental, el Cáucaso y Medio Oriente, nos parece lejano a la realidad política, económica y estratégica de la región sudamericana, y especialmente de Argentina. Sin embargo, el creciente liderazgo político en Medio Oriente, su participación en foros multilaterales como el G-20 y su cariz de economía eme...
Desde el ascenso de Vladimir Putin al poder, Rusia ha combinado estabilidad política y económica con asertividad internacional, lo que ha sentado las bases para el regreso de Moscú a la primera plana del escenario mundial. El artículo presenta las principales discusiones en torno a la gran estrategia de la Federación de Rusia y analiza la trayector...