Ari Melo MarianoUniversity of Brasília | UnB · Department of Production Engineering
Ari Melo Mariano
Professor/Researcher - Production Engineering - Faculty of Technology - University of Brasília - Brazil
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Ari Melo Mariano currently works in the Department of Production Engineering at the University of Brasília and Director of the Nucleus of Research Support and Development-Nadesp. His researches are in the area of bibliometrics, active methodologies, consumer behavior, quality of services and quantitative and qualitative multivariate methods. Currently works on the platform www.pesquisatemac.com
Additional affiliations
March 2014 - present
January 2014 - present
Publications (319)
El objetivo general del trabajo fue de evaluar las experiencias en la aplicación de un método de ingeniería de requisitos direccionada al negocio bajo el punto de vista del equipo de desarrollo de software.
IntroduçãoA aquisição e distribuição de medicamentos no Sistema Único de Saúde é um dos grandes desafios para os gestores, dispendendo um alto volume de recursos públicos, que competem com as necessidades de financiamento dos demais serviços de saúde. Nesse cenário, os medicamentos de alto custo representam um desafio para as políticas de financiam...
The Federal District and RIDE region is emerging as a new wine tourism destination in Brazil. Wine tourism offers opportunities for modernization at economic, social, and cultural levels. It is important to understand the most relevant experiences and the level of satisfaction among wine tourists to plan and structure the sector effectively in the...
Sustainability is a widely discussed factor in the industry. The fashion industry is one of the most concerned industries due to its impact on environmental degradation. Although there are many sustainable production patterns, there is a need to understand consumer behavior as the main ally for more sustainable consumption. In the fashion industry,...
This research aims to present priority actions to improve user experience and fashion consumer design. The Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was used to do this. One hundred thirteen responses were collected for the questionnaire, and an average composite reliability of 0.86 was obtained. The model explained Intention to Use by 37.4%, while Pers...
This study aims to understand what actions should be taken to improve consumer satisfaction. The methodology adopted was an explanatory quantitative approach using structural equations via variance (PLS-SEM). The study began with validating the data collection instrument by franchisees of the chain and applying a questionnaire adapted to a group of...
Production using agroforestry systems has environmental and social advantages, as well as being more sustainable in the long term. The general aim of this study was to identify the variables that most impact consumers’ perception of the value of agroforestry products. A systematic review was carried out to discover the main factors that influence t...
The rise of interdisciplinarity has brought new challenges for engineering. The use of behavioral data and the need to look at engineering from a broader perspective require new instruments to measure these specificities. Thus, this study aims to present a platform of measurement scales related to the acceptance and use of accessible technology by...
High levels of consumer indebtedness have been a concern in recent years, as they have contributed to rising household indebtedness and put pressure on the country’s financial stability. The general objective of this study was to present actions to reduce the individual’s indebtedness. To achieve this objective, exploratory and explanatory research...
This exploratory qualitative study sought to identify the main technological gaps faced by digital influencers from generations X, Y, and Z. Using interviews with open questions, perceptions of nine Brazilian digital influencers from different areas and age groups were collected. The interviews, with an average duration of 40 minutes, addressed two...
The area of data science knowledge responsible for dealing with this new reality is diffuse, including mathematics, statistics, computing, engineering, psychology, and administration, among many other areas that make up a new scenario that is still changing. Different models have emerged over the years to systematize the procedures to be followed....
El estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprensión sobre
los ecosistemas universitarios de emprendimiento y las principales líneas de
investigación, para lo cual se utilizó la Teoría del Enfoque Metaanalítico Consolidado
(TEMAC). Los resultados indican que Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Italia son
los países con mayor producción científ...
Para la investigación se recurrió a la base de datos bibliográficos de Scopus. Aplicando la revisión bibliométrica con la metodología del Enfoque Metaanalítico TEMAC, se analizó los artículos desde el 2018, apoyados con el software VOSviewer, se identificó a los autores más citados, las co-citaciones y acoplamientos más importantes, permitiendo val...
Este artículo presenta una investigación de tipo exploratorio
bibliométrico, cuyo objetivo principal es llevar a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de
la literatura existente para analizar la interacción entre las tecnologías disruptivas
y el emprendimiento femenino, con un enfoque específico en la identificación de
oportunidades de mercado. Para log...
Name ambiguity is a common problem in many bibliographic repositories affecting data integrity and validity. This article presents an author name disambiguation (AND) literature review using the theory of the consolidated meta-analytic approach, including quantitative techniques and bibliometric aspects. The literature review covers information fro...
El objetivo de este estudio documental exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo es mapear el estado del arte de la literatura sobre modelos de negocio y emprendimiento digital en base a un análisis bibliométrico; se trabajó con un total de 66 registros publicados en las bases de datos bibliográfica Scopus. El análisis bibliométrico se hi...
The aim of this study is to examine the behavioral intention (BI) to adopt the Coinbase Wallet by Spanish users.
A survey was administered to individuals residing in Spain between March and April 2021. There were 301 questionnaires analyzed. This research applies a new predictive model based on technology accept...
La arquitectura empresarial (AE) ha tomado importancia a partir de la transformación digital, obligando a las empresas a integrar las tecnologías de la información (TI) con los procesos, sistemas, personas y estructura como un todo en la administración del negocio. A partir de su origen en 1987, se han generado gran cantidad de investigaciones que...
O estudo propõe uma abordagem direcionada ao apoio a tomada de decisão, aplicando os métodos de Borda, Condorcet e Copeland em temas direcionados a trabalhos de Auditoria Interna em TI de uma Instituição Financeira, visando melhorar a eficiência do planejamento dos trabalhos de auditoria em TI. Este estudo é classificado como pesquisa aplicada, do...
The purpose of this chapter was to make the methodological connections between PLS-SEM and Engineering through Design Science. The adaptability of the PLS-SEM method to different contexts demonstrates its flexibility in different knowledge areas positioning it as a “border” tool, once it can consolidate different science fields, becoming useful in...
The objective of this chapter is to identify priority actions to improve the overall satisfaction of services provided in the military hospitals. Furthermore, this chapter aims to design the relationship between services provided and overall customer satisfaction to measure the degree of correlation between these variables. This chapter is defined...
Data is an engine for public sector digital transformation, whose potential is to improve social well-being and combat population’s poverty. This article aims to propose steps to improve agencies’ readiness to transform their operation model into a data-driven public service (DDPS). Therefore, explanatory research with a quantitative approach was u...
Cyber risks increase as the world becomes increasingly connected. This subject has been attracting the attention of variable income investors who have aspects beyond the financial to make the decision to invest money in a company. The objective of this study is to propose a framework to be adopted by publicly traded companies and to evaluate how th...
La administración de riesgos como parte de la gestión empresarial
ha generado gran cantidad de estudios en diferentes áreas del conocimiento; sin
embargo, esta extensa bibliografía dificulta la selección de los modelos y métodos
más relevantes. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio es proponer una
integración de revisión bibliométrica b...
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un estudio bibliométrico
descriptivo y analítico de las investigaciones científicas realizadas sobre la aplicación
de la tecnología de la información y comunicación en la enseñanza, para ello se
presenta un análisis descriptivo de las publicaciones realizadas hasta el año 2022,
seguido de un análisis de cooc...
Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliométrica
para desvelar el estado del arte sobre Seguridad de Datos entre los años 2010 y
2022, mediante la Teoría del Enfoque Meta-Analítico Consolidado (TEMAC),
propuesta por Mariano & Rocha (2017), utilizando métodos como citation, cocitation,
bibliographic coupling y title field. Para...
El uso de la tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC´s)
por parte de profesionales de la salud y pacientes ha crecido con la pandemia del
Covid-19 porque reduce el riesgo de contagio. El objetivo del estudio es presentar
aportes y publicaciones relacionadas con la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de la
tecnología (UTAUT) aplicada a la...
Cyber risks increase as the world becomes increasingly connected. This subject has been attracting the attention of variable income investors who have aspects beyond the financial to make the decision to invest money in a company. The objective of this study is to propose a framework to be adopted by publicly traded companies and to evaluate how th...
This research aims to identify improvements for the Integrated System for Academic Activity Management (SIGAA) based on the main factors that affect user satisfaction with academic information systems. The study presents the structural equations model and importance-performance analysis as a basis for improving system requirements. this research is...
This study
proposes to simplify and automate this process, combining two different methods of decision support through multicriteria analysis in a model capable of judging and prioritizing risk criteria in the context of Open Data, presenting the results via iterative online dashboards developed in R. The methodology followed combines the AHP and T...
The Brazilian public administration received special attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the reactions was the enactment of Federal Law No. 14,133, which establishes rules for bidding. To assist the Federal Government, this study proposes a risk management model through the presentation of a risk matrix. In addition, aiming to provide sp...
Por meio da transformação digital os administradores públicos enxergaram novas possibilidades de otimização do trabalho, com resultados significativos para seus públicos. O valor da digitalização dos serviços governamentais é mais conhecido como e-governo. Nesse processo, contudo, apenas os benefícios de oferta do serviço estão sendo considerados d...
The objective of this work is to present factors that influence the overall quality of patient care. A total of 173 people participated in the study. The research was explanatory, with a quantitative approach. The data collected was treated by structural equations using SmartPLS software. The proposed structural model was validated by an average co...
The waste generated in cities has been a factor of study in recent years, but many studies focus on waste from households, and few studies address the waste from employees in their workplaces. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence selective collection in the work environment. Although there are many studies on the selecti...
The objective of this study was to present the most relevant factors in an individual's indebtedness. Families have become more indebted and one of the most responsible are the credit cards, which are responsible for the highest interest rates in the market. To reach this objective, quantitative explanatory research was carried out in the Federal D...
With the advent of the Information Society, organizing and selecting knowledge has become essential to stand out and keep up with social trends and the market's innovation processes. The University, in this context, can be an essential actor from its tripod Teaching, Research, and Extension. In this sense, the motivation of this work is to present...
The dropout of Brazilian students from higher education is a subject that has been well explored, where high rates of students who drop out are verified. However, despite the vast literature, the problems arising from student's dropout still have no solution since dropout itself is an unsolved problem. This research aims to present a classification...
Because of the advancement of new technologies and the popularity of mobile devices, this study was designed to identify whether apps have a representative influence on companies' brand image. To fulfill this objective, descriptive research based on the structural equation model was carried out with the help of the statistical software Adanco. The...
Prior literature recognizes two schools of thought on value creation in projects: one based on transaction cost economics and the other on relational-based theories. There is little empirical research on the impacts of these approaches within different project contexts. This study aims at analyzing the effect of value creation processes on the proj...
Urban Freight Transport (UFT) is responsible for moving goods in urban areas to meet citizens’ demands, which makes it essential for economic development. Simultaneously, UFT contributes to adverse impacts on society and the environment, including congestion and pollution. This paper assesses how the urban infrastructure and UFT externalities influ...
De acordo com (Russom & Org, 2011) big data analytics é a aplicação de técnicas avançadas de análise de dados opera em cima de Big Data. Com a incorporação desse termo no vocabulário de negócios (Azam et al., 2011) a adoção do big data analytics nas organizações passou a ser uma realidade iminente a ser estudada para sua melhor implementação, princ...
Desde o começo da música gravada, o mercado fonográfico mundial foi dominado pelo oligopólio das grandes gravadoras, as chamadas majors. Na década de 1950, o desenvolvimento de tecnologias complementares de gravação e produção promoveram a queda nos custos de produção, o que tornou possível o surgimento de pequenas gravadoras independentes.
Conforme as tecnologias avançam, as startups assumem um papel cada vez mais relevante nesse mercado digital e hipercompetitivo. Atualmente, sete das dez maiores empresas do mundo em valor de mercado são empresas de base tecnológica.
Segundo Meireles, et al. (2017), Planos, políticas e legislações são elaborados em cidades por todo o mundo com o intuito de analisar e solucionar os problemas e desafios que ultrapassam o aspecto territorial e envolvem questões sociais, de qualidade de vida, melhor uso de recursos entre outros.
Nos últimos anos os termos “cidades inteligentes/cida...
fronteira das responsabilidades de uma empresa vem aumentando nas últimas décadas – no século passado, preocupações como a origem dos recursos ou o descarte do produto não faziam parte das responsabilidades de uma organização (Schrempf e Palazzo, 2016).
As bicicletas compartilhadas funcionam através da gestão de um sistema que se divide entre estações que permitem ao usuário retirar as bicicletas de uma estação através de um aplicativo para celular, pedalar até uma outra estação e ancorar a bicicleta, pagando somente pelo tempo do trajeto percorrido. DeMaio (2009) pontua como os sistemas de bicicl...
Um ambiente complexo exige uma perspectiva de que ameaças e oportunidades estão interconectadas (Kail, 2010), tornando difícil a definição de encadeamento de causa e efeito (Mack & Khare, 2016). Diante desse cenário, as pessoas estão constantemente vulneráveis e expostas a riscos (Salman e Hassan, 2020). Segundo Duncan (1972), indivíduos percebem u...
A aprendizagem em sala de aula é um dos grandes desafios dos professores, que buscam despertar a motivação dos alunos para os conteúdos que estão sendo apresentados. De início, a necessidade de se trabalhar com grandes grupos faz com que se desenvolva uma metodologia baseada na homogeneização do nível da capacidade dos alunos para aprender. Depois,...
Programa das Nações Unidas para Assentamentos Humanos – ONU Habitat (2018) relata que por ano são geradas mais de dois bilhões de toneladas de resíduos no mundo e 99% dos produtos que compramos são descartados dentro de seis meses. Para Corral-Verdugo (2003), na busca de solucionar esse problema visando os RSU, dentre outros fatores, é constatado q...
El presente artículo científico tuvo como objetivo determinar el perfil
del emprendedor por oportunidad en Latinoamérica en el contexto de la pandemia
del Covid19, para el efecto se consideró un marco referencial del emprendedor
propuesto por Veciana (1999) y en virtud de ello se analizaron fuentes secundarias
como reportes del GEM globales y parti...
Delivering high-quality services is crucial in service industry success. That is the reason why patient satisfaction in hospitals is an important research topic. Health services in developing countries are no exception, with high demand and significant budgetary restrictions. The widely accepted quality of service dimensions - tangibility, empathy,...
The increase in mobile phones and the increase in access to the Internet has led to the emergence of new channels of interaction between companies and their customers, such as applications. One of the sectors that most adhered to the use of applications was food. According to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants-A...
According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks-Febraban, in 2019, 39.4 billion bank transactions were carried out using smartphones, representing 48% of the total. From January to April 2020 (during the COVID-19 pandemic), mobile banking transactions were 22%, making customers who were not used to this channel to be forced to perform the migration....
The effective selective collection of urban solid waste in a city is fundamentally due to the positive behavior of individuals from that society. Therefore, the aims of this study was to propose steps to maximize engagement in relation to participation in the system of selective collection by Federal District's population. In order to achieve this...
This article aims to generate a model to automatically detect the learning styles of university students from their personal, academic data and use of mobile applications. The methodological design consists of collecting data from the students and their learning styles based on the proposal of Felder and Soloman. Next, a machine learning process ge...
Modeling is one of the most important steps in developing a database. In traditional databases, the Entity Relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are widely used. But how are NoSQL databases being modeled? We performed a systematic mapping review to answer three research questions to identify and analyze the levels of represen...
This article aimed to present the factors that most influence the successful implementation of information technology governance. An analysis of 15 years of contributions from the literature was carried out (2005-2020), and several factors were found that are directly related to this superior performance. To discover which factors had the most sign...
Purpose – This study aims to propose and test a research framework for analyzing the relationship between new product development (NPD) best practices and performance in companies that belong to innovative industries in Brazil.
Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative survey was conducted, involving several industries, including agricultural ma...
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar a participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho, de 2002 a 2018, bem como a sensibilidade da participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho em relação ao custo da cesta básica e demais variáveis relevantes. Foi utilizado o método mínimos quadrados ordinários. Com base nos resultados obtidos, obse...
Predicting behaviors around telemedicine acceptance in developing countries is an important developing area of study. This importance has been enhanced since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Latin America. In this context, this study aims to explore the effect of plasticity on telemedicine acceptance in Brazil. This paper focus...
Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar los factores que más influyen en el uso de Big Data Analytics en un Hospital público del Distrito Federal. Para ello, se realizó una investigación exploratoria de carácter cuantitativo aplicada al sector responsable de implementar el uso de Big Data Analytics en el hospital mediante ecuaciones estructurale...
El objetivo del estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre
Ingeniería de Requisitos durante los últimos 10 años (2009-2019). La Ingeniería de
Requisitos se ha convertido en un área de gran interés para los investigadores de
software, pero su crecimiento ha llevado al desarrollo de diferentes enfoques y nuevos
campos de est...
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar qué dimensiones entre "calidad del sistema", "calidad de la información", "calidad del servicio" y "utilidad percibida" tienen más impactos en la satisfacción del usuario en el uso de sistemas de información académica en entornos virtuales. Los resultados identificaron que la satisfacción general d...
El objetivo de esta investigación fue presentar una opción para operacionalizar la evaluación de madurez de datos de Carvalho, et al. (2019a, 2019b, 2018 y 2017) en una organización hospitalaria. Se presentó un modelo operativo en tres etapas que logró satisfactoriamente el propuesto. Las etapas futuras serán las validaciones estadísticas y la pred...
O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar um instrumento confiável e válido para mensurar qualidade de serviços de saúde. A pesquisa foi do tipo exploratória com abordagem qualitativa por meio de revisão da literatura via a Teoria do Enfoque Meta Analítico, de Mariano e Rocha (2017). Pode-se perceber que instrumentos como SERVQUAL e SERPERF vem sendo ba...
Esse artigo tem como objetivo, apresentar uma taxonomia a respeito da Telemedicina.A pesquisa foi do tipo exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. Foi utilizada a revisão da literatura por meio do Teoria do Enfoque Meta Analítico, de Mariano e Rocha (2017). Como resultado foi apresentada a evoluação da telemedicina ao longo dos anos e os principais...
O estudo propoe uma abordagem direcionada a Teoria das Opcoes Reais aplicada em trabalhos de Auditoria Interna de TI de uma instituicao financeira, visando resolver o problema de como melhorar a rentabilidade dos trabalhos de auditoria de TI. Este estudo e classificado como pesquisa aplicada, enquadrada como do tipo exploratoria, com abordagem qual...
A qualidade de serviços sempre foi um indicador a ser mensurado pelas empresas que o oferecem, pois, grande parte de seu sucesso depende de seu bom desempenho. Porém, embora as empresas tenham a seu dispor ferramentas e modelos consolidados, as análises finais muitas vezes são limitadas. O crescimento do Data Science nos últimos anos ofertou ferram...
— In this paper a classification model is proposed to improve the Credit Portfolio Management process. We compare three models intended to predict defaulting clients and help thefinancial institution to act proactively to prevent credit losses. The study was bases on retail book of a great Brazilian bank.
The purpose of this study is to identify the main skills required by the market for a data scientist. Companies need professionals with very different profiles and skills to be able to carry out activities related to the Big Data area. To identify these necessary skills, 7287 job descriptions were searched with the search term “Data Scientist” usin...
The explanation of behaviors concerning telemedicine acceptance is an evolving area of study. This topic is currently more critical than ever, given that the COVID-19 pandemic is making resources scarcer within the health industry. The objective of this study is to determine which model, the Theory of Planned Behavior or the Technology Acceptance M...
Access to data in pervasive or ubiquitous environments by people and organizations still uses traditional, static or inappropriate methods. With the adoption of cloud computing, the concern of governments and proven companies to prevent digital fraud and data leakage becomes even more important, new laws establish the need to strengthen the protect...
Many studies have been developed by the scientific and medical community to learn more about COVID-19. Although studies have advanced, it is common to note that there are still some misconceptions, especially as the information moves from scientific to widespread use in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and especially the population. Thus, the obje...