Anuarul IrrdInstitutul Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 · Direcția Cercetare
Anuarul Irrd
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History of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989
Skills and Expertise
Publications (14)
Given the different approaches regarding the historical importance and legal primacy of some documents created during the Romanian Revolution of December 1989, the present study aimed to analyze the content of these documents and the context in which they were developed, the main goal being the identification of the ideals and the popular aspiratio...
Ca instituție științifică de rang academic, încă de la înființarea sa, Institutul Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 a reunit personalități marcante din domeniul cercetării științifice istorice, constituindu-se totodată într-o școală de inițiere și consacrare știinţifică pentru tinerii istorici. Astfel, în cei aproape 20 ani de funcționare, Insti...
Subiectul cercetării propuse de Anamaria Sima în lucrarea de față pleacă de la o problemă actuală-percepția contemporană pe care românii o au în ceea ce privește regimul comunist și persoana lui Nicolae Ceaușescu. Concret, Anamaria Sima analizează rezultatele sondajului realizat de Institutul Român pentru Evaluare și Strategie din vara anului 2010,...
Starting from December 21, 1989, Sibiu was the city where repressive actions against anti-Ceaușescu demonstrators started, namely detainments and shootings, as well as retaliatory actions from UM 01512 (The "Nicolae Bălcescu" Military School of Active Officers) against the forces of the Ministry of Interior (the Milition and the Security), and agai...
In the context of the longstanding friendship between Romania and Vietnam, a relationship with a rich history spanning almost 75 years, the purpose of this study is to highlight the evolution and development of bilateral relations in various fields, including politics, diplomacy, economics, security and defence, culture and education. Considering t...
O apariție editorială de excepție la împlinirea a 30 de ani de la Victoria Revoluției Române: Constantin Hlihor – Decembrie 1989 prin ochii tinerilor ofițeri din acele momente: perspectivă de istorie orală
Spre deosebire de celelalte orașe din România, Brașovul a cunoscut
de-a lungul ultimului deceniu comunist o serie de mișcări de protest,
individuale sau de masă, care a plasat populația orașului sub lupa Partidului
și a Securității. Atât greva muncitorilor brașoveni din 15 noiembrie 1987, cât
și autoincedierea de pe pârtia de schi Bradu din Poi...
Considering that the bloody events of the Romanian Revolution in
December 1989 remain a contentiously debated issue of Romania’s recent
history, especially the aspects concerning the large number of killed and
wounded, the purpose of this article is to clarify the way in which the Revolution
began and unfolded in Constanța, acknowledged as a ma...
he Romanian Revolution of December 1989 was part of a larger
movement of protests throughout Central and Eastern Europe in the late
1980s. However, it stood out from the rest due to its unexpected and violent
nature, as well as its short duration. The revolution began in Timisoara on
December 16 and quickly spread to other cities, where the pro...
As an internal revolt was looming large, considering the living
conditions, the political and military, as well as the “intelligence” elite of
socialist Romania refused to accept the new realities. Despite all the signals
received through various political-diplomatic formulae and more, the
perception of the Western diplomatic chancelleries and...
This paper looks at the relationship between “judicial truth”, “historical
truth” and political bias in historical past research from a methodological
perspective. It starts with an analysis of a specific case, which is used to
highlight the problems arising from the “judicialization” of contemporary
history. The case is taken from Romanian his...
This study aims to present the way in which the revolutionary
movement appeared and developed in the city of Buzau and to analyse the
way in which the revolutionaries approached the relation with the former
nomenclature and the force structures of the communist regime: the
Securitate, Militia and Army within the power management process. The
Our study aims to analyse the domestic and international context that
led to the collapse of the communist regime in Romania, in December 1989. The
Romanian Revolution is a complex phenomenon, which still causes controversies
and still has enigmas waiting to be solved. For this reason, we considered it useful
to report the events to internal fa...