Antti Pelkonen

Antti Pelkonen
Prime Minister's Office, Finland · Government Strategy Department

Adjunct professor, Doctor of Social Sciences


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May 2008 - December 2009
University of Helsinki
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (55)
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In the past two decades, centres of excellence (CoE) and other ‘research excellence initiatives’ likely to increase the cumulative advantages and stratification of science, have been implemented in many countries. Based on empirical studies of CoE in four Nordic countries, this paper examines how the resources provided by CoE schemes (generous long...
Since the late 1990s, European countries have sought to renew their research and higher education systems along the lines of increasing Europeanization, which has especially been driven by the Lisbon Strategy (2000) and the Bologna Declaration (1999). The European Commission has seen higher education and research as particularly important elements...
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This article examines processes of state restructuring and technopole formation in Finland and in the Helsinki region and takes a critical stand towards the glocal state thesis. The relationship between the nation state and the capital region cities is analysed by focusing on the implications of recent national technology, regional and economic pol...
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The thesis examines the intensification and characteristics of a policy that emphasises economic competitiveness in Finland during the 1990s and early 2000s. This accentuation of economic objectives is studied at the level of national policy-making as well as at the regional level through the policies and strategies of cities and three universities...
Technopole is a broad concept that can be loosely defined as a geographically limited area whose existence is dominated by the presence of high technology in the form of research, development, or manufacturing activities. Technopoles typically aim at spatially gathering high tech firms and R&D organizations and hence creating synergies and collabor...
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While the role played by the state in stimulating innovation in the private sector has been a prevalent interest in innovation research, studies analysing the impacts of public interventions have usually focused on individual policies, programs or projects. Public stimulation is hence often studied from a relatively restricted and temporarily confi...
Technical Report
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The European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, commissioned a study on “Mission-oriented Research and Innovation: Inventory and characterisation of past initiatives” to collect evidence, via a global mapping exercises and case studies, on current and past mission-oriented research and innovation (R&I) initiatives in the European Union, its Memb...
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Teknologiabarometri 2016/2017 on seitsemäs toteutus julkaisujen vuonna 2004 alkaneessa sarjassa. Yksittäisiä päivityksiä ja uudistuksia sisältöön on vuosien varrella tehty lukuisia, mutta barometrin perusrakenne on haluttu säilyttää alkuperäisen ajatuksen mukaisena. Barometri on herättänyt laajaa mielenkiintoa, ja avannut uusia näkökulmia innovaati...
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Technology Barometer is developed to measure citizen´s attitudes and the nation´s orientation towards a knowledege-based society. The instrument provides a more in-depth view of the state of societal development in different countries than is customary. In this latest barometer the traditional number of eight comparison countries has - with the add...
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Selvitystyössä tarkastellaan, kuinka tutkimus- ja innovaatiojärjestelmän kokonaisuuden ohjausta voidaan parantaa siten, että tieto ja osaaminen kanavoituvat Suomessa entistä tehokkaammin uusiksi tuotteiksi ja palveluiksi. Tiedolla ja osaamisella viitataan tässä yhteydessä julkisesti rahoitetun T&Ktoiminnan piirissä tuotetun osaamispääoman hyödyntäm...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore and discuss possible future pathways of the Finnish science, technology and innovation (STI) system. The paper sketches three speculative pathways for the Finnish STI system. Design/methodology/approach Theoretical considerations behind the pathways are based on analyses of the determinants and behav...
While Finland has traditionally been a country where major political forces have put important emphasis on balancing the regional structure and supporting the peripheral regions, development since the 1990s has been characterised by growing regional differences and increasing dominance of centralising tendencies. In the first decade of the new mill...
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This study examines the current status and future projections of cyber security competence in Finland. Cyber security competence refers to research, development and innovations relating to cyber security. The report analyses the cyber security research of Finnish businesses, universities and research institutions, cyber security education, innovati...
This paper aims to contribute to the debate on the success factors of peripheral regions in the knowledge economy. It explores the viability of the knowledge-based development model for peripheral regions by examining the experiences of a follower region in Finland. The empirical case is Seinäjoki region in Western Finland which adopted a determine...
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This study examines collaboration between public research institutes, universities and polytechnics in Finland, paying special attention to factors restraining or hindering collaboration. The study was organized as a qualitative interview study and completed by using questionnaire data. Interviews were conducted in four different collaboration cont...
This paper addresses the challenges that arise when service innovations are being promoted through public procurement. The academic and policy debate on public procurement of innovation has recently been very vivid, but it has mostly focused on procurement of technologies and tangible goods while considerably less attention has been paid to public...
Technical Report
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An important prerequisite for the renewal of Finland’s industrial and economic base is the ability of the universities to promote the renewal of the knowledge base. The UNI project studied ways in which changes in external funding mechanisms and recent governance changes in Finnish universities have changed the framework conditions influencing inno...
Technical Report
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While societal expectations for university research have grown, university research has become more and more dependent on external funding sources. External funding has substantially increased at Finnish – and also UK – universities, and currently in practice a major share of university research is conducted with external funding. This report relat...
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The evaluation examined the Research and Innovation Council’s duties, operation and impact as a body that supports decision-making and is part of the research and innovation system. The evaluation focused on the Council’s activities in 2005–2012. As international reference bodies for the Finnish Council were used its counterparts in Denmark, Austri...
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Valovirta, Ville, Nieminen, Mika, Pelkonen, Antti, Turkama, Petra, Heikura, Tuija, Lindman, Juha, Inkinen, Sam & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2011) Systeemisen muutoksen haasteet ja innovaatiotoiminnan mahdollisuudet. [The challenges of systemic changes and possibilities of new innovation policy]. Tekesin katsaus 286/2011. Tekes. Helsinki. 57 pages.
Proceedings of The 3rd ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Huizingh, K.R.E.; Conn, S.; Torkkeli, M.; Bitran, I. (Eds.) Impact assessment of R&D is currently facing important challenges. First, the nature of innovation as well as the scope of innovation policy are transforming in a way that has not been taken into account in evaluation practices. At the sam...
The publication describes how businesses' innovation activity is reshaping and taking different forms and examines how innovation policy should be steered and developed in terms of user-driven innovation. In this study, user-driven innovation refers to all formsof gathering information about clients and end-users and the methods and practices which...
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Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja 2010:4 Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan yhdeksän maan tiedepolitiikassa tapahtuneita muutoksia ja linjanvetoja 1990-luvun lopulta 2000-luvulle. Tältä pohjalta suomalainen tiedepolitiikka asetetaan kansainväliseen vertailevaan kehykseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat maat ovat Ruotsi, Tanska, Norja, Hollanti, Iso-B...
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Hallinnon tutkimus Vol.28 Nr.5, 74-93 Tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikkaan liittyvän arviointitoiminnan voidaan nähdä olevan useiden haasteiden edessä. Ensinnäkin arviointien ja arviointitoiminnan kehittämisen pyrkimyksenä on perinteisesti ollut ohjelmien tai organisaatioiden olemassaolon oikeuttaminen. Näin ollen arviointitoiminta ei niinkään ole n...
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Across advanced industrial countries, science, technology and innovation have come to play an increasingly important role among state policies as governments aim at fostering knowledge-based economic growth. Both in the European Union and in Finland, policies in this area are currently being transformed into a broad-based innovation policy. This ar...
Technical Report
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Julkaisussa tarkastellaan systeemisen innovaatiotoiminnan ja muutosten taustaa, dynamiikkaa sekä vaikutusmahdollisuuksia luomalla katsaus teemaa käsittelevään tutkimuskirjallisuuteen. Systeemisellä muutoksella viitataan laaja-alaiseen toimintamallien, rakenteiden ja näiden vuorovaikutuksen samanaikaiseen muutokseen. Systeemisyyden luonnetta lähesty...
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During the 1990s and early 2000s, Finland underwent a profound restructuring that saw it change from a country deep in recession to a global model of the knowledge economy. At the same time, the Helsinki region transformed itself into one of the most competitive regions in Europe. This book examines policy changes related to these transformations,...
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Educational theory and practice in Finland, 193-217 Higher education, science, and technology policies have become increasingly interdependent, and the need for their mutual coordination has been widely acknowledged. This article analyses the capacity for institutional organisation and coordination between these policy sectors in Finland. Because o...
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During the last two decades, Finland has experienced an extensive societal transformation in which the Nordic welfare state model has been challenged by economic turbulences and globalisation. At the same time, the building of an information society, in which there is a growing emphasis on economic competitiveness and knowledge-intensive production...
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Developing integrated innovation policies has become increasingly important for the EU and OECD countries in recent years. This article examines the preconditions for promoting such policies in Finland by analysing the operation of the Science and Technology Policy Council. As a high-level coordinating body led by the Prime Minister, the Council ha...
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In order to be responsive to the ideas of new governance, governments have seen the demands of policy integration as increasingly important. In Finland, both regional policy and technology policy have received hegemonic positions. Regional policy had a key role in the welfare state programme that supported equal rights and opportunities, and only s...
Finland has recently undergone a radical shift in government orientation from state regulation towards a market-driven science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. This strategy has raised the country to the top of performance indicators for the knowledge economy. It has also prevented further horizontalisation of innovation policy. Finland’s e...
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STAGE is a thematic network under the Fifth Framework Programme (HPSE-CT2001-50003). STAGE gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Commission.
This article examines processes of state restructuring and technopole formation in Finland and in the Helsinki region and takes a critical stand towards the glocal state thesis. The relationship between the nation state and the capital region cities is analysed by focusing on the implications of recent national technology, regional and economic pol...
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This article analyses the objectives related to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in governmental technology policy programs and societal development strategies in Fin-land between 1980 and 2000. In recent years, Finnish technology policy has been influenced by theories of the post-industrial society, information society and network...
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The article analyses the ways in which three universities, with different historical backgrounds and disciplinary structures, have tried to follow the guidelines of innovation policy in commercialising academic research. The paper pays a􀄴ention to the institutional level of universities and takes one intermediary organisation in each university as...
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
Endast avhandlingens sammandrag. Pappersexemplaret av hela avhandlingen finns för läsesalsbruk i Statsvetenskapliga biblioteket (Unionsgatan 35). Dessa avhandlingar fjärrutlånas endast som microfiche. Abstract only. The paper copy of the whole thesis is available for reading room use at the Library of Social Sciences (Unioninkatu 35) . Microfiche c...


Question (1)
I am carrying out a study on national cyber security competencies in Finland and I'm wondering if there are any comparable studies done in other countries. Our analysis focuses on the quality and capacities in research, development and innovation in the area of cyber security. More information about our study can be found from the link below. We are also carrying out some international comparisons and hence knowledge of all corresponding studies would of great importance.  


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