Antonios Vytiniotis

Antonios Vytiniotis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT · Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (13)
Conference Paper
Underground stormwater storage units molded from polymeric materials are increasingly popular because they can provide a cost-effective alternative to crushed stone, concrete, or pipe chamber stormwater detention and storage solutions. Because these units are buried underground, they are subjected to lateral and vertical loads from the surrounding...
Conference Paper
A two-tiered mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) segmental retaining wall (SRW) system with a maximum height of approximately 90 feet along its curving, concaved section was built at a new residential development near Asheville, North Carolina, in 2011. The two-tier section of the wall was approximately 400 feet in length where the upper wall was n...
This paper evaluates earthquake-induced permanent ground deformations and the structural response of a typical pile-supported wharf structure built over loose granular fill. Using numerical simulations for a suite of 55 reference seismic ground motions, we investigate the effectiveness of an array of PV drains installed behind the pile-supported de...
Conference Paper
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Pile driving in soft clays can cause lateral displacements due to undrained soil deformation that can affect adjacent structures. This paper describes observations, measurements, and analysis of lateral soil movements manifested during a large pile driving project using “displacement” piles in soft clays in East Baton Rouge, LA. The piles were driv...
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Prefabricated vertical (PV) drain arrays have been proposed as a minimally intrusive technique for mitigating seismically induced ground deformations in sandy liquefiable slopes. This paper describes the representation of individual PV drains as line elements within a finite-element program. The elements can represent laminar or fully turbulent dis...
Conference Paper
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Many ports in the US are located in areas of high seismicity and remain vulnerable to damage from large earthquake events. Waterfront structures such as pile-supported wharves are particularly vulnerable to damage associated with lateral spreading of the underlying loose soil fills. This paper describes results of analyses to understand the perform...
Many ports in the US are located in areas of high seismicity and remain vulnerable to damage from large earthquake events. Waterfront structures such as pile-supported wharves are particularly vulnerable to damage associated with lateral spreading of the underlying loose soil fills. This paper describes results of analyses to understand the perform...
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This paper presents data and analysis of the measurements from earth pressure cells installed to measure vertical pressures in two trenches during the installation of a vitrified clay pipe (VCP) embedded in Class 5 material (concrete). The trench walls above the Class 5 embedment were temporarily supported with steel plates and hydraulic struts. Th...
Conference Paper
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This paper considers the effectiveness of a Pre-fabricated Vertical (PV) drain array for mitigating the earthquake-induced permanent ground deformations of a water-fronting loose sand fill based on results of numerical simulations. The numerical simulations are performed using the OpenSees finite element framework to represent the non-linear couple...
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This research analyzes the vulnerability of loose granular waterfront fills to liquefaction in seismic events and considers the effectiveness of Pre-fabricated Vertical (PV) drain systems in mitigating potential damage. The analyses are based on non-linear finite element simulations of coupled flow and deformation using the OpenSees open-source sof...
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This research is part of the ongoing effort of the Seismic Risk Mitigation for Port Systems Grand Challenge. It addresses the problem of numerically simulating the response of sandy soils treated with earthquake drains, for liquefaction risk mitigation. This thesis describes 1)the implementation of finite 1-D elements to simulate the uncoupled mech...
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One of the elements for the NEES-GC project on Seismic Risk Reduction for Port Facilities involves validation of numerical models against physical experiments using the geotechnical centrifuge. For example, tests have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of Prefabricated Vertical (PV) drains in mitigating liquefaction risks. This paper e...
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This paper studies how 2D numerical analyses may be accurately used for simulating the truly 3D problem of the seismic response of improved sites. Specifically, parametric results are compared from pertinent 3D and 2D seismic ground response analyses and a methodology is proposed for replacing the time-consuming (and usually unavailable) 3D analyse...


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