Antonio Veloso-FernándezUniversity of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Physical Chemistry
Antonio Veloso-Fernández
PhD in Physical Chemistry
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October 2017 - present
August 2007 - January 2008
June 2006 - September 2006
Hervel S.A.
- Internship student
Publications (67)
The ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of ethylene brassylate, catalyzed by the cyclic guanidine 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD) is reported. Several experimental parameters were evaluated for bulk ROP process and polyesters, resulting in molecular weights between 3 and 15 kg mol−1. End-group analysis by 1H nuclear magnetic resonnance (NMR...
The use of organocatalysts for the polymerization of ethylene brassylate, a commercially available, cheap, and renewable macro(di)lactone is reported for the first time. Ethylene brassylate was polymerized by ring-opening polymerization under bulk and solution conditions at 80 degrees C. Polymerizations were carried out in the presence of several o...
A new method of generating cyclic polyethers is reported. Glycidyl monomers react with B(C6F5)3 to generate cyclic polyethers in anhydrous conditions. In the presence of water, linear chains are formed. A zwitterionic ring-opening polymerization mechanism is postulated based on experimental evidence and DFT calculations. The obtained cyclic polyeth...
Molecular mass images of tissues will be biased if differences in the physicochemical properties of the microenvironment affect the intensity of the spectra. To address this issue, we have performed-by means of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry-imaging on slices and lipidomic analysis in extracts of frontal cortex, both from the same postmortem tissue sa...
The enormous abundance of lipid molecules in the central nervous system (CNS) suggests that their role is not limited to be structural and energetic components of cells. Over the last decades, some lipids in the CNS have been identified as intracellular signalers, while others are known to act as neuromodulators of neurotransmission through binding...
The increasing production of plastics, driven by modern societal development, has resulted in a significant rise in plastic waste, which poses serious environmental concerns due to its lengthy degradation times. The growing issue of single-use plastics (SUPs), such as packaging for food items and disposable utensils, has led to their reduction and...
Cytotoxicity is a critical parameter for materials intended for biological applications, such as food packaging. Shape-memory polyurethanes (SMPUs) have garnered significant interest due to their versatile properties and adaptability in synthesis. However, their suitability for biological applications is limited by the use of aromatic isocyanates,...
In recent decades, the use of thermoset epoxy resins (ER) has spread to countless applications due to their mechanical properties, heat resistance and stability. However, these ERs are neither biodegradable nor recyclable due to their permanent crosslinked networks and usually, they are synthesized from fossil and toxic precursors. Therefore, reduc...
3D inprimaketa edo fabrikazio gehigarria azkar ari da hedatzen produktuen diseinu eta fabrikazio modu desberdinak ahalbidetzen dituelako. Izan ere, teknologia honi esker propietate pertsonalizagarriak, diseinu-askatasuna eta geometria konplexuak sor daitezke. Hala ere, 3D inprimaketarako tinta gehienek disolbatzaile organikoak erabiltzen dituzte, e...
Due to the environmental problems generated by petroleum derivative polymers as mentioned in Agenda 2030, the use of natural polymers is increasing. Among them, cellulose and chitin are the most widespread biopolymers available in nature. Chitosan, obtained from chitin, is a really good candidate to develop nanocarriers due to its polyelectrolyte n...
The present work is a first approach in order to achieve thermo-sensitive and waterproof polyurethane fibers useful in the textile industry. For this, two polyurethane formulations with glass transition temperatures (Tg) close to the body temperature have been synthetized and characterized by several techniques such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (T...
LABURPENA: Azken urteotan, gizartearen ingurumenaren kalte kezkak bultzaturik, zientzia komunitatean baliabide berriztagarrien interesa handitu egin da. Izan ere, karbono emisioek eta hauek sortzen dituzten hondakinak lehengai jasangarriagoak bilatzera eraman dute. Hortaz, erregai fosilak lehengai naturaletatik ordezkatzea premiazkoa bihurtu da. Ta...
In recent decades, the technology of polymeric materials used in biomedical applications has been greatly improved, replacing the metals that had been used until now. This change has not only meant an improvement in the cost of the raw material and in its processing, but it is also due to the fact that there are applications, such as stents, where...
Limited water resources are one of the most important global issues. Among the possible techniques devoted to water purification, polymeric membranes are of particular interest to the industry due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Among them, nanocomposite-based membranes have been successfully developed for many applications, such as se...
Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a shortage that in some territories is extreme. In this context, the need for potable water prompts the development of new and more efficient wastewater treatment systems to overcome shortages by recovering and reusing contaminated water. Among the water...
material adimenduen presentzia gero eta nabarmenagoa da gaur egun, gehienbat ehungintzan. Material hauen artean poliuretanoak dira ezaugarri onenak aurkezten dituztenak, eta garrantzitsua da hauen trantsizio tenperatura gorputz tenperaturaren parekoa izatea, forma-memoria izaera aktibatzeko; beroa baita aplikatu beharreko kanpo estimuluetariko bat,...
Konpositeak propietate desberdinak dituzten bi konposatuz (edo gehiagoz) osatutako materialak dira, gaur egun oso erabiliak. Normalean, konposatu ugarienari matrizea deritzo eta bertan barreiatzen den konposatuari gehigarria edo karga deitzen zaio. Material hauen erabilpena hainbat esparrutara zabaltzen da, esaterako eraikuntzetako hormigoi armatue...
Tackiness is an important parameter to take into account in order to obtain new materials with the desired properties for textile applications. Among these new materials, shape memory polymers (SMPs) are earning high interest due to the immense possibilities to apply them in different technological applications. Moreover, in order to expand the app...
Material berrien ikerketak material adimenduen sorkuntza ekarri du. Material hauek, modu itzulgarrian haien propietate bat edo gehiago aldatzeko gai dira kanpo estimulu baten eraginpean. Talde zabal honen barruan, forma-memoria poliuretanoak daude, zeinak forma-memoria efektua duten. Efektu honen bidez, poliuretanoak berotzean hasierako forma aldat...
Molekulen propietate fisiko-kimikoen jatorria ezagutzea ezinbestekoa da material berrien garapenerako. Hala ere, teknika esperimental konbentzionalen mugak direla eta, aipatutako helburua betetzea ez da erraza. Erronka hau gainditzeko beharrezkoa den zehaztasuna egoera-isolatutako ikasketetan eskuragarri dago. Kasu honetan, konduktantzia altua aurk...
Plastikoak biomedikuntza arloan gero eta gehiago erabiltzen diren materialak dira, baina material hauek arlo honetako zenbait kasutan erabiltzeko biobateragarriak izatea beharrezkoa da. Horren ondorioz, plastiko biobateragarrien garapena ezinbestekoa den erronka bat da. Poliuretanoak oso erabiliak diren konposatuak dira, duten aldakortasun eta apli...
Zelulosa munduko biopolimerorik ugariena da eta naturak egiturak sortzeko erabiltzen du. Ikerketa honetan, polimero honi buruzko ezagutza zabaltzeko zenbait kalkulu eta esperimentu proposatu dira. Propietate makroskopikoak propietate molekular eta molekulen-arteko askoren nahasketaren ondorioa dira, hauek isolatzea ulertzea eta gure mesederako erab...
Shape memory polyurethanes (SMPUs) have generated great attention because of their unique properties. These properties are result of a particular molecular structure consisting of flexible molecular chains with low glass transition temperatures alternating with hard urethane segments. In this field, bisphenol A (BA) has been used for a long time as...
Understanding the molecular basis of the appearance of life on Earth is an exciting research field. Many factors may have influenced the election of the molecules used by living beings and evolution may have modified those original compounds. In an attempt to understand the role played by intermolecular interactions in the election of CGAT as the a...
3D monolithic integrated photocatlysts were prepared by self‐assembly of graphene platelets decorated with manganese doped TiO2 nanoparticles. The self‐assembly was induced by chemical reduction at mild reaction conditions. The physico‐chemical properties of the photocatalysts were improved by addition of polymer nanoparticles within the 3D structu...
BODIPY kromoforoei (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indazeno koloratzaileak) loturiko Iridio (III) ziklo metalikoak prestatu eta karakterizatu dira fotosentikortzaile berri eta efizienteak garatu nahian. Diseinu arrazionala dela bide, argi ikusgaia xurgatzeko gai diren konposatuak lortu dira, zeinak oxigeno singletea oso modu efizientean sortzeko...
Gaur egun, materialak karakterizatzeko erabiltzen diren teknikek informazio dezente agerian uzten dute, baina oraindik egiturari buruzko informazio osatua lortzea nahiko zaila da. Informazio hau garrantzi handikoa eta beharrezkoa da modu sakon batean polimero horietatik eratorritako materialen propietateak ezagutzeko. Polimeroak karakterizatzeko, M...
Polyurethane(PU)/acrylic waterborne hybrids are an attractive class of materials with wide application possibilities, but their synthesis typically requires significant quantities of solvent which has negative economic and environmental consequences. In this work, solvent-free and surfactant-free polyurethane(PU)/acrylic waterborne hybrids were obt...
The occurrence of intramolecular transfer to polymer in the radical polymerization of acrylic monomers has been extensively documented in the literature. Whilst it has been largely assumed that intramolecular transfer to polymer leads to short chain branches, there has been some speculation over whether the mid-chain radical can migrate. Herein, by...
Dispersion copolymerization of styrene (St) with either acrylonitrile (AN) or methyl methacrylate (MMA) in 1-propanol/deionized water medium were carried out using Bisomer S20W (polyethylene oxide macromonomer with a methacrylic end group) as stabilizer. The serums of the St/AN and St/MMA latexes were characterized in terms of molar mass and compos...
Aliphatic polycarbonates are promising materials in the biomedical field due to their low toxicity, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. A popular approach in obtaining these materials is through the organocatalyzed ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of cyclic carbonates. Functional polycarbonates can be obtained by (co)polymerizing allyl functio...
We evaluate the use of tetrabutylammonium azide (N3NBu4) as an anionic ring-opening polymerization initiator for synthesizing azide-terminated linear poly(glycidyl phenyl ether) and then generating monocyclic structures with high purity. In particular, we perform a detailed study on the end-group fidelity of polymers obtained by initiation with N3N...
Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) edo kromatografia geruza mehean, teknika oso erabilia izan da hainbat molekulen banaketa eta karakterizazioa egiteko. Bestalde, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI MS) masa espektrometria teknikaren erabilera gero eta gehiago barreiatzen ari da molekula desberdinen analisia burutzeko....
The composition of the carbonaceous deactivating species (coke) deposited on a Pt and Pd supported P-containing activated carbon catalyst has been studied. This deactivating species was deposited on the catalyst during the hydrocracking of scrap tire pyrolysis oil at 400-500 °C, and it has been selectively characterized by means of temperature-prog...
Gaur egun, biomolekulak eta materialak karakterizatzeko erabiltzen diren teknikak informazio dezente agerian uzten dute, baina askotan azaldu ezin diren efektuak edo emaitzak lortzen dira. Horregatik, informazio hau lortzeko, hau da, molekulen mikroegiturak karakterizatzeko edota izan diren kutsadurak ezagutzeko ere, gero eta gehiago hedatu den Mat...
Extreme ecosystems can be a source of untapped microorganisms to produce novel bioactive compounds of industrial interest. Consequently, in this work, 32 actinomycetes were isolated from 6 soil samples collected from Algerian Sahara in searching for untapped producers of novel antimicrobial compounds. All the isolates were further subjected to anti...
The design of alkoxyamine/nitroxide species capable of mediating the polymerization of both styrene and methacrylic monomers has been notoriously difficult. Herein, the nitroxide-mediated polymerization of styrene using a series of readily obtained alkoxyamines that were recently shown to control the polymerization of methyl methacrylate is present...
Although organometallic catalysts have shown great ability to promote stereocontrolled polymerization reactions, their substantial toxicity and other drawbacks are accelerating the development of organic catalysts. To date, organic catalysts have demonstrated some ability to promote stereocontrolled polymerizations. However, none of them has been a...
Cross-contamination from the polymeric material of the vial caps used in size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and high-performance liquid chromatography autosamplers in the low molar mass (LMM) range (<2000 Da) of polymer samples was demonstrated with the help of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF...
The development of new redox polymers is being boosted by the increasing interest in the area of energy and health. The development of new polymers is needed to further advance new applications or improve the performance of actual devices such as batteries, supercapacitors, or drug delivery systems. Here we show the synthesis and characterization o...
Coke deposition pathways have been studied during the fluid catalytic cracking of bio-oil, vacuum gasoil (VGO) and a blend of the previous two (80wt% VGO and 20wt% bio-oil), under realistic riser conditions of the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit, using a commercial catalyst at 500°C and contact times of 1.5-10s. Amount and composition of solubl...
Graphene-based materials appear as a suitable answer to the demand for novel nanostructured materials for effective nanobiocatalytic systems design. In this work a design of stable and efficient nanobiocatalysts made of enzyme laccase immobilized on composite hydrogels (reduced graphene oxide, rGO/polymer) is presented. The composite hydrogel suppo...
Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerization has emerged as one of the most versatile reversible deactivation radical polymerization techniques and is capable of polymerizing a wide range of monomers under various conditions. One of the most important factors governing the success of a RAFT polymerization is the fraction o...
Endogenous bacterial strains possessing a high bisphenol A (BPA)-tolerance/degradation activity were isolated from different outlets of petrochemical wastewater in Iran using the enrichment cultivation approach. Two bacterial isolates with high efficiency for BPA degradation in basal medium and petrochemical wastewater were identified as Enterobact...
This report describes a simple strategy to produce copolymers of tetrahydrofuran (THF) and glycidyl phenyl ether (GPE) by using B(C6F5)3 as a catalyst. The control of the synthesis conditions, such as reaction time, catalyst concentration, and monomer concentration, allows the formation of copolymers with molecular weights in the range of 15–330 kg...
Autoradiography is used to determine the anatomical distribution of biological molecules in human tissue and experimental animal models. This method is based on the analysis of the specific binding of radiolabeled compounds to locate neurotransmitter receptors or transporters in fresh frozen tissue slices. The anatomical resolution obtained by the...
The wide application of polymers makes continuous demand for novel polymeric materials with tailored properties. The characterization of polymers becomes very important task within the process of creation of novel polymeric materials. In this article, the principles and scope of the basic characterization techniques are presented for the determinat...
Lipidomika zelula eta ehunen funtzionamenduaren ulerpenerako ezinbesteko zientzia bezala ernetzen ari da, genomikaren eta proteomikaren bidez lortutako ezagutza osatzen baitu. Lipidoen aniztasun eta aldakortasunarengatik, mota honetako biomolekulen karakterizazioa zeregin konplexua da lagin biologikoetan, eta horretarako errendimendu handiko teknik...