Antonio M Solé-Cava

Antonio M Solé-Cava
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ · Institute of Biology



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January 1991 - present
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
March 1987 - December 1990
Fluminense Federal University
January 1985 - December 1997
University of Liverpool
  • Invited Lecturer
July 1983 - December 1986
University of Liverpool
Field of study
  • Marine Biology
August 1980 - May 1983
Federal University of Rio Grande
Field of study
  • Biological Oceanography
March 1974 - December 1977


Publications (143)
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Objectives The two oyster species studied hold considerable economic importance for artisanal harvest (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and aquaculture (Crassostrea gasar). Their draft genomes will play an important role in the application of genomic methods such as RNAseq, population-based genomic scans aiming at addressing expression responses to polluti...
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Populations in isolated and small fragments lose genetic variability very fast and are usually of conservation concern because they are at greater risk of local extinction. The largest native deer in South America, Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger, 1815), is a Vulnerable species according to the IUCN categorization, which inhabits tropical and subtr...
Neglected cryptic diversity can lead to the permanent loss of locally adapted alleles, which can reduce resilience to rapid environmental change. It can also result in overestimation of fisheries stock sizes that can result from treating different species as if they belonged to one. Bluefish ( Pomatomus saltatrix ) is considered a circumtropical an...
The trade of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) in Brazil threatens the country’s rich endemic biodiversity. The present study explored the use of DNA-based tools to monitor the Brazilian elasmobranch trade, focusing on their role in identifying processed products and supporting conservation efforts. A systematic search of literature was conducted and...
A recente e grande publicidade de plataformas de inteligência artificial, nas quais chatbots simulam conversações sobre qualquer assunto, tem provocado reações variadas entre educadores, que vão desde o otimismo para uma nova era de divulgação e análise do conhecimento, até a desconfiança sobre seu uso para resolução fraudulenta de atividades pelos...
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Background Phylogenetic gaps of public databases of reference sequences are a major obstacle for comparative genomics and management of marine resources, particularly in the Global South, where economically important fisheries and conservation flagship species often lack closely-related references. We applied target-enrichment to obtain complete mi...
The trade of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) in Brazil raises significant concerns due to the country's rich endemic biodiversity. The present study explores the use of DNA-based tools to monitor the Brazilian elasmobranch trade, focusing on their role in identifying processed products and supporting conservation efforts. A systematic search of lit...
Phylogenetic gaps of publicly-available reference sequences are a major obstacle for species identification and management, particularly in the Global South, where economically important fisheries and conservation flagship species often lack closely-related references. We applied target-enrichment to obtain complete mitochondrial genomes of marine...
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Abstract Blastocerus dichotomus is the largest deer in South America. We have used 25 microsatellite markers detected and genotyped by Next Generation Sequencing to estimate the genetic variability of B. dichotomus in Argentina, where most of its populations are threatened. Primer design was based on the sequence of a shallow partial genome (15,967...
The spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela (Linnaeus 1758) is classified as Endangered by the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) and considered Critically Endangered in the Mediterranean Sea and South-west Atlantic. Despite its status, few studies on the population biology and genetics for the species are available, undermining conser...
A atividade prática “Que bacalhau é esse?” constrói um diálogo de saberes entre ensino de biologia e mundo real para facilitar o aprendizado de conteúdos que vão desde o DNA como base hereditária até o seu uso para identificação de espécies. A atividade envolve uma parte lúdica, através de uma história em quadrinhos sobre “o mistério da ceia de Nat...
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Ecological niche modeling (ENM) provides information on the potential environmental barriers to a species that can be tested in phylogeographic studies. A previous ENM analysis of the benthic coastal stingray Hypanus marianae revealed a low suitability area for its occurrence at the São Francisco River (SFR) mouth, the fourth largest river flowing...
Over the last few years, molecular species identification has revealed high levels of seafood mislabelling, which has generated public concern. The success of regulatory efforts depends on the accurate estimation of species substitution across multiple points in the supply chain. Flounders are among the most popular and highly valued seafood produc...
Fishing has a major impact on the biodiversity of elasmobranchs, a diverse and ancient group of fish. The illegal trade of products derived from endangered species is widespread and many times concealed by both deliberate and inadvertent mislabeling. In groups where data is sparse, such as guitarfishes, it is unknown which species are at a higher r...
Aim The disjunct distributions of freshwater organisms along coastal drainages are usually explained by palaeodrainages formed during sea‐level retreats that connected currently isolated basins, or by river capture from tectonic adjustments between adjoining watersheds. We evaluate the relative importance of these events on the genetic variation of...
Diopatra is the most species-rich genus of Onuphidae with about 60 species. Although 14 species have been reported for Brazil, the cosmopolitan D. cuprea is the most commonly reported from the area, including populations with a large morphological diversity. To better elucidate this species complex, we use morphological and molecular data, and reve...
Statistical fisheries data are usually obtained during landings, through rapid fish classification and their categorization under the trade names given to species or groups of species. However, species classification is often difficult, particularly concerning elasmobranchs whose fins and heads have been removed, leading to labelling errors. The ai...
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The complete mitochondrial genome of Crassostrea gasar was sequenced using the Ion Proton technology in combination with 454 Roche GS-FLX plataform data. We assembled a 17,686 bp complete circular mitochondrial genome, containing 13 protein-coding genes, a major non-coding region (MNR), two ribosomal RNA genes and 24 transfer RNA genes. Phylogeneti...
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Trichogenes longipinnis Britski & Ortega is a narrowly distributed endemic and phenotypically variable catfish from the coastal basins of the Serra do Mar range in southeast Brazil. We examined patterns of mtDNA variation of this species in coastal basins of the Serra do Mar to determine the influences of past climatic and geomorphological processe...
The land crab, Johngarthia lagostoma, occurs exclusively on Ascension Island and the Brazilian oceanic islands of Trindade, Atol das Rocas, and Fernando de Noronha. Like other gecarcinid crabs, it retains a marine planktotrophic larval phase, and as in some other gecarcinids the Megalops migrate inland into fully terrestrial habitats before moultin...
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Giant otters live in highly cooperative groups. Behavioral observations suggest that groups are composed of a dominant reproductive pair and their offspring of previous years. We combined genetic data and long-term ecological information to determine genetic relatedness within and between groups to verify that hypothesis. We genotyped 12 polymorphi...
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The taxonomy of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) has always been controversial, with over twenty described species since the original description of the type species of the genus (Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758). Two species and four subspecies are currently accepted, but recent molecular data have challenged this view. In this study we investigat...
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The taxonomy of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) has always been controversial, with over twenty described species since the original description of the type species of the genus (Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758). Two species and four subspecies are currently accepted, but recent molecular data have challenged this view. In this study we investigat...
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The fishery for Calophysus macropterus, an Amazonian necrophagous catfish, is highly detrimental to river dolphins and caimans, which are deliberately killed for use as bait. In the Brazilian Amazon, this fishery has increased over the last decade, in spite of the rejection of scavenger fishes by Brazilian consumers. It was suspected that C. macrop...
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The whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) is the main fish species of the demersal fisheries along the Atlantic coast of South America. There has been much debate regarding the number of stocks of this heavily exploited fish off the Brazilian coast between latitudes 23 • S and 33 • S. Analyses of morphometric and meristic data suggest that tw...
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Franciscanas are the most endangered dolphins in the Southwestern Atlantic. Due to their coastal and estuarine habits, franciscanas suffer from extensive fisheries bycatch, as well as from habitat loss and degradation. Four Franciscana Management Areas (FMA), proposed based on biology, demography, morphology and genetic data, were incorporated into...
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Using a CA/CAA enriched library screening procedure, we isolated and characterised a total of seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci for two species of Crassostrea with recognised economic importance. Eleven microsatellite loci were developed for C. rhizophorae, a Western Atlantic species for which no microsatellites were previously known. Anoth...
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This article documents the addition of 234 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acipenser sinensis, Aleochara bilineata, Aleochara bipustulata, Barbus meridionalis, Colossoma macropomum, Delia radicum, Drosophila nigrosparsa, Fontainea picrosperma, Helianthemum cinere...
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We isolated and characterized the first polymorphic microsatellite for the Brazilian and Hooded slipper lobsters species (Scyllarides brasiliensis and S. deceptor). Thirteen polymorphic loci (2–31 alleles/locus, Ho = 0.056–0.975, He = 0.155–0.958), were characterized in S. brasiliensis (N = 40). Twelve polymorphic loci (3–22 alleles/locus, Ho = 0.3...
Management strategies for fisheries species require understanding their connectivity and population dynamics. The Brazilian slipper lobster, Scyllarides brasiliensis, is one of the most commercially important slipper lobster species in South America. We investigated, for the first time, the population genetic structure and evolutionary history of t...
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Management strategies for fisheries species require understanding their connectivity and population dynamics. The Brazilian slipper lobster, Scyllarides brasiliensis, is one of the most commercially important slipper lobster species in South America. We investigated, for the first time, the population genetic structure and evolutionary history of t...
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This paper confirms the presence of Menticirrhus littoralis in Uruguayan waters. The species was collected in the oceanic coast, without finding records of its occurrence inside Río de la Plata, which suggests that the southern limit of its distribution would be in oceanic waters off from the Uruguayan coast. The use of mitochondrial DNA was found...
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Panulirus argus (Latreille in Ann Mus Hist Nat Paris 3:388–395, 1804) is the lobster of greatest economic importance throughout its distribution. In this study, mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S ribosomal genes) and nuclear (Adenine Nucleotide Transporter gene) sequences were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of P. argus sampled from...
This article documents the addition of 473 microsatellite marker loci and 71 pairs of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Barteria fistulosa, Bombus morio, Galaxias platei, Hematodinium perezi, Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (a.k.a. M. ab...
Accession numbers of the species used in this study. (DOC)
Additional primers designed to enable complete sequencing of the delphinid mitochondrial genome. (DOC)
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Molecular data have provided many insights into cetacean evolution but some unsettled issues still remain. We estimated the topology and timing of cetacean evolutionary relationships using bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of complete mitochondrial genomes. In order to clarify the phylogenetic placement of Sotalia and Steno within the Delphi...
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We describe the first microsatellite loci isolated from the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), an endangered mustelid endemic to South America. Fourteen di- and trinucleotide polymorphic loci were characterised in fourteen individuals from the Pantanal wetlands, Central Brazil. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5, and average observed...
Some of the morphological characters used in Porifera taxonomy have often been shown to be inconsistent. In the present study, we tested the phylogenetic coherence of currently used taxonomic characters of the calcarean genus Clathrina. For this, 20 species of Clathrina and three other calcinean genera (Ascandra, Guancha, and Leucetta) were sequenc...
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Phylogeography and population genetic studies in the Porifera have been limited by the lack of available polymorphic DNA markers. In this paper, we tested four new mitochondrial markers in nine demosponge species from a wide taxonomic range: partial sequences of the ATP synthase 6 (ATP6) and the cytochrome oxidase 2 (CO2) genes and two spacers: one...
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Phymactis papillosa is a rocky shore sea anemone that is commonly found in the Pacific Ocean, from the Gulf of California to Tierra del Fuego, and in the Mar del Plata region, Argentina. The genus Phymactis is closely related to Bunodosoma and, due to character plasticity, a number of misidentifications have occurred. Therefore, the presence of P....
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In this work we describe Actinia ebhayiensis sp. nov. from South Africa. The species is externally similar to the type species of the genus, Actinia equina, from which it can be distinguished by nematocyst and allozyme data. Actinia ebhayiensis has a smooth, red column, with well-delimited parapet leading to a deep fosse where conspicuous blue acro...
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The phylogenetic relationships between naturally occurring Atlantic Crassostrea oyster species were inferred through analyses of mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S) and nuclear (second internal transcribed spacer) sequences. We also scored 15 allozyme loci on 422 oysters to study population structuring of C. rhizophorae and C. bras...
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Two species of trypanosomatids, Crithidia desouzai and Herpetomonas anglusteri, were recently isolated from Diptera in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Crithidia species was found to harbor bacterium-like endosymbionts in the cytoplasm. To biochemically characterize these two species of trypanosomatids, and to try to verify the evolutionary meaning of the...
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We report on the invasion of Brazil by the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and discuss the likely routes of invasion. Because this phenotypically diverse oyster sometimes resembles the native species C. brasiliana and C. rhizophorae, its invasion went unnoticed until it was detected through the analysis of DNA sequences for ribosomal 16S and the...
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Molecular markers have the potential to disclose genetic variation and provide clues on macro and microevolutionary issues. The taxonomic and phylogenetic status of species lie within the realm of macroevolution while intraspecific matters, such as geographic population structure, social organization and mating system, pertain to microevolution. Th...
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Eurythoe complanata (Pallas 1766) has been considered a cosmopolitan species with a great morphological similarity across its geographic range. To elucidate whether E. complanata is actually a single species, genetic (cytochrome oxidase subunit I and allozymes) and morphological differences were compared among specimens from the Pacific, Caribbean,...
There is no consensus as to the level of intraspecific morphological plasticity in calcareous sponges, and so many species described in the nineteenth century were lumped into a few supposedly very polymorphic species during the 20th century. Leucetta floridana was originally described from Florida, but was subsequently considered as a junior synon...
Since evolutionary processes, such as dispersal, adaptation and drift, occur in a geographical context, at multiple hierarchical levels, biogeography provides a central and important unifying framework for understanding the patterns of distribution of life on Earth. However, the advent of molecular markers has allowed a clearer evaluation of the re...
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Populations of Opyurus chrysurus were compared genetically and morphometrically along the West Atlantic coast to test the null hypothesis of population homogeneity in the area. Brazilian populations were found to be differentiated in shape (canonical variates analysis; F-[48,F-51515] = 10.84, p < 0.0001). Analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (66...
Chapter included in the Portuguese version of the book "A Primer of Conservation Genetics" by Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou and David A. Briscoe.
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We tested the zinc-finger sex chromosome-linked genes Zfx/Zfy and the sex-determining region Y (Sry) genes for gender determination of biopsy samples from marine and riverine tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia guianensis and S. fluviatilis). We also evaluated the performance of these genes with decomposed carcasses, for which sexing cannot rely on the direct...
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Seabob shrimps of the genus Xiphopenaeus are important fishery resources along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central and South America. The genus was considered to comprise two species: the Atlantic Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, Sitzungsber Math Naturwiss cl kaiserliche Akad Wiss Wien 45:389–426, 1862), and the Pacific Xiphopenaeus riveti (Bou...
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Cliona delitrix is a very destructive coral-excavating sponge in Caribbean coral reef systems, particularly for Montastraea species. Little is known about how these excavating sponges propagate across coral reefs. In this study a hypothesis was tested that coral breakage caused by the bioeroding activity facilitates the asexual propagation of this...
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In this study, we estimated the extent of asexual reproduction and genotypic diversity at the intra- and interspecific levels in sponges of the genus Chondrilla in the Caribbean and along the coast of Brazil. Allozymes were used to identify the genotypes of specimens of Chondrilla in each location. The four species studied displayed a large variati...
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Colonizing species often go through genetic bottlenecks when new territories are invaded. The South American continent has been recently colonized by a generalist African drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus, which has become an agricultural pest in Brazil in the last five years. In this paper we used allozyme electrophoresis to estimate levels of genet...
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The current taxonomic status of Sotalia species is uncertain. The genus once comprised five species, but in the twentieth century they were grouped into two (riverine Sotalia fluviatilis and marine Sotalia guianensis) that later were further lumped into a single species (S. fluviatilis), with marine and riverine ecotypes. This uncertainty hampers t...
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Marine sponges are an ecologically important and highly diverse component of marine benthic communities, found in all the world's oceans, at all depths. Although their commercial potential and evolutionary importance is increasingly recognized, many pivotal aspects of their basic biology remain enigmatic. Knowledge of historical biogeographic affin...
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Penaeid shrimps are important resources for worldwide fisheries and aquaculture. In the Southwest Atlantic, Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, F paulensis, F subtilis, Farfantepenaeus sp. and Litopenaeus schmitti are among the most important commercially exploited species. Despite their high commercial va