Antonio SaraivaUniversity of São Paulo | USP · School of Engineering (POLI)
Antonio Saraiva
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March 2014 - March 2016
Publications (226)
The impact of land use changes on ecosystem services (ES) or Nature's Contributions to People (NCP) is relatively well-known, but the influence of socioeconomic changes on ES remains less clear, especially at larger spatial scales. Multiple socioeconomic factors influence the demand for a service (i.e. higher economic income and human development c...
O agronegócio brasileiro e atividades correlatas geraram para o ano de 2023 a
expectativa de crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do agronegócio na ordem de 13,2% (Ipea, 2020). O setor, mesmo diante da pandemia, continuou a expandir sua importância na economia brasileira.
Contudo, apesar dos números positivos, os desafios para a atividade agr...
This paper explores the design and creation of metadata schemas based on the FAIR Data Principles. We provide a clear interpretation of these principles, focusing on how they apply to metadata schemas. Leveraging the OntoUML language, we developed a conceptual model that explains the key components of a FAIR-compliant metadata schema. Through detai...
Agricultural production is directly related to the environmental conditions. Favorable conditions can lead to higher productivity and product quality. However, climate change may pose a threat to agricultural production across the globe, as a rise in temperature may cause a decrease in the extent of suitable areas for growing certain crops. Using s...
Several factors contribute to the increase in irrigation demand: population growth, demand for higher value-added products, and the impacts of climate change, among others. High-quality water is essential for irrigation, so knowledge of water quality is critical. Additionally, water use in agriculture has been increasing in the last decades. Lack o...
A agricultura é um dos setores mais importantes da economia, fundamental para prover alimentos, fibras e energia para a humanidade. No Brasil é importante fonte de empregos e para uma balança comercial positiva. É também um dos setores que mais impactam o ambiente, pela mudança do uso do solo e pelas práticas de produção que podem resultar em polui...
This study aims to integrate the concepts of planetary health and big data into the Donabedian model to evaluate the Brazilian dengue control program in the state of São Paulo.
Data science methods were used to integrate and analyze dengue-related data, adding context to the structure and outcome components of the Donabedian mode...
Urbanization brings forth social challenges in emerging countries such as Brazil, encompassing food scarcity, health deterioration, air pollution, and biodiversity loss. Despite this, urban areas like the city of São Paulo still boast ample green spaces, offering opportunities for nature appreciation and conservation, enhancing city resilience and...
The WorldFAIR Case Study on Agricultural Biodiversity (WP10) addresses the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator interactions data for reuse. Previous efforts, reported in WorldFAIR Deliverable 10.1, ‘Agriculture-related pollinator data standards use cases report’ (Trekels et al., 2023), provided an overview of pr...
The WorldFAIR Case Study on Agricultural Biodiversity (WP10) addresses the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator interactions data for reuse. Previous efforts, reported in Deliverable 10.1 - from our discovery phase - provided an overview of projects, best practices, tools, and examples for creating, managing and...
This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced to Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. Th...
Understanding how physical climate-related hazards affect food production requires transforming climate data into relevant information for regional risk assessment. Data-driven methods can bridge this gap; however, more development must be done to create interpretable models, emphasizing regions lacking data availability. The main objective of this...
This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced in Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. Th...
This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced in Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. Th...
Resumo. A implementação efetiva de sistemas de IA na agricultura digital apresenta desafios organizacionais devido às diversas fontes, formatos e volume de dados processados, para diferentes finalidades. O artigo examina ações de governança de dados empregadas em pesquisas realizadas no Centro de Inteligência Artificial (C4AI) da Universidade de Sã...
resumo – O combate à má alimentação em todas as suas formas, que também se expressa na epidemia da obesidade, é uma das prioridades da Agenda 2030 e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Este artigo traz elementos sobre insegurança alimentar no Brasil, a partir de temas relativos ao crescimento populacional, mudanças climáticas, biodiversid...
"A Saúde Planetária é uma área de estudo que reúne de forma interdisciplinar a saúde humana e suas relações com a saúde dos ecossistemas. Embora seja um campo em grande expansão frente aos desafios das mudanças globais recentes, trata-se de um assunto ainda pouco abordado no ensino básico e em escolas. Para suprir esta lacuna, nesta cartilha tratam...
Antes de começar nossa caminhada no tema da alimentação, é importante que você compreenda um pouco mais sobre quem somos e o que estamos abordando aqui neste livreto. Quem somos? As pessoas que começaram a escrever este livreto fazem parte do Clube Brasileiro de Saúde Planetária (CBSP). Fazem parte desse clube estudantes universitários de todo o pa...
In citizen science, training and evaluation are important steps in improving the pedagogical effectiveness of projects. However, evaluating learning outcomes is complex and usually requires multidimensional analysis. In this work, we analyze the influence of the profile of citizen scientists (i.e., gender, age, level of education, educational backg...
The "Pomar Urbano" (Urban Orchard) project focuses on the collaborative monitoring of fruit-bearing plant species in urban areas throughout Brazil.
The project collected a list of 411 fruit-bearing plant species (Soares et al. 2023), both native and exotic varieties found in Brazil. This list was selected from two main sources: the book Brazilian...
FIT Count (Flower-Insect Timed Counts) is a citizen science initiative that seeks to monitor flower visitation by diverse pollinator groups, including bumblebees, stingless bees, honeybees, flies, hummingbirds, among others. The protocol entails determining a 50 x 50 cm plot area around a target plant species, photographing the plant and conducting...
Globally, human activities impose threats to nature and the provision of ecosystem services, such as pollination. In this context, ecological restoration provides opportunities to create managed landscapes that maximize biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture, e.g., via provision of pollination services. Managing pollination services...
• A partir da avaliação da demanda e oferta de polinizadores em uma área, é possível definir um planejamento da paisagem que beneficie a produtividade agrícola, a segurança alimentar e a conservação da biodiversidade;
• Propriedades rurais com áreas naturais conservadas e práticas agrícolas amigáveis à biodiversidade se beneficiam mais da polinizaç...
• Assessing pollinator supply and demand is a useful tool for designing landscape management strategies to improve agricultural productivity, food security and biodiversity conservation; • Rural properties with conserved natural areas and biodiversity-friendly agricultural practices benefit more from crop pollination and contribute to the conservat...
Citation: Rasera, J.B.; Silva, R.F.d.; Piedade, S.; Mourão Filho, F.d.A.A.; Delbem, A.C.B.; Saraiva, A.M.; Sentelhas, P.C.; Marques, P.A.A. Do Gridded Weather Datasets Provide High-Quality Data for Agroclimatic Research in Citrus Production in Brazil?. AgriEngineering 2023, 5, 924-940. https://doi. Abstract: Agrometeorological models are great tool...
Citizen science networks can provide support and visibility to existing initiatives. Although citizen science is a growing practice in Brazil, several challenges still exist. A network can play an important role in overcoming these challenges, helping with the exchange of knowledge between initiatives or raising funding, for example. The Brazilian...
Citrus are the most produced fruits worldwide. It is expected that these crops will be severely affected by climate change. However, the literature lacks works that attempt to understand the influence of climate change on citrus. For this reason, a bibliometric analysis was conducted on climate change and citrus to investigate its development and c...
The decision-making of complex problems, such as epidemics monitoring and control, involves multiple heterogeneous data and spatial and temporal aspects. Most problems cannot be reduced to one objective, characterized as multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. Adding temporal and spatial aspects further increases the complexity of addressin...
Monitoring the occurrence and spread of epidemics is essential for improving decision-making and developing better public policies in urban environments. Besides temporal aspects, it is also essential to evaluate risk areas. However, only a few works in the literature apply spatial analysis of dengue epidemics in Brazil due mainly to a lack of data...
The main characteristic of what is called Digital Agriculture, or Agriculture 4.0, is the intensive use of data. It can be said that Digital Agriculture is data-driven. In other words, data, which are becoming increasingly available with spatial and temporal attributes, at high frequencies and on an unprecedented scale, have become essential inputs...
Human activities that alter natural environments, causing shifts in land
use, agrochemical contamination, habitat fragmentation, unsustainable
exploitation of environmental resources, and global climate change, among others, pose threats to most living beings inhabiting our planet. Among them are pollinators, several groups of animals that visit fl...
Planetary Health (PH) is a transdisciplinary domain from the point of view of its foundations and its actions. A core principle is that everyone has a role, as the São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health clearly states. Engineering as a professional field can considerably promote a better relationship between humankind and the planet. Engineering...
Background: Pollination is an important service to guarantee the well functioning of Ecosystems and agroecosystems. Since about 90% of crop yields worldwide depend on pollination, monitoring the abundance of pollinators is important to ensure food security. Citizen science can be an approach to produce data on pollinators abundance, but context-bas...
In this paper, we discuss how we are using metadata schemas and controlled vocabularies to improve interoperability between Brazilian agriculture and livestock trading data providers. A new metadata schema is being created based on a community-based approach. This method relies on knowledge from specialists to define a list of relevant metadata pro...
The COVID-19 pandemic affected all countries worldwide, causing big changes in people's routines due to public policies for disease spreading control. Among the most impacting measures were social distancing policies and lockdown, leading to an intense discussion by the population. To describe this discussion in Brazil, this research applied data s...
O FIT Count (Flower Insect Timed Count - Contagem Cronometrada de Visitantes Florais na tradução para o português) é um protocolo de ciência cidadã desenvolvido pela equipe do UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology dentro do Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS). Recentemente, o grupo de pesquisa interdisciplinar SURPASS2 realizou a tradução e adaptação...
Biodiversity is a data-intensive science and relies on data from a large number of disciplines in order to build up a coherent picture of the extent and trajectory of life on earth (Bowker 2000). The ability to integrate such data from different disciplines, geographic regions and scales is crucial for making better decisions towards sustainable de...
While the world was reporting losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of researchers from the Universities of Harvard and of São Paulo worked towards the organization of an international event, seeking to discuss alternatives for the post-COVID world. With technology as an ally, the joint effort resulted in holding the fourth and largest Plane...
O FIT Count é um protocolo de ciência cidadã que tem como objetivo monitorar as visitas de polinizadores às flores (CARVELL et al., 2022). Ao realizar o monitoramento através do protocolo FIT Count, a(o) cientista cidadã(o) poderá compreender quais as espécies de plantas e grupos de visitantes florais que existem em suas redondezas, compreender qua...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world, causing millions of deaths. In addition to this disease, many countries also periodically face outbreaks of other diseases, such as dengue. Although the two diseases have their specific characteristics, there may be common factors affecting them. Knowing these factors is essential for governments...
Animal pollination is an important ecosystem function and service, ensuring both the integrity of natural systems and human well-being. Although many knowledge shortfalls remain, some high-quality data sets on biological interactions are now available. The development and adoption of standards for biodiversity data and metadata has pro...
During the COVID-19 pandemic many people used social media to seek information about the disease. In addition, these platforms were used to share news and opinions on issues related to COVID-19, such as vaccines and isolation policies. Extracting useful information for public health from these platforms efficiently poses some challenges due to the...
The heterogeneous data produced in agricultural supply chains can be divided into three main systems: (i) product identification and traceability, related to identifying production batches and locations of the product throughout the supply chain; (ii) environmental monitoring, considering environmental variables in production, storage and transport...
Tivemos um ano desafiador em diversos sentidos, e já nos aproximamos do seu final, ainda assim tivemos várias conquistas, tanto para nosso grupo como para a comunidade da Saúde Planetária. Por isso não podemos deixar de comemorar e fechar este ano com chave de ouro. Hoje completamos um ano desde o primeiro seminário do grupo (Saúde Planetária na Am...
Citizen science comprises the partnership between members of a society and scientists performing a genuine scientific project. In this book, we present a citizen science protocol for monitoring flight activity of stingless bees. By following the protocol steps, you can perform stingless bee nest monitoring, create new knowledge, and help understand...
Although the quality of citizen science (CS) data is often a concern, evidence for high-quality CS data increases in the scientific literature. This study aimed to assess the data reliability of a structured CS protocol for monitoring stingless bees’ flight activity. We tested (1) data accuracy for replication among volunteers and for expert valida...
Palestra sobre abelhas, polinização e como a ciência cidadã pode auxiliar no trabalho com questões científicas envolvendo estes temas.
With the continuous spreading of SARS-CoV-2 globally, the probability for interactions between humans who are infected and wildlife tends to grow intensely, as well as the likelihood of viral spillover from humans to biodiversity. This aspect is of great concern for wildlife conservation and human health, because the list of highly susce...
Expanding involvement of the public in citizen science projects can benefit both volunteers and professional scientists alike. Recently, citizen science has come into focus as an important data source for reporting and monitoring United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since bees play an essential role in the pollination ecosystem serv...
Ecosystem services provided by biodiversity are associated with supporting life on the planet. Climate change has negatively impacted biodiversity, altering the phenology and geographical distribution of species and the interaction between them. In megadiverse areas, such as tropical forests, studies of species interactions that consider all the sp...
Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, diversas formas de tratamento têm sido testadas por pesquisadores. Dentre elas, destaca-se a cloroquina, que ganhou grande repercussão após declarações favoráveis feitas pelos presidentes do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos. Com o objetivo de analisar a opinião pública a respeito da cloroquina, esta pesquisa tem como obje...
Epidemics have severe impacts on people's health. The COVID-19 has infected more than 3 million people in 3 months. In this work, we explore the use of unsupervised machine learning to evaluate and monitor the disease spread worldwide in three points in time: January, February, and March of 2020. Besides the features related to the disease spread,...
The COVID-19 pandemics will impact the demand for healthcare severely. It is essential to continually monitor and predict the expected number of new cases for each country. We explored the use of econometrics, machine learning, and ensemble models to predict the number of new cases per day for Brazil, China, Italy, and South Korea. These models can...
O atual formato de desenvolvimento humano gera severos impactos ambientais, os quais repercutem negativamente na saúde; dentre eles, a intensificação da transmissão de doenças infecciosas, epidemias e pandemias, como a Covid-19. A forma como lidamos com a biodiversidade e os ecossistemas, em conjunto com as mudanças
climáticas, viabiliza interfaces...
The large volume of data generated on social networks is used by companies to monitor public opinion about their products and services. These data may contain useful information for health surveillance, such as in assessing the impact of public policies or identifying fake news. This work presents results of studies that demonstrate how analysis of...
The book “Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees” was prepared
with great care with the data of researchers from Argentina,
Brazil, Canada, and Colombia, who are collaborators of RCPol -
Online Pollen Catalogs Network. RCPol was conducted during
the development of the project entitled “Study of bee flora
and pollen grains for the insertion of data...
The quality of biodiversity data publicly accessible via aggregators such as GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility), the ALA (Atlas of Living Australia), iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections), and OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) is often questioned, especially by the research community.
The Data Quality Interest Group...
There is pressing need to anticipate the impacts of climate change on species and their functional contributions to ecosystem processes. Our objective is to evaluate the potential bee response to climate change considering (1) response traits—body size, nest site, and sociality; (2) contributions to ecosystem services (effect trait)—crop pollinatio...
The need for basic information on tropical crop pollinators remains a key priority. Here, we used a dataset on Brazilian bee-crop interactions to determine important bee species for crop pollination and discuss their management in Brazilian croplands. We developed an analytical approach to select key bee species and genera from datasets based on di...
Crop suitability evaluation plays an essential role on strategic planning for agricultural activities. Due to future climate change scenarios, there is a possibility that areas previously suitable for certain crops may become inadequate. The rules-based method used to evaluate crop suitability depends on costly field experiments. This paper propose...
Biodiversity informatics (BI) plays an important role in helping us know, protect and use biodiversity sustainably. It encompasses activities from data digitization, standardization, sharing and aggregation, to supporting decision and policy making. In a country like Brazil, with a large continental geographic area containing ca. 15% of the planet’...