Antonio Monleon-GetinoUniversity of Barcelona | UB · Department of Statistics
Antonio Monleon-Getino
PhD, MBA, BSc, Beng in Agricultural Engineering
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Publications (246)
The Eq-DIAGNOBATCH application presented here complements a previous theoretical article about establishing the equivalence of topical products in a parallel linear model, accounting for a batch effect or not. This application provides a very simple way of carrying out the equivalence test for this type of situation, efficiently obtaining the estim...
Biofunctional and GANGO: A Novel Tool for Functional Analysis of Omics Data
This report explains how a comprehensive app designed for the interpretation and visualization of the functional analysis related to KEGG pathways and gene ontologies works, and gives researchers and specialists a tool to get detailed functional information about their data, specifically going deep into biological pathways and gene functions. By th...
Within the broad framework of palaeobotanical and palaeoecological studies of Mesozoic palaeofloras, the study of fossil woods is a field of research with few general studies, especially when compared with other types of research such as pollen analysis. The low level of movement that woods undergo in the sedimentary basins where they are produced...
As the use of drones and high-resolution imagery become increasingly common in cetacean studies, efficient data processing through Deep Learning tools still remains a challenge. To test suitability for cetacean monitoring, high-resolution videos were obtained through the fixed-wing and long-endurance drone TEKEVER AR5 Evolution, a medium-size RPAS...
El objetivo principal del Curso de Ciencia de los Datos (Data Science): Aplicaciones en Biología y Medicina con Python y R de la Universitat de Barcelona es introducirte en el ámbito de la Ciencia de los Datos y estudiar las técnicas estadísticas y computacionales más avanzadas para convertirte en un científico/a de datos (data scientific).
La fun...
Improve the performance of the classic supervised classification method
XGBoost, applying Bayesian inference as an optimization technique, with the
help of Markov Chains Monte Carlo or Variational Inference.
• Design a Bayesian library for performance evaluation of classification models.
• Validate the Bayesian proposal with real data and compare i...
Artemisia canariensis (Asteraceae ) and Forsskaolea angustifolia ( Urticaceae ) are two endemic Canarian plants used as medicinal herbe since
ancient times. Artemisia canariensis many tradicional properties are given , such as stimulant for hair growth,sleeping or
relaxing,antiinflammatory,tonic for digestive system, regulator of menstruation or an...
Diatoms Classification and Water Quality Assessment.: Diatoms are a microscopic algae found both in oceans and fresh water. Water quality can be determined by the species of diatoms found in it. This is done by categorizing the microscopic algae into species and counting them, disregarding the ones that are broken and too small. It is our goal to d...
Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Changes in the microbiome and its interaction with the immune system are thought to play a key role in their development. The aim of this study was to determine whether metagenomic analysis is a feasible non-invasiv...
This paper is an introduction to object detection with YOLO and its application to two projects: Diatoms and blood cell classification. Given the small image sample, this program yields quite impressive results, having a general mAP50 significantly higher than 0.5 for both projects. "YOLOv8 is a new state-of-the-art computer vision model built by U...
El COVID-19 ha puesto una serie de desafíos al momento de abordar a los pacientes
en la atención abierta y de urgencias El uso de predictores en salud favorece la
interpretación clínica y la toma de decisiones en pacientes. El Índice de Charlson
(ICH) es un indicador de esperanza de vida en 10 años que incluye variables como
edad, morbilidad de enf...
This PDF contains the extensive Supplementary Data of the paper "Amber and the Cretaceous Resinous Event" at the end of it
Amber is fossilized resin that preserves biological remains in exceptional detail, study of which has revolutionized understanding of past terrestrial organisms and habitats from the Early Cretaceous to the present day. Cretaceous amber outcrops are more abund...
ATZAR I INCERTESA Els conceptes d'atzar i incertesa són tan vells com la humanitat. El concepte de Probabilitat ha evolucionat en el transcurs del temps: als algebristes del segle XVI, Pacioli, Cardano, Tartaglia, es deuen les primeres consideracions matemàtiques a propòsit dels jocs d'atzar, els primers exemples per analitzar les probabilitats (da...
El Comité Europeo de Normalización aprueba el método validado por investigadores de la UB para evaluar la eficacia antimicrobiana de los detergentes
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a better preparation of primary care, hospitalization, and emergency health services. The current investigation of COVID-19 dynamics was carried at the Hospital Fundació Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell (FHSJDM). This research aims to analyse the COVID-19 time series in FHSJDM. Methods: The time series...
Précis: The manuscript evaluates cost-effectiveness of glaucoma screening with imaging devices and telemedicine based on a screening campaign performed in Spain. The screening strategy implemented in our analysis was cost-effective compared with opportunistic case finding. Introduction: Open angle glaucoma is an asymptomatic ocular disease that rep...
Background: Inhalation of Legionella-containing aerosols generated by cooling towers (CT) and evaporative
condensers (EC) where water risk management is not performed correctly has been linked to a high percentage of
community outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease (LD). Likewise, microbiological and physicochemical characteristics
of the water in thes...
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a global impact. Knowing the variables that affect the increase in infection is crucial for public health decision-making. Mobility and socio-demographic conditions of the population are important factors in the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship betwe...
Introducción. Las Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos ( ETA), constituyen un problema de salud pública de relevancia mundial, siendo motivo de vigilancia epidemiológica y son el resultado del consumo de alimentos que contienen toxinas o microorganismos patógenos vivos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las series temporales de Salmonella...
Introducción. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una enfermedad metabólica que afecta todas las aristas de la vida individual y familiar de la persona que la padece. La pandemia causada por el virus de SARS-COV-2 ha generado un problema
relevante a nivel del sistema de salud, provocando una sobrecarga importante y una complejizarían de los servi...
Background: SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It is affecting the entire planet. Despite the widespread use of ecologic analysis in epidemiologic research and health planning, health scientists and practitioners have given little attention to the methodological aspects of this approach. The study of risk factors linked t...
Foodborne Diseases (FD) constitute a public health problem of worldwide relevance, being a reason for epidemiological surveillance. FD are the result of the consumption of foods that contain toxins or pathogenic microorganisms. The objective of this study is to analyse the time series of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli for 2014-2022 in Chile and...
Abastract book of PhD Day VI Edition conference at Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona.
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater is helpful to identify the presence of COVID-19 in the
community. This method provides additional information, cheap and indicative of the COVID-19
contagion. The current research provides information about the case of Catalonia, Spain. This
research used an open dataset from “Generalitat of Catalonia” for...
This dataset includes the data obtained from a study carried out from 2019 to 2021 at the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital (Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona). The study analyzes the metagenomics of a set of paediatric patients affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A pilot study of oral and faecal microbiota was proposed with 36 paediatric patient...
RELAPP is an electromechanical device able to measure the elasticity, extensibility, tenacity and strength of flour doughs and other viscoelastic materials and can be easily adapted by artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of other parameters. Its working principle is based on applying a specific deformation on the sample and observing t...
Introducción La obesidad es un problema de salud pública, con una prevalencia en España del 23% en adultos. A partir de la pandemia por Covid las consultas telemáticas han surgido como una oportunidad para dar continuidad asistencial a los usuarios. Las consultas telemáticas y grupales podrían ser una alternativa en los usuarios con obesidad. Objet...
La detección del ARN del SARS-CoV-2 en las aguas residuales es útil para identificar la presencia del COVID-19 en la comunidad. Este método proporciona información adicional, barata e indicativa del contagio de COVID-19. La presente investigación estudia el caso del Baix Llobregat en Cataluña, España. Métodos: Esta investigación utilizó un conjunto...
Las técnicas de clasificación Machine o Deep Learning utilizan varias medidas de evaluación del rendimiento. La índice kappa es una medida muy infravalorada independientemente de su fiabilidad en problemas con clases desequilibradas. Por otro lado, los métodos bayesianos generan grandes aportes a la estadística, agregando incertidumbre al modelo pr...
En la última década la inteligencia artificial ha transformado el mundo. El Big Data y grandes empresas de software impulsan a investigadores a crear nuevos algoritmos que superan la inteligencia humana con mayor rapidez y eficiencia. En el año 2012 las redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) captaron la atención de investigadores en el tema del rec...
Introduction: The covid 19 pandemic has triggered a better preparation of primary care, hospitalization, and emergency health service. In the current research, the dynamics of COVID19 was studied at “Fundació Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell” (FHSJDM). Objective: The aim of this study is to predict the dynamics of COVID19 with a multivariate time seri...
Abstract: Currently, data mining presents a massive development and optimization of Data Mining devices and algorithms that identify complex patterns through the development of systems that learn autonomously. On the other hand, the incidence and prevalence of diabetes have increased in recent decades in all countries, as a consequence of the decre...
Due to greater environmental awareness, domestic laundry habits are changing, and antimicrobial control by chemical methods has become an essential factor to compensate for the use of lower temperatures during washing machine cycles. Disinfectants added to laundry detergents are a preventive strategy to reduce the transmission of bacteria, fungi, a...
The variation in rainfall in the Llobregat River basin (Barcelona, Spain) and its cyclicality has been studied previously, but not the influence of rain on turbidity. For the first time, the potential correlation between the two variables was evaluated, using a long time series of over 200,000 records from 1995 to 2020. On most days the turbidity w...
Las necesidades del aprendizaje del alumno actual, que debe aprender a vivir en una sociedad globalizada, digitalizada, intercultural, cambiante y que produce cantidades ingentes de información, requieren formas de enseñar diferentes a las que se utilizaban hace 20 años. Vivimos, desde hace algunos años, una transición desde un modelo educativo cen...
The ability to detect human fecal pollution in water is of great importance when assessing the associated health
risks. Many microbial source tracking (MST) markers have been proposed to determine the origin of fecal
pollution, but their application remains challenging. A range of factors, not yet sufficiently analyzed, may affect
MST markers in th...
Purpose: To evaluate interobserver and intertest agreement between optical coherence tomography (OCT) and retinography in the detection of glaucoma through a telemedicine program. Methods: A stratified sample of 4113 individuals was randomly selected, and those who accepted underwent examination including visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP),...
The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing multiple psychiatric problems in several groups of the population,
calling for the development of new approaches to manage these concomitant syndromes. After an in-depth review of the scientific
literature of the European Medication Agency, it was observed that 14 plant species of the 408 (3%)...
Gut microbiota plays an important role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Recent studies postulate that dysbiosis may be involved in the pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The aim of the study was to characterize the metagenomic biodiversity of the gut microbiota in Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients (PIBD)...
The threats posed by floating marine macro-litter (FMML) of anthropogenic origin to the marine fauna, and marine ecosystems in general, are universally recognized. Dedicated monitoring programmes and mitigation measures are in place to address this issue worldwide, with the increasing support of new technologies and the automation of analytical pro...
Objective: To raise awareness on the significance of screening for early
detection of bone health risk.
Methods: A 1-d screening event took place during Q4 2018 in Barcelona,
Brussels, Munich, Nice, Zurich, and Rimini. Older passersby, or citizens
who had preregistered for the event, were invited and consented to having
their major osteoporotic fra...
The Paris Agreement brought with it an important global commitment: Prevent the global temperature from exceeding 1.5ºC. Barcelona has signed multiple internal commitments such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and becoming a carbon-neutral city. However, the water supply in the city will have negative consequences. This research presents novel...
In an interlaboratory calibration analysis to validate a methodology that will be proposed as a European standard for domestic laundry disinfection, tests were carried out to detect if there are different behaviors in the measurements regarding accuracies and variabilities. Interlaboratory tests using different doses of disinfectant an...
An interlaboratory calibration analysis was carried out to validate a methodology for a European standard for domestic laundry disinfection, using different doses of disinfectant and microorganisms. ISO 5725-2 and ISO 13528 form the basis of interlaboratory validations of quantitative methods, but there is a need for a simple graphical...
The high number of uncontrollable variables in microbiological systems increases experimental complexity and reduces accuracy, potentially leading to data misinterpretation or uncorrectable errors. During an interlaboratory calibration analysis it was observed that the microbial logarithmic reduction (LR) caused by disinfectants depend...
Metatranscriptome analysis or the analysis of the expression profiles of whole microbial
communities has the additional challenge of dealing with a complex system
with dozens of different organisms expressing genes simultaneously. An underlying
issue for virtually all metatranscriptomic sequencing experiments is how to allocate
the limited sequenci...
RESUMEN. En este artículo abordamos el uso y la importancia de las herramientas
estadísticas que se utilizan principalmente en los estudios médicos del ámbito de la
oncología y la hematología, pero aplicables a muchos otros campos tanto médicos como
experimentales o industriales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar de una manera
clara y p...
The ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has raised the need for new therapies to treat respiratory infections. A bibliographic review based mainly on the databases of the European medication agency (E.M.A) and the Department of Environment and Territorial Policy of the Basque Government (Spain) was carried out. From both databases, it w...
Objective: To raise awareness on the significance of screening
for early detection of bone health risk.
Methods: A 1-d screening event took place during Q4 2018 in
Barcelona, Brussels, Munich, Nice, Zurich, and Rimini. Older
passersby, or citizens who had preregistered for the event, were
invited and consented to having their major osteoporotic fra...
Water quality monitoring is essential to safeguard human and environmental health. The advent of next-generation sequencing techniques in recent years, which allow a more in-depth study of environmental microbial communities in the environment, could broaden the perspective of water quality monitoring to include impact of faecal pollution bacteria...
High-throughput experimental techniques, such as metagenomics or metatranscriptomics, produce large amounts of data, which interpretation and conversion into understandable knowledge can be challenging and out of reach. We present GANGO, a new algorithm based on the ecological concept of consortium (groups biologically connected) and by using clust...
Pages: 184-196 Resumen: En el campo de la inteligencia artificial, la clasificación de fenómenos mediante algoritmos Machine y Deep Learning enfrentan problemas reales al utilizar datos con clases menos representadas que otras. Aun aplicando tratamientos de datos desbalanceados, se presentan pérdidas significativas en el rendimiento del clasificado...
Survival analysis concerns the analysis of time-to-event data and it is essential to study in fields such as oncology, the survival function, S(t), calculation is usually used, but in the presence of competing risks (presence of competing events), is necessary introduce other statistical concepts and methods, as is the Cumulative incidence function...
The general goal of this work is the clarification of the use of
concepts of causality in medicine and its relationship with the
role of statistics. The value of an association is the evidence of
causality. The Bradford Hill considerations on causality are the
criteria commonly used to infer causality. Statistics help to know
the role of chance in...
Objetivos. En las últimas décadas se han producido grandes avances en el conocimiento de la microbiota intestinal postulándose que la disbiosis puede jugar un papel pivotal en la patogenia de la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII). El objetivo del estudio es caracterizar la biodiversidad metage-nómica de la microbiota intestinal en pacientes c...
Background and objectives
SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of coronavirus that can affect people and causes respiratory disease, COVID-19. It is affecting the entire planet and we focus in Spain, where the first case was detected at the end of January 2020 and in recent weeks it has increased in many cases. We need predictive models in order to be efficien...
This study examines the statistical implications, and their possible implementation, of the “Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products” issued by the European Medicines Agency in 2018, with particular focus on the section devoted to quality equivalence of physical properties. A new confidence interval to conduct the quality equ...
Accumulating evidence shows that environmental changes can affect population sex ratios through epigenetic regulation of gene expression in species where sex depends on both genetic and environmental cues. Sometimes, altered sex ratios persist in the next generation even when the environmental cue is no longer present (a multigenerational effect)....
blog in: http://biost3.blogspot.com/2020/03/modelo-de-prediccion-de-casos-para.html
sentiment analysis in R and Python
Abstract: Floating marine macro-litter (FMML) is threatening marine ecosystems worldwide. The five subtropical gyres have the largest FMML densities of all oceans, but coastal waters and semi-enclosed seas like the Mediterranean Sea are also highly polluted. FMML has been monitored principally through observer-based methods (marine platforms, aeria...
Desarrollar una librería en el software R, a través del entorno RStudio, que permita al investigador estandarizar la evaluación de clasificadores mediante la unificación de métricas como: accuracy, recall, F1-score, matriz de confusión, índice kappa, curva ROC y AUC. Además de la comparación automática de las medidas: accuracy, F1-score e índice ka...
El grup de recerca BIOST3 organitza aquest seminari, al que esteu tots convidats el dia 22-01-2020 (dimecres) a la Biblioteca . Secció Estadística. Edifici Aulari Planta 2 - Facultat de Biologia - Universitat de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 643. 08028 Barcelona
Deep learning aplicat a la recerca clínica, una revolució en els mètodes basats en la intel·...
Un posgrado que te permitirá introducirte en la ciencia de los datos, el análisis de los datos, la estadística y la inteligencia artificial. La ciencia de datos es un "concepto para unificar estadísticas, análisis de datos, aprendizaje automático y sus métodos relacionados" con el fin de "comprender y analizar fenómenos reales" con datos. Emplea té...
INTRODUCTION: A bibliographic study was carried out during 2016-2017 on the existing
medicinal plant species of Urdaibai (Bizkaia, Spain). As a result, it was decided to focus
the study on the treatment of two pathologies of high prevalence in primary care: the
common cold with Plantago lanceolata and Primula veris and moderate anxiety with
The microbial communities contain a unique complexity that makes difficult studying their diversity. Unfortunately the culture of microorganisms is very complex for their identification and is necessary study the microbial communities sampled directly from their natural environment using metagenomic approach. An important problem in metagenomics is...
In the field of artificial intelligence, Deep Learning with the help of applied mathematics
and optimization has become one of the most relevant topics, with the use of neural
networks that improve processes such as voice recognition, vision by computer and
natural language processing, applied to different areas of research. The convolutional
Natural mineral waters contain indigenous bacteria characteristic of each spring source. Once bottled, these
communities change over time until the water is consumed. Bottle material is believed to play a major role in the
succession of these populations, but very few studies to date have evaluated the effect of this material on
bacterial communiti...
Turbidity in water sources is a concern towater treatment plants. Aregression-based methodology for prediction of turbidity in rivers is proposed and an application on data from Delaware River is shown. High turbidity in source water is a problem for purification and disinfection of drinking water, leading to higher costs and often-temporaryturning...
Test and train set of mosquitoes (Culex, Tiger and no-mosquitoes) images to check deep leaning algorithm for prediction biological images
La Directiva Marco de Agua requiere la identificación de los elementos de calidad biológica, parámetros y métricas más adecuados que permitan establecer el estado ecológico de las masas de agua epicontinentales. Algunos de los indicadores biológicos más utilizados en ríos son las diatomeas epilíticas y los macrófitos, de los que existen numerosos e...