Antonio López-Gay

Antonio López-Gay
Autonomous University of Barcelona | UAB · Departamento de Geografía

PhD in Demography


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Publications (123)
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The article describes the rise of unmarried cohabitation in Latin American countries during the last 30 years of the twentieth century, both at the national and regional levels. It documents that this major increase occurred in regions with and without traditional forms of cohabitation alike. In addition, the striking degree of catching up of cohab...
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In a context of global scale inequalities and increased middle-class transnational mobility, this paper explores how the arrival of Western European and North American migrants in Barcelona drives a process of gentrification that coexists and overlaps with the development of tourism in the city. Research has focused increasingly on the role of visi...
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The pre-pandemic unbridled growth of tourism has triggered a significant debate regarding the future of cities; several authors suggest that neighbourhood change produced by tourism should be conceived as a form of gentrification. Yet research on population shifts-a fundamental dimension of gentrification-in such neighbourhoods is scarce. Our explo...
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--[ABSTRACT]--Urban neighborhoods in Barcelona and Madrid are currently experiencing intense social transformations, with exclusive (and excluding) areas expanding (more or less rapidly) in resurgent central spaces. Recent literature suggests that, in parallel with urban expansion and latent re-urbanization, the most vulnerable population segments...
Conference Paper
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El desarrollo intensivo de la actividad turística en espacios urbanos ha inducido transformaciones notables del tejido urbano que han generado fenómenos como la sobreespecialización de las actividades económicas. Con ella, se ha podido registrar una reconfiguración de las relaciones sociales de la población residente con su entorno, así como una mo...
The study of residential mobility has been dominated by approaches based on the choices of individuals and households and on the assumption between housing change and upward social mobility, as a result of an adjustment between household and dwelling. This is related to a consideration of mobility as a constitutive factor of power and privilege, as...
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Las transformaciones sociodemográficas asociadas a la gentrificación en algunos barrios de ciudades del sur de Europa están adoptando nuevos rasgos, impulsados por la migración internacional cualificada, la elevada transitoriedad de la nueva población residente y la expansión del turismo urbano. Barcelona, como foco turístico y centro de atracción...
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The intensive development of tourist activity in urban spaces has induced notable transformations of the urban fabric, leading to phenomena such as the overspecialization of economic activities. Therefore, it has been possible to register a reconfiguration of the social relations of the resident population with its environment as well as a modifica...
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This paper presents the results of the first research on the age of leaving the parental home in Chile. The study used data from the Social Protection Survey (2002 and 2015) about individuals born between 1976 and 2000 living with their parents. Using the survival function to describe the event’s timing and the Aalen model to explain the effect of...
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Background Prior studies have reported conflicting findings on the impact of gentrification of neighborhood residents. While some suggest it could worsen mental health, others indicate improved self-perceived health, although this effect may vary among social groups. This study aimed to determine health inequities, according to socioeconomic positi...
Recent research has shown that differences in the distribution of real estate wealth across households are the most important explanation for cross-national variation in wealth inequality. We extend this line of research by looking at change over time and quantifying the importance of two opposing trends related to housing for wealth inequality: de...
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While levels of internal mobility have been trending down in many advanced economies, the interregional migration rates of Spanish young adults have increased. This paper analyses the internal movements of the Spanish-born population aged 25–39 between NUTS-2 regions from 1992 to 2018, including sub-periods linked to the Spanish economic context. T...
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BACKGROUND It is well-established that internal migration is selective, particularly with respect to age, educational attainment, and nativity status. However, the interplay between education and immigrants’ origin remains largely unknown. Thus, it is unclear how the educational selectivity of internal migration varies by nativity status. OBJECTI...
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Analytic compartmental models are currently used in mathematical epidemiology to forecast the COVID-19 pandemic evolution and explore the impact of mitigation strategies. In general, such models treat the population as a single entity, losing the social, cultural and economical specificities. We present a network model that uses socio-demographic d...
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Aunque el tema de la vivienda se ha discutido ampliamente en Brasil, la mayoría de los estudios cuantitativos se han centrado en el análisis del déficit habitacional, dejando la demanda demográfica de vivienda como un asunto poco tratado. En este sentido, el objetivo del artículo es situarla en primer plano como factor estructurante de las necesida...
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Findings on the relationship between play spaces and childhood overweight and obesity are mixed and scarce. This study aimed to investigate the associations between residential proximity to play spaces and the risk of childhood overweight or obesity and potential effect modifiers. This longitudinal study included children living in the city of Barc...
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Risk estimators for COVID-19 propagation based on the incidence rate of new cases can be misleading as they usually fail to account for the fraction of population immunized by infection or vaccination.This misconception yields different incidence rates, as we illustrate using the daily number of COVID-19 reported cases in Spain during the pre-vacci...
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Existing empirical work has analysed the impacts of COVID‐19 on mortality, fertility and international migration. Less is known about the ways in which the COVID‐19 pandemic has influenced the patterns of internal migration. Anecdotal reports of mass migration from large cities to less populated areas have emerged, but lack of data has prevented em...
Existing empirical work has analysed the impacts ofCOVID-19 on mortality, fertility and international migration. Less is known about the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the patterns of internal migration. Anecdotal reports of mass migration from large cities to less populated areas have emerged but lack of data has prevented empi...
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We utilized all Spanish marriage records available at the municipality level from 2005–2007 to model spatial variations in intermarriage. We constructed a spatial regime zero-inflated Poisson model and grouped-data probit model, with spatially lagged regressors, to predict the absolute and relative presence of intermarriage between Spaniards and mi...
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We utilized all Spanish marriage records available at the municipality level from 2005-2007 to model spatial variations in intermarriage. We constructed a spatial regime zero inflated Poisson model and grouped-data probit model, with spatially lagged regressors, to predict the absolute and relative presence of intermarriage between Spaniards and mi...
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We utilized all Spanish marriage records available at the municipality level from 2005-2007 to model spatial variations in intermarriage. We constructed a spatial regime zero inflated Poisson model and grouped-data probit model, with spatially lagged regressors, to predict the absolute and relative presence of intermarriage between Spaniards and mi...
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The present study tests if the spatial variability in endogenous and exogenous components of population growth (natural balance and migration balance) reflects the transition from a mono-centric (compact-dense) settlement structure towards a more polycentric agglomeration based on sub-centers. The spatial distribution of population growth rates acr...
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Tras la irrupción de la pandemia de COVID-19, diversas voces, sobre todo desde ámbitos no académicos, especularon acerca de un potencial éxodo urbano hacia las áreas rurales. Sin embargo, esta hipótesis no ha podido ser corroborada hasta ahora debido a la falta de datos con el detalle territorial adecuado. En este Perspectives Demogràfiques se mues...
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After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, several commentators, especially from non-academic fields, speculated about a potential exodus from urban to rural areas. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed due to a lack of data with information capturing changes of residence at local level. This issue of Perspectives Demogràfiques offers t...
Després de la irrupció de la pandèmia de COVID-19, diverses veus, sobretot des d’àmbits no acadèmics, van especular sobre un potencial èxode urbà cap a les àrees rurals. Malgrat això, aquesta hipòtesi no ha pogut ser corroborada fins ara a causa de la manca de dades amb el detall territorial adequat. En aquest Perspectives Demogràfiques es mostren...
Recent research has shown that differences in the distribution of real estate wealth across households are the most important explanation for cross-national variation in wealth inequality. We extend this line of research by quantifying to what extent real estate wealth can also explain increases in wealth inequality over time. Our analysis is based...
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Las causas y los efectos de la gentrificación han recibido en los últimos años una amplia cobertura por parte de investigadores, administraciones públicas, entidades sociales y medios de comunicación, entre otros. Pese a todo, aún disponemos de poca evidencia cuantitativa que permita diseccionar la diversidad de elementos sociodemográficos que han...
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Analytic compartmental models are currently used in mathematical epidemiology to forecast the COVID-19 pandemic evolution and explore the impact of mitigation strategies. In general, such models treat the population as a single entity, losing the social, cultural and economical specificities. We present a network model that uses socio-demographic d...
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La propietat immobiliària ha representat tradicionalment una part substancial dels recursos econòmics de les llars espanyoles. L’evolució del mercat immobiliari al segle XXI a Espanya ha donat lloc a dues històries ben dispars. La primera història és la de la precarietat i les dificultats en l’accés a l’habitatge. Per a una part important de la pob...
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Real estate has traditionally been an important economic resource for Spanish households. The development of the real estate market in Spain during the 21st century brings forth two very different stories. The first story is one of obstacles to access housing. It has become increasingly hard to buy or rent a home. Housing prices have risen consider...
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La propiedad inmobiliaria ha representado tradicionalmente una parte sustancial de los recursos económicos de los hogares españoles. La evolución del mercado inmobiliario en el siglo XXI en España ha dado lugar a dos historias bien dispares. La primera historia es la de la precariedad y las dificultades de acceso a la vivienda. Para una parte impor...
As global cities grapple with the increasing challenge of gentrification and displacement, research in public health and urban geography has presented growing evidence about the negative impacts of those unequal urban changes on the health of historically marginalized groups. Yet, to date comprehensive research about the variety of health impacts a...
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En este artículo se analizan las repercusiones de los recientes procesos de transformación social y urbana en Barcelona con el fin de identificar experiencias y comportamientos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Para ello se parte de una exploración cuantitativa, desde una perspectiva de género, de los procesos sociodemográficos de gentrificaci...
Background Intraurban sociodemographic risk factors for COVID-19 have yet to be fully understood. We investigated the relationship between COVID-19 incidence and sociodemographic factors in Barcelona at a fine-grained geography. Methods This cross-sectional ecological study is based on 10 550 confirmed cases of COVID-19 registered during the first...
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The interregional imbalances result in the out-migration of human capital in some territories and its concentration in a few Spanish global cities. The aim of this paper is to analyse net-migration of the Spanish youth by educational attainment and the urban-rural dimension at the NUTS 2 geographic level. In order to do so, microdata from the regis...
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In recent years, most of the housing estates in urban suburbs created during the second half of the twentieth century have begun a phase of socio-demographic renewal resulting from the mortality of their first residents, a process that brings new challenges at a metropolitan-scale. In this paper, we analyse the demographic transformation of Montbau...
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Las condiciones de acceso a la vivienda en las grandes ciudades españolas han empeorado desde 2015, sobre todo como consecuencia de un fuerte aumento del precio de la vivienda. Esta tendencia se ha manifestado con especial intensidad en espacios de elevada centralidad, pero que habían permanecido ajenos a episodios previos de transformación urbana...
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The presentation of figures 4, 5, 6, 8 and Appendix 1 in the original publication was incorrect. The correct figures are given below.
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Las condiciones para acceder a una vivienda en España han empeorado desde la crisis económica de 2008. El mercado de alquiler se ha convertido en la única opción para muchos grupos sociales. En el contexto español, con un nivel muy bajo de vivienda social y con contratos de alquiler de corta duración, el aumento del precio de la vivienda ha tenido...
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[RESUME]: Muchos barrios de Barcelona y de Madrid están siendo protagonistas de intensas transformaciones en su composición social. Los espacios exclusivos parecen expandirse en el territorio en un contexto de resurgimiento de los espacios centrales. Paralelamente, la literatura apunta a que la población más vulnerable se ve desplazada y concentrad...
The present study verifies if spatial variability in local fertility reflects the shift from a monocentric dense settlement model towards a polycentric metropolis organised in central cores and subcentral locations. The spatial distribution of a crude birth rate in Barcelona's province was investigated for a long time span (1975–2018), identifying...
Technical Report
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Entre mediados de los años 70 y finales de los 90, se registró en España una baja movilidad en las migraciones de larga distancia (Pujada y García-Coll, 1995; Silvestre, 2002), que siguió a los desplazamientos masivos de la etapa desarrollista (Cabré, et al., 1985). Durante del siglo XXI, se produce un incremento de las migraciones interregionales...
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Durante los primeros quince años del siglo XXI, la movilidad de larga distancia se ha incrementado entre la población española. La emigración de jóvenes cualificados hacia el extranjero ha ocupado una posición preferente en el debate académico, pero las migraciones interregionales en función del nivel educativo, que son mayoritarias respecto a la m...
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During the first years of the 21st century, medium and long distance migration of the Spanish born-population has increased, mainly due to rise in mobility of the highly educated. Migration of Spanish qualified young adults to other countries has occupied a preferential position in the academic debate, but little attention has been paid to interreg...
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Joan Sales-Favà, Paolo Chevalier, Antonio López-Gay and Juan A. Modónes, « Diminution du nombre de logements disponibles pour les ménages et pression touristique : l’exemple de Barcelone », Téoros [Online], 1 | 39, Online since 07 February 2020, connection on 14 February 2020. URL : Ces dernières années,...
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La irrupción de plataformas digitales que permiten incorporar viviendas, o partes de ellas a la oferta de alojamiento turístico es muy reciente y ha coincidido con la consolidación de los ámbitos urbanos como destinos turísticos. Los efectos que la conversión del uso de las viviendas del residencial al turístico genera en la ciudad está recibiendo...
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Las ciudades occidentales están experimentando intensas transformaciones en su configuración socio-espacial. Por un lado, los espacios exclusivos se expanden rápidamente desde los centros metropolitanos, de la mano de una inmigración cada vez más cualificada y de un contexto de resurgimiento de los espacios centrales vinculado a la localización de...
Technical Report
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The territorial imbalances among the autonomous Spanish communities result in emigration of university-educated people in some regions and concentrations of qualified human capital in others. The hinterland of the peninsula and the Cantabrian coast, where the intensity of outflows became more serious with the turn of the century, are affected by th...
Technical Report
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Los desequilibrios territoriales entre comunidades autónomas españolas se traducen en la emigración de titulados universitarios de algunas regiones y en la concentración del capital humano cualificado en otras. El interior peninsular y la cornisa cantábrica, donde la intensidad de las salidas se agudiza con el cambio de siglo, se ven afectados por...
Los desequilibrios territoriales entre comunidades autónomas españolas se traducen en la emigración de titulados universitarios de algunas regiones y en la concentración del capital humano cualificado en otras. El interior peninsular y la cornisa cantábrica, donde la intensidad de las salidas se agudiza con el cambio de siglo, se ven afectados por...
The territorial imbalances among the autonomous Spanish communities result in emigration of university-educated people in some regions and concentrations of qualified human capital in others. The hinterland of the peninsula and the Cantabrian coast, where the intensity of outflows became more serious with the turn of the century, are affected by th...
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S’analitzen alguns aspectes de la migració valenciana en el moment que va arribar al seu màxim a Catalunya: el 1930 amb 126.165 persones. Per això es presenten els principals barris de distribució i concentració de la població valenciana a Barcelona, on llavors estaven registrats 88.298 valencians. Gràcies a la Gaseta Municipal de Barcelona del 6 d...
Els desequilibris territorials entre comunitats autònomes espanyoles es tradueixen en l’emigració de titulats universitaris d’algunes regions i en la concentració del capital humà qualificat en altres. L’interior peninsular i la cornisa cantàbrica, on la intensitat de les sortides s’aguditza amb el canvi de segle, es veuen afectats per dinàmiques d...
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p>Castilla y León es la comunidad autónoma de la que más jóvenes han salido, en términos relativos, hacia otras regiones del territorio español, con un balance especialmente deficitario entre la población con estudios universitarios. El elevado nivel de instrucción de la población local y un mercado de trabajo donde escasean los empleos cualificado...
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The new paradigm of internal migration in Spain: more mobile, urban and skilled migrants. The case of Castile and León (Abstract): After decades of low levels of out-migration, internal and international out-flows have increased in the same Spanish areas that experienced large population losses due to migration during most of the XXth century. But,...
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Desde hace unos años, el modelo de consumo tradicional se ha visto obligado a coexistir con la llamada economía colaborativa: una forma distinta de consumir donde las personas alquilan, comparten o intercambian productos y servicios entre sí por medio de aplicaciones informáticas. Airbnb1 es considerado uno de los ejemplos más exitosos de tal econo...
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En 1930, más de la mitad de la población barcelonesa (56%) había nacido fuera de la ciudad. Diversos estudios han investigado sobre la migración interna, pero no existen trabajos específicos sobre el grupo migratorio más importante del momento: el valenciano. El objetivo del presente artículo es contribuir a mejorar nuestro conocimiento sobre las c...
Conference Paper
Since the end of the 19th century, Catalonia has been established as a society whose growth has been based on immigration (Cabré, 1999). Currently, about 70% of its population is the direct or indirect result of the 20th century migration (Domingo, 2014). However, although immigration has been one of the main points of study of Catalan sociology an...
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Los patrones territoriales de la movilidad residencial en las grandes ciudades españolas han experimentado cambios profundos en los últimos años. El nuevo escenario se aleja del modelo de desconcentración demográfica y suburbanización territorial que había sido el predominante desde la década de 1970 y que se había prolongado hasta los primeros año...
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In this chapter we use census microdata to examine trends in cohabitation in Mexico between 1930 and 2010. The microdata reveal a dramatic increase in cohabitation since the 1990s. By being able to go further back in time than in the other countries examined in this book, we better document the phase that preceded the post-1990 cohabitation boom. T...
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The availability of the micro data in the IPUMS samples for several censuses spanning a period of 40 years permits a detailed study of differentials and trends in cohabitation in Brazil than has hitherto been the case. The gist of the story is that the historical race/class and religious differentials and the historical spatial contrasts have large...
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This chapter offers a general overview of the often spectacular rise of the share of cohabitation in the process of union formation in 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries during the last 30 years of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty-first century. First, we offer a brief ethnographic and historical sketch to illustrate the spec...
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In this chapter, we trace the geography of unmarried cohabitation in the Americas on an unprecedented geographical scale in family demography. We present the percentage of partnered women aged 25–29 in cohabitation across more than 19,000 local units of 39 countries, from Canada to Argentina, at two points in time, 2000 and 2010. The local geograph...
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In this chapter we use census microdata to document the rise in cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean countries of Ecuador, Bolivia, Perú and Venezuela over the last four decades. We use multilevel logistic regression models to examine the effect of individual and contextual variables on cohabitation. We show the individual and contextual effe...
Conference Paper
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Powerpoint presentation of chapter in Albert Esteve, Ron Leshaeghe (2016): Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends. Springer.
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Resum En els darrers anys, el sector del Casc Antic de Barcelona (actual barri de Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera, al districte de Ciutat Vella) ha viscut un intens procés de transformació social i urbana que s'ha expressat a través de canvis en la composició sociodemogràfica de la població, en l'activitat comercial, en els espais públics del...
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Durante más de medio siglo, las regiones metro-politanas españolas han vivido en constante expansión urbana y demográfica. Las previsiones, sin embargo, apuntan a que entramos en un nuevo ciclo en el que la creación neta de hogares será cada vez menor, una dinámica que tendrá sus efectos en el territorio metro-politano. En este artículo se realiza...
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The Barcelona City Council has, for the first time, provided to researchers the educational level of the population among the results of its register for migration and residential mobility. With these data, in addition to the well-known structure by age, sex and place of origin of migrants, it is now possible to know the educational profile of peop...
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El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha incorporado por primera vez el nivel de instrucción de la población a la explotación del registro de altas por migración y de cambios de residencia. Con este dato, además de la ya conocida estructura por edad, sexo y origen de los migrantes, podemos conocer el perfil educativo de las personas que llegan a la ciudad y...
El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha incorporado por primera vez el nivel de instrucción de la población a la explotación del registro de altas por migración y de cambios de residencia. Con este dato, además de la ya conocida estructura por edad, sexo y origen de los migrantes, podemos conocer el perfil educativo de las personas que llegan a la ciudad y...
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Os centros das principais cidades espanholas chegaram, em princípios do século XXI, à sua maturidade urbana e demográfica. Em muitas áreas, tem-se demonstrado que nessa fase da evolução as pessoas que se movem no interior das cidades em direção ao resto da região metropolitana (RM) ou se dirigem de outras zonas para o núcleo urbano apresentam deter...