Antonio GiampaoloCouncil for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis | CREA
Antonio Giampaolo
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Publications (48)
Coordination and integration among farms within agri-food chains are crucial to tackle the issue of fragmentation within the primary sector, both at the European and national level. The Italian agri-food system still complains about the need to aggregate supply to support market dynamics, especially for niche and quality products that characterize...
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to calculate the costs of production of Italian specialised dairy farms, located across flatland, mountainous, and hilly terrains. This analysis will factor in the scale of the dairy cattle herd (comprising less than 50, 50 to 150, or over 150 head) to comprehensively evaluate its influence on economic profi...
The national supply chains experience differentiated situations, especially as a consequence of the limited size that constrains farms in terms of competitiveness, market access, and value enhancement of productions. It is necessary to
consider that fragmentation and small size impact the upstream and downstream phases of the supply chain different...
Il presente lavoro, che si inserisce nella collana di approfondimento sulla PIF 2014-2022, prende in esame le forme di coordinamento e integrazione nelle filiere agro-alimentari promosse nell’ambito del PSR Emilia-Romagna. La Regione, valorizzando il successo registrato nel precedente ciclo di programmazione, ha rinnovato anche nel 2014-2022 il met...
The bee and honey sector have witnessed a substantial growth in both hive numbers and the count of beekeepers over the past decade. Consequently, the entire economic cycle characterizing this sector has expanded. These developments are readily apparent through an analysis of consolidated statistics, highlighting the increased robustness of the fiel...
La Rete di informazione contabile agricola (RICA) nasce nel 1965 come uno strumento della Direzione Agricoltura della Commissione europea avente per obiettivo il monitoraggio dell’evoluzione dei redditi delle aziende agricole degli Stati membri ai fini della valutazione degli effetti delle misure di politica agricola applicate
sui territori. La RIC...
Il report è strutturato in quattro sezioni. Nella prima parte viene
riportato un inquadramento relativo al concetto di agrobiodiversità,
agrodiversità e differenziazione colturale, attraverso le principali
definizioni esistenti in letteratura e le diverse accezioni con le quali si
considerano dal punto di vista della gestione aziendale. Nella secon...
Il report descrive il processo di passaggio dalla rete FADN alla FSDN che raccoglierà maggiori informazioni di tipo ambientale e sociale utile all'analisi delle politiche future. Il processo è stato lanciato con Farm to Fork, coinvolgerà tutti gli Stati Membri e porterà all'integrazione all'interno della rete di raccolta dati di aspetti inerenti la...
The 2023-2027 CAP reform strongly emphasises Specific Objective 1, targeted to support viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector. The new CAP aims to achieve a fairer distribution of income support, in particular for small and medium-sized farms. This does not affect all Member States in the same way, depending on the choices mad...
The Integrated Supply Chain Projects (ISCP) are formal agreements between agro-industrial actors (Tarangioli, 2019) promoted under the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). In Italy, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio are the three regions that have focused more than others on Integrated Design (2014-2022 Rural D...
L’olivicoltura tradizionale nelle regioni vocate nell’Italia centro-meridionale: caratteristiche strutturali, evoluzione e linee di intervento per il rilancio produttivo
The Integrated Supply Chain Projects (ISCP), formal agreements between the actors of an agro-industrial chain, aims to improve the performance of the agricultural sector: profitability, infrastructure and farms’ management are the main issues (Tarangioli, 2019). ISCP are promoted under the regional Rural Development Programmes (RDPs), funded by the...
The Integrated Supply Chain Projects (ISCP) are promoted under the framework of Rural Development Programs (RDPs). Considering the scarce literature on ISCP, the case of Tuscany, one of the Italian regions that has implemented ISCPs most aggressively, was analyzed. The aim of this work is to give evidence of the potential positive effects of ISCPs...
L’obiettivo del lavoro è quello di produrre per le aziende agricole italiane, rappresentate dall’indagine RICA, le stime per l’anno 2022 sulla base dei risultati aziendali conseguiti nell’esercizio contabile 2021, attraverso l’impiego di una serie di indici statistici a prezzi correnti, appositamente selezionati sia per le principali produzioni veg...
Nel presente contributo vengono esposti i risultati di un progetto del CREA - Politiche e bioeconomia. In particolare, ricorrendo a tre fonti statistiche ufficiali (7° Censimento generale dell’agricoltura, InfoCamere-Movimprese, Rete di Informazione Contabile Agricola) sui conduttori di aziende agricole, i ricercatori provano a restituire delle ist...
La presenza delle donne in agricoltura è un valore strategico per lo sviluppo del settore e vede protagoniste, da un lato, le donne nel ruolo di capo azienda ed imprenditrici e, dall’altro, come dipendenti e collaboratrici familiari, due facce della stessa medaglia che incidono sull’andamento economico e strutturale delle aziende agricole, sulle sc...
Nell'ambito degli strumenti di governance collettiva, la progettazione integrata di filiera (PIF), introdotta e promossa nell'ambito della programmazione italiana per lo sviluppo rurale 2007-2013, ha dato un forte impulso allo sviluppo di progetti collettivi capaci di sistematizzare l'intervento pubblico. Si tratta di una scelta tutta italiana che...
The spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy during the first phasis of the pandemic (February-May 2020) has caused a large-scale crisis, with an almost immediate decrease of industrial production and a consequent contraction in domestic consumption and external trade. However, the issue of food security was immediately recognized as one of the most s...
The aim of this work is to identify, through detailed elaborations, the different components of the production costs of the product
the degree of variability within the different stratifications of the sample analysed, the price deviation of
sales compared to the different levels of unit cost (shortfall). In the analysis, moreover, comes evidence...
Article 19(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 provides that business start-up aid for young farmers, non-agricultural activities in rural areas and the development of small farms shall be conditional on the submission of a business plan. Therefore, this tool, also known as Farm Development Plan (FDP), is mandatory to verify the economic improvement...
he FaST Navigator study (Nutrient management Algorithms, Valorisation of Inputs and greenhouse gas (GHG) Assessment – Tool for Optimization of Resources) sought to address one of the main challenges for the implementation of the FaST: the availability of operational models that are necessary to provide standardised and consistent advice on the use...
Today, a model for an eco-friendly agricultural sector represents a necessity. Organic agriculture is a production system that tries to reach this goal. European programs encourage farmers into being more environmentally conscious: the funds for organic agriculture support producers that from conventional convert to, or maintain, organic farming pr...
The Report presents the first results of a survey on the effects of the COVID-19 emergency on the Italian agricultural sector and on the solutions adopted by farms to face the problems associated with the Lockdown.A direct survey was conducted aimed at collecting information from some Italian farms, which are part of the FADN sample.
The responses...
The Role Of Human Capital On Economic Development
The FADN carried out annually in all EU Member States according to common rules and principles, is the only
harmonized source of microeconomic data able to provide policymakers, professionals and researchers with accurate
data on the functioning of farms to assess socio‐economic aspects and the impact of sector policies.
In the Republic of North...
The Macedonia FADN sample consists of about 700 farms with an economic size, in terms of standard output,
exceeding 2,000 euro, and is representative, at the level of the State, of a stratified observation field at for type of
farming and and class of economic size. The following table shows the degree of coverage of the FADN observation
field w...
Integrate the cognitive needs of the agricultural world with those of agricultural statistics
Make comparable economic performance of farms with those of other enterprises
Promote the dissemination of accounting on farms, promoting professional growth of farmers
To best match the requirements of simplicity required by users with the precision impos...
Why are there collected more data �than the ones required by FADN?
To provide relevant micro-economic analysis
To collect information for business management
Survey agri-food sector (fact sheets, etc.)
Production cost (production techniques)
Impact of CAP (first pillar) measures at farm level
Evaluation activities of the RDP
Demand for agri-environ...
FADN DATA FLOW: �from the farms to the end users.
Importance of quality control in the FADN:
In any management software or application that interfaces to a database must verify data entered by a user.
The software, regardless of the skill of the user, must ensure the quality of what is entered and accepted in a form or in a particular field.
If a user is not familiar with the tools, you have to mi...
INEA has among its primary tasks is to spread in the world of Italian culture farms and the importance of accounting tools to support business management.
To meet different demands from operators of the agricultural sector, the INEA has developed, based on the experience gained in over eighty years, a web application that allows you to create a sim...
INEA has among its primary tasks is to spread in the world of Italian culture farms and the importance of accounting tools to support business management.
To meet different demands from operators of the agricultural sector, the INEA has developed, based on the experience gained in over eighty years, a web application that allows you to create a sim...
INEA has among its primary tasks is to spread in the world of Italian culture farms and the importance of accounting tools to support business management.
To meet different demands from operators of the agricultural sector, the INEA has developed, based on the experience gained in over eighty years, a web application that allows you to create a sim...
INEA has among its primary tasks is to spread in the world of Italian culture farms and the importance of accounting tools to support business management.
To meet different demands from operators of the agricultural sector, the INEA has developed, based on the experience gained in over eighty years, a web application that allows you to create a sim...
INEA has among its primary tasks is to spread in the world of Italian culture farms and the importance of accounting tools to support business management.
To meet different demands from operators of the agricultural sector, the INEA has developed, based on the experience gained in over eighty years, a web application that allows you to create a sim...
Del software GAIA (Gestione Aziendale delle Imprese Agricole)
Le origini e le scelte
Le caratteristiche della procedura
La logica delle registrazioni
La gestione contabile
Controllo qualitativo dei dati
Il volume presenta per la prima volta in modo sistematico il settore agroalimentare abruzzese, affrontandone congiuntamente sia gli aspetti strutturali e congiunturali sia le criticità e potenzialità di sviluppo, nonché elaborando una riflessione sull'impatto della crisi economica sul settore.
Il rapporto si propone come uno strumento di conoscenz...
Dai risultati del campione RICA per l’Abruzzo del 2011 emergono molte ombre o poche luci rispetto ai dati medi nazionali. Dopo un 2010 in netta ripresa rispetto al 2009 con percentuali di crescita superiori ai dati medi nazionali, si registra una brusca frenata nel 2011, sia in termini di fatturato e di redditi medi aziendali sia in termini di indi...
Set di indicatori agro-ecologici prodotti dalla base dati RICA.
The aim of this paper is to give an articulate framework of the main issues regarding the agricultural mechanization in Italy, using a multidisciplinary approach.
In particular, on the basis of a thorough analysis about the evolution and the current proportion of the fleet, the paper examines closely some important aspects as: the comparison among...
The sustainability of family labour revenue given the change in institutions, policy and farm household structure: an empirical analysis on the INEA-RICA data-base
Nella metodologia RICA_INEA (GAIA) vengono considerate immobilizzazioni quei costi che non esauriscono la loro utilità in un solo esercizio contabile, ma manifestano i benefici economici in un arco temporale di più esercizi. Si tratta di elementi del capitale che, di norma, sono destinati a restare all’interno dell’azienda agricola per lunghi perio...
The authors, inside a TAPAS action, have developed a methodology - based on the integration between FADN data with statistical, administrative and cartographic information - to improve the production of statistical data related to agricultural policies impact on land and environment. This methodology allows - using Geographic Information System (GI...