António Afonso

António Afonso
University of Lisbon, ISEG · Economics Department

PhD in Economics


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BA, MSc., PhD., and Aggregation in Economics, ISEG. President of UECE - Research Unit on Complexity and Economics, President of REM-Research in Economics and Mathematics, coordinator of the Master in Monetary and Financial Economics, and coordinator of the PhD in Economics. Previously: Principal Economist at the European Central Bank, Senior Economist at CGD, BNU, and at IGCP, and Consultant and Adviser at the Ministry of Finance. Previous project work: Inter-American Development Bank, European Commission, European Court of Auditors, OECD, and International Monetary Fund.
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September 2002 - December 2012
European Central Bank
January 1992 - December 2012
Technical University of Lisbon


Publications (420)
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We have investigated the influence of fiscal instruments, notably taxes and government spending, on household consumption in two different samples and two measures of household debt to provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic. We used dynamic panel models and the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) approach for 24 and 32 advanced and emerging...
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This paper examines the determinants of financial equity flows to investigate the role played by business cycles, government debt and sovereign rating scores, and whether the impact depends on the magnitude and direction of the flows. Using a new, richer dataset of flows among developed countries over 2001–2018, our key findings are as follows: (i)...
The gender pay gap and the gender gap in employment remains persistent in Europe despite the basic assertion of gender equality under EU law. We assess the factors that influence the gender pay gap and gender employment gap across European countries. Therefore, we use an unbalanced panel of 31 European countries over the period 2000-2022, and estim...
We analyze the role of international reserves and sovereign debt in the determination and international transmission of interest rates. We develop a model that describes the money market equilibrium with capital account openness. It predicts that higher levels of international reserves lead to lower interest rates whereas the effect of higher gover...
We assess empirically the role of the World Bank’s Country Policy so-called fiscal policy rating variables (fiscal rating, debt rating and revenue rating) on economic growth in the 46 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the world, during the period 1990-2022. We also investigate the role of key fiscal variables on economic growth (government debt,...
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Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labour and property, and therefore it constitutes the essence of the market economy. In this sense, economic freedom leads to economic growth and although economic freedom can have an impact on economic growth, it is necessary to specify those aspects of freedom that...
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This paper empirically links the efficiency and performance assessment of the general government, proxied by efficiency scores, to the trust in government. Government spending efficiency scores are first computed via data envelopment analysis (DEA). Then, relying on panel data and instrumental variable approaches, we estimate the effect of public s...
We assess the impact of China's bilateral political relations with three main trading partners—the US, Germany, and the UK—on current account balances and exchange rates, over the 1960Q1–2022Q4 period. Relying on the lag-augmented VAR approach with time-varying Granger causality tests, we find that political relationships with China strongly matter...
We assess the link between fiscal sustainability coefficients, namely the responses of the primary government balance and the global government balance to the debt‐to‐GDP ratio, and the response of government revenues to government expenditures. For 22 OECD developed countries we use annual data between 1950 and 2019. Other determinants of fiscal r...
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Financial inclusion is a key factor for economic growth in most developing countries. This paper examines the relationship between financial inclusion and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) using panel data for the period 1990-2021. The empirical evidence suggests that financial inclusion is indeed relat...
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DG ECFIN Workshop – "What public investment for the future?" On Thursday 25 January 2023, DG ECFIN will organise its annual workshop on fiscal policy, dedicated this year to public investments. The workshop will be a half-day online event with high-profile speakers and discussants from academics and international organizations. The workshop will...
The papers in this symposium address fiscal sustainability within the context of aging related fiscal costs and argue that macroeconomic and political costs of delaying fiscal adjustments can be significant. the authors also analyse consolidation and reform programmes and confirm the importance of comprehensive fiscal consolidation programs that fo...
Financial inclusion is a key factor for economic growth in most developing countries. This paper examines the relationship between financial inclusion and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) using panel data for the period 1990-2021. The empirical evidence suggests that financial inclusion is indeed relat...
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We assess public spending efficiency of 20 Latin American countries over the period of 2000–2019, computing data envelopment analysis efficiency scores. For the Public Sector Performance composite indicator, we use the annual data of socio-economic indicators, and for the input measure we consider Total Public Spending as a percentage of GDP, by sp...
Using a dataset of bank‐ and regional‐level data, we study the effectiveness and heterogeneity of the transmission mechanism of the ECB's large scale asset purchases (LSAPs) to the real economy. Our results indicate that banks more exposed to government debt securities had higher growth of loans and loans relative to total assets than less exposed...
It has been argued that credit market frictions may contribute to high unemployment. Hence, we assess the relationship between financial development and the labor market in OECD countries during the period 1990–2020. Using a random effects model for a panel dataset, we conclude that an increase in market capitalization and in the volume of shares t...
We investigate the bilateral relationship between government budget balances and current account balances for Germany and Portugal. We find that the response of the current account balance to the budget balance is greater in Portugal than in Germany. On the other hand, the response of the budget balance to the current balance is higher in Germany t...
This Special Issue (SI) gathers 13 papers presented at the 23rd INFER Annual Conference which took place in Lisbon, 8–10 September 2021, at ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management. The conference was organised by INFER (International Network for Economic Research), UECE (Research Unit on Complexity and Economics), and REM (Research in Econ...
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This paper presents and describes a new database of major minimum wage and collective bargaining (CB) shocks covering 26 advanced economies over the period 1970–2020. The main advantage of this dataset is the precise identification of the nature and date of major shocks, which is valuable in many empirical applications. Based on the dataset, we obs...
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Using two measures of the fiscal position, the cyclically adjusted primary budget balance (CAPB) and the total budget balance, we assess the Twin Deficit Hypothesis for the Euro Area in the period 1995–2020. Furthermore, we estimate time-varying coefficients of the current account balance responses to changes in the CAPB and in the government balan...
We study the impacts of public investment, notably in construction and in R&D on economic growth and of crowding-out effects on private investment. For this purpose, we use Panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) models and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach for 40 advanced and emerging countries from 1995 to 2019. Our findings are as foll...
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We analyze the migration drivers within the European Union countries. For a set of 23 EU countries over the 1995-2019 period, we use Bayesian Model Averaging and quantile regression to assess notably the relevance of unemployment and earnings. We find that the existence of a common border increases the number of net migrants by 172 people per 1000...
We assess the impact of China’s bilateral political relations with three main trading partners—the US, Germany, and the UK—on current account balances and exchange rates, over the 1960Q1-2022Q4 period. Relying on the lag-augmented VAR approach with time-varying Granger causality tests, we find that political relationships with China strongly matter...
We assess public finances solvency for Euro Area countries, using quarterly data from 1999Q1 to 2020Q4. For most countries: (i) the primary budget balance reacts positively to the lagged debt-to-GDP ratio and past primary budget balances contribute to the reduction of the debt-to-GDP ratio, indicating a Ricardian fiscal regime. In the country-by-co...
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We examine 22 determinants of stock market correlations in a panel setting with 651 country pairs of developed economies over the 2001-2018 period, while accounting for model uncertainty and reverse causality. On the one hand, we find, that a number of determinants, well established in the literature, e.g. trade, institutional distance, and exchang...
We assess the specific need (or its absence) of a country to implement a fiscal consolidation programme by focusing specifically on their degree of success, notably in terms of fiscal sustainability. The “need” to consolidate is based on having a primary balance above or below the debt-stabilizing primary balance (provided by the IMF's Debt Sustain...
We assess the consequences of fiscal consolidation episodes on public sector efficiency (scores) for 35 OECD countries for the 2007-2020 period. We find that fiscal consolidations improve public sector efficiency and results are robust across efficiency models. Moreover, peripheral euro-area economies and economies with debt-to-GDP ratios betwee...
In this article, we study the relationship between the government budget balance and the current account balance for Portugal, using quarterly data from 1999 to 2019. On the one hand, the causality tests find a unidirectional relation running from the current account balance to the government budget balance. On the other hand, estimations show a bi...
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We consider a new dataset that provides a description of the population of financial equity flows between developed countries from 2001 to 2018. We follow the standard practice of controlling for pull and push factors as well as gravity-style variables, while also accounting for the business cycle, public debt and sovereign ratings. Our key finding...
We re-examine the nexus between fiscal balances and current account balances for 18 OECD countries from 1995Q1 to 2018Q1 using panel cointegration and panel vector autoregressive (VAR). The findings confirm a long-run relationship between the fiscal balance and the current account balance. Our results indicate that strengthening the fiscal balance...
We assess the cyclicality of fiscal policy in the 19 Euro area countries, notably during recessions, for the period 1995-2020. We use a time-varying measure of fiscal cyclicality to describe fiscal policy developments. The results suggest that during recessions discretionary fiscal policy becomes more pro-cyclical, but the overall budget balance be...
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We consider a new dataset that provides a description of the population of financial equity flows between developed countries from 2001 to 2018. We follow the standard practice of controlling for pull and push factors as well as gravity-style variables, while also accounting for the business cycle, public debt and sovereign ratings. Our key finding...
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A Crise Financeira Global conduziu a um aumento significativo das posições fiscais (isto é, défices orçamentais e dívida pública mais elevados), dando origem a inúmeras pesquisas académicas relativas à sustentabilidade fiscal. Muito embora existam bastantes estudos sobre a sustentabilidade fiscal nas economias mais avançadas, a nossa contribuição a...
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Fiscal sustainability, a research framework.
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Corruption is often a source of contentious debate, covering different areas of knowledge, such as philosophy and sociology. In this paper we assess the effects of corruption on economic activity and highlight the relevance of the size of the government. We use dynamic models and the generalised method of moments approach for a panel of 48 countrie...
We revisit the relation between budget deficits and current account deficits for 28 European Union countries from 1996 to 2019. We find that an increase in budget deficit of 1 pp of GDP results in a deterioration of the current account deficit of 0.318 pp of GDP, which supports the Twin Deficits Hypothesis. On the other hand, dynamic panel estimate...
We empirically assess whether the negative response of private consumption and private investment to fiscal consolidation usually expected is reversed. We focus on a sample of 174 countries between 1970 and 2018 to determine episodes of fiscal consolidations using three alternative measures of the cyclically adjusted primary balance: (1) an Interna...
We assess whether the introduction of private equity capital markets affects economic growth in African countries. We address this issue by focussing on stock exchange markets as the predominant type of new equity markets, using a Diff-in-Diff regression method. The analysis uses a panel data set from 48 Sub-Saharan countries over the time range of...
We provide a novel set of government spending efficiency scores for the OECD countries and then assess to what extent capital markets perceive government efficiency increases (decreases) as part of the determinants of sovereign rating decisions. Public efficiency scores are computed via data envelopment analysis. Then, we rely notably on ordered re...


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