Antonia M. García-CabreraUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | ULPGC · Department of business administration
Antonia M. García-Cabrera
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Publications (96)
Based on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, this paper aims to explore how individual factors, organizational training practices and national values of masculinity and uncertainty avoidance influence workers’ perceived employability.
A hierarchical linear model tested the proposed hypotheses among a sam...
Este caso ilustra cómo una empresa que opera en un sector masculinizado, pone en valor las cualidades profesionales de la persona, frente a su género, en la elección del director general. También ilustra cómo la candidata elegida imprime un nuevo estilo de gestión, basado en los rasgos comunales que se atribuyen a las mujeres (ej. sociable, interde...
Por sus singulares condiciones naturales y la tradicional vinculación de su actividad económica con el Atlántico, Canarias participa activamente en un sector en plena expansión basado en los recursos que brinda el mar: la economía azul. Entre sus múltiples actividades emergentes se encuentra la “I+D+i azul”, donde destaca la Plataforma Oceánica de...
This essay focuses on studying the enclave strategy in the context of tourism firms founded by immigrant entrepreneurs—that is, the selection by the immigrant entrepreneur of a business model that is based on a value chain dominated by compatriots—as well as on some of the consequences of such a strategy. In particular, considering the potential re...
This study aims to examine the effect of the interplay between national culture and supervisor gender on supervisors’ supportive behaviours towards employees in Europe.
Based on Hofstede’s cultural scores for 34 European countries, two clusters of countries were identified, reflecting two cultural configurations...
This paper analyses the influence that different supervisor supportive behaviors have on subordinate job satisfaction, while considering the gender of individuals involved (supervisor and subordinate). The empirical evidence provided by a sample of 29,833 subordinates from 35 European countries collected by Eurofound through the European Working Co...
Este artículo analiza el impacto que las redes sociales y las plataformas en línea pueden tener en el fomento de proyectos de ciencia ciudadana. Como la ciencia ciudadana busca un comportamiento más participativo de la sociedad en el proceso científico, es necesario que los investigadores tradicionales adopten una actitud abierta que facilite tal p...
Este trabajo estudia los factores culturales e individuales que condicionan el emprendimiento en un país africano en vías de desarrollo, con el fin de identificar si dichos factores difieren (o no) de los que actúan en países occidentales desarrollados. Considerando que el axioma “nación=cultura” puede ser inadecuado, al poder existir culturas múlt...
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar el efecto que los recursos de conocimiento del equipo fundador de una nueva empresa de base tecnológica (NEBT) y el acceso a fuentes de conocimiento externas tienen sobre los resultados empresariales. En particular, se consideran indicadores complementarios de resultados a corto plazo (resultado en el me...
La consultora Kearney aporta un ejemplo paradigmático de una empresa multinacional que, guiada por los derechos fundamentales, defiende que sus empleados puedan exteriorizar su yo auténtico y aplicarlo a todas sus actividades en la empresa. Partiendo de ello, la empresa genera un ambiente seguro e inclusivo donde la diversidad LGBTIQA+ puede florec...
To promote entrepreneurship among students, academic institutions should focus on developing a positive entrepreneurial personal attitude (EPA), since it is a strong antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions, which in turn predict actual entrepreneurship. Previous research has found that EPA is lower for women than for men, which is related to the a...
Taking into consideration the increasing phenomenon of Western migration toward developing countries and its potential for developing the local tourism industry, this study analyses the institutional challenges faced by tourism entrepreneurs when managing a small and medium-sized lodging in a developing economy. Moreover, it focuses on Western immi...
In contrast to institutional studies based on comparisons between countries and based on a deterministic perspective that analyses the influence of institutions on the performance of the individual in emerging economies, the present research looks to the most recent versions of neo institutionalism and to the literature on entrepreneurship and inte...
El Big Data ha adquirido relevancia creciente en el ámbito empresarial pues, por una parte, ofrece nuevas oportunidades de negocio y, por otra, permite reducir la incertidumbre asociada a la toma de decisiones estratégicas. El presente caso analiza desde el marco de la visión de la empresa basada en los recursos el uso que el proyecto emprendedorTu...
Este artículo sintetiza diversos hallazgos obtenidos en un estudio realizado por el Grupo de Investigación “Estrategia y Negocios Internacionales” de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y financiado por la Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Económico (PROEXCA). El estudio analiza los posibles nexos entre el género de los directivos y la internaci...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of knowledge resources stemming from the founding team’s human capital and the access to external sources of knowledge available at or near the NTBF’s inception on the venture’s short- and long-term performance. Whether innovation is a vehicle through which knowledge resources have an impact on res...
Existe un limitado conocimiento sobre las pymes radicadas en países en desarrollo e internacionalizadas que hayan alcanzado el éxito. Este caso muestra el ejemplo de la empresa empakando, una pyme fundada en 2000 en El Salvador (Centroamérica), que logró consolidarse e internacionalizarse con éxito hacia otros países de la región. El caso aborda te...
Este estudio analiza los factores que condicionan la motivación por oportunidad del inmigrante emprendedor establecido en 31 países europeos. Se encuentra que la distancia lingüística existente entre los países de residencia y de origen del inmigrante socava su motivación emprendedora por oportunidad. El trabajo también encuentra que tal motivación...
Este estudio analiza los factores que condicionan la motivación por oportunidad del inmigrante emprendedor establecido en 31 países europeos. Se encuentra que la distancia lingüística existente entre los países de residencia y de origen del inmigrante socava su motivación emprendedora por oportunidad. El trabajo también encuentra que tal motivación...
In view of the many studies carried out on multinational firms and, to a lesser degree, the internationalization of SMEs based on developed countries, it is surprising to find that so little attention is being paid to the internationalization process of SMEs based on developing countries. There is scarce evidence and knowledge available on the circ...
Structured Abstract:
Purpose: This paper examines how the institutional distance between immigrants' country of residence and country of origin, as well as the regulative and normative aspects of institutions in immigrants' country of residence, social context variables and individual psycho-behavioural factors, condition immigrants' entrepreneuri...
Este caso tiene como finalidad describir una innovadora de emprendimiento turístico en entornos rurales: la empresa Arte-Gaia, ubicada la localidad de Artenara de la isla de Gran Canaria y concebida para contribuir al desarrollo sostenible local. Con información recopilada mediante entrevistas personales y diversas fuentes secundarias, se estudia e...
Dado que la empresa de base tecnológica (EBT) debe acometer una inversión constante en actividades de I+D+i para ser competitiva, la recuperación de tal inversión es prioritaria para garantizar la continuidad del proyecto empresarial. Tal recuperación en ocasiones es solo posible si la empresa amplía el alcance de su actividad al introducirse en me...
Dado la aparición y auge de los coworkings como espacios de apoyo a la actividad emprendedora, tanto a nivel internacional como en España, cabe preguntarse: ¿Qué son, por qué surgen y qué ofertan estas nuevas estructuras institucionales? Asimismo, y para el particular caso de canarias, interesa conocer si los espacios coworking se han implantado ta...
Dada la reciente irrupción de los espacios coworking en el ámbito empresarial, así como el relativo desconocimiento de los mismos, el presente trabajo analiza las razones por las cuales empresas y emprendedores deciden formar parte de un coworking, las ventajas y desventajas asociados a la instalación en los mismos, o el grado de satisfacción de lo...
El presente trabajo analiza una muestra de 190 empresas turísticas española que, en conjunto, han acometido 610 operaciones de expansión internacional y, sobre la base de la información que éstas aportan, se da respuesta a los siguientes interrogantes: ¿qué métodos o formas de entrada utiliza la empresa turística española para implantarse en el ext...
Este trabajo ha obtenido el 1.er Premio «Estudios Financieros» 2019 en la modalidad de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas. En un contexto en el que los destinos turísticos asisten de forma creciente tanto a la internacionalización de sus empresas como a la instalación en ellos de empresas foráneas, adquiere elevado interés conocer las circun...
El presente trabajo acomete una revisión de la literatura sobre el conocimiento necesario para la internacionalización de la pyme mediante inversión directa en el exterior. En concreto, analiza la influencia que tal conocimiento tiene en la elección de la localización, del modo de entrada, y en los resultados derivados de la inversión directa en el...
This paper aims to examine the influence of the emotional intelligence (EI) of the human resources (HR) decision-maker on firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as the possible mediating role of the use of a system of HR practices in that relationship.
The research involves a samp...
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of the emotional intelligence (EI) of the person in charge of making human resource management (HRM) decisions on the adoption of high-performance human resource (HR) practices in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
This study takes evidences from 1...
International crises generate uncoupling between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the institutional environment. In these settings, industry associations of MNEs have an incentive to engage in institutional change by taking a role as institutional entrepreneurs in order to generate change within the existing, unsuitable institutions. However, M...
Este trabajo ha sido finalista en el Premio Estudios Financieros 2018 en la modalidad de Recursos Humanos.El jurado ha estado compuesto por: don Juan Pablo Borregón Baños, doña Gloria Castaño Collado, doña Celia Gutiérrez Valero, doña Gloria Iglesias Jiménez y don Alfonso Jiménez.Los trabajos se presentan con seudónimo y la selección se efectúa gar...
Background: International organisations and national governments have made great efforts to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the less-advanced economies, but the results of their programmes have often been disappointing. This may be because a distinction between the institutional factors that generate an individual’s desire to become an entrep...
Organisational change is increasingly important and interesting to study. Change may affect employees’ attitudes and impact on their well-being. In this regard, it is important to examine how organisations enhance employees’ well-being when the competitive environment requires organisational changes whose implementation could cause well-be...
The advancement of women to top management positions positively affects firm competitiveness. However, this advancement may also negatively affect individuals as women find themselves forced to overwork to match their male counterparts in organisations, which can cause a decrease in their professional well-being. Although the literature highlights...
Employees in the tourism sector must juggle work-family responsibilities with possible negative implications for their well-being (Erden, & Bayazit, 2017). Although the tourism literature highlights that general work-family conflict (or spillover) negatively affects well-being, there is scant literature distinguishing between the impact of negative...
Parents returning to work after the arrival of a new son or daughter is an important question for understanding the trajectory of people's lives and professional careers amid current debates about gender equality and work-life balance (WLB). Interestingly, current research concludes that general WLB practices at the workplace may be necessary in th...
This study is based on the configuration approach and argues that the new technology-based venture's performance depends on how well the entrepreneur's resources allow the chosen technology strategy to be executed, in other words, the fit between the resources and the strategy. The authors study this idea by using a sample of 175 Spanish new techno...
After reviewing literature on knowledge-based antecedents of the internationalization of SMEs, one could conclude that knowledge-based capabilities of the firm and external spillovers are influential factors equally valid for leading a firm to decide becoming an exporter or becoming a born global. Since these decisions are conceptually different, a...
Stemming from differences between approaches to new institutionalism, this paper analyses the impact of institutions on the adoption of human resource practices (HRP) in organizations. With this aim in mind, two opposing hypotheses are presented: should configurations of national institutions be related to the actual implementation of HRP by organi...
Institutional studies based on cross-country comparisons and founded on a determinist perspective analyse the behaviour in emerging economies. The current research, in contrast, looks to neo-institutionalism and the literature on entrepreneurship to pose two research questions based on individuals’ discretion: (1) How does the entrepreneur’s percep...
Co-evolution as an approach to tourism sustainability has been under-researched in the tourism literature, which has mainly focused on the more natural evolutionary principles. Relevant questions about the co-evolutionary process remain understudied, especially in the case of multinational companies (MNCs) involved in tourism that coevolve with loc...
p>Muchos estudios han intentado identificar los factores que explican la
decisión emprendedora atendiendo a criterios racionales –desde la Teoría
económica y la visión basada en los recursos– que ignoran el componente
no racional inherente. El presente trabajo acude a la inteligencia emocional
(IE) para explicar por qué algunos individuos son empre...
Co-evolutionary theory suggests that firms and their environments interactively influence each other over time due to the interplay between them. However, international business (IB) literature has paid little attention to the study of the co-evolutionary process. Therefore, new research that delves into the process in order to identify how the rec...
As economic growth in developed economies has almost peaked, developing economies are becoming to be the source of firm's future growth. Additionally, as SMEs are relevant economic actors in the majority of developed economies where they provide growth and wealth, and also play a relevant role in developing economies where they contribute to allevi...
As developing economies have weak institutional environments, and these are highly distant from SMEs’ home conditions in developed economies, those firms entering into developing economies should acquire new knowledge resources for a successful entry. In this paper, we analyze the type of knowledge required by SMEs to enter a foreign market, the al...
Two reasons justify this study: (i) an interest in promoting entrepreneurship as a mechanism of growth in emerging economies and (ii) the necessity to develop research studies on the influence that organizations within the business environment have on entrepreneurial activities, and that they are sustained not only on the presentation of results, b...
Dos motivaciones justifican el presente trabajo: (1) el interés por impulsar la actividad emprendedora como mecanismo de crecimiento en las economías emergentes y (2) la necesidad
de desarrollar investigaciones sobre la influencia que las instituciones del entorno ejercen sobre la actividad emprendedora y que se sustenten, más que en un planteamien...
The competitive advantage of companies rests upon work attitudes
and the behavior of their employees. Work-life balance initiatives
are considered to be an important antecedent of employees’ wellbeing, and thus a factor that highly conditions employees’ work
attitudes and behavior. This study explores these relationships in
the tourism industry, wh...
This article deepens and expands the study of the three dimensions of resistance to change in employees: resistant thought, resistant feeling, and resistant behavior. It includes an analysis of the moderating effect of the employee's organization-based self-esteem on the influence of variables related to the management of the change process (i.e.,...
According to new institutionalism, this work simultaneously analyzes different methods of operating abroad in terms of the level of management and ownership control they provide. This research studies the regulative and cognitive institutions that explain the multinational company’s choice of a particular level of that control for its subsidiaries...
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 928 458 141; fax: +34 928 458 685.
INTRODUCCION. Este trabajo pretende responder a la siguiente cuestion: ?los nuevos titulos de Administracion de Empresas disenados en Espana para confluir con Europa incluyen las competencias clave que garanticen el desarrollo de un caracter emprendedor en los egresados? La relevancia de tal cuestion reside en la actual situacion economica del pais...
Frente a los estudios institucionales fundamentados en una perspectiva determinista que analizan la influencia de las instituciones de nivel macro sobre la actuación de las empresas en las economías emergentes, la presente investigación acude al institucionalismo más reciente para analizar cómo la percepción que los emprendedores tienen de las inst...
This article studies, first, how affective and continuance commitments affect MNC subsidiary top managers' intent to leave either their current post or the firm itself, and second, which variables influence these managers' affective and continuance commitments. The analysis uses a sample of MNC subsidiary top managers in Spain, and the results conf...
This paper deepens and expands the study of the factors determining resistance to change in employees. It includes new personality-related and structural contextual antecedents that, alongside variables related to the management of the change process and its consequences, allow the authors to contribute new evidence. The empirical analysis uses a s...
The current paper analyses in depth and expands on the study of the consequences of organisational commitment in the MNC setting. To that end the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance as a personal cultural value is studied and two consequences of MNC commitment are analysed: intent to leave and organisational citizenship behaviour. The empiri...
The current work seeks to throw new light on the choice of different ownership-based entry modes when firms make a foreign direct investment. With the aim of achieving this objective, this research has been sustained through a new combination of theoretical approaches. In particular, it analyzes the institutional and location factors, which determi...
The work appears in response to the greater interaction among employees of different nationalities. This interaction results from the growing use of teams in multinationals. Thus, we
examine the importance of diverse national values to the performance of a multicultural team. To that end, we conduct an exploratory study that utilizes a resources-pr...
Este trabajo realiza una contribución a la literatura sobre internacionalización empresarial al introducir el estudio de las diferencias culturales intra-país como posible factor determinante de la actuación en mercados exteriores. El trabajo amplía el conocimiento existente sobre los factores que determinan la internacionalización de las empresas...
Recent literature highlights the fact that research in the fields of internationalization and entrepreneurship appears to overlook the internal and external context in which the international strategies are conceived. That oversight occurs even though the international activity of new ventures needs to be understood within the context and requireme...
This article analyzes different tangible and intangible assets that affect the creation of EBTs in a particular territory, starting from the resource based theory. The research, centered in a search for causal explanations, uses secondary information to find the main critical resources necessary in each evolutionary phase that the entrepreneurial e...
Studies on the factors determining recognition of business opportunities are based on partial analyses of one or more of the variables that influence that process. But economic relationships between actors are conditioned by ongoing structures of social relationships. This work uses the cognitive approach and presents an integrated study of psychol...
The current work responds to the lack of studies analysing the antecedents and consequences of organisational commitment in the context of senior executives in MNC subsidiaries. A simultaneous equations analysis using a sample of 101 senior executives of subsidiaries of multinationals with foreign direct investment in Spain confirms that these mana...
El presente trabajo responde a la carencia de estudios que analicen las bases y consecuencias del compromiso organizativo en el contexto de los altos directivos de las subsidiarias de la empresa multinacional. Un análisis de ecuaciones simultáneas efectuado con una muestra de 101 altos directivos de subsidiarias de empresas multinacionales con inve...
Tomando como punto de partida la teoría cognitiva se analiza de una forma holística los componentes psicológicos y sociológicos, y las interacciones que se producen entre ellos, que afectan al proceso de reconocimiento de la oportunidad de negocio tecnológico. La investigación realizada, de carácter comprensiva, se sostiene en el estudio del caso c...
Two recent research trends give rise to the current work: the need to extend the conclusions reached in entrepreneurship studies to other cultural contexts, particularly important given the interest in stimulating the creation of firms in recently industrialised and less developed countries; and the need to go beyond the axiom 'nation=culture' in f...
This paper examines the influence of locus of control on work attitudes in terms of gender, age and education in the Republic of Cape Verde. Gender becomes the most relevant among those demographic variables according to the current emphasis on reducing gender-related inequalities in the workplace. A number of 448 questionnaires were collected, sho...
This paper examines the influence of locus of control on work attitudes in terms of gender, age and education in the Republic of Cape Verde. Gender becomes the most relevant among those demographic variables according to the current emphasis on reducing gender-related inequalities in the workplace. A number of 448 questionnaires were collected, sho...
Las empresas multinacionales crean equipos multiculturales para proporcionar una coordinación eficiente y un aprendizaje global. Sin embargo, la diversa procedencia nacional de los individuos puede incrementar los conflictos y los problemas en el proceso de toma de decisiones. En este contexto, esta investigación examina el papel que juega la cultu...
Analysis Abstract: Two recent research trends give rise to the current work: 1) the need to extend the conclusions reached in entrepreneurship studies to other cultural contexts, particularly important given the interest in stimulating the crea- tion of firms in recently industrialised and less developed countries; and 2) the need to go beyond the...
This case illustrates in a holistic way the different components that affect the recognition of the technological venture opportunity environment, attributes that characterize technology-based entrepreneurs, type of organization created and of technology for the construction of a venture-and the interactions that occur among those components, and w...
Buena parte de la literatura que estudia los factores determinantes del reconocimiento de la oportunidad de negocio se sustenta en análisis parciales de alguna/s de las variables que inciden en este proceso, ignorando que las relaciones entre actores están condicionadas por estructuras operativas de relaciones sociales en funcionamiento. En el pres...