Antonia Caro

Antonia Caro

PhD International and Intercultural Studies
Researching on multi-stakeholders' engagement in innovation ecosystems; societal impact of R&I; HEI transformation


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Currently, senior researcher, lecturer and Director of the International Research Project Office (IRPO), at Valencian International University (VIU). Social innovation expert and entrepreneur Research interests: Quintuple Helix Living Labs and Innovation Ecosystems; Transformational Management and Leadership; Societal impact of R&I.
Additional affiliations
January 2011 - November 2017
University of Deusto
  • Researcher
  • Modernisation of R&I management processes Valorisation of R&I Social Impact
May 2011 - November 2021
University of Deusto
  • Director
January 2022 - present
  • Senior Researcher
  • Senior Researcher with research interest on Research and Innovation Management; stakeholders' engagement; and modernisation of Higher Education Director International Research Project Office
September 2011 - October 2015
University of Deusto
Field of study
  • Social Sciences


Publications (48)
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Creative interactions, responding to the multilevel challenges of employment, involve products and services sustained by technological innovations such as Big Data, Blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), accompanied by a firm commitment to Sustainable Development Goals.
The aim of this chapter is to provide an alternative perspective to managing universities' capacities for change through the lens of complexity leadership, more specifically in the realm of research management. It does so by developing and proposing a leadership framework underpinned by three dimensions: complexity leadership principle statements a...
Inspired by EUvsVirus, this chapter focuses on the Academia Diffusion Experiment (ADE) with more than 40 scholars and practitioners around the globe, who transform practice into science through co-creating, co-evolving, and co-dreaming. The chapter first introduces EUvsVirus as the context of the ADE and then uncovers the Denica 2.0 managerial meth...
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Since its burst in early 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has deeply affected every aspect of daily life, from international trade and travelling to restrictions on an individual level, becoming a complex multi-level and highly multi-faceted problem. Due to its overarching influence and deep impact, it can be seen as one of the most disruptive Grand Cha...
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This paper discusses the development of the Col.laboratori programme in Catalonia as a model for testing the theory of universal innovation ecosystems. This programme aims to address the challenges faced by societies in the current era of transitions by combining theories of techno anthropology, social innovation, and living labs. The authors propo...
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New social-digital governance mechanisms are needed to unite visions, approaches and efforts in addressing today’s major challenges. Museums, alongside innovators from the cultural and creative industries, are positioned to play a crucial role in this process. Their contribution can foster collaboration, highlight human values and encourage creativ...
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Humanity is in transition. Our organisations, our innovation ecosystems are in transition. The whole planet is in transition. Welcome to our Anthropocene era. This book is envisaged to share some of these experiences, innovative practices and lessons learned along amazing individual, but mostly collective 4 , journeys of experimentation. All this...
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This chapter highlights the importance of creating just and inclusive dynamics within organisations.
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This chapter explores how transformative governance can continually evolve and improve, ensuring that it remains responsive to the ever-changing challenges of the future. It underlines the value of continuous learning and innovation within multi-level and multi-agent governance processes.
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In this transformative journey, we have explored the crucial aspects of managing change and navigating the complexities of emerging systems and innovations.
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In this chapter, we embark on a compelling journey, exploring the urgency of acting and preparing ourselves for the deep transitions we are immersed in.
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This chapter explores the significance of evidence-based decision-making, providing valuable insights into creating comprehensive impact follow-up systems and a battery of indicators to assess the outcomes of transformative governance efforts.
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This chapter delves on the exploration of key approaches and principles that underpin transformative governance.
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Under the inspiring and aspiring title: Paving the way for pushing and pursuing a "One for all, All for one" triple transition: social, green and digital: The Three MuskEUteers, a group of remarkable co-authors and contributors have developed radically new forward looking visions, principles, approaches and action recommendations for an attuned ind...
Inspired by EUvsVirus, this chapter focuses on the Academia Diffusion Experiment (ADE) with more than 40 scholars and practitioners around the globe, who transform practice into science through co-creating, co-evolving, and co-dreaming. The chapter first introduces EUvsVirus as the context of the ADE and then uncovers the Denica 2.0 managerial meth...
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Under the inspiring and aspiring title: Paving the way for pushing and pursuing a “one for all, all for one” triple transition: social, green, and digital: The Three MuskEUteers , a group of remarkable co-authors and contributors have developed radically new forward-looking visions, principles, approaches, and action recommendations for an attuned...
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The idea of this guide results from the perceived need of researchers, research support entities, and experts on the impact field of research and innovation (R&I), to join efforts to address in a more systematic way the growing relevance and complexity of the impact dimension of R&I. Specifically, academics are increasingly expected to produce con...
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Throughout the 2020-21 academic year, and collecting the good work and research and training experience of all University of Deusto faculties, we have worked on two guides for incorporating a gender perspective in teaching and research. The guide is the result of a collective learning process, in which we have also shared and exchanged with and fr...
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This work proposes a new meaning of competitiveness that transcends economic logic to incorporate the inclusive and sustainable well-being of the territories as the ultimate aspiration. Under this new perspective, competitiveness is a systemic and dynamic process built collaboratively between all the agents of a territory, which cannot be abstracte...
Conference Paper
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The SHAPE-ID project was scheduled to organise six learning case workshops across Europe between December 2019 and May 2020 to enable stakeholders to explore best practices in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (IDR/TDR) with an emphasis on research involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS). The first three of these wo...
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The aim of this paper is to collect evidence-based experience on a co-creation multi-stakeholder participatory process in a non-formal academic environment. We use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the “6i model,” and a participatory approach as background methodologies. Within the long-lasting process of collaboration with Eurochild (Euroc...
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Este cuarto número de los DSIB persigue acercar los resultados relevantes de la investigación realizada en cuatro proyectos con un amplio recorrido y trabajo colectivo entre personal investigador y agentes implicados en temas de alta relevancia social como las apuestas deportivas, los sistemas inteligentes para el trasporte, el alcoholismo y las mu...
Conference Paper
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This paper contributes to a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Social Innovation Ecosystems in Europe. It is the result of a shared reflection about the nature, characteristics and evolution of social innovation ecosystems as an emerging phenomenon. It presents the main messages resulting from the round table panel on Ecosystems of Social...
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The 6i Model (Caro-Gonzalez, 2019) offers an archetype for research management to devise and implement integrative institutional strategies by combining six dimensions that start with ‘i’: internationalisation, interdisciplinarity, intersectorality, impact, innovation and inclusion. This innovative model focuses on the expanding critical role of un...
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La necesidad de innovación social para hacer frente a los desafíos del mercado de trabajo es cada vez más evidente en los debates políticos, científicos y públicos, con un enfoque eminentemente práctico. Modelando el futuro del empleo en Europa: Innovación Social como un motor para el cambio social tiene como objetivo contribuir a este análisis. Es...
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Many scholars have observed that the traditional teaching and research functions ascribed to higher education have now expanded to involve a wider range of objectives and actors in response to changing internal and external demands. However, the available literature on the topic lacks accounts reflecting stakeholder perspectives. This paper aims to...
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Food loss and wastage is not only a major environmental, social and economic problem, but also a crucial ethical issue. Social innovation initiatives that are emerging in different contexts try to minimise losses while simultaneously raising awareness to overcome the knowledge gap associated with the social, ecological and economic consequences of...
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The 6i Research Model stands for six research dimensions that are usually managed in a disconnected manner: international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral, innovative, impactful and inclusive. Along these lines, the “6i Research Model” is a multidimensional system that combines key elements in order to sustain a multi-layered intervention that: (1...
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In this third edition of the Deusto Social Impact Briefings (DSIB), researchers at Deusto ( seek to disseminate their findings beyond the confines of the academic world and help to fulfil the University’s declared misión to transform today’s society. For the University, “research with social impact” means research that helps t...
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Este capítulo analiza el primer principio de Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales (PEDS), centrado en la educación, la formación y el aprendizaje permanente, a la luz de los acentos que introduce y combina este primer principio como son el acceso universal a una educación de calidad, la inclusión, la participación y la gestión exitosa de las transici...
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With the Strategic Plan for the Horizon Europe Programme, the European Union clearly highlights the importance of Research and Innovation (R&I) in finding new solutions to the challenges we are facing. Horizon Europe aims to induce R&I impact long after the programme has finished. Therefore, this position paper argues that children and youth need t...
Conference Paper
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Universities are operating in an ever-evolving complex context, at the crossroads of Science, Technology and Innovation systems in transition. This position paper should be viewed in the context of the increasing policy and societal demands to link excellent research with social impact and meet the challenges of capturing, assessing and measuring t...
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As traditional methods of governance are unable to promptly respond to the conglomerate of issues brought about by system-wide changes and modernity, social innovation is seen as a promising alternative. Its uptake, however, is facilitated and hindered by a variety of factors. Using Spain, China, and Russia as country cases, this article explicates...
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This second edition of the Deusto Social Impact Briefings (DSIB) seeks to convey the impact of research results at the University of Deusto ( beyond purely academic circles and, in line with the mission of the University, to help transform today’s society. For the University, “research with social impact” means research that h...
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The Basque country is known by many people, among other features, for its landscape, gastronomy and cultural life. But maybe, the real meaning of being an Autonomous Community and the effects on its regional economy, social organization and the international dimension are not so well known. The Basque Country is also a leading region regarding Soci...
This second edition of the Deusto Social Impact Briefings (DSIB) seeks to convey the impact of research results at the University of Deusto ( beyond purely academic circles and, in line with the mission of the University, to help transform today’s society. For the University, “research with social impact” means research that h...
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Los ‘Deusto Social Impact Briefings’ (DSIB) reflejan una nueva línea de publicación de la Universidad de Deusto ( Dicha línea surge del convencimiento de que la investigación en Deusto debe perseguir un impacto más allá del mundo académico e incidir, de acuerdo con la misión de la Universidad, en la transformación de la socie...
Conference Paper
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Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio realizado entre 2011 y 2014 sobre el proceso de inclusión de los trabajadores inmigrantes basado en el enfoque de capacidades y articulado: 1. en torno a tres ejes del proceso: factores condicionantes, condiciones habilitantes y funcionamientos o logros; 2. en base a métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos y teni...
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Esta comunicación pretende poner de relieve las experiencias desarrolladas tanto por las empresas de inserción como por sus entidades promotoras de cara a optimizar la integración sociolaboral de las personas de origen extranjero más desfavorecidas. Si bien es cierto que los inmigrantes internacionales no constitu- yen un colectivo específico en el...
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Este documento se basa en una investigación fundamentada teóricamente en el concepto de Desarrollo Humano. Este enfoque pone al ser humano y su bienestar en el centro de los procesos de desarrollo, tanto en términos de debates económicos como de formulación de políticas y promoción. El primer informe sobre el Desarrollo Humano de 1990, titulado ‘De...
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This paper aims firstly to introduce the most relevant elements in project management. It offers an overview of the issues and tasks involved in the handling of European projects and the definition of competences that European project managers need to master in complex international, multicultural and cross-disciplinary settings. Secondly, it class...


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