Antonella De RobbioUniversity of Padua | UNIPD · Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche
Antonella De Robbio
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Currently she is Coordinator for the Law Libraries at the the University of Padova in Italy. She is referent for the copyright and intellectual property issues for the the Library Sistem and she si responsible for Open Access at University of Padua coordinating Institutional Repositories projects for research papers and PhD Thesis.
Publications (263)
Le OER si inseriscono nell'ambito del movimento Open Access e dell'accesso aperto alla conoscenza, ritenuta come bene comune e prevedono licenze aperte costruite nel rispetto dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale dell'autore come stabilito dalle convenzioni internazionali e dalle normative europee e nazionali. All'inizio del 2006, nell'ambito dell...
The evaluation of research in Italy have recently been considered as a strategy part of the governance system of universities and research institutions, a social process where organizational models, cultural and economic factors may affect the terms and approaches. For the purposes of measuring the impact of the work of an author within the scienti...
Biobanks represent an invaluable research tool and, as a result of their intrinsic and extrinsic nature, may be looked upon as archives or repositories largely made up of libraries, or collections of content where the content is the biological material derived from different individuals or species, representing valuable tangible assets. Biobanks an...
Una licenza è un permesso unilaterale di usare una proprietà di qualcun altro, uno strumento giuridico che trasmette un diritto di autorizzazione a fare qualcosa o a usare un bene che altrimenti, senza licenza, non sarebbe consentito per legge. Vi sono le licenze di tipo chiuso e licenze di tipo aperto. Le licenze aperte attualmente note (CC, GFDL,...
Underpinning every digital library and digital repository there is a policy framework, which makes the digital library viable - without a policy framework a digital library is little more than a container for content. Policy governs how a digital library is instantiated and run. It is therefore a meta-domain which is situated both outside the digit...
p>La diffusione e la condivisione dei dati contenuti nelle Biobanche è studiato attraverso lo statuto normativo di queste istituzioni, con particolare attenzione al diritto d'autore. Queste istituzioni sono rappresentate da un complesso organizzato di campioni biologici umani con finalità diagnostiche, terapeutiche e di ricerca. Data la relativa no...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider and discuss some data about the evolution of Italian Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in the last decade and the possibility to search them cumulatively through the MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI). Scholars all over the world are interested in Italian OPACs due to the treasures and the histor...
E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from June 2009, it contains at about 9.200 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5.600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provisio...
E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from April 2009, it contains at about 9000 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision...
4th International Conference on Open Repositories This presentation was part of the session : EPrints User Groups Presentations Date: 2009-05-20 03:30 PM – 05:00 PM E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS) established in 2003. Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. E-LIS has...
The presentation is focused on thesis, ojbect understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes.
The presentation is focused on thesis, object understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes.
The presentation stresses the fundamental differences
between the two channels: archival treatment and
Presentation at the conference "Le risorse bibliografiche fra copyright, diritto d’autore e licenze di utilizzo: opportunità e vincoli per i servizi di biblioteca". Bologna, 21st May, 2009. Università degli Studi. SBA Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo. Aula F, E -Complesso Aule Belmeloro
This presentation is an overview on the current situation of the scientific publishing industry at the national, international and world-wide level. Scholarly communication is the process of dissemination of the outcomes coming from research in universities, private organizations or institutions or research centres. These results are presented in t...
New and old rights between library services and Social Web: new rules of a role playing game.
Approaching with its blogosphere converging in different media, the Web 2.0’s paradigm compels libraries of any area to join a fruitful debate concerning the old models of communication typical of traditional library services and the new models of services...
This is the presentation of the poster "Bibliotecari con Moodle, su Moodle, per Moodle" shown at Moodlemoot Italia 2008, forth edition of the users of Moodle's annual meeting held at the University of Padua in May 9-10, 2008. Nowadays, one of the fundamental missions of a university digital library is to cooperate and integrate with e-learning: aca...
5 x 5 crucial points and suggestion for scientific copyright is the focus of the Conference “Condividi la Conoscenza: nodi e proposte per una politica della conoscenza. L’Italia e l’agenda di Lisbona”, Milan, IULM, 22 June 2007. (Share the knowledge: crucial points and suggestion for a policy of knowledge. Italy and Lisbon’s agenda”). The present l...
Library and information domain being highly integrated with computing science and technology, bibliometric and citational analysis, the team that launched this project felt that LIS could set an interesting reference case to other communities in providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and for digital libraries, and most particularly...
The Congress was organised into four sessions: 1) Open Access (OA) and authors: support from the international community; 2) OA in Italy: knowledge and tools to write and search; 3) institutional policies for OA; 4) opportunities and services to develop OA. It was aimed at achieving the following objectives: a) make authors of biomedical publicatio...
The presentation is focused on metadata copyright, included in case of the open data bases and on copyright metadata, as to the right part in MICHAEL, DRM, DOI, DRE, DPM, MINERVA, creative commons license, Dublin Core, languages and dictionaries of data.
The paper described the long process in order to approve the new law on legal deposit in Italy. Nature and role of legal deposit are also investigated from copyright point of view. Legal deposit is the act of depositing published material in designated libraries or archives. In Italy there are two national libraries designated (Rome and Florence)....
Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination.
Report of the conference
The problems of Open Access
RSS is a format - specified in XML - useful for distribution of Web content by syndication. In particular RSS delivers information on the Web inside an XML file called feed, webfeed, RSS stream, by RSS channels. RSS is used by many content providers as news websites, weblogs, e-journals, virutal bookstores and podcasting. Production, distribution a...
Trends in Italian opacs seen through the MAI. This paper focuses on the recent evolution of Italian online catalogues, analyzed through statistical data from the Italian Azalai Metaopac (MAI), born in 1999 as an evolution of Riccardo Ridi’s Italian opac directory Indeed, MAI is based on a database where Italian...
Wikipedia, l’enciclopedia sul Web che può essere liberamente letta, scritta e riutilizzata, è cresciuta rapidamente in estensione e audience. Dopo avere segnalati alcuni dati che caratterizzano il suo attuale livello, si discutono alcune delle possibilità che essa apre per il mondo dei libri e delle biblioteche. Si considera in particolare la versi...
Established in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and tools to facilitate interoperability between repository servers. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science...
This report doesn’t intend to be a summary abstract of the many sessions held at the IFLA international conference (WLIC World Library and Information Congress 2005) that took place in Oslo during the last August; instead it focuses on some sessions of particular interest to which we participated. Therefore we don’t want to offer an overview about...
The whole international community of librarians and library national associations is called to participate in the discussion about issues related to the managing of copyright and the development of an agenda for the future directions of WIPO. Attachments (Italian translation by Antonella De Robbio): 1. Library-Related Principles for the Internation...
During the 33rd session of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference, held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a proposal of resolution 'Draft Resolution (DR)' about Open Access was presented; this resolution was presented to V Commission Communication and Information.
The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the Cuban libraries communities. Eprints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to th...
MAI (MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano) is a virtual union catalogue of Italian libraries developed through co-operation between the Italian Library Association (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, AIB) and the Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l’Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). This paper presents the components of the MAI and the organisational, ma...
The work describes the activities about copyright inside institutional archives done from CAB, Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.
The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the cuban libraries communities. E-prints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to t...
The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the Cuban libraries communities. Eprints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to th...
This paper aims to give a feeling for the roles that discipline–oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive
movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification,
will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, proto...
Any civil society should take into account the right to have access to information defining exception for research, education, library services and establishing privileged rights to have access to information, as a common good, for underprivileged users and disabled users as well. The current debate concerning author rights has greatly influenced,...
The process of self-archiving is fundamental in the new model of scholarly communication and it has not to be confused with self publishing or vanity press. The process of self-archiving is the first step within the system of scientific dissemination based on the deposit of your own research outputs in open access archives. Self-archived research o...
[Italian Abstract] Il presente elaborato descrive lo stato dell'arte del progetto mondiale DML Digital Mathematical Library il quale si pone l'obiettivo di rendere disponibili e liberamente accessibili, in formato digitale, la totalità dei documenti di matematica, stimati in circa 50 milioni di pagine. La DML comprenderà sia collezioni di documenti...
[Italian abstract] E-LIS Eprints in Library and Information Science, è un server OAI compatibile (Open Archives Iniziative complaint) dedicato ad un servizio, di livello internazionale, per il deposito dei documenti di ambito LIS Library and Information Science. E-LIS utilizza il software libero EPrints che consente di creare archivi compatibili co...
[Italian abstract] Intervento al Seminario AIB-WEB-6: parte prima Biblioteche, OPAC e accessibilità del Web a cura della Cnur e della Redazione AIB-WEB. [English abstract] Presentation hold at Seminatio AIB-WEB-6: parte prima Biblioteche, OPAC e accessibilità del Web a cura della Cnur e della Redazione AIB-WEB.
Da gennaio 2003 è operativo al CILEA un server OAI compatibile (Open Archives Iniziative complaint) dedicato ad un servizio, di livello internazionale, per il deposito dei documenti di ambito LIS (Library and Information Science). Il presente lavoro descrive le principali caratteristiche e funzionalità di questo archivio specializzato di nome E-LIS...
[Italian Abstract] La presentazione di questo lavoro sui metadati si sviluppa entro tematiche offerte sotto forma di FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) entro il quadro definito come "biblioteca ibrida". Metadati, cerniera tra la solida tradizione e il futuro tecnologico, ponti tra il vecchio mondo e il nuovo, punti di snodo tra la biblioteca tradizio...
[Italian abstract] Tutta la ricerca dovrebbe passare attraverso i canali dell'accesso libero, perché nessuno paga gli autori per i loro lavori scientifici. Le produzioni intellettuali dei ricercatori dovrebbero essere, secondo molte scuole di pensiero e anche secondo chi scrive, completamente sganciate dai meccanismi di mercato validi per gli autor...
This paper aims to give a feeling for the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, proto...
[Italian abstract] Le questioni connesse al diritto d'autore o copyright, incidono sui processi che caratterizzano il circuito della comunicazione scientifica. Gli attuali meccanismi ostacolano il flusso dei contenuti intellettuali ponendo dei blocchi alla libera circolazione delle idee contenute nei documenti prodotti dalla comunità scientifica, i...
This report is an assemblage of comments and opinions taken by different sources that I have gathered in order to develop a paper for the Italian Group AIPPI. It is important to point out that this is only my personal point of view concerning library issues and the world of research, which is the context where I work.
[Italian abstract] Rapporto tecnico sul secondo workshop europeo sugli Open Archives tenutosi a Ginevra dal 16 al 20 ottobre 2002 [English abstract] Report on 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI. CERN, 17-19 October 2002, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND
[Italian abstract] La presente relazione nasce da un incontro avuto con i tecnici del CERN ed un gruppo di bibliotecari italiani sullo strumento CDSware. CDSware (CERN Document Server Software) e' un insieme di moduli software, in soluzione OAI compatibile, per la gestione di collezioni di dati, sviluppato dai tecnici del CERN che consente la ricer...
[Italian abstract] Le pubblicazioni di tipo tradizionale divengono spesso una barriera all'accesso dei lavori scientifici che invece dovrebbero essere messi a disposizione della comunità nel più breve tempo possibile. I pre-print e i lavori intellettuali considerati tradizionalmente come "letteratura grigia", rapporti tecnici, relazioni ai convegni...
[English abstract] This paper aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of present...
[Italian abstract] Seminario di studio sulle varie tipologie di repertori di biblioteche tenuto in occasione della presentazione del libro "Guida alla Biblioteche di Treviso" a cura della Fondazione Benetton. [English abstract] This presentation shows the different typologies of libraries and it was illustrated during the public event of meeting ab...
[Italian abstract] Il presente studio di fattibilità presenta un business plan di cinque anni. Il piano di digitalizzazione della BEIC è allineato con la mission della BEIC stessa. La sua durata è di cinque anni. Lo scopo principale del piano è quello di rendere accessibile attraverso la conversione in un formato digitale un "nucleo centrale" del p...
[Italian Abstract] Il presente articolo è focalizzato sui concetti di URI "Uniform Resource Indicator", URN "Uniform Resource Names", URC "Uniform Resource Characteristics" e URL "Uniform Resource Locator" e dintorni. Sebbene non abbia pretese di esaustività data l'ampiezza dell'argomento vuole comunque offrire uno spunto di riflessione a quanti, p...
[English abstract] In the present work we discuss opportunities, problems, tools and techniques encountered when interconnecting discipline-specific subject classifications, primarily organized as search devices in bibliographic databases, with general classifications originally devised for book shelving in public libraries. We first state the fund...
[Italian Abstract] Con il presente intervento intendiamo fare il punto su problemi, strumenti e tecniche riguardo alla conversione nella Classificazione Decimale Dewey (CDD) di classificazioni disciplinari specifiche, nel campo della matematica e delle scienze e tecnologie correlate. La CDD è largamente usata in tutto il mondo non solo per la collo...
[Italian abstract] Presentazione in italiano della conferenza di Crimea. [English abstract] Italian presentation of Crimea talk.
This conference paper focuses on metadata within the system of scholarly communication. Metadata are nowadays a core issue in a number of different context, not only in the librarian environment. Talking about metadata, Anne Gilliland-Swetland used the metaphor "the sum total of what one can say about any information object at any level of aggregat...
This book is the first to provide an integrated overview in the field of digital libraries, including the chronological point of view, giving the state of the art and current research. The term 'digital library' has become of common and generic use, being used to describe a great variety of products and projects. With this term Arms means the creat...
[Italian abstract] Le problematiche correlate ai contenuti multimediali e proprietà intellettuale si intrecciano su due lati: fruizione da una parte e produzione dall'altra. Sono due aspetti ben distinti della multimedialità, ma che, purtroppo, data la facilità di utilizzo di strumenti per la "creazione di contenuti" vengono confusi dagli stessi ut...
[Italian abstract] Questa presentazione descrive brevemente il Virtual Reference Desk per la matematica che ho messo a punto durante il mio periodo di lavoro presso la biblioteca del CERN [2] (European Laboratory for Particle Physics - Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) di Ginevra. La metarisorsa Web si compone di tre repertori r...