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Anthony J Colozza

Anthony J Colozza
NASA Glenn Research Center / HX5

BS & MS Aerospace Engineering


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Publications (127)
Conference Paper
View Video Presentation: https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1570.vid An analysis of the use of in-situ volatile propellants for a sample return mission from Titan shows that this mission should be feasible. Such a mission would be invaluable for its science return, and its contribution to our understanding the origins of organic compounds in the solar...
NASA is currently designing a conceptual vehicle to explore the surface and atmosphere of Triton, Neptune’s captured Kuiper Belt Object, under a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase 2 study. This tholin-rich moon is dynamic, with an atmosphere, active geysers, and a unique “cantaloupe” terrain. Based on observations from Voyager-2, the su...
Technical Report
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This report examines the power requirements for operating an in situ resource utilization (ISRU) oxygen production system on the lunar surface and a small six-person base camp. The baseline ISRU system produced 1.63 kg/h for a total day and night production rate of 1,154 kg. It was estimated that this plant would require 25.83 kW of power to operat...
Technical Report
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This work presents a summary of low-power radioisotope-based power sources. This includes systems that use direct energy conversion from radioactive decay such as betavoltaics and systems that convert heat generated by the isotope decay. These types of power systems have terrestrial and space-based applications. Their main application is to provide...
We present a preliminary design for a 3 kg expendable measurement system to descend to a depth of up to 1 km in the cryogenic hydrocarbon seas (Kraken and Ligeia Mare) of Saturn's moon Titan. These could profile the temperature and gross composition (methane/ethane) and providing information on the constitution of the seabed. Particular features of...
The conceptual design of a submarine for Saturn’s moon Titan was a funded NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase 1 for 2014. The effort investigated what science a submarine for Titan’s liquid hydrocarbon ~93 K (–180 °C) seas might accomplish and what that submarine might look like. Focusing on a flagship class science system (~100 kg) it...
To explore the depths of the hydrocarbon rich seas on the Saturn moon Titan, a conceptual design of an unmanned submarine concept was recently developed for a Phase I NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) study. Data from Cassini Huygens indicates that the Titan polar environment sustains stable seas of variable concentrations of ethane, methane,...
Technical Report
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This study looks at the applicability of utilizing the Segmented Thermoelectric Modular Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (STEM-RTG) or a high-power radioisotope generator to replace the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG), which had been identified as the baseline power system for a number of planetary exploration mission studies....
The atmospheric composition and geologic structure of Venus have been identified by the US National Research Council's Decadal Survey for Planetary Science as priority targets for scientific exploration, however the high temperature and pressure at the surface, along with the highly corrosive chemistry of the Venus atmosphere, present significant o...
Technical Report
To provide uniform cooling for a fuel cell stack, a cooling plate concept was evaluated. This concept utilized thin cooling plates to extract heat from the interior of a fuel cell stack and move this heat to a cooling manifold where it can be transferred to an external cooling fluid. The advantages of this cooling approach include a reduced number...
Conference Paper
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As humanity begins to reach out into the solar system, it has become apparent that supporting a human or robotic presence in transit and/or on station requires significant expendable resources including consumables (to support people), fuel, and convenient reliable power. Transporting all necessary expendables is inefficient, inconvenient, costly,...
Conference Paper
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The Planetary Science Decadal Survey of 2013-2022 stated that the exploration of Venus is of significant interest. Studying the seismic activity of the planet is of particular importance because the findings can be compared to the seismic activity of Earth. Further, the geological and atmospheric properties of Venus will shed light into the past an...
Technical Report
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The feasibility of an advanced Stirling radioisotope generator (ASRG) powered airship for the near surface exploration of Titan was evaluated. The analysis did not consider the complete mission only the operation of the airship within the atmosphere of Titan. The baseline airship utilized two ASRG systems with a total of four general-purpose heat s...
Conference Paper
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NASA has been interested in technology development for deep space exploration, and one avenue of developing these technologies is via the eXploration Habitat (X-Hab) Academic Innovation Challenge. In 2013, NASA's Deep Space Habitat (DSH) project was in need of sensors that could monitor the power consumption of various devices in the habitat with a...
Conference Paper
A design reference mission (MASER - Meteorology and Seismology Enabled by Radioisotopes) for a Mars mini-network is presented. Four hard landers using parachutes and crushable impact attenuators would be deployed in the polar plains north of the Tharsis bulge to perform seismic and meteorological measurements throughout a Martian year (including th...
Technical Report
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77058 281-853-4268, 281-483-7879 kristina.rojdev-1@nasa.gov, daniel.b.carrejo@nasa.gov Anthony J. Colozza NASA-GRC 21000 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44135 216-433-5293 anthony.j.colozza@nasa.gov Abstract – NASA has been interested in technology development for deep space exploration, and one avenue of developing these technologies is via the eXplor...
Technical Report
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A habitat demonstration unit (HDU) was constructed at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) and designed by a multicenter NASA team led out of NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC). The HDU was subsequently utilized at the 2010 Desert Research and Technology Studies (RATS) program held at the Black Point Lava Flow in Arizona. This report describes the power sy...
Conference Paper
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Radioisotope power systems (RPS) for space applications have powered over 27 U.S. space systems, starting with Transit 4A and 4B in 1961, and more recently with the successful landing of the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity in August 2012. RPS enable missions with destinations far from the Sun with faint solar flux, on planetary surfaces wit...
Conference Paper
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The Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) is a next-generation radioisotope-based power system that is currently being developed as an alternative to the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG). Power sources such as these may be needed for proposed missions to solar system planets and bodies that have challenging Plan...
Conference Paper
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Venus, with a surface temperature of 450°C and an atmospheric pressure 90 times higher than that of the Earth, is a difficult target for exploration. However, high-temperature electronics and power systems now being developed make it possible that future missions may be able to operate in the Venus environment. Powering such a rover within the scop...
Technical Report
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The feasibility of a Stirling engine powered airship for the near surface exploration of Venus was evaluated. The heat source for the Stirling engine was limited to 10 general purpose heat source (GPHS) blocks. The baseline airship utilized hydrogen as the lifting gas and the electronics and payload were enclosed in a cooled insulated pressure vess...
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Mars investigations using high lift-generating under low Reynolds-number in flying robots would be significantly attractive to the public and could enable unique access to measurable phenomena in extreme terrains to accomplish science objectives.
Technical Report
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The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing advanced passive thermal management technology to reduce the mass and improve the reliability of space fuel cell systems for the NASA Exploration program. The passive thermal management system relies on heat conduction within highly thermally conductive cooling plates to move the heat from the central po...
Conference Paper
Future exploration of Saturn's moon Titan can be carried out by airships. Several lighterthan- atmosphere gas airships and passive drifting heated-atmosphere balloon designs have been studied, but a heated-atmosphere airship could combine the best characteristics of both. This work analyses the thermal design of such a heated-atmosphere vehicle, an...
Technical Report
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A stand alone, mobile photovoltaic power system along with a cable deployment system was designed and constructed to take part in the Desert Research And Technology Studies (RATS) lunar surface human interaction evaluation program at Cinder Lake, Arizona. The power system consisted of a photovoltaic array/battery system. It is capable of providing...
Conference Paper
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The surface of Venus is a hostile environment, with a surface temperature averaging 452°C, and atmospheric pressure of 92 bars of carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, exploration of the surface of Venus is of scientific interest. Technologies currently being developed at NASA bring the operation of robots on Venus into the range of feasibility. These incl...
Conference Paper
A heat pipe designed for operation as a solar power receiver should be optimized to accept the solar energy flux and transfer this heat into a reactor. Optical properties of the surface, thermal conductance of the receiver wall, contact resistance of the heat pipe wick, and other heat pipe wick properties ultimately define the maximum amount of pow...
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A joint NASA GRC/JPL design study was performed for the NASA Radioisotope Power Systems Office to explore the use of radioisotope electric propulsion for flagship class missions. The Kuiper Belt Object Orbiter is a flagship class mission concept projected for launch in the 2030 timeframe. Due to the large size of a flagship class science mission la...
Technical Report
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Fuel cell cooling is conventionally performed with an actively controlled, dedicated coolant loop that exchanges heat with a separate external cooling loop. To simplify this system the concept of directly cooling a fuel cell utilizing a coolant loop with a regenerative heat exchanger to preheat the coolant entering the fuel cell with the coolant ex...
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The COMPASS Team was tasked with the design of a Mars Sample Return Vehicle. The current Mars sample return mission is a joint National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA) mission, with ESA contributing the launch vehicle for the Mars Sample Return Vehicle. The COMPASS Team ran a series of design trades for t...
Technical Report
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One of the factors in assessing the applicability of wire or cable on the lunar surface is its flexibility under extreme cold conditions. Existing wire specifications did not address their mechanical behavior under cold, cryogenic temperature, conditions. Therefore tests were performed to provide this information. To assess this characteristic 35 d...
Conference Paper
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A hydrogen reduction reactor (ROxygen) is currently under test and development by the Johnson Space Center. It utilizes an electric heater as the heat source. Solar energy is readily available and abundant on the lunar surface. It is more efficient to use it directly as the energy source for heating the soil in the reactor rather than first convert...
Technical Report
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This report documents the continuing efforts to evaluate the operational state of a high pressure PEM based electrolyzer located at the NASA Glenn Research Center. This electrolyzer is a prototype system built by General Electric and refurbished by Hamilton Standard (now named Hamilton Sunstrand). It is capable of producing hydrogen and oxygen at a...
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The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing advanced passive thermal management technology to reduce the mass and improve the reliability of space fuel cell systems for the NASA exploration program. The passive thermal management system relies on heat conduction within the cooling plate to move the heat from the central portion of the cell stack o...
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Computational fluid dynamics simulation results for a thin cambered plate airfoil, and flow visualization and force measurements from experiments conducted in water on a flapping-and-pitching thin flat-plate wing of semi-elliptic planform at low Reynolds numbers are reported. Time-varying force data, measured using a force transducer, provide a mea...
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This paper discusses the development of a new aircraft based on a bird's flying principle. As currently envisioned, the ultra-slim vehicle would be unmanned, solar-powered, and made of strong, lightweight materials. Rather than a metal framework covered by riveted plates and hydraulically actuated parts, the plane's body and wings would consist of...
Technical Report
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An evaluation of the potential for generating high pressure, high purity hydrogen at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) was performed. This evaluation was based on producing hydrogen utilizing a prototype Hamilton Standard electrolyzer that is capable of producing hydrogen at 3000 psi. The present state of the electrolyzer system was determined t...
Technical Report
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An analysis was performed to evaluate the potential of utilizing either an airship or aircraft as a flight platform for long duration flight within the atmosphere of Venus. In order to achieve long-duration flight, the power system for the vehicle had to be capable of operating for extended periods of time. To accomplish these two types of power sy...
Technical Report
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An evaluation of a solar concentrator-based system for producing oxygen from the lunar regolith was performed. The system utilizes a solar concentrator mirror to provide thermal energy for the oxygen production process as well as thermal energy to power a Stirling heat engine for the production of electricity. The electricity produced is utilized t...
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The unsteady flow field of a flapping-and-pitching flat plate wing of elliptic planform at a nominal Reynolds number, Re c = 4100 and reduced frequency, k = 0.138, was studied using flow visualization. Hydrogen bubbles and dye were employed as tracers. The study reveals many vortical flow features. The trailing edge vortex shows very interesting dy...
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Force measurements from experiments conducted in water on a flapping-and-pitching thin flat plate wing of semi-elliptic planform at low Reynolds numbers are reported. Time varying force data, measured using a force transducer, provide a means to understand the mechanisms that lead to enhanced performance observed in insect flight compared to fixed...
Conference Paper
2NASA Glenn Research Center ms 302-1, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 An analysis was performed to evaluate the potential of utilizing an aircraft as a flight platform for long duration flight within the atmosphere of Venus. In order to achieve longduration flight the power system for the vehicle had to be capable of operating for extende...
Technical Report
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A revolutionary type of unmanned aircraft may now be feasible, due to recent advances in polymers, photovoltaics, and batteries. This is a "solid-state" aircraft (SSA), with no conventional mechanical moving parts. Airfoil, propulsion, energy production, energy storage and control are combined in an integrated structure. The work performed on this...
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A high altitude solar powered airship provides the ability to carry large payloads to high altitudes and remain on station for extended periods of time. This study examines applications and background of this type of concept vehicle, reviews the history of high altitude flight and provides a point design analysis. The capabilities and limitations o...
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The feasibility of utilizing an airship for planetary atmospheric exploration was assessed. The environmental conditions of the planets and moons within our solar system were evaluated to determine their applicability for airship flight. A station-keeping mission of 50 days in length was used as the baseline mission. Airship sizing was performed ut...
Conference Paper
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A general characteristic of photovoltaics is that they increase in efficiency as their operating temperature decreases. Based on this principal, the ability to increase a solar aircraft's performance by cooling the solar cells was examined. The solar cells were cooled by channeling some air underneath the cells and providing a convective cooling pa...
Conference Paper
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Due to recent advances in polymers, photovoltaics, and batteries a unique type of aircraft may be feasible. This is a "solid-state" aircraft, with no conventional mechanical moving parts. Airfoil, propulsion, energy production, energy storage and control are combined in an integrated structure. The key material of this concept is an ionic polymeric...
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Flying above the Mars Southern Highlands, an airplane will traverse over the terrain of Mars while conducting unique science measurements of the atmosphere, surface, and interior. This paper describes an overview of the ARES mission with an emphasis on airplane propulsion needs. The process for selecting a propulsion system for the ARES airplane is...