Annette Mankertz

Annette Mankertz
Robert Koch Institut | RKI · Department "Infectious Diseases", Division 12: Measles, mumps, rubella and viruses in immune-compromised

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.


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January 2005 - January 2017
Robert Koch Institut
  • Head of Department


Publications (140)
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Background:A subgroup of CHDs can only be treated palliatively through a Fontan circulation. In case of a failing Fontan situation, serum proteins are lost unspecifically and can also lead to a loss of vaccine antibodies. In a failing Fontan situation, heart transplantation may be the only feasible option. Patient:We describe a 17-year-old patient...
The plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are both widely used to assess immunity to infectious diseases such as measles, but they use two different measurement principles: ELISA measures the ability of antibodies to bind to virus components, while the PRNT detects the aptitude of antibodies t...
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The family Matonaviridae comprises enveloped viruses with positive-sense RNA genomes of 9.6–10 kb. The genus Rubivirus includes rubella virus (species Rubivirus rubellae ) infecting humans, ruhugu virus (species Rubivirus ruteetense ) infecting bats and rustrela virus (species Rubivirus strelense ) infecting rodents and zoo animals. Rubella virus i...
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Aim: To determine the circulation patterns of measles virus in Bulgaria from 2012 to 2018 after a large measles outbreak in the country (2009-2011). Methods: Three types of clinical material were collected: serum samples, urine samples, and nasal swabs. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect specific viral immunoglobulin (I...
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Objectives Post-measles increased susceptibility to subsequent infections seems particularly relevant in low-resource settings. We tested the hypothesis that measles causes a specifically increased rate of infections in children, also in a high-resource setting.Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study on a large measles outbreak in Berlin,...
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Measles virus (MeV) is a highly contagious pathogen that enters the human host via the respiratory route. Besides acute pathologies including fever, cough and the characteristic measles rash, the infection of lymphocytes leads to substantial immunosuppression that can exacerbate the outcome of infections with additional pathogens. Despite the avail...
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Background The WHO European Region targets the elimination of measles, rubella, and the congenital rubella syndrome and welcomes mumps elimination via the joint MMR vaccine. In a push towards this elimination goal, Germany introduced a recommendation on MMR vaccination for adults in 2010 to prevent increasing numbers of measles cases among adults a...
Older origins of measles virus Animal domestication by humans is thought to have given many pathogens an opportunity to invade a new host, and measles is one example of this. However, there is controversy about when measles emerged in humans, because the historical descriptions of measles are relatively recent (late ninth century CE). The controver...
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The placenta acts as physical and immunological barrier against the transmission of viruses and bacteria from mother to fetus. However, the specific mechanisms by which the placenta protects the developing fetus from viral and bacterial pathogens are poorly understood. To identify placental peptides and small proteins protecting from viral and bact...
After treatment of an inpatient with measles, an outbreak occurred within the unprotected healthcare workers (HCW) of a regional hospital in Hesse, Germany in February and March 2017. Overall, 10 HCW contracted measles. Remarkably, none of the affected HCW had direct contact to the index patient. One nosocomial transmission to a patient occurred. T...
Passive immunisation with immunoglobulins as post-exposure prophylaxis after contact with measles is recommended by the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) particularly for unprotected individuals at high risk of complications for whom active immunization is contraindicated, such as infants <6 months of age, immunocompromised patients...
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RV pathologies, especially during embryonal development, could be connected with its impact on mitochondrial metabolism. With bioenergetic phenotyping we pursued a rather novel approach in virology. For the first time it was shown that a virus infection could shift the bioenergetics of its infected host cell to a higher energetic state. Notably, th...
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The mumps virus (MuV) small hydrophobic protein (SH) is a type I membrane protein expressed in infected cells. SH has been reported to interfere with innate immunity by inhibiting TNFα-mediated apoptosis and NF-κB activation. To elucidate the underlying mechanism, we generated recombinant MuVs (rMuVs) expressing either the SH protein with an N-term...
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The largest measles outbreak in Berlin since 2001 occurred from October 2014 to August 2015. Overall, 1,344 cases were ascertained, 86% (with available information) unvaccinated, including 146 (12%) asylum seekers. Median age was 17 years (interquartile range: 4–29 years), 26% were hospitalised and a 1-yearold child died. Measles virus genotyping u...
Background TheWHO European Region (EUR) has adopted the goal of eliminating measles and rubella but individual countries perform differently in achieving this goal. Measles virus spread across the EUR by mobile groups has recently led to large outbreaks in the insufficiently vaccinated resident population. As an instrument for monitoring the elimin...
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Background In 2004, universal childhood varicella vaccination was introduced in Germany. We aimed to determine the age-specific prevalence of anti-varicella zoster virus (VZV) IgG-antibodies among children in the pre-varicella vaccine era in Germany, to identify factors associated with VZV seropositivity, and to assess the suitability of a commerci...
The Member States of the WHO European Region adopted the goal of measles and rubella elimination more than 10 years ago, but so far only 21 of 53 countries have reached this target. Laboratory investigation of suspected cases is essential to support disease elimination efforts. Therefore, WHO maintains a network of accredited laboratories providing...
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During measles outbreaks, it is important to be able to rapidly distinguish between measles cases and vaccine reactions to avoid unnecessary outbreak response measures such as case isolation and contact investigations. We have developed a real-time RT-PCR method specific for genotype A measles virus (MeVA RT-qPCR), that can identify measles vaccine...
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Although teratogenic rubella virus (RV) causes a vaccine-preventable disease, it is still endemic in several countries worldwide. Thus, there is a constant risk of RV importation into non-endemic areas. RV monitoring, especially during measles and Zika virus outbreaks, requires reliable diagnostic tools. For this study, a TaqMan-based one-step reve...
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Most non-immune individuals exposed to the highly contagious measles virus will develop measles. Complications, such as encephalitis and bacterial infections due to measles virus-induced immunomodulation, account for an acute mortality rate of approximately 0.1% (1). It has been calculated that measles-related immunomodulation may last for several...
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We describe a rubella outbreak that occurred in Romania between September 2011 and December 2012. During this period 24,627 rubella cases, 41.1% (n=10,134) of which female, were notified based on clinical criteria, and a total of 6,182 individuals were found serologically positive for IgM-specific rubella antibody. The median age of notified cases...
Porcine circoviruses (PCV) are small, non-enveloped single-stranded DNA-viruses. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) is the causal agent of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) whereas porcine circovirus of type 1 (PCV-1) is non- pathogenic. gC1qR is a membrane-located receptor of the complement protein subunit C1q and interacts with PC...
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Measles re-emerged in a nationwide outbreak in Bulgaria from 2009 to 2011 despite reported high vaccination coverage at national level. This followed an eight-year period since the last indigenous cases of measles were detected. The Bulgarian National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases collated measles surveillance data for 2009-2011. We a...
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Background Rubella virus (RV) infection is usually a mild illness in children and adults. However, maternal infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in the infant. Fetuses with CRS show damage to the endothelium of the heart and blood vessels; thus, it has been speculated that the clinical mani...
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Here, we report a case of a 51-year-old man with acute pericardial tamponade requiring emergency pericardiocentesis after he suffered from sore throat, headache, malaise, and sweats for two weeks. Serological analyses revealed increased mumps IgM and IgG indicating an acute mumps infection whereas other bacterial and viral infections were excluded....
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Background. Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause severe birth defects. The majority of children with congenital CMV are born to CMV-seropositive women; however, transmission from mother to fetus and resulting defects are more likely to occur when mothers experience seroconversion during pregnancy. The objective of this study was to...
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Mitochondria- as well as p53-based signaling pathways are central for the execution of the intrinsic apoptotic cascade. Their contribution to rubella virus (RV)-induced apoptosis was addressed through time-specific evaluation of characteristic parameters such as permeabilization of the mitochondrial membrane and subsequent release of the pro-apopto...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has adopted an elimination goal for measles and rubella, which is supposed to be met in the WHO European Region (EUR) by 2015. For verification of elimination, it is required that the genotyping data of detected measles viruses provide evidence for the interruption of endemic transmission. In order to record and...
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Hintergrund Vor dem Hintergrund der angestrebten Masernelimination für das Jahr 2015 zeigt die aktuelle epidemiologische Situation in Deutschland, dass noch immer unzureichende Impfquoten in der Bevölkerung bestehen. In dieser Präeliminationsphase gewinnen nosokomiale Masern an Bedeutung. Ziel Ziel unserer Studie war es, den Masernimmunstatus de...
Measles is a highly contagious disease. The German Public Health Service notifies measles cases, investigates outbreaks and evaluates the vaccination coverage. Moreover, we kindly ask to submit more samples from suspected measles cases to the NRC Measles, Mumps, Rubella. Throat swab, oral fluid, urine and serum should be collected and sent for diag...
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Three parallel transmission chains of measles virus (MV) variant ‘D8-Villupuram’ (D8-V) originated from two coinciding international mass gathering (MG) events in Rimini, Italy, in June 2011. MV D8-V was independently introduced into Germany by two unvaccinated persons, and into Slovenia by one unvaccinated person who had attended these events. Sec...
Nach einer Mumpsvirusinfektion sind keine Schädigungen für den Embryo/Feten zu erwarten. Da eine Mumpsinfektion schwer verlaufen kann, sollen alle Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter gegen eine Mumpserkrankung geschützt sein. Die Immunitätsfeststellung soll vor der Schwangerschaft durch Kontrolle des Impfausweises erfolgen. Sind zwei Mumps- oder MMR-Impfu...
Nach einer Rötelnvirusinfektion im ersten Schwangerschaftsdrittel kommt es bei Schwangeren ohne Rötelnschutz mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit zu einem konnatalen Rötelnsyndrom. Dies äußert sich mit schwerwiegenden Fehlbildungen an Auge, Ohr und Herzen des Kindes bzw. Abort und Totgeburt. Deshalb sollen alle Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter gegen eine Röte...
Durch eine Masernvirusinfektion sind keine Schädigungen für den Embryo/Feten bekannt. Da eine Maserninfektion aber schwer verlaufen kann, sollen alle Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter gegen eine Masernerkrankung geschützt sein. Die Immunitätsbestimmung soll vor der Schwangerschaft durch eine Kontrolle des Impfausweises erfolgen. Der Schutz wird durch 2...
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Measles virus induces an acute disease with rash and fever. Despite ongoing vaccination and elimination campaigns, the measles virus still sustains long-lasting transmission chains in Europe. Here we report the complete genome sequence of a wild-type measles virus isolated from a patient in Munich (MVi/Muenchen.DEU/19.13[D8]) during a German measle...
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SUMMARY Mumps outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations with genotype G have been reported repeatedly. Detection of these outbreaks can be difficult in a setting with relatively high vaccination coverage when acute cases of mumps are routinely diagnosed by IgM serology since this marker is not reliable for diagnosis of mumps re-infection. To learn...
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Molecular characterisation of measles virus is a powerful tool for tracing transmission. Genotyping may prove the absence of endemic circulation of measles virus, i.e. transmission for more than 12 months, which is one of the criteria for verifying elimination of the disease. We have genetically characterised measles viruses detected in Romania fro...
Measles is a severe disease caused by infection with the measles virus. Complications after the onset of infection lead to 1-3 fatalities per 1,000 cases in industrialized countries. If more than 95 % of the global population were vaccinated twice with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, measles could be eliminated worldwide. The elimina...
Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease that could be eliminated by global vaccination strategies with two-dose measles vaccination. The World Health Organization (WHO) European Region aims at achieving measles elimination by 2015. Target control is mainly based on verification of 95 % vaccination coverage. In Germany, target verification cannot b...
Am bundesweiten Sentinel der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Masern (AGM) nahmen von September 1999 bis März 2011 Arztpraxen freiwillig und unentgeltlich teil. Seit 2001 gab es mit der Masern-Meldepflicht in Deutschland 2 parallele Surveillancesysteme. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Analyse war die Bewertung der Stärken und Grenzen des Sentinels im Vergleich zur...
Masern werden durch eine Infektion mit dem Masernvirus ausgelöst. Diese schwere Erkrankung führt häufig zu Komplikationen, die in den Industrieländern 1 bis 3 Todesfälle per 1000 Erkrankte verursachen. Masern könnten global ausgerottet werden, wenn mindestens 95 % der Weltbevölkerung zweimalig mit der MMR-Vakzine geimpft wären. Die Elimination der...
Background Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease that could be eliminated by global vaccination strategies with two-dose measles vaccination. The World Health Organization (WHO) European Region aims at achieving measles elimination by 2015. Target control is mainly based on verification of 95 % vaccination coverage. In Germany, target verificati...
Am bundesweiten Sentinel der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Masern (AGM) nahmen von September 1999 bis März 2011 Arztpraxen freiwillig und unentgeltlich teil. Seit 2001 gab es mit der Masern-Meldepflicht in Deutschland 2 parallele Surveillancesysteme. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Analyse war die Bewertung der Stärken und Grenzen des Sentinels im Vergleich zur...
SUMMARY Between April and July 2011 there was an outbreak of measles virus, genotype D4, in Berlin, Germany. We identified 73 case-patients from the community and among students of an anthroposophic school, who participated in a 4-day school trip, as well as their family and friends. Overall, 27% were aged ⩾20 years, 57% were female and 15% were ho...
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We have undertaken a seroprevalence study with more than 13,000 children, who had been included in the German KIGGS survey, a representative sample of children and adolescents 0-17 years of age. The IgG titres against measles, mumps and rubella were determined in 1 to 17 year olds While 88.8% of the children were MMR-vaccinated at least once, 76.8%...
From December 2008 to June 2009 a measles outbreak occurred in the Federal State of Hamburg, Germany. The outbreak affected 216 persons and was caused by a new measles strain termed D4-Hamburg which led to consecutive outbreaks between 2009 and 2011 in at least 12 European countries. Here, we describe epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak...
A measles infection in a 13-year-old student from a free progressive school was the index case for an outbreak in Essen in 2010. In this type of school, mainly unvaccinated and measles-susceptible children accumulate. This observation is confirmed by the fact that some of the recent outbreaks originated in such institutions. In Essen, this outbreak...
This review discusses the molecular interaction of proteins encoded by porcine circoviruses type 1 (PCV1) and type 2 (PCV2) with respect to the putative role for disease induction. Besides protein:protein interactions also proteins binding to PCV DNA are covered. Moreover, new approaches are considered which have been generated by genomic and prote...
In the European Region, measles elimination is now targeted to 2015. To measure progress towards elimination age-group specific susceptibility targets have been defined. Age-specific measles susceptibility in children and adolescents was evaluated in Germany. Taking into account a broad range of socio-demographic, health- and vaccination status rel...
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A new strain of measles virus, D4-Hamburg, was imported from London to Hamburg in December 2008 and subsequently spread to Bulgaria, where an outbreak of >24,300 cases was observed. We analyzed spread of the virus to demonstrate the importance of addressing hard-to-reach communities within the World Health Organization European Region regarding acc...
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In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a goal to eliminate measles in the European Region by 2010. Measles elimination is defined as the interruption of indigenous measles virus (MV) transmission. The molecular epidemiology of MV transmission in the WHO European Region was studied through the investigation of reported cases and outbre...
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Increasing 2-dose vaccination coverage has led to an interruption of endemic measles virus circulation in Germany. However, outbreaks after virus importation still occur and contribute to international transmission chains. Between 2003 and 2009, annual measles incidence ranged between 0.2 and 2.8 per 100,000 population. Immunization gaps have been...
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A critical component of laboratory surveillance for measles is the genetic characterization of circulating wild-type viruses. The World Health Organization (WHO) Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network (LabNet), provides for standardized testing in 183 countries and supports genetic characterization of currently circulating strains of measles viruse...
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In Germany, measles vaccination coverage with two doses is not yet sufficient to prevent regional outbreaks. Among the 16 German federal states, vaccination coverage was lowest in Bavaria with 85% in 2008. From March to mid-April 2008, four neighbouring Bavarian counties reported 55 measles-cases mostly linked to an ongoing measles outbreak in an a...
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With improved measles virus (MV) control, the genetic variability of the MV-nucleoprotein hypervariable region (NP-HVR) decreases. Thus, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the origin of a virus using only this part of the genome. During outbreaks in Europe and Africa, we found MV strains with identical NP-HVR sequences. However, these s...
A metagenomic analysis of live human vaccines has recently demonstrated the presence of porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) DNA in the paediatric vaccine Rotarix used in the prevention of acute gastroenteritis. Using real-time PCR for PCV1, titres of PCV1 DNA in several batches of Rotarix were found to be in the order of 6-7 log(10) copies per dose. P...
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Since the introduction of a two-dose MMR vaccination regime the incidence of mumps virus infections has substantially declined. However, mumps outbreaks have recently been reported from several countries. Here we report an ongoing mumps outbreak in Germany. Between 1 July and 31 October, 115 infections have been laboratory-confirmed. Reported compl...
In September and October 2010, 13 primary measles cases were identified among unvaccinated persons aged between 9 and 32 years (median: 16.5) in 11 districts in Germany. All cases had attended meetings in Taizé, France. This outbreak illustrates the risk of long distance spread of infectious diseases associated with international mass gatherings, a...
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The small hydrophobic (SH) protein of mumps virus has been reported to interfere with innate immunity by inhibiting tumour necrosis factor alpha-mediated apoptosis. In a yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified the ataxin-1 ubiquitin-like interacting protein (A1Up) as a cellular target of the SH protein. A1Up contains an amino-terminal ubiquitin-...
On 15 March 2010, a case of measles was reported to the District Health Office in Essen. In total 71 cases occurred from 15 March to 19 May (four cases hospitalised), with the majority linked to a Waldorf school. Only one case had been vaccinated twice, two cases had been vaccinated once. Immediate and consequent exclusion of non-immune children fr...
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The objective of this study was to describe transmission chains of measles observed in Poland during 2008-2009. A decade ago, the incidence of measles in Poland declined and approached one case per million inhabitants one of the World Health Organization's criteria for measles elimination. Following a period of very few reported measles cases (2003...
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Since early January 2010, Berlin has been experiencing a measles outbreak with 62 cases as of 31 March. The index case acquired the infection in India. In recent years, measles incidence in Berlin has been lower than the German average and vaccination coverage in school children has increased since 2001. However, this outbreak involves schools and...
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We report on a measles outbreak originating in an anthroposophic community in Austria, 2008. A total of 394 (94·9%) cases fulfilled the outbreak case definition including 168 cases affiliated to the anthroposophic community. The source case was a school pupil from Switzerland. The Austrian outbreak strain was genotype D5, indistinguishable from the...
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The linear haemagglutinin noose epitope (HNE; aa 379-410) is a protective B-cell epitope and considered to be highly conserved in both the vaccine and the wild-type measles virus (MeV) haemagglutinin (H) proteins. Vaccine virus-derived monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) BH6 and BH216, which target the HNE, neutralized MeVs of genotypes B3, C2, D4, D5, D6...
Einleitung Die WHO Vorgaben zur Masernelimination werden in Deutschland nicht erreicht, denn die Durchimpfungsrate liegt für die zweite Masern-Impfung noch unter 95% und die Inzidenz überschreitet den angesetzten Höchstwert von 1 Fall pro 1 Mio. Einwohner. Deutschland ist somit eines der Länder, die die Masernelimination in Europa gefährden. In gem...
Infections with pigeon circovirus (PiCV) (also termed columbid circovirus) occur in meat and racing pigeons (Columba livia) of all ages and have been reported worldwide. A PiCV infection is associated with immunosuppression and the development of young pigeon disease syndrome. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection...