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Publications (26)
The following chapter will give an overview on learning with multiple representations and why they are so relevant for acquiring knowledge in physics. This will comprise the classical multimedia view of multiple representations in terms of text picture combinations and conceptualisations that broaden this view by taking into account any representat...
Das Lernen mit Medien ist im Bildungsbereich geradezu zu einem geflügelten Wort geworden. Es ist jedoch kein einheitlicher und klar definierter Begriff, sondern kann aus verschiedenen sowohl kognitiven als auch instruktionalen Perspektiven betrachtet werden. Dieses Kapitel erläutert die verschiedenen Klassifikationsmöglichkeiten für Lernen mit Medi...
Generative drawing is a learning strategy in which students draw illustrations while reading a text to depict the content of the lesson. In two experiments, students were asked to generate drawings as they read a scientific text or read the same text on influenza with author‐provided illustrations (Experiment 1), or to generate drawings or write ve...
Generative learning strategies, such as summarizing or generative drawing, can help students to deal with complex texts. Both strategies foster students to engage in cogni-tive processes of selection, organi-zation, and integration, which can lead to deeper learning.
To shed more light on how stu-dents engage in these processes when summarizing or...
This chapter provides an overview of different models and theories on learning with multiple representations and outlines their importance for physics education. We distinguish between internal and external multiple representations. The latter refer to any combination of visible representations such as pictures, text, graphs, and tables. Physics ca...
Students often have difficulties dealing with complex scientific texts (Baumert et al., 2001; Schnotz, 1994). In this regard, if one wants to enable students to study for deep level understanding, a generative learning strategy like drawing might be a suitable way to overcome such difficulties. By asking students to make a drawing (e.g., while they...
Der Lernstrategie des sinnstiftenden Zeichnens liegt das theoretische Konstrukt des Cognitive Model of Drawing Construction von van Meter und Firetto (2013) zugrunde, welches für eine erfolgreichere Strategieanwendung instruktionale Hilfen vorschlägt. Schwamborn und Kollegen (2010) implementierten dazu einen vorgegebenen Zeichenhintergrund und eine...
Die Lernstrategie des sinnstiftenden Zeichnens kann Lernenden dabei helfen, komplexe Sachtexte besser zu verstehen. Dem liegt die Annahme zu Grunde, dass die Instruktion zum Zeichnen zu einer verstärkten Anregung metakognitiver Überwachungsprozesse führt. Mithilfe der Analyse der von Lernenden während der Anwendung des sinnstiftenden Zeichnens auf...
Die Autoren stellen hier ein Training vor, welches das selbstregulierte Lernen aus Sachtexten und durch Experimentieren fördert. Schülerinnen und Schüler der fünften und sechsten Jahrgangsstufe lernen in diesem Training, wie sie selbstregulative Strategien nutzen können, um Lese- und Experimentierstrategien lernförderlich anzuwenden. Das Training i...
Being unprepared to deal with classroom disturbances is a major cause of beginning teachers' reality shock. However, a lack of options remains to learn dealing with such disturbances. In this study, the longitudinal effects of classroom management training are investigated. Participants (N = 97) were assigned to one of two intervention groups (clas...
Does using a learner-generated drawing strategy (i.e., drawing pictures during reading) foster students' engagement in generative learning during reading? In two experiments, 8th-grade students (Exp. 1: N = 48; Exp. 2: N = 164) read a scientific text explaining the biological process of influenza and then took two learning outcome tests. In Experim...
Subjective cognitive load (CL) rating scales are widely used in educational research. However, there are still some open questions regarding the point of time at which such scales should be applied. Whereas some studies apply rating scales directly after each step or task and use an average of these ratings, others assess CL only once after the who...
While the roles of student misbehavior and teacher self-efficacy in teacher burnout have been investigated, there is still a pressing need to determine the processes involved and the degree to which these generalize across early career teachers. The present research integrates findings on teacher self-efficacy, occupational stressors, and emotional...
This chapter discusses the generative drawing principle in multimedia learning. It proposes that asking students to create drawings while reading text causes generative processing that leads to better learning outcomes. In drawing, students have to translate the verbal text information into a picture that represents spatial relationships among func...
Rapid technological developments and growing interest in learning approaches other than traditional ones such as ex cathedra teaching have made hypermedia environments an increasingly popular learning device. Such environments have several advantages, but place demands on learners as well, such as requiring substantially more metacognitive and self...
Naturwissenschaftliche Studiengänge, insbesondere Chemie, weisen eine hohe Studienabbruchquote auf (Heublein et al., 2008), die häufig auf mangelnden Studienerfolg zurückzuführen ist (Heublein et al. 2010). Forschungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Fähigkeit zum Selbstregulierten Lernen (SRL) einen positiven Einfluss auf den Lernerfolg hat (...
The benefits of visual representations that are added to (written or spoken) words to enhance learning are beyond doubt and have been well-established throughout educational research in the last two decades. In this regard, the preceding chapters have introduced and discussed the cognitive foundations for learning with different kinds of visual rep...
Learner-generated drawing is a learning strategy which is used to improve students' text comprehension. Research has shown that benefits of the learner-generated drawing strategy strongly depend on drawing-accuracy and that students need instructional support to draw accurate drawings. However, less is known about how much support is needed. Thus,...
This study investigated, whether learning from science texts can be enhanced by providing learners with different forms of visualizations (pictures) in addition to text. One-hundred-two 9th and 10th graders read a computer-based text on chemical processes of washing and answered questions on cognitive load (mental effort, perceived difficulty) and...
Students reading complex and difficult expository texts do often have problems with the cog-nitively highly demanding processes of text comprehension (Baumert et al., 2001; Kintsch & van Dijk, 1978; Schnotz, 1994, 2003). Thus, the purpose of the present thesis was to study the use of visualizations as aids for comprehension in learning from science...
In this study, 9th-grade students (
N = 196) with a mean age of 14.7 years read a scientific text explaining the chemical process of doing laundry with soap and water and then took 3 tests. Students who were instructed to generate drawings during learning scored higher than students who only read on subsequent tests of transfer (
d = 0.91), retenti...
In dieser Arbeit wurde einerseits im Sinne der Theorien des multimedialen Lernens der Nutzen von vorgegebenen Bildern sowie andererseits im Sinne der Modelle des selbstregulierten Lernens der Nutzen von selbst generierten Bildern als Textverstehenshilfe untersucht. Anhand eines 2 × 2-faktoriellen experimentellen Designs mit den Faktoren «Bildprasen...