Annegret F. Hannawa

Annegret F. Hannawa
Università della Svizzera italiana | USI · Center for the Advancement of Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety (CAHQS)

Ph.D., Communication Sciences


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January 2016 - July 2017
Università della Svizzera italiana
  • Managing Director
July 2011 - December 2015
Università della Svizzera italiana
  • Senior Assistant Professor
July 2011 - June 2015
Università della Svizzera italiana
  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (76)
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Academic misconduct by students is a serious issue that threatens the public trust in higher education institutions. In the current study, we examine whether SACCIA (Sufficient, Accurate, Clear, Contextualised and Interpersonally Adaptive) communication predicts lower academic misconduct via attitudes towards cheating and understanding what ‘counts...
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The growing scientific interest in conspiracy beliefs calls for validated measures of conspiracy mentality, the tendency to believe any conspiracy theory. In this study, we validate a French and Italian version of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS). French (N = 160) and Italian (N = 114) speaking residents of Switzerland filled out a questionnair...
This study investigates whether people’s responses to official communications about COVID-19 could be “profiled” with respect to socio-economic-demographic and behavioral characteristics. Such profiles could enhance the effectiveness of future crisis management through the use of profile-adapted communications that maximize message comprehension. A...
Increased scientific interest in conspiracy beliefs raises the need for validated individual difference measures in the general tendency to believe in conspiracy theories, otherwise referred to as conspiracy mentality. In this article, we present a German language version of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS). A representative sample of German-sp...
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Medical errors are not a prevalent discussion topic in the current public health literature. However, their impact on patient lives across the world is alarming.
Was ist zu diesem Thema bereits bekannt? Kommunikation mit Patient_innen, Angehörigen und im klinischen Team ist aus dem pflegerischen Alltag nicht wegzudenken. Sie führt entweder zu Problemen oder zu pflegerischen Erfolgen. Wie wird eine neue Perspektive eingebracht? Die Kommunikation wird häufig als die Vermittlung von Informationen missverstande...
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Approximately 43 million adverse events occur across the globe each year at a cost of at least 23 million disability-adjusted life years and $132 billion in excess health care spending, ranking this safety burden among the top 10 medical causes of disability in the world.1 These findings are likely to be an understatement of the actual severity of...
Objective Existing quality of care frameworks insufficiently integrate the perspectives of physicians, nurses and patients. We collected narrative accounts from these three groups to explore if their perspectives might add new content to these existing definitions. Methods Ninety-seven descriptions of “good” and “poor” care episodes were collected...
At a time when patient-centered care is a goal and patient safety is a paramount concern across the spectrum of health care, renewed and rigorous attention to interpersonal communication skills makes good sense. In this interdisciplinary article, we share lessons from communication science that can help clinicians communicate more appropriately and...
Purpose Identifying the factors that contribute or hinder the provision of good quality care within healthcare institutions, from the managers’ perspective, is important for the success of quality improvement initiatives. The purpose of this paper is to test the Integrative Quality Care Assessment Tool (INQUAT) that was previously developed with a...
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Background: Patient safety is a key target in public health, health services and medicine. Communication between all parties involved in gynecology and obstetrics (clinical staff/professionals, expectant mothers/patients and their partners, close relatives or friends providing social support) should be improved to ensure patient safety, including t...
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Background: Communication between health care provider and patients in oncology presents challenges. Communication skills training have been frequently developed to address those. Given the complexity of communication training, the choice of outcomes and outcome measures to assess its effectiveness is important. The aim of this paper is to 1) perf...
Aim: To evaluate communication issues during dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DACPR) for paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in a structured manner to facilitate recommendations for training improvement. Methods: A retrospective observational study evaluated DACPR communication issues using the SACCIA® Safe Communication...
Objective: This study pursues further empirical validation of the "Medical Error Disclosure Competence (MEDC)" guidelines. The following research questions are addressed: (1) What communicative skills predict patients' perceived disclosure adequacy? (2) To what extent do patients' adequacy perceptions predict disclosure effectiveness? (3) Are ther...
Research has identified criteria to assess quality in order to improve it. About fifty years ago, Sanazaro and Williamson created a classification of effective and ineffective performance by asking physicians to provide examples of good and poor care. This study replicates Sanazaro and Williamson’s design using a sample of healthcare managers inste...
Purpose The scientific literature evidences that the quality of care must be improved. However, little research has focused on investigating how health care managers – who are responsible for the implementation of quality interventions – define good and poor quality. The purpose of this paper is to develop an empirically informed taxonomy of quali...
Objective: This study sought to validate the ability of a "Medical Error Disclosure Competence" (MEDC) model to predict the effects of physicians' communication skills on error disclosure outcomes in a simulated context. Method: A random sample of 721 respondents was assigned to 16 experimental disclosure conditions that tested the MEDC model's...
Background Communication has emerged as a critical component in delivering safe, high-quality care. The evidence is clear that health outcomes are enhanced when clinicians communicate well, and compromised when they interact poorly. It is important to understand the core aspects of interpersonal sense-making that hinder or foster favorable health o...
• Case studies exemplary of prevalent “hot buttons” in patient safety. • Integration of evidence-based interdisciplinary perspectives. • Memorable “communication pearls” for quality- and safety-centered. This case studies book is an indispensable resource for educators, students, and practitioners of nursing. It is innovative in its application of...
Validity and validation are essential concerns when it comes to the development, evaluation, and use of measures, assessments, tests, or scales. While validity refers to the quality of the inferences or claims that are drawn from the scores of an instrument, validation is a process in which various sources of validity evidence are accumulated and s...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore a non-technical overview for leaders and researchers about how to use a communications perspective to better assess, design and use digital health technologies (DHTs) to improve healthcare performance and to encourage more research into implementation and use of these technologies. Design/methodology/...
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INTRODUCTION: Inferences from population-based cohort studies may be inaccurate as a result of biased coverage of the target population. We investigated the presence of absolute coverage error and selection bias in the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury (SwiSCI) cohort study, using a secondary, nationally representative data source. The proposed methodology...
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This empirical investigation addresses four paradigmatically framed research questions to illuminate the epistemological status of the field of health communication, systematically addressing the limitations of existing disciplinary introspections. A content analysis of published health communication research indicated that the millennium marked a...
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This study investigated whether relational goal pursuit theory (RGP) predicts post-breakup persistent unwanted pursuit of the partner. RGP posits that lower-order goals of seeking intimacy with a particular person become linked to higher-order goals, leading to a cascade of goal linking, rumination, face sensitivity, emotional flooding, and if unch...
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Communication is undoubtedly a critical element of competent end-of-life care. However, physicians commonly lack communication skills in this particular care context. Theoretically grounded, evidence-based guidelines are needed to enhance physicians' communication with patients and their families in this important time of their lives. To address th...
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Existing literature evidences the centrality of interpersonal communication during end-of-life care, but several barriers currently compromise its effectiveness. One of them is a common lack of communication skills among physicians in this challenging context. Several strategies have been suggested to enhance end-of-life interactions; however, a so...
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The interdisciplinary intersections between communication science and health-related fields are pervasive, with numerous differences in regard to epistemology, career planning, funding perspectives, educational goals, and cultural orientations. This article identifies and elaborates on these challenges with illustrative examples. Furthermore, concr...
The purpose of this study was to test causal effects of physicians' nonverbal involvement on medical error disclosure outcomes. 216 hospital outpatients were randomly assigned to two experimental treatment groups. The first group watched a video vignette of a verbally effective and nonverbally involved error disclosure. The second group was exposed...
The lack of interdisciplinary clarity in the conceptualization of medical errors discourages effective incident analysis, particularly in the event of harmless outcomes. This manuscript integrates communication competence theory, the criterion of reasonability, and a typology of human error into a theoretically grounded Tool for Retrospective Analy...
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This review merges interdisciplinary perspectives from communication, law, and medical ethics to advance theoretically framed standards for error disclosure. The standards reflect ethical conduct in respect to providers' decisions to disclose and their performance of error disclosures. Furthermore, the review operationalizes a list of communicative...
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Errors in medicine are common and often inevitable. They represent a dramatic situation for patients and their families. Thus, the physician-patient communication after a critical incident is crucial to prevent increased trauma. An error disclosure is a difficult, often overwhelming challenge for physicians. Doctors commonly experience enormous pre...
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Medical errors are prevalent, but physicians commonly lack the training and skills to disclose them to their patients. Existing research has yielded a set of verbal messages physicians should communicate during error disclosures. However, considering the emotional message contents, patients likely derive much of the meaning from physicians' nonverb...
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This study posits a model of funeral satisfaction in which religiosity predicts general funeral attitudes, which predict levels and types of funeral participation, mediating the relationship between attitudes and satisfaction in a particular bereavement context. Over a thousand respondents rated their attitudes toward funerals in general and evalua...
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Two studies are utilized to test a revised version of Guerrero, Andersen, Eloy, Spitzberg, and Jorgensen's (199525. Guerrero , L. K. , Andersen , P. A. , Jorgensen , P. F. , Spitzberg , B. H. and Eloy , S. V. 1995. Coping with the green-eyed monster: Conceptualizing and measuring communicative responses to romantic jealousy. Western Journal of...
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Extending the research conducted to date on adult siblings’ use of relational maintenance behaviors, the purpose of this dual study was to examine whether genetically related siblings (i.e., siblings who are identical twins, fraternal twins, full siblings, or half siblings) used relational maintenance behaviors (i.e., positivity, assurances, openne...
Existing investigations on medical error disclosures have neglected the fact that a disproportionately large amount of the meaning in messages is derived from nonverbal cues. This study provides an empirical assessment of the verbal and nonverbal messages physicians communicate when disclosing medical errors to standardized patients. Sixty hypothet...
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Statistics show that nearly 98,000 patients die each year because of preventable medical mistakes. Despite legal obligations, a majority of physicians either fail to disclose a mistake or disclose it in an incompetent manner, causing detrimental outcomes. This article is the first to synthesize existing research on medical mistakes into an integrat...
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Affection exchange theory and previous research suggest that affectionate behavior has stress-ameliorating effects. On this basis, we hypothesized that increasing affectionate behavior would effect improvements in physical and psychological conditions known to be exacerbated by stress. This study tested this proposition by examining the effects of...
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From a self-evaluation maintenance (SEM) perspective, a parent's levels of allocentrism and collectivism were predicted to increase the parent's (a) self-protection from negative social comparison, (b) need for positive self-evaluation through ?basking in reflected glory,? and (c) dependency on the child's performance to achieve (a) and (b).This st...
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Relational proprietariness and entitlement have been theoretically related to partner violence following the threat of relationship dissolution. To date, however, no measure has been employed to verify such accounts. A multistage item pool development and refinement strategy was employed, resulting in a 32-item measure with strong construct validit...


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