Anne Mangen

Anne Mangen
University of Stavanger · National Center for Reading Education and Research



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I do empirical research on the effects of digitization on cognitive and experiential aspects of reading, comparing the reading of different kinds of texts on various reading devices and measuring the effect of the interface on, e.g., reading comprehension or narrative engagement. I was Chair of COST Action E-READ: Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitisation ( Member of the government-appointed expert committee on screen use:
Additional affiliations
June 2016 - present
University of Stavanger
  • Professor (Full)
August 2011 - July 2013
OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • PostDoc Position
November 2007 - June 2016
University of Stavanger
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (82)
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Instructional planning is acknowledged as an important factor influencing the quality of classroom teaching. DigUp is a Research and Innovation in the Public Sector project which has received funding from the Research Council of Norway. Using a design-based research methodology, the objectives of DigUp are to design, trial, optimise and disseminate...
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Societies are facing fundamental transformations as digital technologies are changing the ways we live, interact, work, study and read. The social and cultural impact of the digitization process on reading skills and practices remains under-researched. While digital technologies offer much potential for new forms of reading, recent empirical resear...
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The increasing use of digital technologies has implications for reading. Online and on-screen reading often consist of engaging with multiple, short, multimedia snippets of information, whereas longform reading is in decline. Meta-analyses have identified a screen inferiority when reading informational texts, but not narrative texts. The mode effec...
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Reading literature is often related to cognitive patience (i.e., the ability to read with focused and sustained attention and delay gratification, while refraining from multitasking or skimming over parts of the text). In this explorative, survey-based study, we investigate the relations between reading literature (especially longer texts) and conc...
Gesellschaften stehen vor grundlegenden Veränderungen, da digitale Technologien die Art und Weise verändern, wie wir leben, interagieren, arbeiten, lernen und lesen. Die sozialen und kulturellen Auswirkungen des Digitalisierungsprozesses auf Lesefähigkeiten und -praktiken sind nach wie vor unzureichend erforscht. Während digitale Technologien große...
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Societies are facing fundamental transformations as digital technologies are changing the ways we live, interact, work, study and read. The social and cultural impact of the digitization process on reading skills and practices remains under-researched. While digital technologies offer much potential for new forms of reading, recent empirical resear...
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This paper applies an embodied perspective to the study of reading and has a twofold aim: (i) to discuss how reading is best understood in terms of cultural-cognitive performance that involves living bodies who actively engage with reading materials, and (ii) to spark a dialogue with neighboring disciplines, such as multimodality studies and moveme...
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Experts translate the latest findings on embodied cognition from neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science to inform teaching and learning pedagogy. Embodied cognition represents a radical shift in conceptualizing cognitive processes, in which cognition develops through mind-body environmental interaction. If this supposition is correct, then...
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Digital texts have for decades been a challenge for reading research, creating a range of questions about reading and a need for new theories and concepts. In this paper, we focus on materialities of texts and suggest an embodied, enacted, and extended approach to the research on digital reading. We refer to findings showing that cognitive activiti...
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Discussions of digital technologies in education should take into consideration the role of analogue technologies – such as print books – especially when it comes to reading. Empirical research (Delgado et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2018; Clinton, 2019; Singer & Alexander, 2017) shows that paper supports comprehension better than screens, especially w...
The present study combines literary theory and cognitive psychology to empirically explore some cognitive and emotional facets of poetry reading, exemplified by the reading of three Shakespeare sonnets. Specifically, predictions generated combining quantitative textual analysis according to the Neurocognitive Poetics model with qualitative textual...
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This article presents findings from a study carried out with groups of children (N = 72; M = 57.2 months) in early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions in Norway. Twelve teachers read two stories, once in a print book format and once in a picture book app, with groups of children. Children’s and teachers’ verbal engagement was coded for...
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Long-form reading of literary and non-literary texts is historically an essential component of education. However, in many schooling contexts, the amount of long-form reading is diminishing. Are digital technologies augmenting this trend? And are these technologies affecting assignments and student reading patterns in other ways? This article begin...
The aim of this paper is to argue for an interdisciplinary research agenda to the study of reading. We discuss the methodological and educational/practical challenges and opportunities that an embodied cognitive and distributed language perspective entails for literacy and education research. Although an increasing body of research pivots on the em...
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Based on Kuzmičová’s (2014) phenomenological typology of narrative styles, we studied the specific contributions of mental imagery to literary reading experience and to reading behavior by combining questionnaires with eye-tracking methodology. Specifically, we focused on the two main categories in Kuzmičová’s (2014) typology, i.e., texts dominated...
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Recent meta-analyses (Delgado et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2018; Clinton et al., 2019) show that reading comprehension on paper is better than on screen among (young) adults. Children’s screen reading comprehension, however, is underexplored. This article presents an experiment measuring the effect of reading medium on younger (10-year old) readers’...
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Recent meta-analyses (Delgado et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2018; Clinton et al., 2019 show that reading comprehension on paper is better than on screen among (young) adults. Children's screen reading comprehension, however, is underexplored. This article presents an experiment measuring the effect of reading medium on younger (10-year old) readers' c...
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This paper presents the study protocol for a research project assessing the appropriateness of picture book apps in shared reading with young children. An intervention study was carried out in six ECEC institutions, comparing teachers’ (N=12) and children’s (N = 72; M = 57.2 months) engagement during reading with print books and apps. The study has...
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Digital reading devices such as Kindle differ from paper books with respect to the kinesthetic and tactile feedback provided to the reader, but the role of these features in reading is rarely studied empirically. This experiment compares reading of a long text on Kindle DX and in print. Fifty participants (24 years old) read a 28 page (∼1 h reading...
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With digitizat ion, our modes of writing change and we go from writing by putting pen to paper, to typing on a variety of screens. In educational as well as in leisurely settings, writing by hand is increasingly marginalized, and may in a foreseeable future be abandoned altogether. Summarizing some of the research comparing handwriting and typewrit...
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With digital screens becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the lives of children, from their homes to their classrooms, understanding the influence of these technologies on the ways children read takes on great importance. The aim of this edited volume is to examine how advances in technology are shaping children’s reading skills and development. The...
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This article presents the design, methodology and materials of an inter-Nordic study of literary reading among students in teacher education, in which relations between literary style and experiential aspects of literary reading (e.g., empathy and transportation) were assessed empirically. The participants in the study read Katherine Manfield's (19...
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This article presents the design, methodology and materials of an inter-Nordic study of literary reading among students in teacher education, in which relations between literary style and experiential aspects of literary reading (e.g., empathy and transportation) were assessed empirically. The participants in the study read Katherine Manfield’s (19...
Bildeboka har lenge stått sentralt i barnehagens pedagogiske arbeid, for eksempel i samtalebasert lesing, hvor målet er å involvere barna i kognitivt utvidende samtaler. Med nettbrett og bildebok-apper som et supplement til den papirbaserte bildeboka, er det interessant å spørre om de ulike medienes grensesnitt og affordanser spiller en rolle for s...
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Bildeboka har lenge stått sentralt i barnehagens pedagogiske arbeid, for eksempel i samtalebasert lesing, hvor målet er å involvere barna i kognitivt utvidende samtaler. Med nettbrett og bildebok-apper som et supplement til den papirbaserte bildeboka, er det interessant å spørre om de ulike medienes grensesnitt og affordanser spiller en rolle for s...
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Several quantitative studies (e.g. Kidd & Castano, 2013a; Djikic et al., 2013) have shown a positive correlation between literary reading and empathy. However, the literary nature of the stimuli used in these studies has not been defined at a more detailed, stylistic level. In order to explore the stylistic underpinnings of the hypothesized link be...
The alleged crisis of the humanities is currently fueling renewed interest in the affective benefits of literary reading. Several quantitative studies have shown a positive correlation between literary reading and empathy. However, the literary nature of the stimuli used in these studies has not been defined at a more detailed, stylistic level. In...
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The objective of this article is to review extant empirical studies of empathy in narrative reading in light of (i) contemporary literary theory, and (ii) neuroscientific studies of empathy, and to discuss how a closer interplay between neuroscience and literary studies may enhance our understanding of empathy in narrative reading. An introduction...
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The paper analyses reading research trends in Lithuania (1990–2004) based on main research directions listed in Action 1404 E-READ of an international research organization COST. Digital technologies are replacing paper media at an increasing pace, which affects the reading process. The research directions defined by COST represent this trend. Thes...
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Reading and writing are increasingly performed with digital, screen-based technologies rather than with analogue technologies such as paper and pen(cil). The current digitization is an occasion to “unpack,” theoretically and conceptually, what is entailed in reading and writing as embodied, multisensory processes involving audiovisual and ergonomic...
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With the growing popularity of e-readers such as Kindle, literary reading is increasingly digitized. The transition from paper-based to screen-based literature invites theoretical and empirical reconsiderations of a number of basic research questions which might at first glance seem trivial: does it make a difference for aspects of the literary rea...
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In the course of digitisation, the range of substrates for textual reading is being expanded to include a number of screen-based technologies and reading devices, such as e-readers (e.g. Kindle) and tablets (e.g. iPad). These technologies have distinctly different affordances than paper has. Given that textual reading is at the same time likely to...
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Lesing og teknologiske grensesnitt: noen refleksjoner omkring behovet for tverrvitenskapelighet I denne artikkelen drøftes lesing, laering og teknologier i lys av teoretiske tilnaerminger fra det sosiokulturelle paradig-met, og fra empirisk forskning på lesing og laering basert på eksperimentelle paradigmer mer kjent fra naturviten-skapelige disipl...
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The objective of this study was to explore effects of writing modality on word recall and recognition. The following three writing modalities were used: handwriting with pen on paper; typewriting on a conventional laptop keyboard; and typewriting on an iPad touch keyboard. Thirty-six females aged 19-54 years participated in a fully counterbalanced...
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Ever since their appearance in the early 1990s, hypertext novels were presented as the pinnacle of digital aesthetics and claimed to represent the revolutionary future of literature. However, as a literary phenomenon, hypertext novels have remained marginal. The article presents some scientifically derived explanations as to why hypertext novels do...
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Bibliotekene ivrer etter å kunne tilby e-bøker til lånerne. I Norge har de fleste fagbibliotekene lenge hatt store samlinger av e-bøker, mens folkebibliotekene først fra 2013 kunne tilby norskspråklige titler. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan bibliotekenes e-boktilbud understøtter deep reading, som betegner konsentrert og sammenhengende les...
The objective of this study was to explore effects of writing modality on word recall and recognition. The following three writing modalities were used: handwriting with pen on paper; typewriting on a conventional laptop keyboard; and typewriting on an iPad touch keyboard. Thirty-six females aged 19-54 years participated in a fully counterbalanced...
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Ever since their appearance in the early 1990s, hypertext novels were presented as the pinnacle of digital aesthetics, and claimed to represent the revolutionary future of literature. However, as a literary phenomenon, hypertext novels have remained marginal. The article presents some scientifically derived explanations as to why hypertext novels d...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of reading medium and a paratext manipulation on aspects of narrative engagement. In a 2 (medium: booklet vs. iPad) by 2 (paratext: fiction vs. nonfiction) between-subjects factorial design, the study combined state oriented measures of narrative engagement and a newly developed measure of interf...
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A comparison of 10th graders’ reading of a narrative, literary text on a Sony E-reader and in print showed that preferences for reading devices are related to gender and to general reading habits. 143 students participated in the study. In a school setting, students were asked to begin reading a novel on one device, and then continue reading the sa...
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A comparison of 10th graders' reading of a narrative, literary text on a Sony e-reader and in print showed that preferences for reading devices are related to gender and to general reading habits.One hundred forty-three students participated in the study. In a school setting, students were asked to begin reading a novel on one device and then conti...
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E-books have not yet had the same impact on the book markets in Scandinavia as they have in the English-speaking countries. Still, there is an increasing interest in e-books, especially in academic and public libraries. This article gives a review of how three Scandinavian schools in library and information science treat e-books in research and edu...
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Objective: To explore effects of the technological interface on reading comprehension in a Norwegian school context. Participants: 72 tenth graders from two different primary schools in Norway. Method: The students were randomized into two groups, where the first group read two texts (1400 – 2000 words) in print, and the other group read the same t...
Due to increasing digitization, more and more of our writing is done by tapping on keyboards rather than by putting pen to paper. As handwriting is increasingly marginalized both inside and outside of schools, and children learn to write by typing “ready-mades” on different kinds of keyboards rather than by shaping each letter from scratch, we ough...
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Digitale tekster har en rekke egenskaper som gjør dem forskjellige fra trykte tekster, og som kan innvirke på leseforståelsen. Forskning på digital lesing har særlig fokusert på kognitiv belastning ved hypertekst-lesing, og lesing av sammensatte tekster ut fra et semiotisk og/eller (sosio)kognitivt paradigme. I denne artikkelen vil vi framheve et u...
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Artikkelen framhever hvordan lesing ikke bare er en visuell og kognitiv prosess, men at lesing på grunnleggende vis involverer kroppen, og da særlig hendene og fingrene. Ulike håndholdte digitale leseredskaper, slik som lesebrett (Kindle) og nettbrett/-plater (iPad) gjør at også såkalt ”deep reading”, dvs. lesing av skriftbasert, sammenhengende, li...
Due to increasing digitization, more and more of our writing is done by tapping on keyboards rather than by putting pen to paper. As handwriting is increasingly marginalized both inside and outside of schools, and children learn to write by typing "ready-mades" on different kinds of keyboards rather than by shaping each letter from scratch, we ough...
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Torrance, M., Alamargot, D., Castello, M., Ganier, F., Kruse, O., Mangen, A., Tolchinsky, L., & van Waes, L. (2012, Eds). Learning to write effectively: current trends in european research. Bingley (UK): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Conference Paper
As literary reading is increasingly being performed on digital devices (Kindle; Kobo; iPad), the transition from paper- to screen-based reading merits closer theoretical and empirical scrutiny. The audiovisual and ergonomic affordances of a digital device are different from those provided by the physical substrate of paper. Our manual handling of t...
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Due to technological developments, typewriting is replacing handwriting, and screen reading is replacing the reading of texts printed on paper. The field of reading and literacy research is multidisciplinary; however, we claim that, increasingly, certain theoretical paradigms (e.g., (psycho)linguistics, cognitive/educational psychology, and sociocu...
Writing is a complex cognitive process relying on intricate perceptual-sensorimotor combinations. The switch from pen and paper to mouse, keyboard and screen entails major differences in the haptics of writing, at several distinct but intersecting levels. Handwriting is by essence a unimanual activity, whereas typewriting is bimanual. In typewritin...
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This article presents some theoretical-methodological reflections on the current state of the art of research on information and communication technology (ICT) in early childhood education. The implementation of ICT in preschool has triggered considerable research activity on the educational potential of digital technologies. Numerous projects and...
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Reading is a multi-sensory activity, entailing perceptual, cognitive and motor interactions with whatever is being read. With digital technology, reading manifests itself as being extensively multi-sensory – both in more explicit and more complex ways than ever before. In different ways from traditional reading technologies such as the codex, digit...
Conference Paper
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We describe a new way to present and author hypertext narratives. The Fluid Reader constructs a unified interactive text from the content of multiple nodes and allows a reader to explore alternative paths within it. The Fluid Reader has been available as a hands-on museum exhibit for nearly a year to date, where it has been enjoyed by readers of al...


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