Anne Ellerup Nielsen

Anne Ellerup Nielsen
Aarhus University | AU · Department of Management



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January 1992 - present
Aarhus University
  • Professor MSO
September 1976 - June 1996
Aarhus Business School
Field of study
  • French Business Communication


Publications (105)
Research Proposal
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CSRCOM 2024 Call for papers
Based on an integrative discourse methodology, this study examines the organizational role expectancies of CSR professionals as articulated in CSR job advertisements, focusing specifically on what organizations expect CSR professionals to change. Four types of change were identified and organized into a matrix based on the inside or outside stimuli...
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Corporate social responsibility is a complex discipline that not only demands responsible behavior in production processes but also includes the concepts of communicative transparency and dialogue. Stakeholder dialogue is therefore expected to be an integrated part of the CSR strategy (Morsing and Schultz in Bus Ethics: A Eur Rev 14(4):323–338, 200...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to answer the call for CSR communication research to develop and substantiate outcomes that may better explain CSR communication strategies and practices. The paper takes the research a step further, exploring the role of legitimacy in CSR communication research. Design/methodology/approach A literature collect...
This entry provides an overview of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and strategic CSR communication from a historical and theoretical perspective. It addresses different approaches to CSR, distinguishing paradigmatic and theoretical conceptualizations and framings within the fields of CSR and CSR communication. The lack of consensus about what...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is said to be resting on a fundamental dilemma: a dilemma between ethical obligations towards society versus economic duties of maximising profits. In other words: A clash occurs between business and morality. In this chapter, we explore how this fundamental dilemma is replicated in CSR communication contexts....
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce the third special issue on corporate social responsibility communication (CSRCom). In this editorial, the authors take the opportunity to share the latest knowledge, research and insights on CSRCom as presented at the third International CSR Communication Conference held in Ljubljana 17-19 September...
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A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the extant literature about corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry found that perspectives and research traditions are underdeveloped and fragmented. Articles (n = 73) were found in 41 different journals that spanned an array of disciplines with the majority of journals publishing fewer th...
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Hand in hand with the increased competition in the financial sector, relationship marketing has become an important part of general bank marketing. Relationship marketing is concerned with the initiation and management of long-term customer relationships through the development of loyalty programmes. However, so far little focus has been on the com...
The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the identity of nonprofit organizations as suspended between various stakeholders who present the organizations with different challenges, paradoxes, and dilemmas. Thus, it seeks to answer the questions: How do we define and study the relational identity of a nonprofit organization (NPO)? How do stakehol...
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This issue provides an overview of stakeholder theory and corporate identity scholarship marshalling insights from the corporate marketing and corporate communications fields. In examining the corporate identity-stakeholder interface the authors compare and contrast endogeneous and exogenous approaches to the territory. The first, endogeneous and i...
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Marshaling insights from the corporate marketing and corporate communication fields, this article scrutinizes two prominent - albeit highly contrasting - perspectives relating to the corporate identity and stakeholder interface. The first takes an endogenous and institutional approach: this represents the orthodox and dominant perspective that focu...
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(= Arbejdspapirer fra Institut for sprog og internationale kulturstudier ved Aalborg Universitetscenter, nr. 19).
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p>Very few works on translation theory deal with the problems of translating adds and promotional texts. Most writers in this field are translators who focus on the difficulties of translating slogans. K. Reiss is one of the few who has established a typology of adds, but since she doesn't account for extra-textual features, she implicitly excludes...
Purpose – This editorial is an introduction to the special issue on CSR Communication attached to the second CSR Communication Conference held in Aarhus (Denmark) in September 2013. The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the role of CSR communication and the development of theory and practice of CSR Communication in recent years. Desi...
Engaging in CSR and sustainability is considered a path to value creation (Paine 2003; Arvidsson 2009). However, in order to be recognized as an authentic and legitimate value among stakeholders, CSR must be aligned to corporate strategy (Porter & Kramer 2006; Galbreath 2009). So far many organizations have succeeded in incorporating CSR into their...
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Purpose – The goal of this paper is to provide insight into how global social responsibility is performed through economic, mental and even physical investment and engagement by consumers and organisations. Design/methodology/approach – An illustrative analysis from the corporate website and blogs of an ethical organisation is undertaken. The anal...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential topic with regard to the relationship between business and the wider society. It is a complex and controversial phenomenon that can best be addressed via systems theory and the sensemaking perspective. This paper proposes a way to link a dialectical systems perspective with communication...
Purpose – This paper aims to introduce the special issue on CSR communication attached to the First International CSR Communication Conference held in Amsterdam in October 2011. The aim of the introduction is also to review CSR communication papers published in scholarly journals in order to make a summary of the state of CSR communication knowledg...
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This article maps the rapidly growing body of research in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) management and marketing communication, the focus being on research streams and themes. It evaluates this research from a corporate communication perspective. First, the article examines the concept of CSR communication. A typology of a numb...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to address corporte social responsibility (CSR) as a form of corporate self‐storying that highlights isomorphic processes influencing legitimacy as a key organisational concern. Design/methodology/approach Having constructed a theoretical framework incorporating CSR and corporate identity literature, the paper...
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Purpose This paper aims to shed light on corporate practices regarding the integration of CSR into corporate communication in large European companies. Design/methodology/approach An e‐mail survey was conducted among large European companies in a total of 14 European countries. The questionnaire focuses on the organization of corporate communicati...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the construction of discourses in current popular management models described in the field of management coaching in order to examine the disciplining forms and the type of authority appeal drawn upon in these models. Design/methodology/approach – The authors apply a discourse analysis to two select...
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Purpose Societal developments and stakeholder awareness place responsibility and legitimacy high on corporate agendas. Increased awareness heightens focus on stakeholder relations and dialogue as key aspects in corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate identity and corporate communication scholarship, but the question remains how can dialogu...
Research within the field of sustainable development has documented a number of network initiatives taken by corporations in order to manage financial, social, and environmental pressures. So far, the focus of the research has been to address the concerns raised by a number of external stakeholders. As such, research attention has been paid to the...
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Climate change has challenged urban life, and as an omnipresent force, Nature sets the agenda for urban living. Using stakeholder theory to conceptualise urban life, we approach Nature as both an omnipresent stakeholder and an issue to be continuously addressed and related to. Adapting the stakeholder focus to relations, stakes and values, we conce...
Conference Paper
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The climate change has challenged urban living: As an omnipresent force nature sets the agenda for urban life. Using stakeholder theory for conceptualizing urban life, we install nature as both an omnipresent stakeholder and an issue to be continuously addressed and related to. From this perspective we explore how the citizen enacts his relations t...
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Studies of the city have been addressed from many different approaches such as law, political science, art history and public administration, in which the eco- nomic, political and legal status of the city have played a major role. However, a new agenda for conceptualizing the city has emerged, in which the city assumes new roles. By using stakehol...
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Studies of the city have been addressed from many different approaches such as law, political science, art history and public administration, in which the eco-nomic, political and legal status of the city have played a major role. However, a new agenda for conceptualizing the city has emerged, in which the city assumes new roles. By using stakehold...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the control assumptions embedded in some textbooks on management coaching with a view to uncovering the potentialities and constraints applying to the individual's self‐realisation project. Design/methodology/approach – By means of a qualitative discourse analysis of selected works on management co...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) appears and is communicated in small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on theory and research on CSR communication in general and in SMEs and a qualitative case study of the attitudes and beliefs of Danish SM...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) appears and is communicated in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on theory and research on CSR communication in general and in SMEs and a qualitative case study of the attitudes and beliefs of Danish...
This paper seeks to analyse small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) managers' representations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and CSR communication in a corporate communication perspective. The basic question is: how strategic is CSR communication in SMEs? Corporate communication and CSR theories are used to establish an ideal typology of...
Intern kommunikation under forandring giver en teoretisk og praktisk indføring i de tekster, genrer og kommunikationsformer, som den interne kommunikation i private og offentlige virksomheder eller organisationer typisk omfatter. Dertil kommer en indføring i opfattelser af kommunikation, organisation og ledelse, som er relevante for arbejdet med de...
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Business schools and other public and private organizations are increasingly expected not only to comply with rules, regulations and expectations of responsibility but also to focus on managing stakeholders' impressions of the organization and on building reputation. One way of doing this is through CSR communication. This paper is motivated by a r...
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Through a review of CSR and corporate identity literature placed within a stakeholder perspective, the paper addresses potential cross-fertilization between CSR and corporate identity research focusing on fostering stakeholder dialogue when addressing corporate accountability and legitimacy. The stakeholder perspective acts as a framework for a cro...
Die Kommunikationspolitik ist der Instrumentalbereich im Marketing, bei welchem am ehesten deutlich wird, daß Marketing nicht nur die Ausrichtung an den Bedürfnissen oder Wünschen der Abnehmer bedeutet, sondern auch deren aktive Formung, Beeinflussung und Veränderung beinhaltet. Einerseits ist die Marktkommunikation ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil ei...
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Purpose – This paper seeks to analyse and discuss what organizations say and how they say it when reporting Corporate Social Responsibility. It raises the question whether organizations report consistently on CSR in terms of genres, media, rhetorical strategies, etc. Design/methodology/approach – The analysis takes critical discourse analysis of s...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to account for the genre characteristics of non‐linear, multi‐modal, web‐mediated documents. It involves a two‐dimensional view on genres that allows one to account for the fact that digital genres act not only as text but also as medium. Design/methodology/approach The theoretical framework of the article is t...
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This paper explores the possibility of extending the functional genre analysis model to account for the genre characteristics of non-linear, multi-modal, web-mediated documents. The extension involves a two-dimensional view on genres which allows us to account for the fact that digital genres not only act as text but also as medium. Genre theoretic...
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This paper explores the possibility of extending the functional genre model to account for non-linear, multi-modal, web-mediated documents. It adds a two-dimensional perspective to the genre analysis model in order to account for the fact that web documents not only act as text but also as medium. A substantial part of the paper is devoted to a dis...
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Recent years have seen a growing body of literature ceoncerned with the World Wide Web as a new form of communication, and numerous discussions on composition, structure and design of successful company websites are being held in all kinds of forums within and outside the Internet. However, most these discussions seem to focus on the technological...
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The text-typology model developed by Jean-Michel Adam is one of the most well-defined and operational models if one wants to categorize whole texts or text fragments into smaller units. Given that a texttype is the result of specific functional and structural relations between micro- and macropropositions, it is a multicriterial model which takes i...
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Afhandlingens overordnede formål er at gøre rede for, hvorledes forskellige persvasionsstrategier kommer sprogligt og retorisk til udtryk i franske præsentationsbrochurer. Den teoretiske ramme for analysen af disse strategier udgøres af argumentationsteorien, hvorunder tages udgangpunkt i to skoler: nyretorikken, der bygger videre på klassisk argum...
En indføring i markedskommunikation med hovedvægt på 'budskabsudformningen', dvs. de sproglige og visuelle aspekter af virksomhedernes kommunikation med deres markeder. Med udgangspunkt i den såkaldte IMK-model og parametre som kultur, kontekst og medier gennemgår bogen fire centrale genrer inden for markedskommunikation: reklameannoncer,...
The semantic relations between and within utterances are marked by the use of connectors and adverbials. One type of semantic relations is causal relations expressed by causal markers such as because, therefore, so, for, etc. Some of these markers cover different types of causal relations such as causality, explanation and justification. In certain...
Denne artikel præsenterer en tekstlingvistisk/semiotisk analysemodel til beskrivelse af, hvilke strategier der er på spil sprogligt og billedmæssigt i firmabrochurer. At firmabrochuren er en kompleks tekst, der betjener sig af forskellige sproglige som visuelle retoriske strategier, illustreres ved en sekventiel analyse og en tekst-billedanalyse af...
I følge (Giddens 1991) lever vi ikke længere i et modernitetssamfund, men befinder os i et samfund på et stadie af såkaldt høj-modernitet. Parallelt med denne udvikling har vi set en sand eksplosion af nye management teorier og værktøjer. Det giver anledning til at rejse følgende spørgsmål: hvilke ideologier ? ideer og tanker om hvordan social orde...
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Recent years have seen a gradual burring of boundaries between core academic disciplines such as linguistics, economics, politics, sociology, etc. There are many factors which have contributed to this change, for example our global economy where networking, transparency, learning, and knowledge management seem to be the key to capital, consumers, t...
nullIn recent years, it has been argued that the society in which we live is in a stage of high modernity (Giddens, 1991) generating an explosion of new management models. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the ideological assumptions embedded in the management model described in a Danish management guidebook in order to examine whether it mat...
nullThis chapter first outlines theory and literature on CSR and Stakeholder Relations focusing on the different perspectives and the contextual and dynamic character of the CSR concept. CSR reporting challenges are discussed and a model of analysis is proposed. Next, our paper presents the results of a case study showing that companies use differe...
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Abstract The globalised experience economy forefronts new ways of acting, living and relating for both consumers and organisations. In this article, we present an analysis and discussion of the global, cause related marketing campaign (RED) as an emblematic case for new ways of negotiating relations between consumers, organisations and distant Othe...


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