Anna Villarroya

Anna Villarroya
University of Barcelona | UB · Department of Economics



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February 1993 - July 2016
University of Barcelona
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (59)
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RESUMEN En un contexto de crisis de reproducción social como el chileno, que lleva al extremo la privatización de lo necesario para la reproducción de la vida-alimentos, salud, vivienda, cuidados, etc., las movilizaciones sociales se multiplican y toman relevancia social y mediática a partir de finales del 2019 con la revuelta social. El análisis d...
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This article analyses the extent to which the Chilean protests that began in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic have reconfigured the socio-technical networks connecting gender, music and technology. Based on digital ethnography, this study explores how digital information technologies have impacted the musical and organizational practices of female mu...
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El artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la femvertising, esto es, la tendencia publicitaria que busca empoderar a la mujer y desafía a los estereotipos de género. Esta tendencia surge como respuesta a la demanda de la sociedad de que las marcas vinculen su propósito con la igualdad de género y diseñen comunicaciones per...
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La pandèmia de la covid-19 no ha aturat la producció científica en l’àmbit de l’edició i els hàbits lectors a Catalunya, que ha seguit l’evolució positiva dels anys anteriors. Les estadístiques que regularment elaboren o encarreguen les administracions públiques i agents rellevants del sector han intentat en aquests dos anys copsar els efectes de l...
Research Proposal
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MESOC (Measuring the Social Dimension of Culture) is a European project that focused on the measurement of the societal value and impacts of cultural policies and practices. Implemented between 2020 and 2023 with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, 2014-2020), MESOC has propo...
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Disregarding gender and LGBTQ perspectives at the undergraduate level perpetuates stereotypes and biases that jeopardize gender equality in society. Building on empirical evidence collected by an action-research project at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media at the University of Barcelona (Spain), this article provides a diagnosis of h...
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The article presents a systematic review of the literature on femvertising, which is the advertising trend that seeks to empower women and challenge gender stereotypes. This trend emerges as a response to society's demand that brands link their purpose to gender equality and design compelling communications that women can identify with. The aim of...
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Objetivos: en primer lugar, profundizar en el conocimiento, la percepción y la evaluación que la comunidad universitaria (profesorado y estudiantado) hace de la incorporación y la presencia de la perspectiva de género y LGBTI+ en la docencia de los estudios de grado de la Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universitat de Barcelona...
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Objectius: en primer lloc, aprofundir en el coneixement, la percepció i l'avaluació que la comunitat universitària (professorat i estudiantat) fa de la incorporació i la presència de la perspectiva de gènere i LGBTI+ en la docència dels estudis de grau de la Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals de la Universitat de Barcelona i, en segon llo...
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Objetivos: en primer lugar, profundizar en el conocimiento, la percepción y la evaluación que la comunidad universitaria (profesorado y estudiantado) hace de la incorporación y la presencia de la perspectiva de género y LGBTI+ en la docencia de los estudios de grado de la Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universitat de Barcelona...
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En els últims anys, molts països i governs locals han prestat especial atenció a les circumstàncies i necessitats de les dones com a creadores i productores d'expressions artístiques diverses. La inclusió de la igualtat de gènere a l'agenda política ha emergit, en moltes ciutats, de la mà de moviments feministes i de l'activisme de professionals de...
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Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura en torno a las acciones colectivas y los repertorios de acción de movimientos feministas. El objetivo es conocer el estado del arte y reflexionar sobre las potencialidades que estas categorías analíticas aportan al estudio de las distintas expresiones del movimiento feminista en el contexto actua...
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Aquest article té com a objectiu l’anàlisi de les desigualtats de gènere en el sector de les arts escèniques a Espanya i, en concret, les desigualtats que es manifesten en l’àmbit remuneratiu. A partir d’una mostra de vuit-cents professionals del sector, els resultats revelen una pitjor situació laboral de les dones, les retribucions salarials de l...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis de las desigualdades de género en el sector de las artes escénicas en España y, en concreto, las desigualdades que se manifiestan en el ámbito remunerativo. A partir de una muestra de ochocientos profesionales del sector, los resultados revelan una peor situación laboral de las mujeres, cuyas retribucio...
This study explores women’s and men’s perceptions of the specific barriers that prevent women from participating fully in the cultural labour market. To this end, an online questionnaire was administered to 375 cultural professionals in Catalonia (Spain) regarding their perceptions of the barriers faced by women in a range of areas. The results sho...
This article explores the role of feminist perspectives in the cultural policies in the city of Barcelona during the period 2015–2019, attempting to identify potential resistances to gender-focused cultural policies. Based on a literature review and interviews with cultural policy and gender experts, the article reveals that resistances to gender-f...
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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la contribución de la ciudadanía y el sector empresarial a la financiación de las artes y de la cultura en España. A partir de un breve repaso al marco legal del mecenazgo en España, el trabajo se centra en el análisis de los datos que proporciona la Agencia Tributaria sobre la contribución de ambos agentes...
Despite the growing evidence of inequalities related to the presence, promotion and labor conditions of women in the cultural sector, as well as the factors that cause these inequalities, there is still a lack of research and consensus on the key measures that should be applied to reduce the effect of these inequalities. The aim of this study was t...
Drawing on both resource dependence theory and institutional theory, this study attempts to explore how, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008 and the drastic cuts to public funding for culture, corporate sponsorship has been acquiring an increasingly important role in the financial structure and internal organisation of large cultural facili...
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In this paper, we explore the relationship between different ways of getting engaged with cultural heritage and life satisfaction. Using data from a representative sample of the population of the 28 members of the European Union in 2017 collected in the Eurobarometer 88.1 (2017), we explore the relationship between use and non-use values and indivi...
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La producció científica en l’àmbit de l’edició i hàbits lectors a Catalunya ha seguit l’evolució positiva dels anys anteriors. A més de les estadístiques anuals elaborades directament o encarregades per les administracions públiques i agents rellevants del sector, cal destacar la producció de grups i centres de recerca a Catalunya. És especialment...
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Esta contribución tiene como objetivo poner el foco de atención del mecenazgo cultural y patrimonial en la sociedad civil. En concreto, conocer cuál es el interés y participación de ésta en las operaciones de mecenazgo y micro-mecenazgo patrimonial en nuestro país y relacionar esta contribución con el modelo de política cultural existente en España...
Cultural policies in Brazil have experienced both advances and setbacks in a predominantly undemocratic institutional environment. The fact that a large part of the population has been constantly deprived of their basic rights has undermined the monitoring and social control of public policies. Within this context, culture, seen historically as a l...
This chapter provides an overview of the primary sources of statistical information available on cultural participation as well as some research over the last two decades. We start by presenting alternative sources of information: official statistics provided by the Spanish National Statistics Office and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Cultur...
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El objetivo principal de este artículo es describir el perfil de las revistas científicas españolas. Los resultados que se presentan proceden de una encuesta a 1.280 revistas científicas españolas incluidas en la base de datos Dulcinea (edición 2012), obteniendo una tasa de respuesta del 43,8% (n=561). Como objetivos específicos, el estudio se plan...
This article provides an analysis of Spanish journals’ business models. It presents an integrated approach to the concept of a business model, looking at (1) economics and finances, (2) operation, and (3) the strategic dimensions of the publishing activities. It is based on a cluster analysis of 327 journals that responded to a survey carried out b...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how public libraries have been conceptualized and measured in official Spanish statistics over the past 15 years. This allows us to reflect on the transformation of the very nature and aims of libraries during the first 15 years of the 21st century. We examine the main official statistical source of informati...
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A survey of 1,280 publishers of Spanish scientific journals (43% response rate; n=561) revealed their experiences with open access in scientific production. Quantitative analysis of the data showed that 72% (n=404) of respondents had experience with open access or were engaged in the conversion process. Of these, about 80% valued their experience i...
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The main objective of this paper is to study the development and growth of scientific literature on women in science and higher education. A total of 1415 articles and reviews published between 1991 and 2012 were extracted from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database. Standard bibliometric indicators and laws (e.g. Price’s, Lotka’s, and Bradfor...
The aim of this study is to map and analyze the structure and evolution of the scientific literature on gender differences in higher education and science, focusing on factors related to differences between 1991 and 2012. Co-word analysis was applied to identify the main concepts addressed in this research field. Hierarchical cluster analysis was u...
This study aims to identify possible gender inequalities in the scholarly output of researchers in the field of psychology in Spain. A sample of 522 papers and reviews published in 2007 was extracted from the Thomson ISI Web of Science. The presence of women, the collaboration pattern and the impact of these scientific publications were analyzed. T...
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The aim of this study is to map and analyze the structure and evolution of the scientific literature on gender differences in higher education and science, focusing on factors related to differences between 1991 and 2012. Co-word analysis was applied to identify the main concepts addressed in this research field. Hierarchical cluster analysis was u...
This study aims to identify possible gender imbalances in the scholarly output of Spanish researchers in several areas of science through a study of documents published in 2007 extracted from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS). The researchers' scientific output was studied through two indicators: publication practices (signing order of autho...
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It is well known that young people are major consumers of screen media and that their peers are one of the principal determinants of youth behavior as regards their patterns of consumption and other activities. On the basis of these premises, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of classroom peers on youth screen media consumption....
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Anna Villarroya es doctora en economía del sector público y licenciada en derecho y en economía por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Es profesora del Departamento de Economía Pública, Econo-mía Política y Economía Española de la UB, donde imparte las asignaturas "Marco económico y estructura de los sectores culturales" e "Información y sociedad"....
This article looks at the general trends regarding identity in Catalan cultural policy. National identity is not a new issue in Catalonia, since language and culture have been key factors in constructing the Catalan nation throughout its history. Nevertheless, the increasing flow of immigrants from other countries, particularly since 2000, has resu...
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Despite the extensive use of web surveys today, there are certain methodological factors related to participant cooperation and data quality, which remain unclear and require further study. Here, the authors compare responses to a survey administered in two formats—electronic or by post—in terms of overall response rate and the quality of the data...
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This paper analyses the scientific output and impact of 731 Ph.D. holders who were awarded their doctorate at Spanish universities between 1990 and 2002. The aim was to identify any differences in the amount of scientific output and the impact of publications, in terms of citations, according to gender. The analysis revealed no significant differen...
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Los actores e instrumentos de la cooperación cultural internacional han evolucionado en las últimas décadas y esta evolución se ha acelerado en los últimos años en el marco de la UE, a raíz de una nueva estrategia para la cultura definida por la Comisión Europea y sus Estados miembros. En este sentido, a pesar de que la cultura es una competencia n...
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In this paper we examine the determinants of the consumption of books and periodicals in Spain. We consider the effects of several factors, such as family, socio-economic and geographical environment, on household consumption of books and periodicals as well as on the amount spent. Among other effects, and in accordance with international and Spani...
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Including abstract, tabl., bibl. In Spain as in other European countries, policies on school choice have been implemented in tandem with the channelling of public resources into private education. Given the application of public money to private schooling, the primary objective of this paper is to analyse the extent to which Spanish families enjoy...
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La diversidad de agentes y de comportamientos, así como la complejidad que encierra la existencia e interrelación de dos mercados, el de la producción y el de la difusión, han dificultado el estudio del sistema escénico español desde perspectivas científicas. Con el objetivo de cubrir parcialmente ese vacío y presentar las especificidades de dicho...
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La implantación de políticas de elección de centro educativo en España ha ido unida, al igual que en otros países del entorno europeo, a la canalización de recursos públicos hacia la enseñanza privada, que se ha plasmado en un sistema de conciertos con este sector de la enseñanza. En este marco, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar en...
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Universities, research institutions and research funders are active stakeholders in promoting open access. SHERPA-JULIET and ROARMAP directories register and summarize funders, academic and research institutions open access policies. Request or require free access to scholarly outputs are mainly the options stated in those registries, however there...
In this paper, we examine the determinants of household consumption of newspapers and the amount spent on their purchase by considering several explanatory variables related to household characteristics and the main household wage earner. Results show that the variables have quite similar effects on both the relative probability of buying newspaper...
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In this study we analyse gender equality in the preparation, supervision and defence of PhD theses in Spain in the period 1990–2004. The results indicate a tendency towards greater equality in the number of men and women successfully completing doctoral studies. However, the gender imbalance among thesis supervisors and on thesis assessment boards...
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A lo largo de la década de 1980 muchos países europeos, entre ellos España, introdujeron políticas destinadas a ampliar las posibilidades de elección de las familias. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar en qué medida las políticas públicas (financieras y no financieras) implantadas en España han aumentado la capacidad de elección de l...
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los determinantes del consumo de libros y publicaciones periódicas en España. En concreto, se cuantifica la influencia que factores familiares, socioeconómicos y geográficos ejercen tanto sobre la decisión de compra de libros y publicaciones periódicas de los hogares españoles como sobre la cantidad gastada...
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This paper presents an analysis of the scien- tific output of a sample of 254 PhD holders who were awarded their doctorate at Spanish univer- sities between 1990 and 1995. Results show that 58.7% of the sample had published at least one paper in a journal indexed by the Thomson ISI Web of Science between 1990 and 2006. No statistically significant...
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D’un temps ençà, la preocupació pels baixos índexs lectors de la població juntament amb els lamentables resultats de les proves PISA de comprensió lectora entre els escolars, han portat les administracions i organismes que en depenen, com biblioteques i escoles, a augmentar els esforços en el camp de la promoció lectora. La revisió d’aquest àmbit s...


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