Anna Marzo

Anna Marzo
ENEA | ENEA · DISPREV Structural dynamics technologies and seismic and hydrogeological risk prevention

Civil Engineer and PhD


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Publications (58)
In the frame of the CO.B.RA project, funded by the Lazio Regional Authority, ENEA carried out a series of diagnostic investigations on numerous instruments from the rich collection of the National Museum of Musical Instruments of Rome. This paper presents the results related to the study of the conservation status of one of the rarest and most sign...
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The archaeological site of Pompeii is located near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania. As known, the ancient Roman city was mostly destroyed and buried under 4–6 m of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, and it remained covered until the beginnings of archaeological excavations during the second half of the XVIII...
Conference Paper
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Europe has many buildings made in masonry, with very interesting wooden framework, from different ages. Most of those buildings are still to see, so in order to provide a true history for further generations, is important to assure our heritage. Despite of the complex framework, timber roof may affect or may consolidate masonry structure below, dep...
Conference Paper
In the framework of a conservation/restoration intervention on historical building, processing the Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis (SEM) on materials in a GIS system, represents an innovative tool for the comparison of different kind of data. In fact, the preliminary knowledge of the construction materials, when correlated with information ab...
Conference Paper
The Tower of Montorio is an architectural complex located on the Bolognese Apennines in Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), the most ancient structure of which dates back to at least the 13th century. After the earthquake occurred on 14th September 2003, that caused slight moderate damages to the Tower structures, the property owners entrusted ENEA with...
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In the framework of the reconstruction plan of the historical centre of Arsita, hit by the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, different seismic vulnerability assessment methods for local masonry buildings have been used. In particular, the 2nd level GNDT form, the FaMIVE method and a new vulnerability form appropriately conceived for building aggregates hav...
Conference Paper
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The determination of masonry mechanical features is one of the major problems to face when the safety level of existing constructions is evaluated, with the purpose to improve their structural performance. The seismic Italian code prescribes that the masonry mechanical characterisation must be defined on the basis of available data analysis, visual...
The determination of masonry mechanical features is on.e of the major problems to face when the safety level of existing constructions is evaluated, with the purpose to improve their structural performance. The seismic Italian code prescribes that the masonry mechanical characterisation must be defined on the basis of available data analysis, visua...
Technical Report
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A seguito degli eventi sismici del 20 e 29 Maggio 2012, che hanno coinvolto una vasta parte del ter- ritorio dell'Emilia (la parte occidentale della Regione Emilia-Romagna), l'ENEA è stata coinvolta nelle operazioni di verifica di agibilità e di interventi per la messa in sicurezza post-sisma sulle varie tipologie costruttive esistenti sul territor...
Conference Paper
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In the framework of the Post-earthquake Reconstruction Plan (PRP) of Arsita, a small town in Abruzzo (Italy) hit by the 2009 earthquake, a multi-disciplinary expertise (mainly skills on natural/human-made hazards assessment, geology, geomatics/ICT, structural engineering, architecture, urban planning, energy management and sociology), have been inv...
Conference Paper
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The seismic event, which hit L’Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy, April 6th, 2009), struck also several villages located in the vicinity. Among them, Arsita (Teramo District) suffered non-negligible damage and was included in the list of the most affected municipalities. After a brief description of the town and its territory, the paper focuses the work entru...
Conference Paper
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Pompeii is the largest archaeological site in the world and one of the most visited as well. Villa dei Misteri is a great suburban villa just outside the ancient city. Every year, thousands of visitors are attracted by the superb frescoes from which the domus takes its name. In the course of excavations, the most significant rooms were roofed with...
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A seguito del terremoto che ha colpito la Regione Abruzzo (e in particolare la città de L'Aquila) il 6 Aprile 2009, un gruppo di lavoro, coordinato dall’Unità UTSISM del Centro Ricerche dell’ENEA di Bologna, con la partecipazione delle Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele D’Annunzio” e Ferrara è stato incaricato dall’Amminis...
Conference Paper
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The Emilia earthquake hit the Po Valley area (Italy) on May-June 2012, mainly the districts of Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Reggio Emilia, Mantova and Rovigo. Seismic events caused extensive damage to construction and infrastructure, in particular historic buildings. A vast survey, devoted to assess damage typology and amount, has been carried out by...
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Dopo l’evento sismico del 20 maggio 2012 verificatosi nell’area della Pianura Padana e che ha interessato le città di Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia e Bo- logna in Emilia-Romagna, squadre di esperti dell’ENEA di Bologna (tra cui gli autori) si sono recate nelle località colpite al fine di condurre le verifiche di agibilità e danno sismico (compilaz...
Conference Paper
An important seismic sequence hit the Emilia-Romagna Region and its surroundings in May – June 2012, causing 27 people killed, some hundreds injured, thousands of homeless, damage and some collapses to strategic and residential buildings, factories and infrastructures. Because of its peculiarity, cultural heritage suffered widespread and heavy dama...
Conference Paper
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After the seismic event that struck the Abruzzo Region in Italy (and the city of L’Aquila in particular) on April 6th, 2009, a working team (coordinated by the UTSISM Unit of the ENEA Research Centre of Bologna, with the participation of the Universities of Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Napoli “Federico II”, and Ferrara) has been entrusted...
Conference Paper
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Nel mondo dell'informatica, dal 1981 ad oggi, il personal computer (PC) è stato il centro di tutta l'evoluzione tecnologica. Su di esso sono stati creati imperi economici, aziende, invenzioni, ed è cresciuta la rete Internet. Oggi il mondo sta ulteriormente cambiando e una parte di questo cambiamento è dovuta all’avvento di nuovi strumenti digitali...
Conference Paper
Nel presente articolo sono stati sintetizzati i risultati della campagna diagnostica realizzata, in sito ed in laboratorio, sull’antica copertura lignea del Palazzo Cadore in Cento, località in provincia di Ferrara severamente colpita dal terremoto dell’Emilia del 2012. Lo studio si è sviluppato in due fasi, la prima delle quali ha riguardato il ri...
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Widespread survey, aiming at the evaluation of both vulnerability of the structures and usability of the buildings, have been carried out after the seismic events occurred on May 2012 in Emilia-Romagna districts. During the surveys, several roof typologies have been verified, which often evidenced lack in terms of earthquake-proof features. In cont...
Conference Paper
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The last Italian earthquake, occurred in the Emilia Romagna region on 2012 May 20th and 29th, produced a lot of damages into masonry buildings, which represent the largest part of historical centres of Italian towns. In the paper, first the main damage mechanisms of some masonry school and cultural heritage buildings under the mentioned seismic eve...
Conference Paper
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The 2012 seismic sequence which hit the Po Valley (Districts of Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna Region; Mantova, Lombardia Region; Rovigo, Veneto Region) caused 27 deaths, some hundreds of injured people, thousands of homeless, widespread failure of strategic and residential buildings, factories and infrastructures. Immediat...
Conference Paper
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Nel contesto del piano di ricostruzione del centro storico di Arsita, paesino in provincia di Teramo colpito dal terremoto de L’Aquila dell’Aprile 2009, sono stati utilizzati diversi metodi di valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli edifici murari. In particolare, la vulnerabilità degli edifici rinvenuti nel centro storico è stata valutata si...
Conference Paper
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The drafting of the reconstruction plan of Arsita, a small town in Abruzzo hit by the 2009 earthquake, involved a multi-disciplinary expertise, concerning assessment of natural hazards, engineering, architecture, urban planning, energy efficiency, etc., in order to suggest solutions providing the antiseismic enhancement of the historic centre, toge...
Conference Paper
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The paper proposes a pre/post-earthquake "holistic & digital" quick survey tool for smart digital/geo-referenced inventories, obtained by digitalisation/integration of existing survey forms. New technologies play a fundamental role in data acquisition/analysis, employing digital devices (iPad, tablets), and on-line/off-line data entry through WebGI...
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The paper deals with the 3D Model of the whole historical centre of Arsita, a small town in Abruzzo hit by the 2009 earthquake, set upped in the framework of the reconstruction plan of the city. The modelling was carried out by means of VNS3, a software from 3DNature, which allows to realize a virtual geo-referred reproduction of a built within the...
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SEM analysis combined with the EDXRS system are performed on many types of artistic and historical assets, in order to obtain information about the materials and their deterioration, the artistic techniques, the presence of damage, etc. This work reports the results of a study carried out on samples coming from the Orsi-Marconi palace in Bologna (I...
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This work shows some results of the damage survey carried out on several localities by the ENEA teams in the post-earthquake emergency phase. The analysis is focused on residential buildings, which represent the most common construction types, namely masonry buildings and reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. The main damage mechanisms of the...
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Following the earthquakes of May 20th and 29th,2012, which involved an extensive part of Emilia territory (the Western part of Emilia–Romagna), ENEA has been involved in the operations of usability testing and post-earthquake safety interventions on the various construction typologies existing on the territory. This paper is focused on cultural and...
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During the seismic event of May 2012 in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), several cultural heritage structures (in particular churches and bell towers) collapsed or were severely damaged. This paper gives a description of the damage/collapse mechanisms observed on some buildings, subject of the investigation of the ENEA expert teams, supporting th...
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During the seismic event of May 2012 in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), several industrial structures collapsed or were severely damaged. They had been built following non-seismic old Italian codes, making use of precast concrete structures. In addition, in many cases internal steel shelves exhibited instability. This paper gives a brief descrip...
Conference Paper
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: In the current paper a survey activity performed on the historical centre of Arsita, a town hit by L'Aquila earthquake, is presented. This research activity, carried out by filling ad hoc survey forms related to different disciplinary approaches, has been conducted by a scientific team headed by ENEA with the cooperation of the Universities of Na...
Conference Paper
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: Object of the present paper is to show an integrated study regarding assessment and preservation of the Arsita Municipality historic center (district of Teramo), a small town damaged by the Abruzzo earthquake (Italy) occurred on April 6th, 2009, carried out in the framework of the post-seismic reconstruction plan. The paper describes a multidisci...
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Immediately after the seismic event (started on May 20th, 2012) which struck the Padana Flat area between the municipalities of Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna (Emilia-Romagna Region), Mantova (Lombardia Region) and Rovigo (Veneto Region), an ENEA team of experts (Maurizio Indirli, Bruno Carpani, Elena Candigliota, Alessandra Gugliandolo, F...
The paper deals with an experimental study for in situ mechanical characterization of ancient timber members using combined Non Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques. An experimental campaign, including non-destructive and destructive tests, was developed on timber structural elements and defect-free specimens, made of old chestnut wood (Castanea sa...
Conference Paper
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About two years after the April 6th, 2009 Abruzzo (Italy) seismic event, a scientific team set up by ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), with the Universities of Pescara-Chieti “Gabriele d’Annunzio”, Naples “Federico II” and Ferrara, visited the Municipality of Arsita (district of Teramo...
The paper deals with the study of the ancient timber structures of the Royal Palace of Naples. The attention is focused on the complex covering of the Guard Room (XXIX) of the Historical Apartment. Firstly, geometrical and mechanical in situ surveys are presented. Then, the capacity of the structure in terms of deformation and resistance is evaluat...
In this paper a full scale monotonic static bending test on a composite timber-steel-concrete floor, equipped with innovative “collar” connectors, is illustrated. In particular, the specimen consists of two beams, made of ancient chestnut, connected to the concrete reinforced slab by means of purposely fitted upside wings of steel collars astride t...
The paper deals with the mechanical assessment and diagnosis of structural timber based on Non Destructive Testing (NDT) evaluation. An experimental campaign has been developed on old chestnut elements, including the following NDT methods: hygrometric tests to estimate wood moisture content, ultrasonic investigations to determine stress wave proper...
The paper deals with the mechanical characterization of timber elements based on bending and compression tests, according to UNI and ISO codes. The investigations were performed on both structural elements and defects-free specimens, made of old chestnut wood, aiming at evaluating the influence of typical defect patterns and wood anatomy on the ela...
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The paper deals with the experimental analysis of an innovative connection system for composite timber‐steel‐concrete floors. The connection device consists of a collar composed by two or more parts, astride the timber beam, bolted together at adjacent wings. A rubber layer is interposed at the collar‐beam interface. The slipping action transmissio...
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This paper deals with the study of an innovative reversible type of connection system for a composite timber beam-concrete slab floor purposely conceived for the application to ancient timber floors. Refined numerical models of different configurations of such a connection system are set-up through the nonlinear code ABAQUS in order to evaluate the...
Conference Paper
The paper deals with the laboratory tests on timber-steel-concrete composite beams, equipped with an innovative connection system. Tests are part of a more comprehensive experimental campaign, aiming at the evaluation and optimization of the connection devices. In this paper both monotonic and cyclic bending tests on six composite beams are present...
This paper deals with several items concerning the restoration of historical wooden structures. Firstly general problems related to the identification of the material and of the whole structural complex are faced. They are mainly influenced by either wood defects and degradations or past technologies for construction. An overview of the possible up...
Conference Paper
This paper deals with the study of an innovative reversible type of connection system for a composite wooden beam-concrete floor slab purposely conceived for the application to ancient wooden floors. The system consists of a steel sleeve, surrounding the beam and connecting the slab by means of superior wings. A layer of rubber is interposed betwee...
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TTABSTRACT: The paper deals with the ancient timber structures of the Royal Palace of Naples (1600), which represent unique study cases of complex timber roofs and beam floors. The structural identification of some of them, in particular the roofing structures of the Royal apartments, has been achieved through the following subsequent levels of inv...
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The paper deals with the experimental analysis of an innovative connection system for composite wood-steel-concrete floors. The connection device consists of a steel sleeve composed by two or more parts, astride the wooden beam, bolted together at adjacent wings. A rubber layer is interposed at the sleeve-wooden beam interface. The slipping action...
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The paper deals with the mechanical identification of old timber members in structural size, based on combined non-destructive (NDT) and destructive tests (DT). An experimental activity has included on one hand several NDT investigations, using hygrometric, ultrasonic, sclerometric and resistographic methods, and on the other hand static tests, in...


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