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Publications (49)
In this paper, we examine how green communication impacts luxury hotel bookings using data from China. To determine whether green communication has an impact on guests’ decision-making processes, 384 questionnaires were distributed across four major Chinese cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Among the mediators and moderators were...
This study investigates the impacts of economic growth, energy transition, mineral market, traditional energy, environmental policy stringency, and load capacity factor on natural resource and sustainable environment management in BRIC +1 countries from 1993 to 2020. The CS-ARDL model is adopted to demonstrate the nexus between the abovementioned c...
This research attempts to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR) and consumers’ advocacy behavior (CAB) association in the hotel services sector of a developing economy. Furthermore, this study explores how hotel consumers’ emotions and values mediate and moderate their CAB. This is accomplished by introducing two mediating variables, co...
Research background: In the context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, competitiveness is intricately linked to innovativeness and ongoing technological advancements, posing a formidable challenge for countries and organizations aspiring to thrive in this environment. Within this framework, the significance of innovativeness is escalating, emerging as a cruc...
Managers face challenges in leveraging people as a source of competitive advantage due to advancements in technology and the widespread availability of information, which have rendered other sources of competitive advantage less effective. In this context, social sustainability within an organization refers to the enduring relationships between emp...
Taking into account factors such as unfavorable climate changes, shrinking fossil fuel resources, low energy efficiency, and the pace of population growth, the transformation towards green and renewable energy is one of the most important goals and challenges facing the world. The energy sector is the source of about 75% of global greenhouse gas em...
The Act on the Pharmacist Profession, adopted on 10 December 2020, is a breakthrough for the entire community of pharmacists in Poland. Due to the scope of the changes introduced in the Act, the question is whether pharmacists in Poland are suitably prepared for pharmaceutical care and clinical pharmacy services. The main aim of the study is to ass...
The empirical literature provides strong evidence supporting the relation of various innovation activities, including business innovation. The literature, however, continues to be limited in the context of developing countries, especially considering different types of business innovations. The aim of the present research is to fill the gap in the...
This article examines financial support (especially EU Structural Funds as the main tool of cohesion policy) for investments as a lever for the development of SME innovativeness in Poland. The European Commission strongly stresses the importance of their cohesion policy and support for SMEs. European enterprises have suffered significantly from the...
The subject of the article was derived from the learning region theory. The assumption was made that through cooperation of various entities conditions are created conducive to the development of knowledge, entrepreneurship and innovation in regions. The objective is to present the issues of entrepreneurship and innovation as the endogenous factors...
Since 2000 (The Lisbon Strategy), the discussion about the possible interactions between investments in innovation and competitiveness has become increasingly essential. Enterprises differ substantially with regard to their innovation activities, competitiveness and performance: size, sector, type of investment together determine their innovation a...
There is much discussion on how contemporary economy is based on innovativeness and how important innovative sectors become. There is much discussion on how contemporary economy is based on innovativeness and how important innovative sectors become. We can point on the examples of state education policy that stress the importance of innovative dire...
Innovation and innovativeness should be seen as a vast and internally complex set of measures carried out to improve management efficiency, build strong competitive positions and obtain economic benefits from enterprises, national economies and societies. A possibility of achieving these benefits is the category of competitiveness, hence, relative...
Research background: Innovation is a very important pillar within a knowledge-based economy, in the regional and local perspective as well. A literature review on innovation and SME innovation strategies to their correlation and the possibility of their joint examination.
Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to explore the SME’s innova...
The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of innovation of enterprises in
the Regional Innovation System context. We analyse factors that determine regional innovation in a less developed region, taking the Podkarpackie region in Poland as our empirical counterpart. We examine how the EU economic policy instruments influence the inn...
There is much of a discussion on how contemporary economy is based on innovativeness and how important innovative sectors become. It is even possible to point on examples of state education policy that stress the importance of innovative directions of education.
This article examines whether the fact that one has innovative formal education and ski...
Research background: Many contemporary empirical studies and most economic growth theories recognize the importance of innovation as one of the most progressive determinants of socio-economic growth, both in the regional and local perspective. However, much of the empirical literature has discussed the issue of innovativeness and institutional envi...
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) participate in the process of transformations occurring in their environment, which is manifested in their ongoing readiness to investment activity. The aim of this article was to identify relations between the SME investment and the development of tourist regions on the example of three spa and tourist communiti...
For the governments of individual countries and regions, actions to improve the investment climate are tools that contribute to new production and service investments, and thus to economic development. The investment climate is the result of many components. The aim of this article is to analyze the individual components of the investment climate o...
Współcześnie na całokształt życia społeczno-ekonomicznego ma wpływ szereg determinantów, które z jednej strony przyczyniają się do kształtowania przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstw rywalizujących pomiędzy sobą na rynku, z drugiej zaś oddziałują na zmiany w postrzeganiu rozwoju kompetencji pracowników i ich dostosowywaniu się do zmiennych warunk...
The aim of this paper is to provide detailed account of the strategy for growth through innovation of the SME's sector in Podkarpackie Voivodship in Poland. In analyzing this case, we raise the following two questions: (1) what are the types, structure, and quality of innovation strategies of SMEs in Podkarpackie?; (2) what are the key factors and...
The article concentrates on the role of European Union funds for innovation and balancing regional disparity in Poland. The challenge of regional innovativeness as a specific social process becomes more important to the regional policy and a structural Poland. The means of pro-innovative regional policy is particularly important in the light of glo...
Supporting innovation, particularly technological progress, is considered a substantial element of policies
towards sustainable development. It is considered that both research and innovation contribute to
employment growth, increase prosperity and quality of life. Given the above assumptions and the role of
research in the knowledge-based economy,...
The article concentrates on the role of European Union (EU) structural funds in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The analysis presented in this paper is based on the results of computer-assisted telephone interviews conducted with 394 representatives of enterprises localized in three Polish Voivodships: the Podkarpackie, the...
Despite the fact that discussions have focused on the Association Agreement and resolving the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine as a turning point in EU-Ukraine relations, we look at the European integration of Ukraine from the perspective of public opinion. This is important because public opinionis one of the most important EU factors that may af...
The objective of this article is to analyze and classify European Union (EU) regions according to human capital and innovativeness. Innovativeness of 225 EU NUTS-2 regions within 2008-2010 is analyzed with special attention paid to human capital. Eighteen indicators of innovativeness and human capital were adapted and transformed into four mutually...
Innowacje i innowacyjność to jedne z najmodniejszych dzisiaj i zdecydowanie nadużywanych terminów. Można odnieść wrażenie, że innowacyjność jako taka staje się imperatywem działania czy wręcz wartością samą w sobie. Czym jest innowacja i właściwie na czym polega innowacyjność, czy tylko nowym, a może przede wszystkim lepszym rozwiązaniem? Niestety,...
The results presented in the article come from the research conducted due to the innovative project “WeLearning – Social Learning Platform” that is financed by European Social Fund and realized by Tischner European University in Cracow (Poland). The project concentrates on decentralized life-long learning within social nets basing on academic and n...
The aim of this article is to diagnose the Polish-Ukrainian economic relations in the area of trade in goods and trade in services, with particular emphasis on the export of goods to the Ukrainian market. The study includes an analysis of the legal conditions and of statistical data on trade cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. In order to deepe...
Głównym celem monitoringu Regionalnej Strategii Innowacji Województwa Podkarpackiego jest bieżące dostarczanie niezbędnych informacji o trendach innowacyjności regionu oraz postępach wdrażania Strategii, które pozwolą głównym decydentom w województwie poprawić jakość i efektywność wdrażania strategii. Identyfikacja elementów Regionalnego Systemu In...
The aim of this paper is to explore views on the very complex phenomenon that is innovation. The study is based on qualitative interviews on the nature of "innovation leaders", i.e. companies with leading positions in the rankings of innovation. The research focused on two issues: cooperation by the enterprise with other entities, the nature of inn...
This article aims to examine the importance of cluster policy as a tool for management of the region by promoting the transfer of knowledge and experience between science and practice. The study involved an analysis of desk-research and research clusters IDIs among participants in the Podkarpackie and supporting institutions. This was the foundatio...
Głównym celem monitoringu Regionalnej Strategii Innowacji Województwa Podkarpackiego jest bieżące dostarczanie niezbędnych informacji o trendach innowacyjności regionu oraz postępach wdrażania Strategii, które pozwolą głównym decydentom w województwie poprawić jakość i efektywność wdrażania strategii. Identyfikacja elementów Regionalnego Systemu In...
Innovations are considered to be one of the most progressive determinants of socio-economic growth, also in the territorial, regional and local perspective [Niedzielski, Jadźwiński, 2002]. The challenge of regional innovativeness as a specific social process becomes more important to the regional policy and to structural Poland. The means of pro-in...
The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) as a tool for development and management of innovation policy at regional level. The study provided the analysis of the existing links between innovation policy and regional innovation strategies. The range of Polish experience presented in the analys...
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa (MSP) stanowią trzon gospodarek krajów członkowskich UE. To przede wszystkim one przyczyniają się do wzrostu gospodarczego i zachowania konkurencji. Integracja europejska, szczególnie integracja gospodarcza stanowi dla MSP zarówno szanse wynikające z europejskiej przestrzeni gospodarczej (unijny Jednolity Rynek), jak...
Głównym celem monitoringu Regionalnej Strategii Innowacji Województwa Podkarpackiego jest bieżące dostarczanie niezbędnych informacji o trendach innowacyjności regionu oraz postępach wdrażania Strategii, które pozwolą głównym decydentom w województwie poprawić jakość i efektywność wdrażania strategii.
Identyfikacja elementów Regionalnego Systemu In...
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie znaczenia inicjatywy klastrowej i polityki klastrowej dla innowacyjności uzdrowisk i sanatoriów uzdrowiskowych. Analiza tworzenia polityki, programów i działań dotyczących klastrów w Polsce, a także innowacyjności uzdrowisk należących do inicjatyw klastrowych pozwoli zweryfikować twierdzenie, że polityka klastrowa stano...
Innowacyjność ma duże znaczenie dla cyklu koniunktury. Według zwolenników szkoły realnego cyklu koniunkturalnego przyczyną występowania w gospodarce fluktuacji o charakterze cyklicznym są zmiany technologiczne (zmiany produktywności powodowane zmianami technologicznymi). Dodatni wstrząs technologiczny według teoretyków realnego cyklu ko-niunkturaln...
Głównym celem projektu było zbadanie wpływu funduszy strukturalnych wykorzystanych przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa na rozwój regionalny woj. podkarpackiego, lubelskiego i podlaskiego. Cel ten został osiągnięty poprzez identyfikację i analizę obszarów problemowych związanych z pozyskiwaniem funduszy strukturalnych, ustalenie kierunków inwestow...
Każde przedsięwzięcie innowacyjne, bez względu na to, kto je podejmuje i w jakim zakresie, związane jest z nakładami kapitałowymi. Możliwość pozyskania, wysokość potrzebnych środków i źródeł finansowania zależą od wielkości firmy, formy własności oraz sytuacji w jej otoczeniu zewnętrznym, a przede wszystkim od realizowanego przedsięwzięcia. W liter...
Zagadnienie absorpcji funduszy unijnych nie ogranicza się tylko do funduszy strukturalnych. Województwo podkarpackie korzystało i korzystać będzie - także po akcesji do UE - ze znacznego wsparcia w ramach funduszy przedakcesyjnych. Dla Podkarpacia w zasadzie dopiero rozpoczyna się okres istotnej koncentracji tego rodzaju środków unijnych. Wynika to...