Anke Zühlsdorf

Anke Zühlsdorf
University of Göttingen | GAUG · Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development


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Publications (31)
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High sugar intake in humans is associated with the development of overweight and other diet-related diseases. The World Health Organization and other health organizations recommend limiting the sugar intake to 10% of the total energy intake. There have been different approaches of front-of-pack labelling to reduce the amount of sugar in food produc...
Purpose This paper aims to empirically identify foodie features and examine their relevance in segmenting German consumers. Furthermore, this study explored potential differences between foodie segments in terms of food involvement and food knowledge. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 500 German respondents in October 2015 by me...
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Today, the food sector is largely excluded from climate protection policies. Nevertheless, the food sector is responsible for about 20 per cent of greenhouse gases. Food policies could substantially contribute to the EU’s ambitious climate goals. Currently, the debate on CO2-e labelling is gaining momentum. Consumers know very little about the clim...
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The evidence for the effectiveness of nutrition policy interventions is growing. For the implementation of such interventions, social acceptability is crucial. Therefore, this study provides insight into public support for nutrition policy measures such as labelling and taxation. Further it analyses the level of acceptance in a quantitative segment...
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Many consumers prefer natural ingredients or are skeptical about additives and flavorings. This is one of the key reasons why the EU has created a uniform legal framework for the use and labeling of flavorings in food with the current EU Flavoring Regulation (Regulation [EC] No 1334/2008). However, as yet there is no empirical data on whether consu...
In recent years in the course of product differentiation more and more dairy products have been introduced promising additional benefits for consumers. The present article analyses the consumers' understanding of the products alpine milk and pasture-raised milk by means of two empirical studies. Currently, both product designations are legally unpr...
There is currently much debate surrounding the housing systems for dairy cattle. Large farms, which represent a growing share of the dairy farms, prefer indoor housing systems whereas smaller farms concentrate on low-input systems by giving extended pasture access to milk cows. A consumer survey from 2013 with 1,009 German consumers dealt with cons...
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Viele Verbraucher interessieren sich für die Qualität von Lebensmitteln und deren Eigenschaften und Zusammensetzung. Eine wichtige Schlüsselinformation über die Beschaffenheit eines Produktes kann für Verbraucher die Verkehrsbezeichnung auf Fertigverpackungen von Lebensmitteln sein, deren Angabe gesetzlich verpflichtend ist. Die Verkehrsbezeichnung...
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Die Reformhausbranche ist im Umbruch - bedingt nicht zuletzt durch den gegenwärtigen Boom im Markt für Bio-Produkte und Naturkosmetik. "Bio ist jetzt Mainstream. Das ist unser Problem", fasst so auch E. Perlinger, Vorstand der Neuform Vereinigung Deutscher Reformhäuser, zusammen (zitiert nach FRÜNDT 2006). Dieser Zusammenhang ist vor dem Hintergrun...
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The importance of direct marketing for high quality farm products has increased during the past few years. This paper analyzes the impact of customer satisfaction and its driving forces for farmer-to-consumer direct marketing and is based on a customer survey among 1,537 customers in 33 organic and conventional on-farm stores in Germany. The result...
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The importance of direct marketing for high quality farm products has increased during the past few years. This paper analyses the impact of customer satisfaction and its driving forces for farmer- to-consumer direct marketing and is based on a customer survey in 33 organic and conventional on-farm stores in Germany. The results emphasise the role...
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The importance of direct marketing for high quality farm products has increased in the last few years. This paper analyses the impact of customer satisfaction and its driving forces for farmer-to-consumer direct marketing and is based on a customer survey in 30 organic and conventional on-farm stores in Germany. The results emphasize the role of th...
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Der Beitrag analysiert den Einfluss der Kundenzufriedenheit auf den ökonomischen Erfolg im Naturkostfachhandel. Auf Basis einer Befragung von 885 Kunden und der Analyse der Betriebskennzahlen von 11 Naturkostfachgeschäften zeigt sich, dass die Kundenzufriedenheit ein relevanter Erfolgsfaktor für den Lebensmittelfachhandel ist. In Erweiterung der in...
Direct Marketing of agricultural products in Germany is of rising importance. At least 60 000 farmers offer their high quality products through this distribution channel to gain a higher profit. Beside yard sale and weekly markets the supply of gastronomic enterprises offers an auspicious potential for direct marketers. In this study the sourcing b...
Vereinzelte Erfolge im Umweltschutz können nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, daß sich die ökologische Lage weltweit weiter dramatisch verschärft. Dazu tragen die industrialisierten Staaten in einem erheblichen Ausmaß bei, da es ihnen bislang nicht gelungen ist, zu einer umweltverträglichen Wirtschaftsweise (sustainable development) zu finden. Die Erfah...


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