Anja Hansen

Anja Hansen
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy | ATB · Technology Assessment and Substance Cycles



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Additional affiliations
January 2021 - present
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
  • Coordination of the Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy
June 2009 - present
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam, Germany
  • Researcher


Publications (23)
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To achieve national and global air quality and climate change objectives, the agricultural sector increasingly requires dependable decision support tools for gaseous emissions at the farm level. We evaluated thirteen greenhouse gas (GHG)-based decision support systems (DSS), considering criteria such as not only the accessibility, user-friendliness...
Content NIR Sensors Challenges and potential of NIR sensors to simplify the generation of nitrogen flow balances – Digital mapping of nitrogen cycles ..... 1 On Farm Validation of different NIR Sensors for Manure Sensing ..... 9 Combine Harvester Analysis of Combine Harvester Threshing Systems Across Different Climate Regions ..... 17 An interactiv...
Technical Report
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Natürliche Ressourcen und Ökosystemleistungen sind unsere Lebensgrundlagen. Ihre Nutzung kann durch Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz optimiert werden. Zahlreiche Indikatoren zur Beschreibung der Inanspruchnahme natürlicher Ressourcen weisen allerdings darauf hin, dass trotz erhöhter Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeitsgrenzen überschritten werden. Dieser Ber...
Transferring complex scientific knowledge into practice is challenging. This is also the case for know-how on climate change (CC) mitigation in the agricultural sector, which is held responsible for approximately 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Even though numerous mitigation options at the farm level have already been identified, they stil...
Energie und Rohstoffe auf Basis von Biomasse gelten als wichtiger Beitrag, um den anthropogen begründeten Klimawandel zu mindern. Diese publikationsbasierte Arbeit analysiert, inwiefern Aussagen über Vorzüglichkeit von Biomassenutzung im direkten Vergleich oder auch in komplexeren wirtschaftlichen Nutzungssystemen durch Unsicherheiten in den Treibh...
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Biomass-based energy and materials are considered important for the mitigation of human-induced climate change and as relevant bioeconomic feedstock. This publication-based dissertation aims to contribute to the discussion about the reliability of mitigation assessment of biomass applications in an increasingly bio-based, low-carbon economy that al...
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Carbon (C) is a central element in organic compounds and is an indispensable resource for life. It is also an essential production factor in bio-based economies, where biomass serves many purposes, including energy generation and material production. Biomass conversion is a common case of transformation between different carbon-containing compounds...
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Bioresources are used in different production systems as materials as well as energy carriers. The same is true for fossil fuel resources. This study explored whether preferential resource usages exist, using a building insulation system as an example, with regard to the following sustainability criteria: climate impact, land, and fossil fuel deman...
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Mit dem BEK, bestehend aus dem Handbuch, der Parameterdatei und den Berechnungsbeispielen, können Interessenten selbst Treibhausgasberechnungen durchführen, eigene EDV-Programme nach dem BEK entwickeln oder bereits bestehende EDV-Programme mit dem BEK abgleichen. Der BEK ermöglicht es erstmalig, einzelbetriebliche Treibhausgasberechnungen für unte...
This study investigates the variance of the overall greenhouse gas mitigation potential of a complete second generation stationary bio-electricity production system, generated by poplar wood chips (Populus spec.) in Germany, using Monte Carlo simulations. We computed the GHG emissions as EB = (−0.034 ± 0.021) kg CO2e MJ−1 (mean ± SD) and the mitiga...
In der Diskussion über eine umweltgerechte Landbewirtschaftung bieten sich zur Quantifizierung von ackerbaulich bedingten Umwelteffekten methodische Verfahren an, die ursprünglich nicht in landwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen entstanden. So entwickelte sich die Methodik der Stoffstromanalysen bis zu ihrem heutigen Stand überwiegend aus Analysen indu...
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This study presents a cradle-to-gate assessment of the energy balances and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Indonesian palm oil biodiesel production, including the stages of land-use change (LUC), agricultural phase, transportation, milling, biodiesel processing, and comparing the results from different farming systems, including company plantatio...
Three water-immiscible coolants are compared due to their environmental burdens using LCA methodology. Main focus lies on an animal fat ester based product that is compared to a plant seed oil (rape) based ester and a mineral oil product. All indicators show that the animal fat product causes the lowest potential impact on the environment, whereas...
Renewable raw materials are generally considered as environmentally friendly. According to the Life Cycle Assessment method, this paper presents an investigation of different automotive parts based on natural fibres and plastics. During their whole life cycle, from the provision of raw materials up to their recycling, expenditures of matter, energy...
Die in Beitrag I vorgestellten allgemeinen Ergebnisse zu stoffstromanalytischen Untersuchungen in landwirtschaftlichen Marktfruchtbetrieben werden in diesem Teil der Serie für drei niedersächsische Ackerbaubetriebe konkretisiert. Dazu wird das Stoffstromnetz um Module für die Fruchtfolgeglieder Wintergerste, Winterroggen, Sommergerste, Zuckerrüben,...
The general results of material flow analyses for agricultural farms presented in Part I are now specified for three farms in Lower Saxony. For this, the existing material flow net for winter wheat is extended by the crops of winter barley, winter rye, summer barley, rape, sugar beets and potatoes. The assessment is essentially done regarding the i...
Abstract in: Kyritsis, S. (Hrsg.) Vol. II Conference Proceedings of 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry in Sevilla, Spain, 5-9 June 2000, Earthscan, 1036-1039.
When discussing strategies for realising an environmental friendly agricultural production, there are methods for quantifying environmental effects which do not originate in agricultural contexts. For instance, the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment is mainly developed from analyses of industrial production lines and products. Substance flow ana...
When discussing strategies for realising an environmental friendly agricultural production, there are methods for quantifying environmental effects which do not originate in agricultural context. For instance, the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment is mainly developed from analyses of industrial production lines and products. Substance flow analy...


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