Anita Thaler

Anita Thaler



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I am a feminist technosience researcher, my main fields of interest are: Participatory technology design and RRI - Gender in science and technology - Intersectional perspectives of biodiversity - Queer-feminist STS
Additional affiliations
  • Head of Department
December 2005 - August 2011
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
  • Researcher


Publications (95)
In diesem Buchkapitel wird der interdisziplinäre und ko-kreative Technologieforschungsprozess des Projekts VITAPATCH nachgezeichnet, mit dem Ziel EKG-Elektroden und piezoelektrische Sensoren auf hauchdünnen dehnbaren Pflasterfolien für den Use-Case der kardiologischen Rehabilitation gendersensibel und partizipativ zu entwickeln.
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This chapter explains how a gender equality project tackled two major problems we had identified as big hurdles while implementing gender equality plans (see Dahmen-Adkins et al. 2019): First, the research-to-practice gap (e.g. discussed by Roxborough et al. 2007) respectively knowledge-to-action gap (see e.g. Strauss et al. 2009), which describes...
Technical Report
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Diese vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) beauf-tragte Studie umfasst eine quantitative Befragung von 2608 Oberstufenschüler*innen, sowie qualitative Evaluierungsergebnisse einer exemplarischen Umsetzung interdisziplinären Tech-nikunterrichts. Die quantitative Erhebung richtete sich an 837 HTL-Schüler*innen, sowie...
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Based on the theories of the knowledge-to-action (and research-to-practice) gap, the issue of disconnected domains of research, policy and practice are discussed, as this can be seen as one major obstacle in imple-menting knowledge from research. Studies have shown that these gaps can be closed through dynamic, iterative processes of knowledge exch...
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Um eine nachhaltige Institutionalisierung von Gleichstellungsplänen und Transformationsprojekten in Richtung Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zu unter-stützen, wird die Einführung von sogenannten Transfer Agents (TAs) emp-fohlen (Thaler 2016). Die positiven Ergebnisse der Einbindung von TAs wur-den in zwei von der Europäischen Kommission geförderten Proje...
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Halting biodiversity loss and reducing inequalities are targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are not within reach. In 2022, the European Commission started to explicitly include gender with an intersectional perspective in their Horizon Europe working programme. In this paper, research is presented that tackles the very interl...
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By looking closer at different levels of application of academic kindness (Jauk-Ajamie & Thaler 2022), in pedagogical settings and research practices, we stumbled upon the notion of inclusion, and wondered why even in equity driven settings some (non-)human actors are excluded. Noticing practices of exclusion and making (non-)humans invisible, we...
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How can we overcome stories of invisibility (Leyva et al. 2022)? Of course, we realized, we were not the first ones asking these questions. We know that there is a lot of valuable knowledge and practical experience in the world already. Therefore, we invited our queer STS community, colleagues and friends to combine these questions, maybe think eve...
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This 7th issue of our open access Queer STS Forum is dedicated to reflecting and advancing queer-feminist working cultures in academia. We particularly interrogate the concept of academic kindness, which is an emerging theme and practice across disciplines yet not often systematically discussed and defined clearly. While the esteemed contributors o...
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This publication is the result of four and a half years of experiences and joint efforts of the CHANGE project, in which five newcomer institutions in the field of institutional gender equality work set out to design and implement gender equality plans (GEPs) for their respective science and research organisations, with the cooperation of two exper...
Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Science Technology and Society Studies, STS) haben dazu beigetragen, die Entstehung von Wissen und Innovationen zu entmystifizieren (Bammé 2009). Aka-demische Normen und Karrierelogiken, organisationale und politische Rahmenbedingungen, gesellschaftliche Diskussionen und wissen-schaftspolitische Steuerungsmechan...
Technical Report
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Das von der AK Wien im Rahmen des Digitalisierungsfonds geförderte Projekt „VEKIAA – Verantwortungsvolle Einbindung von KI-Assistenzsystemen am Arbeitsplatz“ hat mit einem interdisziplinären Team aus Technik-Forscher*innen des IFZ und KI-Expert*innen von Pro2Future mit unterschiedlichen Stakeholdern gemeinsam relevantes KI-Wissen produziert. Durch...
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Was genau ist eigentlich Künstliche Intelligenz? Was sind KI-Assistenzsysteme? Welche Vorteile und Gefahren bringen diese Technologien für Arbeitnehmende mit sich? Mit diesem Handbuch möchten wir Ihnen auf all diese Fragen verständliche Antworten geben und Ihnen einen leichten Einstieg in das Themengebiet Künstliche Intelligenz am Arbeitsplatz ermö...
Conference Paper
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Although cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and death for all humans, and cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) is known to significantly reduce CVD mortality and re-hospitalization rates, and increases quality of life for all genders, women are less often referred to CR by physicians. This could be explained by multiple reason...
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Although cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and death for all humans, measurable differences can be observed as a function of both sex (e.g. in risk factors and clinical presentation, based on biological factors such as hormone levels or tissue structure) and gender (e.g. diagnosis, treatment, and clinical outcomes based on...
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In the 2021 edition of Queer STS Forum we collected experiences with queer interventions in education, academia, radio etc. – queer in the broadest sense of the term. These interventions happened in/through teaching, art and research. They posed the question of how to treat each other, how to become an inclusive and caring community, or how to tack...
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In our first issue of the Queer STS Forum we reflected on our queer approach to Science, Technology and Society Studies (STS). We shared how we often find ourselves intervening in meetings, in our social media activities and university courses, during conferences, and when we do research. Most of the time, the main topics we deal with do not direct...
Technical Report
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Im FEMtech Projekt „VITAPATCH – Multifunktionales Datenpflaster für das Vital- und Bewegungsmonitoring in alltagsnahen Umgebungen“ wurde eine neue Technologie entwickelt, um alltagsnahes Messen auf medizinisch aussagekräftigem Niveau sowie Fitness- und Bewegungsmonitoring zu realisieren. EKG-Elektroden und piezoelektrische Sensoren wurden auf hauch...
Conference Paper
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In academic, non-profit and business research, project funding and grants are important elements to promote science, boost innovation and support researchers on their career paths. However, they are also powerful instruments to materialize and prioritize major principles of science policy and social values such as gender equality and equity. An ana...
Technical Report
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Dieser Bericht zu partizipativen Formaten bietet potenziellen Veranstalter_innen von Workshops zum Thema „Faire Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)“ Werkzeuge, um mit unter- schiedlichsten Zielgruppen und für verschiedene Zwecke partizipativ interagieren zu können. Diese Workshops können sich an verschiedene Zielgruppen wenden von kon- kreten Unternehmen u...
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Introduction. Funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, the CHANGE project –Challenging Gender (In)Equality in Science and Research– aims to create and implement tailor-made gender equality plans (GEPs) in research performing organisations (RPOs). To make GEPs more sustainable, efforts are being made to stimulate institutional cultural change toward...
Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten von der Theorie in die Praxis gelten als eine Ursache, warum Barrieren für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter in Wissenschaft und Forschung nach wie vor bestehen und Empfehlungen für Veränderungen bis dato zu selten in die Tat umgesetzt wurden. Basierend auf Erfahrungen aus Gleichstellungsprojekten wird im vorliegenden...
Technical Report
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Mit der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, inwiefern sich das Führungsverhalten von Frauen durch die COVID-19 Pandemie verändert haben könnte, mit welchen Herausforderungen Frauen in Führungspositionen konfrontiert wurden, welche Erfahrungen sie gemacht haben und mit welchen Strategien sie auf die veränderte Arbeitssituation reagiert haben. Dazu...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world as we knew it and affected all parts of our lives and societies. Nobody can say that their everyday life was untouched by the measures taken since spring 2020 by governments following the advent of the virus. This fifth issue of the Queer STS forum is a reflection of these turbulent times and takes the co...
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Instead of asking what family is, we find it more intriguing to ask how family, intimacy and kinship are done, how they are being established and maintained through everyday practices. The nuclear family, consisting of caregivers and children sharing the same household, has been the main focus of family sociology and family studies for a long time....
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This small and concise publication comprises workshopping ideas for the co-production of knowledge in an online setting. The recommendations were discussed in a series of conversations in the context of the project CHANGE.
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This is the editorial of the fourth issue of our Queer-Feminist Science and Technology Studies Forum, for which we were originally looking for contributions to extend perspectives on sex robots from a queer-feminist point of view. We were interested in this perspective because in media, sex robots are either portrayed as great threat to society or...
Technical Report
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Im Projekt Kids4Wearables diente Mode als allgemeines Interessensgebiet von Kindern und Jugendlichen und war Ausgangspunkt („Vehikel“, siehe Thaler & Zorn 2010) für das Innovati-onsthema Wearables. Unter Wearables werden Technologien bezeichnet, die meist im Zusam-menhang mit Computersystemen, am Körper getragen werden (z.B. Pulsmesser, Smartwatche...
Conference Paper
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Why has gender equality still not been accomplished in academia? Studies and experiences from gender equality practitioners have pointed towards several problems like resistance, power issues and the knowledge-to-action gap (Karner et al. 2017). Additionally another cause could be identified: conflicts of feminist actors who share a common goal, bu...
Ein breiteres Spektrum wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Kompetenzen bei jungen Menschen zu erreichen, ist eine der Herausforderungen für Europa. Im Beitrag zeigen wir anhand eines Praxisbeispiels, wie sich Schülerinnen und Schüler in fünf Ländern (Dänemark, Deutschland, Niederlande, Norwegen und Österreich) durch die Anwendung eines je länder...
Conference Paper
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In the Horizon 2020 funded project “CHANGE”, tailor-made gender equality plans were implemented in research performing organisations for the duration of four years. In order to make related activities more sustainable, efforts were also made to aim at the initiation of long-term structural changes towards more gender equality in science and researc...
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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 6. September 2018 als Kurzinput beim Workshop „Bodies & Technologies“ am IFZ in Graz vorgetragen, im Rahmen einer Serie von Workshops anlässlich des 30‐jährigen Bestehens des IFZ. Für den Beitrag habe ich Forschungsprojekte und Publikationen der letzten Jahre durchforstet und versucht diejenigen durch einen roten Faden zu v...
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Wie kann eine Verknüpfung der Termini »soziale Gerechtigkeit« (social justice) und »Geschlechtergerechtigkeit« dazu beitragen, Wissenschaft und Forschung besser zu verstehen? Unsere These ist: Wissenschaftssysteme wären auch bei erreichter Geschlechterparität noch sozial ungerecht (z. B. Exzellenzdiskussion, prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse) – d....
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Unter welchen Bedingungen kann die Gleich-stellung der Geschlechter-bzw. soziale Gerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung erreicht (oder verbessert) werden? Welche konkret wirksamen Maßnahmen gibt es, auch um z.T. gegenläufige Praktiken auszuhebeln? Das Buch wendet sich an Praktiker*innen und Forscher*innen gleichermaßen, die sich sowohl über be...
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In this working paper I bring two strands of my work together: a project1 about responsible research and innovation (RRI; Owen et al. 2012), with the aim to translate the somehow vague concept into practice, and theories and analytical frameworks of feminist technoscience (Haraway 1988, Weber 2006). This connection was initially sparked by a paper...
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Was bedeuten ›Virtuelle Realität‹, Industrie 4.0, ›Künstliche Intelligenz‹ und nicht zuletzt das neueste Smartphone für die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft? Debatten über technische Umwälzungen und damit einhergehende post-kapitalistische Perspektiven sind auch unter Linken von tiefen Ambivalenzen geprägt: Roboter gefährden Arbeitsplätze, könnten die...
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In this report the knowledge transfer concept of the project GenderTime will be explained and its instruments shared (annexe). The two main objectives of this aforementioned project were 1.) the implementation of action plans promoting equal opportunities in the participating science and research organisations as well as 2.) the exchange of experi...
Technical Report
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This report provides an elaborate insight and evaluation of three years of useITsmartly activi- ties. The project’s overall aim is to engage the current energy consumption behaviours of Eu- ropean youths in five countries and to generate impact (saving of energy and greenhouse gas emissions) through an educational peer-to-peer approach. The first p...
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A German hands-on publication from the project "Engineer your Future 2 - Women construct" about women in architecture and construction in Styria, Austria.
Conference Paper
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This paper analyses learning arenas of audiophiles and asks which knowledge is relevant to be regarded as a member of the community. With an ethnographic approach the author participated in an Austrian audiophile community and additionally analysed one of the largest hifi periodicals in the German speaking countries. The results offer on the one ha...
Conference Paper
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Science, mathematics, computing, and engineering are the fields where women PhD graduates are still outnumbered by men. This is true for most of the EU-27 countries, and it is still the case in Austria. However in the last decade, the number of female PhD graduates in engineering and computing has increased at a faster pace than the number of male...
Conference Paper
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With a social media- and peer education-approach the European project „useITsmartly“ aims at building a community of young people to not only share knowledge about energy saving, but moreover change behaviour and adopt a sustainable lifestyle. For achieving this aim, the transdiciplinary project unites educators, researchers and young people develo...
Conference Paper
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Women’s under-representation in science and technology has been a major concern for the European Commission since nearly two decades (c.f. ETAN Report 2000, ENWISE Report 2004, Gender and Excellence in the Making 2004, WIRDEM Report 2008, Benchmarking Policy Measures for Gender Equality in Science 2008, She Figures 2013). While first the attention...
Conference Paper
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In this paper I discuss the role of digital technology in gender-related discriminatory and harassing activities. I will present various forms of online misogyny and shed a light on especially Twitter as an arena for online solidarity and support. Coming from science and technology studies, I will argue with a technofeminist perspective that neithe...
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Technologie und Bildung sind auf vielfältige Arten miteinander verwoben: Technologie hat pädagogische und Pädagogik hat technologische Bezüge. Doch neben diesen beiden Arenen, in denen sowohl die Rolle der Pädagogik als auch die der Technologie explizit und nachvollziehbar sind, gibt es den Alltag durchdringende Elemente aus Technologie und Bildung...
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This booklet is based on lessons learned during the FP7 project FOODLINKS, which experimented with different tools for knowledge brokerage activities as integrative modalities of linking research to policy making around the issue of sustainable food consumption and production.
Technical Report
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Das Projekt GISAlab_MädchenLaborfürKunstundWissenschaft ist eine Kooperation des Vereins kunst ost, des UniGraz@Museum und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark und richtet sich an Mädchen ab 10 Jahren. Ziel von GISAlab ist es, Mädchen bei der Entdeckung und Entwicklung von Interessen und Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf Naturwissenschaften und Technik z...
Conference Paper
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This work-in-progress paper will provide insights into two educational research projects that are currently conducted by a research group at IFZ. Both projects use youth interests as a vehicle to the acquisition of technological competence [1, 2, 3]. One of them – useITsmartly – seeks to make adolescents aware of the environmental consequences of I...
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Technische Berufe bieten gute Zukunftsaussichten, trotzdem beklagt der Techniksektor immer wieder einen Mangel an entsprechenden Fachkräften. In Österreich liegt der Anteil von Naturwissenschafter*innen und Techniker*innen am Gesamtarbeitsmarkt unter dem EU-Durchschnitt, es gäbe also noch Potenzial. Dennoch wählen Jugendliche zu selten technische B...
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Wir, die wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe Queer STS, beschäftigen uns mit Science and Technology Studies (Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung) aus queerer Perspektive. Gerade weil mit ‚queer‘ und ‚Queerness‘ vielfältige Definitionen und Konnotationen verbunden sind, wollen wir unser eigenes Verständnis davon formulieren, das einen wissenschaftlichen...
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The project GISAlab (Girls in Science and Art) is a cooperation of the art association kunst ost, of UniGraz@Museum and the University of Teacher Education Styria. It is intended for girls at the age of 10 and older. The objective of GISAlab is to support girls in discovering and developing their fascination and skills in regard to science and tech...
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Dieses Konzept basiert auf einer Idee und einem didaktischen Konzept, das im Rahmen des Projekts "Engineer Your Sound. Partizipative Technikgestaltung am Beispiel Musik. Beteiligung von SchülerInnen an der Entwicklung didaktischer Konzepte zur interdisziplinären Technikentwicklung" entstand und im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen von den beiden Autor...
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English: In order to illustrate the production of gender knowledge (Geschlechterwissen) in scientific research, this paper draws on recent discussions in Gender/Queer Studies. Following a queer perspective, the article focuses on the reproduction of marginalized/hegemonic positions and normalizations in brain research, which, in the last two decade...
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Images of engineering majors and jobs often go along with general and gender specific stereotypes of science, engineering and technology (SET) and outdated clichés about scientists and engineers. Some of these stereotypical attitudes are still active and have great impact on study decision making processes and students’ job expectations. This paper...
Geschlechtergerechte Technikdidaktik orientiert sich an den Grundsätzen guter Erwachsenenbildung (vgl. Arnold et al. 2010, S. 11 ff.; Gruber 2001, S. 393; Siebert 2003). Dieser vorliegende Buchbeitrag verfolgt insbesondere das Ziel, mithilfe guter Technikdidaktik den Zugang zu Technikbildung und infolge dessen die Partizipation an Technologieprozes...
Conference Paper
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When coming across the topics of gender and comparisons between men and women in everyday life, discussions mostly revolve around differences. Despite the wide range of explanations, aspects of evolutional and biological differences are regarded as highly legitimate explaining gender differences in debates on the street, in public, and in various s...
Conference Paper
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The former, rather theoretical, concepts of tele-working and e-learning became reality when the Internet found its way into our daily routines, and the old promises of location- and timeindependency finally became true when ‘smart technologies’ like smart phones brought learning and working to another level of mobility. However, there is also a pri...
Engineering and Technology (E&T) are considered as future job fields, especially in Europe, where human resources and innovative research are regarded as key factors of economical success (European Commission 2008). However, only a minority of young people plans a career in E&T (Becker 2009). For instance, Germany currently lacks 36,000 engineers (...
Women-only engineering education seems to be a paradoxical but working approach to gain gender equity in engineering (Wetterer 2003, Dahmen 2005). However, single-sex education enables students – here: women – to focus on learning aloof from gender hierarchies. This is especially important in en-gendered fields like technology (Wajcman 2000, Wächte...
Conference Paper
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Women-only engineering education seems to be a paradoxical but working approach to gain gender equity in engineering (Wetterer 2003, Dahmen 2005). However, single-sex education enables students – here: women – to focus on learning aloof from gender hierarchies. This is especially important in en-gendered fields like technology (Wajcman 2000, Wächte...
Conference Paper
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In this paper I will shortly discuss the role of key competences in and for lifelong learning and will explain how informal learning can enrich lifelong learning. Then I discuss the role of social media in informal learning processes and point out some challenges and hopes regarding inclusion and exclusion issues in Web 2.0
Conference Paper
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Recent trends in the numbers of engineering students in education suggest that there is a need for change in engineering study programs. One attempt to gain more students is to address a more diverse students' population. This paper draws on current studies on good practice in engineering education in Europe. Based on empirical data, two major tren...
Das monoedukative HTL-Kolleg in Graz bildet seit Herbst 2008 im Rahmen eines zweijährigen Kollegs arbeitssuchende Frauen mit Matura im Bereich Maschinenbauingenieurwesen aus. Um die Wirksamkeit dieser Ausbildung erfassen und bereits während des Projekts intervenieren zu können, wurden die Autorinnen dieses Papers vom AMS mit einer prozessbegleitend...
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This paper presents the concept and results of the research project ‘Engineer Your Sound!’ (2008–2009). It aimed at exploring whether interdisciplinary, innovative teaching/learning settings in the fields of technology and digital media can be used to give pupils the opportunities to experiment and discover their technical potential, skills, intere...
Conference Paper
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Technology and education are multiple intertwined. On one hand, technology has its place in education, for instance in computer-based courses. On the other hand, education has its place in technology; didactics of engineering education could be taken as one example. However, beside these two arenas, where the role of pedagogy as well as the role of...
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The first Austrian mono-educational program in engineering, a technical college course in Graz, was implemented in autumn of 2008 and is training women who graduated from high school, in mechanical engineering. In order to record the efficacy of this education and to intervene during the project, the authors of this paper have been entrusted with a...
Conference Paper
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Imag es o f en g in eerin g majors an d job s g o alo n g with en d u rin g n eg ativ e stereotypes of science, engineering and technology (SET) often connected to images of hegemonic masculinity or gender stereotypes. Some of these stereotypical attitudes are still active and have great impact on study decision making proces s es and s tudents ' e...
Conference Paper
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Images of science, engineering and technology (SET) are often connected to outdated clichés about nerdy scientists and boring engineers representing various gender stereotypes. According to current studies many of these stereotypical schemes are still active and have great impact on study decision making processes and students' job expectations in...
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Obwohl Technik im Leben vieler Menschen eine zentrale Rolle spielt (vor allem Mobiltelefon und Computer bzw. Internet) wird dieser zukunftsstarke Bereich von Jugendlichen noch zu selten als potentielles Berufsfeld betrachtet. Das Projekt Engineer Your Sound! (EYS) knüpft an ein grundlegendes Interesse für kreative Technikgestaltung und -anwendung a...
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This paper will present first results of the research project "Engineer Your Sound!" (EYS; 2008-2009) funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research. EYS explores the potential of addressing young people's interest in music and music technology in order to raise their interest in technology and engineering. The project aims at deve...
Conference Paper
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Starting from the fact that women are under-represented in all areas of engineering in Europe and many years of effort to attract more young women into engineering careers have met with only limited success, the conference discussed educational and socio-cultural factors that influence women’s and men’s choices towards engineering at key stages in...
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This paper will present first results of the research project "Engineer Your Sound!" (EYS; 2008-2009) funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research. EYS explores the potential of addressing young people's interest in music and music technology in order to raise their interest in technology and engineering. The project aims at deve...


Questions (3)
Hello fellow researchers of the STS community, I see many potentially interesting research questions around the social implications of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how different countries and actors are tackling the situation:
- Are you thinking about actually researching this or
- do you already use it as an example in your teaching?
(I asked this question also on our @queerSTS Twitter account.)
I work for 15 years in research projects funded by the European Commission, most of them were in the field of gender studies, many of them were carried out by interdisciplinary teams, where females outnumbered men; and now that I think of it, all of those international consortia were managed by female coordinators. I suffered my share because of social inequalities and hierarchies, different work ethics and cooperation cultures (or lack thereof), but I never experienced a case of sexual harassment in those projects. Lucky me.
Quite recently I found out that a former colleague of mine, who changed affiliations, is stuck now in a EU funded project with a male project coordinator with not only a bad reputation but who actually sexual harasses women in the team. I did not hear about this from herself, but from another colleague of mine, who told me after my question "What shall we do?", that "there is actually not much you can do about it" (due to power hierarchies in those projects, and because the team stems from different countries, different organizations etc.), and "the affected women have worked out a system to work around this man".
I understand that the tricky part is the specific constellation of multi-disciplinary, international project consortia, however, I ask (myself and you):
  1. How many people are suffering from harassing (colleagues and) coordinators in such cooperation projects?
  2. What can we do about this? (Do we need new policies or are there the right ones in place, and we need to work on our practices following these policies?)
As a feminist and gender scholar (with a currently running project on changing academia towards more gender equality nonetheless), I am truly interested in a conversation about this.
Intersectionality theory became a great tool to theoretically dissect mono-dimensional shortcomings of diversity efforts, yet Bilge (2013) analyzes how a specific form of academic feminism in tune with the neoliberal knowledge economy works to “depoliticize intersectionality,” neutralizing the critical potential of intersectionality and stripping it from its important power-reflexive analytical potential. Same applies to “diversity studies” which is being translated into managerial voice and then becomes a means to increase profit by and to work more effectively on multinational and multicultural projects, rather than to critically reflect biases and work environments. Class is often completely left out of these conversations. For academia Warnock (2016) describes stereotypes and micro-aggressions working class academics encounter and how their struggling to pass in a middle-class culture leads more and more to increased precarious job situations. (


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