Anita AdamczykAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | UAM · Department of Political Culture
Anita Adamczyk
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (49)
The purpose of this article is to analyze the migration routes leading through Poland to Western European countries since 2021, that is, the emergence of a humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. In addition, the article focuses on the actions of the Polish authorities in response to the increase in illegal migration flows through Pola...
This article draws attention to the growing importance of climate migration as a subject of national security. The United States of America (USA) was cited as a global leader upon which the international community places its hopes in combating climate change. With this in mind, an analysis was conducted on the institutional and normative actions of...
The 21st century became a period of mass migration, which had to do with the „shrinking of the world” through globalization, the development of means of transport and communication. In 2015 and 2016, Europe experienced its first migration crisis. The next occurred in 2021 and 2022. Forecasts for Europe in this regard are not optimistic. from which...
The subject of the study are formal and legal challenges posed by migration caused by climate change. The main reason for consideration is the growing phenomenon of resettlement induced by this process, with the simultaneous lack of regulations protecting incomers. The authors present the current state of protection of climate migrants, initiatives...
Współcześnie najwięcej państw udzielających schronienia migrantom należy do krajów rozwijających się z wewnętrznymi problemami i niewykształconą polityką wobec nich. Powroty do ojczyzny państwa te traktują jako formę zmniejszenia liczby migrantów i rozwiązania kryzysów gospodarczych, politycznych czy społecznych im towarzyszących. Jedną z nacji wob...
This article draws attention to the growing importance of climate migration as a subject of national security. The United States of America (USA) was cited as a global leader upon which the international community places its hopes in combating climate change. With this in mind, an analysis was conducted on the institutional and normative actions of...
W artykule analizie poddane zostały kwestie dotyczące powrotów Syryjczyków do ojczyzny. Jego celem jest zbadanie elementów przyciągających i wypychających, w tym przeszkód, z którymi zmagali się powracający. W artykule postawiono tezę głoszącą, że polityka władz syryjskich mimo zachęcania swoich obywateli do powrotu tworzy liczne bariery zniechęcaj...
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza polskiej polityki migracyjnej. Nie dotyczy ona jednak rozważań na temat treści w niej zawartych, ale luk, paradoksów i etapów jej konstytuowania. W artykule postawiono tezę głoszącą, że polska polityka migracyjna tworzona „od góry” jest pełna paradoksów, co czyni ją wewnętrznie niespójną. Z jednej strony, eko...
The purpose of this article is to analyse the Polish legislature’s activity during the state of emergency in the field of curbing illegal migration. The thesis of the article states that the introduction of the state of emergency on the Polish–Belarusian border facilitated the legal changes aimed at reducing the scale of illegal migration on the bo...
Syria is one of many countries in the Middle East diverse in terms of religion, nationality, and ethnicity. Internal divisions emerged when Syria reclaimed independence in 1946, but the differences inside Syrian society have become a taboo. One of the reasons for that was Arab nationalism, which claimed that they were all Arabs. The Syrian authorit...
This paper examines communication processes between state institutions and migrants under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to determine where migrants obtain their information on specific legal regulations and restrictions on rules of conduct in the public space and professional environment. This issue is examined through the exampl...
This article is an attempt to present the regime of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria as an alternative to the entire state. It explores the ideology of Abdullah Öcalan, which is the foundation of this regime. It also analyses the systemic assumptions characteristic of the democratic autonomy in Rojava, and then in the Autonomou...
The institution of states of emergency has acquired a new dimension with the development of states with a democratic system. Their feature is episodic and juridical. These states can be triggered by exogenous and/or endogenous factors. They are introduced in order to counteract the threat to the security of the state, its integrity and care for the...
The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of migration processes in Poland on the state’s activity in the field of public safety and order protection. It will present changes in the Polish migration policy in the context of security, including legal and institutional ones. The course of the migration processes taking place in Poland will...
Although the Middle East is widely associated with Islam, it is diverse in terms of religion. Syria is an example where two religious groups dominate, i.e. Muslims and Christians, which are internally diverse. The purpose of this article is to examine the position of religious minorities in the ideology and politics of Syria. Syria is not chosen by...
The study contains a dataset from survey on the opinions of labour migrants from Ukraine in Poland, collected at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants (conducted in May and June 2020) were 617 migrant workers from Ukraine who remained in Poland during the first period of the pandemic in Poland. Due to limitations in face-to-face cont...
This article is an attempt to show the political position of the president in Syria and to analyze the powers of the head of state from the 1930 constitution to including this issue in the 2012 constitution. The study will cover issues regarding the method of choosing the head of state, competences in the area of executive, legislative and judicial...
The purpose of this article is to analyze the European Union’s response to the influx of immigrants in 2016–2018. The author argues that the activity of EU countries had an impact on limiting the number of immigrants arriving in the EU, although this was not the only element reducing the number of third-country nationals crossing the EU’s external...
The purpose of this article is to analyze Polish migration policy after 2015. The author would like to show discrepancies between the political declarations and reality. Its purpose is also to show the position of the Law and Justice government regarding the EU’s policy on solving the migration crisis and Poland’s openness to admitting refugees/imm...
The report is based on research conducted in the West Pomeranian Province among immigrants. It concerned their family, social and economic situation
The book is dedicated to minorities and migrants as their own and strangers in the social and political space.
Celem artykułu jest analiza imigracji zarobkowej Ukraińców do Polski w latach 2014–2017. W nim przedstawiono dane będące wynikiem badań ukraińskich i polskich instytucji w zakresie migracji ukraińskich pracowników. Przeanalizowano statystyki dotyczące ich aktywności na polskim rynku pracy. Ukazano także wpływ ukraińskich pracowników na rozwój ekono...
This paper is devoted to the presidential pre-elections in Poland. It is the second part of a study concerning the parliamentary pre-elections held in Poland. The timeframe of this pa- per covers the period between 1995 and 2005. The paper begins with an overall analysis of pre-elections organized by political parties in Poland, following American...
The paper discusses the position of women in Romani society. The author presents the var- ious roles a romni (Romani for woman) plays. She refers to the rules of the moral and ethical code (romanipen) that significantly affects female behavior, determines the relationship be- tween females and males, and assigns women a lower position in society th...
The paper tries to sum up the celebrations to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Third Republic in 1989 and to present them in the context of the ‘remembrance policy’,meaning the endeavors various circles are engaged in to shape Polish society’s collective memory. The authors analyze the celebrations in terms of several selected aspects....
Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu są zagadnienia związane z kryzysem migracyjnym w UE w latach 2014–2016. W artykule została dokonana analiza ilościowa zjawiska uchodźctwa do państw UE, w tym i Polski. W artykule przedstawiono reakcję społeczeństw poszczególnych państw unijnych na napływ osób poszukujących ochrony międzynarodowej po 2014 ro...
The book is devoted to the Polish and European experience with ethnicity and migration in the 21st century.
The purpose of this article is to analyse the attitude of the Visegrad Group countries towards the immigration crisis in the EU. The article shows the joint activities of the V4 countries and their decisions taken at national level. The main thesis posed in this article states that the negative attitudes towards compulsory relocation of immigrants...
The purpose of this article is to analyse the attitude of the Visegrad Group countries towards the immigration crisis in the EU. The article shows the joint activities of the V4 countries and their decisions taken at national level. The main thesis posed in this article states that the negative attitudes towards compulsory relocation of immigrants...
The article discusses issues related to the EU migration crisis of 2014–2016. It offers
a quantitative analysis of refugee flows to EU countries, including Poland. The article presents the response of individual EU states to the influx of persons seeking international protection post 2014 and the attempts to tackle the immigration problem at the EU...
The book is devoted to the policy of European countries towards minorities and migrants.
Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu są zagadnienia związane z działaniami UE w zakresie rozwiązania kryzysu imigracyjnego w okresie od początku 2015 roku do końca pierwsze-go kwartału 2016 roku. W artykule dokonana została analiza ilościowa zjawiska imigracji do UE. Uwypuklono sytuację w Niemczech ze względu na największe zainteresowanie tym...
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Celem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia kształtowania się polityki imigracyjnej Polski pod wpływem kryzysu migracyjnego w UE. Analizie poddane zostały polityka imigracyjna UE oraz działania zmierzające do rozwiązania kryzysu imigracyjnego. W artykule postawiono tezę, że polityka imigracyjna polskiego rz...
A book devoted to political and social issues of multiculturalism
Streszczenie: Artyku³ pooewiêcony zosta³ migracji wewnêtrznej i zewnêtrznej na Ukrainie w okresie 12 miesiêcy 2014 roku. Jego celem by³o pokazanie, jak kryzys po-lityczny i konflikt militarny wp³ynê³y na ruchliwooeae obywateli Ukrainy. W artykule zosta³a dokonana analiza dotycz¹ca przesiedleñców wewnêtrznych, pod k¹tem ich liczebnooeci oraz miejsc,...
The book was devoted to the Act on National and Ethnic Minorities in its 10th anniversary
Artykuł poświęcony został napływie ukraińskich imigrantów do Polski w okresie kryzysu politycznego na Ukrainie w pierwszych trzech miesiącach 2014 roku. Jego celem było pokazanie, jak konflikt wewnątrz państwa wpływa na wzrost liczby osób szukających pomocy w obcym kraju, i jak państwo sąsiadujące przygotowuje się na napływ uchodźców. Całość otwier...
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są rozważania na temat wpływu procesów migracyjnych do Polski na poziom bezpieczeństwa społeczno-politycznego państwa i jego obywateli. Problemu, który od początku lat 90. XX wieku budził wiele emocji, ponieważ dla części polskiego społeczeństwa obecność imigrantów wywoływała niepokój, a w opinii innych była pożądan...
Europa od XIX wieku jest aren¹ dynamicznych przemieszczeñ ludnooeci. Wspó³czeoe-nie migracje zosta³y uznane za zjawisko globalne, które coraz czêoeciej wp³ywa na przemiany spo³eczne i kulturowe. Ruchy migracyjne sta³y siê jednym z elementów wywo³uj¹cych napiêcia w pañstwie przyjmuj¹cym oraz wnosz¹cych wk³ad w rozpad spo³eczny i os³abienie to¿samooe...
The book is about immigration to Poland in 1989-2007 and its consequences. The book deals with the issue of immigration from the point of view of politics, law and institutions.
The article concerns the presidential primary elections in Poland in the years 1995-2005.
The article is devoted to the influence of Roma culture on the situation and position of women among this minority.
I nstytucja prawyborów w Polsce zosta³a zaczerpniêta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Wy-korzystanie jej na naszym, rodzimym gruncie nie przypomina jednak prawyborów amerykañskich. Pojêcie to pochodzi od s³owa primary election (primaries), co w jêzyku angielskim ozna-cza wybory przedwstêpne 1. Instytucja prawyborów narodzi³a siê na pocz¹tku XX wieku. W pie...
The migration to and through Poland formed a part of global processes that were shaped by such factors as wars, poverty and the violation of human rights. Since the early 1990s, Poles have become the witnesses to phenomena they never experienced before. Social and political reforms, the opening of Polish borders, liberalization of entrance rules, a...