Aninda Muliani

Aninda Muliani
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara · Faculty of Science and Technology


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Publications (15)
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Manajemen arus transaksi keuangan di perusahaan tersebut saat ini masih mengandalkan penggunaan lembar kerja Excel yang sederhana. Namun, penggunaan Excel ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan, seperti sulit diakses secara bersamaan, rentan terhadap perubahan dan duplikasi data, serta memakan waktu yang cukup banyak. Akibatnya, proses kerja menjadi kura...
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The technological advancements of the past have transformed various sectors, including information, education, and commerce. Many utilized the internet to enhance business and trade efficiency. Pantai Gading Village was a significant contributor to agricultural production. Its residents traditionally sold agricultural products locally, resulting in...
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Toko Raja Aluminium merupakan perusahaan dagang yang bergerak di bidang penjualan aluminium dan kaca, berdiri pada tahun 2010. Beberapa tugas proses bisnis di Toko Raja Aluminium masih dilakukan secara manual. Proses penjualan sebagian besar melibatkan penggunaan spanduk dan rujukan orang ke orang, yang menyebabkan kurangnya informasi produk yang t...
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Manajemen aset di kantor TVRI Sumut saat ini terfokus pada pengadaan, pencatatan inventaris, dan pelaporan pengadaan sebagai bagian dari pengelolaan aset. Namun, proses ini masih melibatkan penggunaan kertas dan input manual ke Microsoft Excel, yang memakan waktu lama dan rentan terhadap kesalahan. Sebagai solusi, diperlukan implementasi Sistem Inf...
Perkembangan teknologi telah berjalan begitu cepat hingga mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Pada pendidikan tinggi, teknologi dan sistem informasi dibutuhkan guna memenuhi kebutuhan informasi yang cepat dan dapat memecahkan masalah dengan efektif dan efisien. Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara ialah institusi yang memakai sistem informasi...
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Pandemi COVID-19 membawa perubahan pada metode pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah, termasuk di SD Yayasan Perguruan Amaliyah Sunggal. Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang selama ini dilaksanakan secara tatap muka berubah menjadi pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring). Hal ini tentunya menuntut kemampuan guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran d...
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BAPPEDA of North Sumatra Province is one of the government agencies in charge of carrying out government affairs in the field of regional planning and development. BAPPEDA conducts inventory recording activities that are still manual with the given standardization. Weak supervision has a negative impact on management so that reporting of receipts o...
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Ilmu pengetahuan teknologi mengalami perkembangan dan kemajuan pesat dalam dunia pendidikan. Salah satunya adalah teknologi dalam media pembelajaran. Pengenalan bahasa pada anak perlu ditingkatkan pada medianya. Tujuan peneliatan ini adalah membangun media pembelajaran interaktif pengenalan bahasa IMAI (Indonesia, Mandarin, Arab, dan Inggris) untuk...
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p> Mudharabah financing is a product that is in demand by the public, especially for those who want to develop their business but do not have capital. Meanwhile, murabahah financing is a product that offers buying and selling between BMT Tebing Tinggi and members. BMT Tebing Tinggi will purchase or order goods according to the request of members, t...
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Advances in technology, information and technology at this time are growing rapidly, a lot of human work is facilitated by technology. Technology has also developed in investment instruments, especially in stock investments. Previously, when there was no technology, it would be very difficult to predict the stock price of state-owned banks in the f...
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The development of digital technology, especially digital multimedia, can change the way people do business. The development of social media and the sophistication of new applications offer endless opportunities for product marketing. Product marketing strategy is needed to increase competitiveness. One of the marketing strategies is attractive adv...
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p>ABSTRACT. This Community service was carried out at the Bani Adam As Orphanage which is located at Jalan Mangaan 3 Pasar 2 Mabar, Medan Deli District. This orphanage cares for and meets the needs of orphans and neglected children, from food to school needs from elementary to high school levels. Currently, Bani Adam As Orphanage High School studen...
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PT. Napol Medan Berkah is a company engaged in retail souvenirs from the city of Medan in the form of Napoleon Cake. PT. Napol Medan Berkah always efforts to provide optimal services to people by improving services using Information Technology which is expected to simplify the service process and improve service quality. Therefore, an analysis of t...
Abstrak - Pelacakan dan pengenalan wajah manusia (face recognition) merupakan salah satu bidang penelitian yang penting dan belakangan ini banyak aplikasi yang dapat menerapkannya, baik di bidang komersial maupun bidang penegakan hukum. Teknik pengenalan wajah pada saat ini telah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat berarti, mengingat teknik pengenalan w...
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Sundanese are tribes from West Java and Banten that use their own local language known as Sundanese. The large number of local residents who still use Sundanese in communicating daily is an obstacle in increasing tourist visits to the area. Then a translator is needed which can be used as a liaison between tourists and local residents so that there...


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