Aniko Nyeki

Aniko Nyeki
Széchenyi István University · Department of Biosystems Engineering and Precision Technology


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Crop growth modellling Big data and IoT in precision crop production
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  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (46)
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In agriculture, computer vision and image processing are essential for monitoring crops and controlling robots and actuators. In this work, the detection of ripe tomato fruit was the main aim. During the tomato-ripping process, the green tomato turns to red in several color stages (Ambrus et al., 2024). While the chlorophyll concentration decreases...
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This study was conducted to evaluate the laboratory tolerance of the durum wheat cultivar (Douma 3) when treated with two levels of ascorbic acid (5 ppm and 10 ppm, in addition to a control treatment soaked in water) under two levels of salt stress (50 mM and 100 mM NaCl, in addition to a control). The experiment took place at the Field Crops Depar...
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The aim of this study was to estimate field-grown tomato yield (weight) and quantity of tomatoes using a self-developed robot and digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera pictures. The authors suggest a new approach to predicting tomato yield that is based on images taken in the field, 3D scanning, and shape. Field pictures were used for tomato seg...
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Weeds have the potential to cause significant damage to agricultural fields, so the development of weed detection and automatic weed control in these areas is very important. Weed detection based on RGB images allows more efficient management of crop fields, reducing production costs and increasing yields. Conventional weed control methods can ofte...
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A precíziós növénytermesztésben egyre több adatot mérünk, egyre több adatot gyűjtünk. Az adatgyűjtés végső célja, hogy valamilyen precíziós beavatkozást el tudjunk végezni. Tudjunk szabályozni bizonyos környezeti paramétereket adott szempontrendszer szerint optimálisan. A gyakorlatban is felhasználható eredményekhez szükségünk van a várható hozam m...
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The article evaluates how well the goals of the European Green Deal are justified, especially considering the risks to energy and food security arising from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We agree with the objectives of the European Green Agreement as a whole, but whether some of the objectives which feature in the EASAC study can be achi...
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In agriculture, as precision farming increasingly employs robots to monitor crops, the use of weeding and harvesting robots is expanding the need for computer vision. Currently, most researchers and companies address these computer vision tasks with CNN-based deep learning. This technology requires large datasets of plant and weed images labeled by...
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Precision agricultural (PrA) technology relies on the utilization of special equipment to access real time observations on plant health status, chlorophyll, nitrogen content, and soil moisture content. In this research new PrA technology (i.e., SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development), and UAV-based NDVI (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Normalized Diff...
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Feed the global population and regenerate the planet.” The conditions necessary for the implementation of the above commonly used slogan did not exist 10–15 years ago. We did not have access to the information and databases that would have allowed us to increase yields for the purpose of feeding the growing population. While increasingly meeting su...
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The potential benefits of applying information and communication technology (ICT) in precision agriculture to enhance sustainable agricultural growth were discussed in this review article. The current technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as their applications, must be integrated into the agric...
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A növekvő népesség igényeinek kielégítése egyre nagyobb elvárásokat támaszt a szántóföldi növénytermesztéssel szemben. A jelen és a jövő kihívása, hogy szélsőséges időjárási viszonyok mellett is biztosítsuk a kiváló kukorica genotípusok magas és stabil terméshozamát. A mezőgazdaság fejlődésében egyre nagyobb arányban alkalmaznak mikrobiológiai kész...
A Debreceni Egyetem Látképi Szántóföldi Kísérleti Központjában vizsgáltuk öt eltérő tenyészidejű, FAO-számú (350, 380, 420, 490 és 510) kukorica hibridet. A rendkívül aszályos évjáratban, 2022-ben öntözéssel pótoltuk (456 mm) a csapadékhiányt. Nagyszámú mérések alapján felvételeztük a növénymagasságot, az ezerszemtömeget, a levélterület-indexet, a...
A robot definíciója Robotnak nevezünk minden olyan működő entitást, amely érzékeli és értelmezi a dinami-kusan változó környezet jellemzőit, és alkal-mazkodó módon avatkozik be a környezetébe. Másik fontos jellemzője a kommunikáció és az együttműködés. Az autonóm rendszernek in-formációra van szüksége ahhoz, hogy a megfe-lelő döntéseket meghozza, m...
Ensuring global food security has become a matter of great concern with the constantly increasing population growth, resulting in rising food demands. Simultaneously, climate change and land degradation pose major risks to agricultural production. Maize is one of the most produced crops globally and maize yields must be increased to meet the popula...
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If we want to increase the efficiency of precision technologies to create sustainable agriculture, we need to put developments and their application on a new footing; moreover, a general paradigm shift is needed. There is a need to rethink close-at-hand and far-off innovation concepts to further develop precision agriculture, from both an agricultu...
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Predicting crop yields is one of the most challenging tasks in agriculture. It plays an essential role in decision making at global, regional, and field levels. Soil, meteorological, environmental, and crop parameters are used to predict crop yield. A wide variety of decision support models are used to extract significant crop features for predicti...
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The Modified Fournier Index (MFI) is one of the indices that can assess the erosivity of rainfall. However, the implementation of the artificial neural network (ANN) for the prediction of the MFI is still rare. In this research, climate data (monthly and yearly precipitation (pi, Ptotal) (mm), daily maximum precipitation (Pd-max) (mm), monthly mean...
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Precision crop production requires accurate yield prediction and nitrogen management. Crop simulation models may assist in exploring alternative management systems for optimizing water, nutrient and microelements use efficiencies, increasing maize yields. Our objectives were: (i) to access the ability of the CERES-Maize model for predicting yields...
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To better understand the potential of soils, understanding how soil properties vary over time and in-field is essential to optimize the cultivation and site-specific technologies in crop production. This article aimed at determining the within-field mapping of soil chemical and physical properties, vegetation index, and yield of maize in 2002, 2006...
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This is a report on the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) that took place between 18 and 22, July at the location of the University of Public Service in Budapest, Hungary. The theme of the Conference was the "Adoption of innovative precision agriculture technologies and solutions". Due to the pandemic, the conference was a hy...
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In order to meet the requirements of sustainability and to determine yield drivers and limiting factors, it is now more likely that traditional yield modelling will be carried out using artificial intelligence (AI). The aim of this study was to predict maize yields using AI that uses spatio-temporal training data. The paper has advanced a new metho...
Conference Paper
This study presents the objectives and the framework of Agronomical - Internet of Things system in Mosonmagyaróvár (M-AIoT), taken place at Széchenyi István University Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, such complexity first time in Hungary. The core part of this activity is automating data collection, extended with remotely-sensed paramete...
Nowadays we are not able to exploit the technical and IT advantages provided by precision technologies from an ecological or economic point of view. More than 20 years of experience unfortunately proves that we do not have adequate applied biological knowledge. Today, our technical and IT knowledge provides us with many opportunities, e.g., during...
A 2017/2018-as tél első két hónapja az átlagosnál lényegesen enyhébb időjárást hozott. A február vége és március eleje közötti mintegy 10 napos hideg periódusban beköszön-tött az igazi téli időjárás. A tenyészidőszakot megelőző téli félév rendkívül csapadékos volt, a lehullott csapadék közel 130 mm-rel meghaladta a sokévi átlagot. Májusban foly-ta...
sszefoglalás Vizsgálatunk célja a Debrecen-Látókép tartamkísérlet eredményeinek értékelése a DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) szoftver Ceres-Maize döntéstámogató modelljével. Az elemzés elsősorban a tartamkísérlet adatbázisainak adaptálását és a modell kalibrálását foglalta magában. A validáláshoz szükséges adato-kat a kí...
A precíziós növénytermesztés hatékonyságának növelése új szakmai kihívásokat jelent a mezőgazdasági kutatásokban és a gazdálkodásban egyaránt. A precíziós műszaki fejlesztések jelentős energia és anyag megtakarítást eredményeztek. Napjaink kihívása megfelelni az eredményesebb gazdálkodásnak, a jobb és egészséges élelmiszerek előállításának. A műsza...
This study presents the objectives and the framework of comprehensive project: “Complex Precision Crop Production Research at Széchenyi István University”, and also the results of first stage. The long-term goal of the program is to develop an unmanned and ecologically sustainable crop production system. The short-term task is to deploy a sensor-b...
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A kutatás során pilóta nélküli légi jármű (UAV) (a köznyelvben elterjedt néven drón) és IP (egyedi hálózati azonosítóval rendelkező) kamera felhasználásával egy – az Aforge keretrendszeren alapuló – elemző szoftvert alakítottunk ki, amely a látható fénytartományon belül készített légi felvételek on-line elemzésére alkalmas. A szoftver egy adott ter...
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Agricultural production is a crucial area, perhaps the most important for humanity. This is the only area which cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to know how sustainable the system is in the long run as regards energy consumption. We have chosen the maize production sector as the main focus of this study. This crop is especia...
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Agriculture is one of the most important-and one of the largest energy user-industry in the world. Fertilizer production, energy demand of production and harvesting machines, and many other related processes are based directly or indirectly on fossil fuels. The study examines, how to reduce the use of fossil fuels by using a carbon dioxide neutral...
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The purpose of our research is the weed removal of precision maize cultivation of interrow with unique plant detection. For this aim, we have worked on the implementation of a self-propelled device with low production and operating costs, which we intend to introduce in the paper. The experiments started with field measurements, which included meas...
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Th e book contains 25 papers. Some of the authors have presented their results in a narrow area, others have approached the issues they consider important, together with the corresponding solutions. Th e themes show that the natural environment, agricultural ecology and food production must be treated in an unifi ed system. Studies in this book can...
Soil moisture content directly influences yield. Mapping within field soil moisture content differences provides information for agricultural management practices. In this study we aimed to find a cost-effective method for mapping within field soil moisture content differences. Spatial coverage of the field sampling or TDR method is still not dense...
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This paper reviews the works related to the effect of soil compaction on cereal yield and focuses on research of field experiments. The reasons for compaction formation are usually a combination of several types of interactions. Therefore one of the most researched topics all over the world is the changes in the soil's physical and chemical propert...
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Evaluating the accuracy of Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) and ProPlanta fertilizer advisory system for maize crop (Zea mays L.) using the 2010 and 2011 database, it was concluded that simulations led to large inaccuracies in small plot sizes (0.25 ha). However the differences between simulated and measured yields relate...


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