Anikó Hirka

Anikó Hirka
Hungarian Forest Research Institute | ERTI · Forest Protection


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Publications (87)
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Amikor bükköseink jövőjéért – nem is alaptalanul – aggódunk, nemcsak magára a fafajra, hanem a hozzá kötődő fajegyüttesek sorsára is gondolnunk kell. Jelen írás – a teljesség igénye nélkül – ezek egyikébe, a bükk rovarfaunájába ad rövid betekintést.
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A tölgy-csipkéspoloska tömeges fellépése jelentős hatással lehet tölgyeseink egészségi állapotára, növedékére, makktermésére és a tölgyesekhez kapcsolódó közösségekre. Nagy távolságra történő terjedését elsősorban a közúti és vasúti forgalom segíti elő, míg kisebb távolságokra aktívan és passzívan egyaránt képes eljutni. Rövid távú terjedését befol...
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The North American oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata) was first discovered in Europe in 2000 and first reported in Hungary in 2013. During the last decade, it has spread rapidly. By now, there are reports of its presence and even huge outbreaks from a considerable part of the continent. Its long-term impacts are yet to be studied, but our present kn...
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The North American gall mite Aceria fraxiniflora was first recorded in Europe in southeast Hungary in 2017. Since then, it has shown a remarkably rapid spread on its host, the also North American green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). By the beginning of 2023 it has been recorded in eight Central-Eastern European countries. In 2022 it was recorded on...
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Both artificial and natural regeneration of oaks strongly depend on the quantity and quality of the acorn crop, which show high year-to-year variation. The volume of the acorn crop is influenced by many factors including biotic and abiotic effects. The quality (i.e., germination ability, nutrient reserves) of acorns can be decreased by carpophagous...
Kivonat: A mikroszkopikus méretű gubacsatkák lágyszárú és fás szárú növények hajtásán, levelén, virágán és termésén élősködnek. Tápnövényeik nagyobb része a fás szárúak közül kerül ki. A közelmúltban amerikai kőrisen (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) megtalált Aceria fraxiniflora gubacsatka faj gyors terjedése szembetűnővé vált hazánkban. A jelenség vizsgál...
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Számos, nemrégiben megjelent tanulmány változatos élőhelyek ízeltlábú diverzitásának, biomasszájának és egyedszámának ijesztő mértékű csökkenéséről számolt be. Ennek az ökológiai vonatkozása jelentős lehet, hiszen ezen szervezetek más élőlényeknek fontos táplálékául szolgálnak. Az Erdészeti Fénycsapda Hálózat adatait használtuk annak megállapításár...
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Here we present an analysis of the nocturnal macro‑moth fauna in Répáshuta (Bükk National Park) based on the catches of a Jermy‑type automatic light‑trap between 2014‑2019. Over the six years, a total of 43,487 individuals of 488 species were caught by the trap. Species composition varied greatly between years, with a total of 141 species occurring...
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Novel interactions between introduced oaks and their natural enemies across different continents provide an opportunity to test the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) at local and global scales. Based on the ERH, we assessed the impacts of native seed-feeding insects on introduced and native oaks within and among continents. We combined a common-garden...
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Numerous recent studies report an alarming decrease in diversity, biomass, or abundance of arthropods in various habitats. Given that they are important food for other organisms, the ecological consequences of such a decline could be severe. We used data from the Hungarian Forestry Light Trap Network to examine whether the spring caterpillar biomas...
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The oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata, Say 1832) is a new invasive sap-sucking species in the European oak forests that was first recorded in Central Europe in 2013. It invaded the region from Southeastern Europe, spreads rapidly, and shows no signs of receding after establishment. In this study, focusing on the oak forests in the transboundary area...
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The North American oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata) was first discovered in Europe (Norhern Italy) in 2000. It started a rapid area expansion in the last decade and has been reported in 20 countries so far. Almost all European oaks are suitable hosts. On top of the host availability, abiotic factors like weather/climate may also have a decisive im...
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The influence of meteorological parameters on the health status of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was analyzed using long term datasets (1989-2010) collected in 15 sample plots located in Hungary’s main beech regions. Leaf loss values were correlated with different meteorological parameters as explanatory variables. Analysis was performed by the CReMIT...
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The North American oak lace bug (OLB, Corythucha arcuata) was first found in Europe in northern Italy in 2000, and up to 2019 it was recorded in 20 countries. Almost all Eurasian deciduous oak species are suitable hosts and the species can also feed on many other woody plants. At least 30 million hectares of oak forests provide suitable hosts for t...
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Az észak-amerikai származású tölgy-csipkéspoloskát Európában először 2000-ben, Észak- Olaszországban észlelték. Hazánkban 2013-ban, a Szarvasi Arborétumban azonosították. Az azóta eltelt hat évben gyorsan terjeszkedett. 2019 őszére már Magyarország összes megyéjéből előkerült, több megyében már nagyterületű, állományszintű tömeges fellépését is ész...
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A 2017. április 19-i bükki hótörés és széldöntés nyomán 4409 hektáron keletkezett erdőkár. A kala-mitás leginkább az 500-600 m tszfm. régióban éreztette hatását. Ebben a magasságban vizsgáltuk a Bükk-hegységet sújtó károsodást távérzékelési módszerekkel, MODIS és Sentinel-2 műholdképeken, majd összehasonlítottuk az eredményeket az erdővédelmi kárbe...
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The North American oak lace bug feeds on leaves of ‘white oaks” in its native range. In Europe, it was first discovered in northern Italy in 2000. In recent years, it has subsequently spread rapidly and population outbreaks have been observed in several European countries. In the present study, we summarize the steps of its expansion. To predict it...
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Entomophaga maimaiga is an important host-specific fungal pathogen of gypsy moth larvae in North America. In 1999, this entomopathogenic fungus was successfully introduced into Bulgaria. At present, it is spreading fast in southeastern and central Europe. It has been recorded from Serbia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech...
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Kivonat Az 1962-2011 közötti 50 évben Magyarországon az aszályok gyakorisága nőtt. A növekvő trenden túl az időszak máso-dik felében a kifejezetten extrém aszályok is egyre gyakoribbá váltak. Ezzel szoros összefüggésben jelentősen növeked-tek az erdeinkben bekövetkező aszálykárok is. Az évente bejelentett aszálykárok rendkívül szoros, szignifikáns...
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A rovarok és környezetük kapcsolata rendkívül szoros, ezért ha abban-például a klímaváltozás miatt-a legkisebb változás is bekövetkezik, arra érzékenyen reagálnak. Ez a reakció igen változatos lehet. Megváltozhat elterjedési területük, megváltozhat fejlődési idejük és ezen keresztül a generációs viszonyaik, illetve a populáció nagyságát befolyásoló...
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Climate change particularly threatens the xeric limits of temperate-continental forests. In Hungary, annual temperatures have increased by 1.2 °C-1.8 °C in the last 30 years and the frequency of extreme droughts has grown. With the aim to gain stand-level prospects of sustainability, we have used local forest site variables to identify and project...
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Population fluctuations of the well-known oak defoliator, the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea L.), were studied using light trap data and basic meteorological parameters (monthly average temperatures, and precipitation) at three locations in Western Hungary over a period of 15 years (1988-2012). The fluctuations in the numbers cau...
We evaluated the presence and impact of Entomophaga maimaiga on both target and non-target phytophagous larvae. All six study plots, with low gypsy moth population density, were situated in Central and Southeastern European oak forests and E. maimaiga had previously been reported from these plots. Totally, 45 of 4,045 (1.13%) collected non-target l...
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Studies of transient population dynamics have largely focused on temporal changes in dynamical behaviour, such as the transition between periods of stability and instability. This study explores a related dynamic pattern, namely transient synchrony during a 49‐year period among populations of five sympatric species of forest insects that share host...
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Kivonat Az észak-amerikai tölgy csipkéspoloskát (Corythucha arcuata) Európában először Észak-Olaszországban észlelték (2000). Magyarországon 2013-ban találták meg, az azóta eltelt öt évben, különösen pedig 2016-ban és 2017-ben gyors terjeszke-dést mutatott. 2017 őszéig öt kivételével (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Nógrád; Győr-Moson-Sopron, Vas és Veszprém...
As global biodiversity continues to decline steeply, it is becoming increasingly important to understand diversity patterns at local and regional scales. Changes in land use and climate, nitrogen deposition and invasive species are the most important threats to global biodiversity. Because land use changes tend to benefit a few species but impede m...
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Erdészeti Lapok CLI. évf. 12. szám (2016. december) 420 A gyapjaslepke " naptár szerint esedé-kes " tömegszaporodása idén is elma-radt, holott a 2003–2006-os tömegszapo-rodás óta eltelt idõ, illetve az utóbbi né-hány év idõjárása alapján joggal várhat-tuk volna. A kellemes csalódást minden bizonnyal az Entomophaga maimaiga rovarpatogén gombának kös...
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kivonat Az ERTI Erdővédelmi Figyelő-Jelzőszolgálati Rendszer erdővédelmi jelzőlap adatainak feldolgozásával vizsgáltuk az el-múlt 50 év bükk állományokat érintő biotikus erdőkárait. Ismertettük a kártípusok idősorait, majd aszályindexekkel vetettük össze eredményeinket. A károk mértéke és gyakorisága az 1980-as évek közepétől megnövekedett. A bükkp...
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The gypsy moth is the most important defoliator of broadleaved forests in the Northern Hemisphere. We explored the patterns in the moth’s long-term dynamics and produced outbreak forecasts for seven countries located in central to southeastern Europe and extending into the Carpathian Mountains. We investigated how the outbreak periods and trends in...
Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L., is one of the most important pests of deciduous trees in Europe. In regular cycles, it causes large-scale defoliation mostly of oak, Quercus spp., forests. Government authorities in the most infested countries in Europe conduct large-scale applications of pesticides against gypsy moth. In 1999, a new natural enemy,...
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We investigated the canopy recovery of 3 tree species (pedunculate oak, Turkey oak, European beech) at two locations in the Veszprém county (Western Hungary) after severe defoliation by gypsy moth caterpillars in the spring of 2005. The Turkey oak has evidently the best recovery potential, and it almost completely replaced the lost foliage in 4 mon...
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Kontinensünkön növekvõ ütemben jelennek és honosodnak meg behurcolt kártevõk és kórokozók. Ezek jelentõs része rövidebb-hosszabb idõ alatt hazánkat is eléri. A szélsõséges idõjárású évek (súlyos aszályok, enyhe telek stb.) hatására olyan honos rovarok és kórokozók léphetnek fel tömegesen, amiket korábban jelentéktelennek, " ártatlannak " tartottunk...
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Long-term data sets, covering several decades, could help to reveal the effects of observed climate change on herbivore damage to plants. However, sufficiently long time series in ecology are scarce. The research presented here analyzes a long-term data set collected by the Hungarian Forest Research Institute over the period 1961-2009. The number o...
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A gyapjaslepkék családjának (Lymantriidae) Magyarországon 14 faja él. Közülük több erdészeti/növényvédelmi jelentősége okán közismert (apácalepke, aranyfarú lepke, nyár gyapjaslepke, stb.). Vitathatatlan azonban, hogy a legnagyobb figyelmet a család név-adója, a gyapjaslepke (Lymantria dispar) élve-zi. A " népszerűség " oka nyilvánvaló, időnként és...
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In this paper the Hungarian light trap data (1973-93) of Operophtera brumata, L., an important pest in forestry and horticulture are analysed. The life cycle of the Lepidoptera is introduced and the activity of the pests is estimated. We prove that the gradation of the pests has the same periodicity as sunspot cycle has, the gradation peak as feedb...
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Egy tavaly megjelent tanulmány szerint az 1881. és 2010. közötti 130 éves idõ-szakban több mint 100, fás szárúakon élõ idegenhonos rovarfaj jelent meg és telepedett meg Magyarországon. Az idõ-szak utolsó 20 évében több, mint az azt megelõzõ 110 esztendõben. Egy másik, szintén közelmúltbeli keltezésû írás fél-tucat olyan fajt sorol fel, amik már a "...
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Abstract. When examining the ecological effects of climate change those databases which contain monitoring results of long-term time series have a key role. We used the daily Lepidoptera data of the Hungarian Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network between 1962 and 2006 to analyse the influence of the change of temperature on the ecologica...
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108 alien insect species with real or potential importance for forestry have been recorded in Hungary between 1881 and 2010. The colonization rate steeply increased in the last 2-3 decades. More new species were recorded in the last 30 years (1981-2010) than in the previous 100 years (1881-1980). Order Hemiptera (particularly aphids) represent the...
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In this study we examine the relationship between the Lunar Phases and the efficiency of light traps in catching winter moth (Operophthera brumata Linnaeus, 1758). Our calculations are based on data collected by the Hungarian Forestry Light Trap Network at four sites from 1961 to 2008. We also tried to estimate the influence of polarized moonlight...
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Setting out from the database of Operophtera brumata, L. in between 1973 and 2000 due to the Light Trap Network in Hungary, we introduce a simple theta-logistic population dynamical model based on endogenous and exogenous factors, only. We create an indicator set from which we can choose some elements with which we can improve the fitting results t...
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Abstract. Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century. The most sensitive indicators of the effects of the climatic changes are phenological processes of the biota. The effects of climate change which were observed the earliest are the remarkable changes in the phenology (i.e. the timing of the phenophases) of th...
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Background and Purpose: Two leaf miners, Parectopa robiniella and Phyllonorycter robiniella (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), native to North America, were stablished in Europe. These two invaders provide an excellent opportunity to study the insertion of new species into an existing host-parasitoid community. The following hypotheses were tested: (i)...
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Carpophagous insects play an important role in decreasing the viability of acorns in bothdirect and indirect ways. Therefore they significantly influence the reproductive potential of oaks. As adirect effect, their feeding on the embryo and on the cotyledons may prevent the germination of theacorn and on the other hand, their damage causes prematur...
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Hirka A. Csiku Gy. A makkmoly is makkormanwt lun dk kihiljasi id\szakinak vizsgdlala ts ennek gtakorlati
Some impacts of the heavy and direct pollution coming from an aluminium foundry and a heating power station on aQuercus cerris L. stand were examinated in Central Transdanubia, Hungary. The greater part of the wooded vegetation, on more than 300 ha, is perished by the pollution. The species-richness of the wooded vegetation of the damaged area is 5...
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Carpophagous insects have significant influence on the reproductive potential of oaks both on direct and indirect ways. Carpophagous insects damaged 38-59% of the total acorn crop depending on year and oak species. The ratio of insect infested acorns still having viable embryo varies significantly (range 38-80%), but is around 50%. The presence of...