Angelo Brandelli Costa

Angelo Brandelli Costa
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul | PUCRS · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

MSc, PsyD, PhD
Professor and researcher at the Graduate Programs in Psychology, Social Sciences and Medicine at PUCRS.


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Professor at the Graduate Programs in Psychology, Social Sciences and Medicine of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) Brazil; researching in the areas of social and health psychology, with emphasis on prejudice, political attitudes, sexuality, gender, HIV / AIDS, and integral health of the LGBTI population.
Additional affiliations
September 2024 - present
John Cabot University
  • Associate Professor of Psychology
August 2015 - March 2016
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 2005 - January 2006
Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Research Assistant
January 2021 - December 2021
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, UNIROMA
Field of study
  • Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination
January 2018 - December 2018
Federal Council of Psychology of Brazil
Field of study
  • Specialist in Social Psychology
January 2015 - December 2017
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Field of study
  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq


Publications (272)
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The aim of this study is to investigate HIV-related healthcare needs and access barriers for Brazilian transgender and gender diverse people. Data were collected from gender identity clinics and the questionnaire was also made available on the Internet. Out of the 543 participants—62.1% (n = 337) transgender women, 28.7 (n = 156) transgender men an...
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Transgender people face unique challenges, such as structural, interpersonal, and individual vulnerabilities to chronic diseases. Stigma and prejudice may hamper their access to health care and prevent their inclusion in the labor market, as well as cause exposition to violence. Labor market exclusion contributes to engagement in survival sex work,...
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Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) has been a central explanatory concept and predictor of sociopolitical and intergroup attitudes over the last decades. Research indicates RWA is formed by the subdimensions of authoritarianism, traditionalism, and conservatism. The objective of this study was to assess the cross-cultural validity of this three-fact...
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Research involving transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) increased in the last years, mostly concerning healthcare associated to this population. Few studies dedicated their analysis to the impact of parental support on transgender people, even though this is an important aspect in creating a safe environment on which these individuals can bu...
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This study was intended to analyze the intersection of experience of sexual stigma low-socioeconomic status, and suicide attempt amongst young Brazilians (11–24 years old). In each of the data collection periods (2004–2006: n = 7185; 2010–2012: n = 2734), participants completed a questionnaire-based instrument. Network analysis provided support for...
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O controle reprodutivo é uma das principais vias de manutenção do capitalismo e do patriarcado. A criminalização do aborto torna este evento reprodutivo, comum na vida de mulheres, a quarta causa de morte “materna” do Brasil. Enquanto área que atua diante do sofrimento psíquico, inclusive no âmbito do acesso ao aborto legal via SUS, a psicologia nã...
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Objectives The aim of this study was to adapt and apply the Portuguese version of the Transgender Man Voice Questionnaire in a sample of Brazilian transgender men and to investigate the relationship between voice satisfaction and hormone therapy duration. In addition, we suggest reducing and reformulating the questionnaire for screening. Methods W...
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O objetivo deste estudo é fazer um panorama geral, por meio de respostas de um questionário, sobre o impacto da catástrofe climática ocorrida no Rio Grande do Sul, em maio de 2024, na vida das pessoas trans que são usuárias do Programa Transdisciplinar de Identidade de Gênero do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (PROTIG/ HCPA). Obtivemos 66 resp...
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The rapid diagnosis of opportunistic infections (OIs) is critical for improving the health outcomes of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). This study aimed to describe the feasibility of implementing a package for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis in patients with advanced HIV/AIDS disease in Porto Alegre, Bra...
O livro Entre Paternidades e Maternidades: Perspectivas Interseccionais, organizado por Elder Cerqueira Santos (professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe), Helen Barbosa dos Santos (pós-doutoranda CNPq no Grupo de Estudos em Preconceito, Vulnerabilidades e Processos Psicossociais da Psicologia da PUCRS,...
O livro Entre Paternidades e Maternidades: Perspectivas Interseccionais, organizado por Elder Cerqueira Santos (professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe), Helen Barbosa dos Santos (pós-doutoranda CNPq no Grupo de Estudos em Preconceito, Vulnerabilidades e Processos Psicossociais da Psicologia da PUCRS,...
O livro Entre Paternidades e Maternidades: Perspectivas Interseccionais, organizado por Elder Cerqueira Santos (professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe), Helen Barbosa dos Santos (pós-doutoranda CNPq no Grupo de Estudos em Preconceito, Vulnerabilidades e Processos Psicossociais da Psicologia da PUCRS,...
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Context and Aim: Adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV poses a public health challenge. Although studies in developed countries emphasize the role of psychosocial factors in ART adherence, there is limited research on this association among Brazilian MSM living with HIV. This study examine...
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Understanding transgender youth coping mechanisms may help create strategies that reduce the influence of stress on quality of life. Our study aims to measure the quality of life of Brazilian transgender youth and analyse the association with their coping strategies used for dealing with general and gender‐related stress. The sample consisted of 18...
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A pesquisa etnográfica possibilitou perceber o hospital de trauma como parte das territorialidades que compõem o cotidiano de homens em situação de rua. Acompanhar os fluxos de atenção nas práticas de profissionais da saúde e da segurança pública aos homens feridos por conflitos violentos revelou a indissociabilidade entre o dentro e fora da instit...
Conference Paper
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Recent advancements in Computer Graphics (CG) have significantly enhanced the realism of animations and characters in various media. However, the Uncanny Valley (UV) theory suggests that as Virtual Humans (VHs) become more realistic, they may evoke discomfort. This phenomenon challenges industry professionals and researchers to study human percepti...
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Pesquisas voltadas ao público jovem LGBTQIA+ nos serviços públicos são relevantes no contexto de neoconservadorismo brasileiro, em que ocorre a exclusão e violência a corpos fora da cisheteronormatividade. A pesquisa Pós-Doutoral nomeada como “Promoção à Equidade de Gênero: estratégias de educação teórico-prática de gestores e profissionais da educ...
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O estigma impacta negativamente a qualidade de vida de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS, mas são poucos os estudos nacionais dedicados a compreender a dimensão subjetiva desta vivência. A partir de um desdobramento do Stigma Index 2.0 no Brasil, objetivou-se analisar qualitativamente as experiências de estigma narradas a partir da perspectiva de pessoa...
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Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à violência contra mulheresdurante a pandemia de Covid-19 no mundo. Método: O levantamento foi realizado em outubro de2021, nos bancos de dados Embase, Scopus e Web of Science, publicados em 2020 e 2021, apenasno idioma inglês. Foram incluídos estudos empíricos, com população feminina, no...
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Background: HIV-related stigma is associated with worse health outcomes and lower adherence to antiretroviral therapy. There is limited data on the stigma faced by Latin American cisgender women, although they are among the populations most affected by HIV. This study aims to provide insight into the Stigma Index Brazil, with the objective of esti...
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RESUMOO artigo configura-se como relato de experiência sobre o Grupo de Atenção Psicossocial LGBTQIAP+ voltado a adolescentes e jovens de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. A iniciativa justifica-se pelas diversas demandas de atenção psicossocial, como a falta de acesso à saúde, preconceito intrafamiliar e violências no âmbito escolar. Além da escu...
While aspiring to be a diverse and global science, developmental science continues to be dominated by EuroAmerican epistemologies, researchers, and communities in its published scholarship. Adolescents in communities across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America comprise 85% of the world's adolescent population, and yet their experiences...
Akinetopsia is a rare neurological syndrome characterized by an impaired perception of movement, often resulting from brain damage due to ischemia, epilepsy, or medication. It is also known as visual motion blindness, and patients with this condition are unable to perceive motion normally even with perfect visual acuity. This report aims to present...
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The impact of adverse experiences on clinical symptoms has been consistently demonstrated, but their impact on ideologies and worldviews has been rarely tested empirically. It has been long assumed that threatening experiences increase Dangerous World Beliefs (DWB) and Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), whereas scarcity experiences increase Competi...
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People living with HIV (PLHIV) with severe advanced disease are at high risk of developing opportunistic infections and may face barriers related to diagnosis and treatment. The objective of this study was to describe insights, experiences and perspectives around the feasibility of implementing a package for the rapid diagnosis of frequent opportun...
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Research has highlighted that some types of mental disorders are associated with widespread discrimination and stigma, phenomena that negatively affect adherence. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between stigma and adherence to pharmacological treatment in patients diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder (BD), attention defi...
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Validação de uma Escala de Preconceito Contra Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero: Validação de um Instrumento para Docentes e Não Docentes Portugueses* *Artigo desenvolvido em português-PT
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Validação de uma Escala de Preconceito Contra Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero: Validação de um Instrumento para Docentes e Não Docentes Portugueses* *Artigo desenvolvido em português-PT
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A sorofobia ou estigma relacionado ao HIV é um fenômeno recorrente. Em populações histórica e socialmente marginalizadas, a prevalência tende a ser mais acentuada. O estigma associa-se a diversos desfechos negativos em saúde mental, interfere na testagem sorológica regular e compromete a adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Objetivo: o estudo viso...
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Esta cartilha tem como objetivo abordar conceitos básicos relacionados à sexualidade, identidade de gênero, cis-heteronormatividade, contextos violadores para a população LGBT+, assim como apresentar dados relacionados às violências contra essas comunidades no Brasil. Ao longo da escrita, também são abordadas estratégias e intervenções possíveis de...
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O estigma relacionado ao HIV é um dos principais fatores associados a desfechos negativos entre pessoas que vivem com HIV, como evitação de testagem e baixa adesão ao tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar as evidências de validade da Escala de Antecipação do Estigma Relacionado ao HIV (EAER-HIV-7) no contexto brasileiro. Participaram do...
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a opinião de docentes e jovens sobre intervenções em educação sexual com letramento para uso e compartilhamento de conteúdos sexuais explícitos digitais por jovens. Foram entrevistados 18 jovens, com idades entre 15 a 19 anos, estudantes de escolas públicas, privadas e militares do Sul, Sudeste e Nordest...
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In this study, we analyzed associations between vaccination knowledge, vaccination intention, political ideology, and belief in conspiracy theories before and during the 2020 Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in the Brazilian population. It was conducted a longitudinal study into three data collections. Participants responded to the Flexible Inventory of conspir...
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Many factors influence people’s voting behavior but studies in social psychology have identified Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) as key individual difference predictors of voting. Here we examined whether RWA and SDO predict voting behavior in the second round of the 2022 presidential elections in Brazil. Re...
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Ethnographic research in a trauma hospital made it possible to systematically accompany one of the families who have survived armed conflicts. We observed, in the work process of the Intensive Care Unit, how a body between life and death is revealed through the interactions between health professionals and family members. It is perceived that the "...
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Devido à preocupação sobre como a pandemia impactaria na violência contra as mulheres e considerando a complexidade que envolve essa problemática, o objetivo desse estudo é entender a experiência das agentes policiais no trabalho na Delegacia Especializada no Atendimento à Mulher (DEAM) durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Trata-se de um estudo qualitat...
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Problemas como ansiedade, depressão, preocupação com os estudos e dificuldade nos relacionamentos são comumente encontrados em universitários e podem levar a evasões. O estudo investigou a relação entre motivação, vivência acadêmica e saúde mental em um curso de graduação em Psicologia. 178 indivíduos com idades entre 18 e 48 anos (M = 23,36; DP =...
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This work sought to understand the how high school students in a public school in Porto Alegre (RS) understand the concept of democracy. The premise of this objective is that understanding democracy is necessary to engage effectively in civic society and that this could also show how education can affect public life in this context. This is a quali...
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Background: We systematically reviewed the literature and performed a meta-analysis on the effects of speech therapy and phonosurgery, for transgender women, in relation to the fundamental frequency gain of the voice, regarding the type of vocal sample collected, and we compared the effectiveness of the treatments. In addition, the study design, y...
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Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) is a central predictor of distinct phenomena such as prejudice, voting behavior, corruption, conspiratory beliefs and dietary habits. Given its theoretical and practical relevance, researchers have incorporated RWA measures in large-scale surveys but their length is an impediment. Although short RWA scales exist, n...
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The applicability of objectification theory on undergraduate female students from Rio Grande do Sul was analyzed, examining if the constructs of self-objectification, self-surveillance, appearance anxiety and body shame worked to predict disordered eating and depressive symptomatology. Participants were female undergraduate students from Rio Grande...
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Resumo Analisou-se a aplicabilidade da teoria da objetificação em universitárias do Rio Grande do Sul, examinando as variáveis objetificação do self, automonitoramento corporal, ansiedade de aparência e vergonha corporal como possíveis preditoras de sintomatologia associada à transtornos alimentares e depressivos. Trata-se de dois estudos quantitat...
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RESUMO: Este trabalho buscou compreender a forma que jovens do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública em Porto Alegre (RS) compreendem o conceito da democracia, partindo da premissa de que esta noção é necessária para o engajamento cívico efetivo e serve de indicativo dos efeitos da educação para a vida pública que tem ocorrido em nosso contexto. Trata...
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Objetive. Attributional theory has been widely studied to understand the overall perceptions regarding people suffering from negative events such as an HIV infection. The aim of the present study is to test the overall attribution model and its influence on the willingness to help, considering emotional reactions related to an HIV-infected individu...
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O modelo do Estresse de Minoria (EM) propõe uma explicação de como estressores relacionados ao preconceito levam pessoas lésbicas, gays e bissexuais (LGB) a terem piores desfechos negativos de saúde mental do que pessoas heterossexuais. Os componentes básicos do EM são o preconceito internalizado, preconceito antecipado e preconceito experienciado....
This chapter presents a discussion regarding the area of perceptual analysis in Computer Graphics (CG) characters. This discussion is focused on presenting one challenge area in Digital Entertainment. Many issues in the area of perception analysis have been researched in last years, in particular with respect to the theory of Uncanny Valley (UV) pr...
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The rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among transgender youths are high. However, in Brazil, there are no studies about these outcomes in this population. The present study aims to investigate the prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in Brazilian transgender youths (binary and non-binary), in association with predictor...
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Purpose: This study aimed to describe the gynecological care provided to Brazilian women who have sex with women (WSW). Methods: Respondent-driven sampling was used to recruit Brazilian WSW. The survey questions, concerning gynecological care, were designed in Portuguese by medical professionals, medical students, and LGBTQ+ community members, incl...
This study aims to understand how high school students interact with the idea of citizenship, as well as how they understand this concept. We present a part of a larger survey with students from a public school in Porto Alegre, who answered a questionnaire containing questions about politics, rights and citizenship. From a thematic analysis, we pre...
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Background: Although LGBT+ people show high rates of utilization of mental health services, psychotherapeutic care seems to fail to meet their specific needs. This is mainly due to professionals’ lack of knowledge about the unique aspects of life development and mental health processes of LGBT+ people, as well as the inadvertent presence of prejudi...
Conference Paper
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Animations have become increasingly realistic with the evolution of Computer Graphics (CG). In particular, human models and behaviors have been represented through animated virtual humans. Gender is a characteristic related to human identification, so virtual humans assigned to a specific gender have, in general, stereotyped representations through...
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O objetivo deste artigo é mapear a produção acadêmica sobre intervenções realizadas no âmbito escolar brasileiro nos campos de sexualidade e gênero. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo (Scoping Review) nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, Pepsic e Google Acadêmico. Verificamos que após o ano de 2012 a produção do campo se intensifica; a maioria das i...
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This cross-sectional and descriptive study aimed to evaluate the sexual function, urinary function, and quality of life of 26 Brazilian trans women who have undergone gender-affirming surgery (GAS) using the gold standard technique (penile inversion vaginoplasty) in the Gender Identity Transdisciplinary Program at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Aleg...
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O objetivo deste artigo é mapear a produção acadêmica sobre intervenções realizadas no âmbito escolar brasileiro nos campos de sexualidade e gênero. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo (Scoping Review) nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, Pepsic e Google Acadêmico. Verificamos que após o ano de 2012 a produção do campo se intensifica; a maioria das i...
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Muitos pesquisadores têm como objetivo publicar artigos nas revistas mais importantes da sua área. As exigências para tanto mudaram significativamente nos últimos vinte anos no cenário internacional, e o objetivo deste capítulo é descrever quais os principais aspectos a serem considerados atualmente em uma avaliação da qualidade metodológica de pes...
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O Autoritarismo de Direita (RWA) e a Orientação à Dominância Social (SDO) são atitudes sociais que têm se mostrado importantes na explicação de fenômenos intergrupais. O Modelo Motivacional de Processamento dual de Ideologia e Preconceito (DPM) tem se mostrado viável para explicar como traços de personalidade e essas atitudes sociais predizem o pre...
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In The Lancet Psychiatry, Andreas Bauer and colleagues 1 examined associations between interpersonal and non-interpersonal childhood trauma and childhood psychiatric disorders in a Brazilian birth cohort. The authors identified that up to age 6 years, 440 (12·3%) of 3577 children had experienced a traumatic event. By age 11 years, the number of chi...
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Background HIV disproportionately affects people who inject drugs, transgender people, sex workers, men who have sex with men, and incarcerated people. Recognized as key populations (KP), these groups face increased impact of HIV infection and reduced access to health assistance. In 1990, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention organized tech...
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Embora haja uma crença equivocada de que se trata de um método trivial, já que toda pesquisa, empírica ou não, envolve uma revisão de literatura, a revisão sistemática é um método específico que contém uma série de passos que devem ser seguidos. Sobretudo, com a reocupação crescente no campo científico em relação à queda na qualidade deste tipo de...
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O racismo estrutural é uma política de opressão sistemática responsável por determinar diversas desigualdades. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar como o racismo estrutural, em suas intersecções com o classismo, leva ao encarceramento em massa pela atuação do sistema de justiça criminal. Para tanto, apresentamos o conceito de racismo e de...
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Este estudo analisa a trajetória temática e histórica do PPGP da PUCRS. Compuseram o banco os títulos de teses e dissertações defendidas de 1972 até 2020. Foi realizada uma Classificação Hierárquica Descendente por meio do IRAMUTEQ e análises descritivas com o SPSS. Analisaram-se 1012 segmentos de texto em que reteve 82,21% do total (832 unidades),...
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Transgender youth are especially susceptible and vulnerable to mental health concerns. Minority Stress Theory may explain these mental health concerns and avoidance to seek healthcare provision in this population. Understanding transgender youth adaptive and maladaptive coping mechanisms may help create strategies that promote quality of life and r...
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Animations have become increasingly realistic with the evolution of Computer Graphics (CG). In particular, human models and behaviors were represented through animated virtual humans, sometimes with a high level of realism. In particular, gender is a characteristic that is related to human identification, so that virtual humans assigned to a specif...
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ABSTRACT From the analysis of videos, we sought to understand the specifi- cities of the gender affirmation of trans people born and/or residing in Brazil who create and produce content on YouTube with the objective of sharing snapshots of their lives, mainly related to their gender identity(ies). This is qualitative research in which twenty- ni...