Angeles Montoro-Sanchez

Angeles Montoro-Sanchez
Complutense University of Madrid | UCM · Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business; Nonaka Centre of Knowledge and Innovation, CUNEF Business School



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December 1995 - present
Complutense University of Madrid
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (95)
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La importancia de las empresas de re-ciente creación ha producido un creciente interés desde el punto de vista de su fi-nanciación. De forma progresiva y a la vez sólida, ha tenido lugar un incremento tan-to en el tipo de agentes específicos (bu-siness angels, incubadoras, aceleradoras, etc.) e intermediarios financieros como en el número de produc...
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Sons (2023) Una de las mejores cosas que se puede ha-cer para explicar un fenómeno es combinar la observación, la participación y el análisis, y llevarlo a cabo con personas que tengan la suficiente experiencia en este recorrido, que posean honestidad intelectual y que su apertura de conocimiento esté conecta-da con una gran capacidad argumentativa...
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Al amparo del marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de España, la figura de los PERTE nace con vocación de permanencia más allá del arco temporal del pro-grama NextGenerationEU. Los PERTE son proyectos de carácter estratégico que están abiertos a la participación de todo tipo de empresas (tanto grandes como pequeñas y mediana...
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Purpose Motivations and access to resources for venturing differ between men and women. In developing countries, there has been an increase in businesses that do not have a specific location and persist in informality. This research aimed to evaluate, from a gender perspective, the moderating effect of the decision not to have a place in the relati...
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Purpose The formalization of a company is a process that requires compliance with standards established by government institutions. In developing countries, many businesses start this process, but do not finish it, with different levels of formality. The objective of this research is to analyze how the perception of entrepreneurs about bureaucratic...
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This paper analyzes the impact on product innovation of different types of interorganizational relationship partners. An empirical contrast with data taken from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel (based on Eurostat’s Community Innovation Survey) shows that diversity in the types of partners involved in interorganizational relationships has...
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El estudio de los determinantes de la presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración ha sido un tema relevante dentro del estudio de la diversidad en el gobierno corporativo. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la falta de estudios centrados en los factores complementarios y sustitutivos que afectan a la diversidad del consejo de administrac...
Purpose This article explores the influence of education and experience on the time to the top in family and non-family CEOs who work for Latin American family firms. Design/methodology/approach In order to achieve these objectives, this study draws upon human capital theory as well as career and family firm literature. The careers of 129 CEOs of...
This research evaluates how firms develop an intermediary role, connecting their international experience with knowledge provided by the domestic network. These firms act as international gatekeepers, providing valuable knowledge about distant markets to their partners in the domestic network. By adopting a network perspective, we mapped from whom...
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This paper presents the main results of the application of the Industry Life Cycle model in the study of stagnant and declining businesses. The main purpose was to prove its validity to assess the competitive environment, in a context of economic turmoil as the one of the 2007–2008 economic downturn. The comparison of macro and micro data at a nati...
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This study aims to investigate the direct relationships of university proximity and research quality with the product innovation performance of Chinese firms engaging in diverse university interaction channels. We collected data on the extent to which a sample of 166 Guangdong manufacturing firms draw from the intra-regional and cross-regional univ...
Conference Paper
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Scholars have failed to give infrastructure due importance in entrepreneurship studies. Not too far from now, digital infrastructure has been recognized as the most conducive for entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, it has not been properly included in opportunity-motivated entrepreneurship (OE) studies, being OE the most propitious to economic...
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Scholars have failed to give infrastructure due importance in entrepreneurship studies. Not too far from now, digital infrastructure has been recognized as the most conducive for entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, it has not been properly included in opportunitymotivated entrepreneurship (OE) studies, being OE the most propitious to economic g...
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Scholars have failed to give infrastructure due importance in entrepreneurship studies. Not too far from now, digital infrastructure has been recognized as the most conducive for entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, it has not been properly included in opportunitymotivated entrepreneurship (OE) studies, being OE the most propitious to economic g...
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Todas las grandes industrias fueron, una vez, industrias en crecimiento. Pero algunos de los que cabalgaron entusiastas sobre la ola del crecimiento se encuentran ahora en la sombra del declive (Levitt, 1960). En este trabajo revisamos, a través de las actividades de empresas españolas de la industria de alimentación y bebidas, el comportamiento es...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar y determinar los niveles de eficiencia y productividad entre las unidades académicas involucradas en la transferencia tecnológica universitaria en México. La investigación empírica se basa en la encuesta aplicada a 21 centros de investigación y educación superior en México. Se diseñaron dos modelos complementa...
In this chapter we analyze how firms’ characteristics, along with the network that each firm establishes, evolve through three different periods of time: incubation, growth, and maturity. We observe that as firms stay longer in the park, they have a higher number of direct relationships, and also these relationships tend to be stronger in terms of...
The objective of this research is to study the influence of the evolution of the domestic clustered network on the development of the international relationships of firms. Building on international business theory and the dynamic geographically bounded networks approach, and using a social network analysis methodology, we analyse how increasing the...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of gender diversity and education level of R&D employees on innovation. We use as source of information the Community Innovation Survey belonging to the general plan for statistics of the European Union (Eurostat). From a sample of 7,962 firms, most of them small firms, the results show that the divers...
In this paper we undertake a quantitative review of the existing literature on parks and incubators to identify their foundations from a longitudinal perspective. To do so, we searched records in the SSCI database from 1990 to 2015 and identified 318 citing documents, which we split into four periods of 5 years each, to identify the interactions an...
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This paper analyses the effect of the evolution of local knowledge networks on the innovative capacity of firms co-located. Using a network dynamic approach, this paper argues that the length of time that firms spend in a science park affects their local knowledge network. By the identification of three stages of local development - incubation, gro...
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This paper analyses the effect of the evolution of local knowledge networks on the innovative capacity of firms co-located. Using a network dynamic approach, this paper argues that the length of time that firms spend in a science park affects their local knowledge network. By the identification of three stages of local development-incubation, growt...
This research tries to evaluate how technological knowledge flows from universities may increase innovation by firms located in a science park. It is hypothesized that firms with the capacity to understand the knowledge provided by universities, mainly due to being academic spin-offs or having long-term relationships with them, receive more knowled...
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The objective of this paper is to take an in-depth look, from a network perspective, at the role that social capital plays in improving knowledge exchange between organizations. To do this, we consider the three dimensions of social capital: the structural dimension, as measured by the position of firms bridging structural holes; the relational dim...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of a firm's growth strategy (specialization and diversification) and its specific resources, such as intangible assets and previous experience in the choice of growth method (organic or external). Design-methodology-approach The paper analyses 859 external growth arrangements and 1,057...
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Strategic management is a relatively youthful discipline that has steadily matured over the past fifty years. The field has become consolidated over this period, while simultaneously expanding the range of topics analyzed and research methodologies used. Different theories and approaches, addressing different research topics, have been developed to...
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Knowledge creation and transfer in the firm are considered key tasks for managers in knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. In order to understand these dynamic capabilities managers must be aware of the circumstances, in terms of organization and teamwork, under which knowledge is created and transferred, and whether this takes place indivi...
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Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Focus Section "Creativity and innovation in the firm: managerial antecedents and effects on employees", which forms the first of two separate parts of the journal special issue. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The guest editors summarize the three papers which comprise this Focus Section. Findin...
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Given the emphasis on skills in the European Higher Education Sistem framework, this paper has two objectives. First, after identifying the competencies that are demanded by employers in the labor market for students of Management studies, the paper carries out a comparative analysis between the skills required by companies (life skills) and skills...
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los efectos directos de la localización de las empresas en parques científicos y tecnológicos y de la cooperación en I+D+i en la innovación de las empresas. Los resultados obtenidos con una muestra de 784 empresas españolas han permitido confirmar, por una parte, que las empresas situadas en parques c...
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Preface “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.” Steve Jobs We watched,...
The aim of this paper is to analyse whether degree of inbound open innovation (IOI) depending on the size and sector firm. A sample of small, medium and large-size firms from the manufacturing and service sectors have been selected. A cluster analysis has been developed to classify firms in three groups. We have found that companies in manufacturin...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of knowledge spillovers on innovation and collaboration among firms located in science and technology parks (STPs). To do so, whether knowledge spillovers imply a greater degree of innovation in its various forms – product, process, organisational and commercial – and greater inter-org...
In recent years, international entrepreneurship and international corporate entrepreneurship have attracted great interest. This paper analyzes the effects of asset similarity and complementarity on the decision to use alliances as a means of achieving corporate entrepreneurship. This study reveals that firms with similar assets are more likely to...
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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to introduce the special issue on “Human resource management and corporate entrepreneurship”. Design/methodology/approach – The paper discuses the articles in the special issue, which investigate the relationships between human resource management and entrepreneurship from different points of view, approaches and...
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Purpose The aim of this paper is to empirically explore the relationship between human resource rewards management and innovative behaviours, particularly between the utilitarianism and romanticism reward approaches and employee creativity in the workplace. Design/methodology/approach The paper adopts a quantitative approach. After analysing const...
While service quality is an important problem in bus transport services, few transport authorities have considered the solution of modifying their concession contracts. This paper proposes imitating market-oriented solutions from private franchise chains to increase the service quality offered by transport operators, solutions that include the thre...
We provide a better understanding of the concept of economies of resource accumulation by studying how existing capabilities affect the development of new entrepreneurial technological capabilities. We argue that the entrepreneurial firm needs to have the capability to invest, which reflects the existence of interconnectedness of asset stocks, and...
The purpose of this paper is to compare the behaviour of service companies and manufacturing companies in technological, organisational and commercial innovation. The analysis of a sample of 11,330 Spanish companies has shown that manufacturing companies have a greater tendency to perform technological innovations, that is, product and process inno...
The purpose of is paper is to analyse and compare the link between dependence and commitment in two types of interorganizational relationships: interfirm linkages and those between firms and research organisms. Findings confirm the relationship between resource dependence and commitment in both samples, while the effect of dependence for specific i...
El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de la relación entre diferentes medidas de rendimiento de los acuerdos de cooperación. Para ello, utilizando una muestra de relaciones de colaboración entre empresas y universidades, se analiza cómo el logro de los diferentes objetivos que lleva a cada socio a participar en una alianza influye de forma...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to integrate three streams of literature – organizational capabilities based in resource‐based view (RBV) and the team‐ and organization‐level innovation – to provide a theoretical framework of how firms invest in developing innovative capabilities for entrepreneurship and change management. Design/methodolog...
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Innovation is important for the competitive advantage of firms, especially for service firms. We argue that public funding, such as that from national and international agencies, is likely to have a positive influence on firms' innovations by complementing private funding, such as that from foreign and/or domestic firms and organisations. Unlike ma...
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La crisis energética y ambiental, junto con los avances tecnológicos en nuevos tipos de coches eléctricos y en baterías, está haciendo que el coche eléctrico surja con fuerza como una gran oportunidad en el sector automovilístico. De hecho, los líderes políticos lo contemplan como una palanca para salir de la crisis económica en tanto que es un ret...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis del comportamiento innovador de las empresas con mayor esfuerzo por personal empleado y gastos destinados a I+D en la Comunidad gallega. El análisis del Panel de Innovación Tecnológica ha permitido elaborar un perfil de la empresa gallega innovadora con base en el tipo de innovación que realiza (en product...
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El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del empresario en la pequeña y media empresa, el emprendedordirectivo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se estudian las notas más relevantes que caracterizan el nuevo entorno de mercados globales, ruptura y permeabilidad de los límites de la empresa y la relevancia de la externalización y multilocalización de...
The goal of this paper is to analyse the relationships among different performance measures of the cooperative agreements. In order to do that and employing a sample of collaborative relationships between firms and universities, we analyse how the fulfilment of the goals that constitute the initial motivation for every partner to take part in the a...
The main objective of this paper is to show a descriptive view of mergers, acquisitions and alliances which have started by automotive manufacturers companies around the world. Results show that, during the last 40 years, these firms have started 1,492 mergers and acquisitions and 1,794 alliances. Their main purpose was to expand or to develop new...
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar el papel que la confianza tiene en los acuerdos de cooperación entre empresas. Se evidencia que la confianza afecta a tales acuerdos de manera distinta, dependiendo de la naturaleza del socio (empresa u organismo de investigación) y en función de la etapa de evolución del acuerdo. Una observación det...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis del comportamiento innovador de las empresas con mayor esfuerzo por personal empleado y gastos destinados a I+D en la Comunidad gallega. El análisis del Panel de Innovación Tecnológica ha permitido elaborar un perfil de la empresa gallega innovadora con base en el tipo de innovación que realiza (en product...
This article examines the determinants of R&D collaboration of service firms. Different from manufacturing firms, we expect that types of innovation, public financing, innovation protection, purchase of external R&D, firm’s absorptive capacity, spillovers, and certain innovation barriers determine the firm’s decision to collaborate in R&D. Results...
Successful firms create substantial value by doing things in ways that differentiate them from the competition. Business models reflect choices and their operating implications. They facilitate the analysis, testing, and validation of the cause-and-effect relationships that flow from the strategic choices. Due to business models are one of the main...
This aim of this research is to analyse the role of firm resources and skills in the decision to cooperate as a method for developing entrepreneurial activity. We use a sample of 967 entrepreneurial operations undertaken between 2000 and 2004 by 323 EU-15 companies. Results suggest that skills are more important than resources when choosing how to...
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The purpose of this article was to analyse how adjusting organisational design affects the success of cooperation agreements between companies. The information processing model was thus used for theoretical reference. This model was originally proposed by Galbraith for analysing a company's internal organisational design; it has thus been adapted h...
The article reports on research which was conducted in an effort to examine the impact that extrinsic and intrinsic rewards approaches had on innovative behavior practices of employees who worked in Chinese business enterprises. Researchers issued surveys to employees who worked in several Chinese cities. They found that tangible extrinsic rewards...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of intangible assets and similarity of resources on the choice between acquisitions and joint ventures and whether it is different in domestic and European operations. In order to test these relations, a sample of domestic and European growth deals was selected (563 deals, of which 449 are acquisiti...
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The establishment of mergers/acquisitions and cooperative agreements within the European Union has been increasing along the past century. Nevertheless, the new century seems to show a change in the trends. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse the characteristics and evolution of this growth operations in the recent years (2000-2007)...
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La realización de fusiones/adquisiciones y de acuerdos de cooperación dentro del marco europeo ha sido creciente a lo largo del siglo pasado. Sin embargo, la llegada del nuevo siglo nos muestra algunos cambios en las tendencias. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar de forma descriptiva las características y evolución de las fusiones/adquisicione...
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The aim of this article is to define what is meant by clusters, their characteristics or determinants and the advantages they generate, focusing on the role they play in boosting entrepreneurship and new venture creation. In clusters, a balance is reached between cooperation and competition which becomes evident in the higher productivity of the co...
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This study analyzes the issue of coordination activities among partners in a cooperation agreement, both front a theoretical and an empirical point of view. First, the internal coordination mechanisms usually studied in organizational design are adapted to the situation of coordinating activities among alliance partners. Second, using a sample of i...
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El presente trabajo analiza el problema de la coordinación de actividades entre los socios de un acuerdo de cooperación, tanto desde una perspectiva teórica como empírica. En el primer caso se intentan adaptar los mecanismos internos de coordinación habitualmente estudiados en el diseño organizativo al caso de la coordinación de actividades entre l...
There is no suitable unit of analysis for explaining the profitability and competitiveness of the company, as typically pointed out in the debate between the disciplines of economics and management. After a study of the possible variables, we opted for those of minimum cost output and productivity, using these two measurements to analyse their appl...
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RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel que juegan los activos estratégicos en la elección entre las adquisiciones y las empresas conjuntas como métodos de crecimiento empresarial. Los resultados de una muestra de 438 operaciones (359 adquisiciones y 79 empresas conjuntas) realizadas por empresas españolas en el periodo 2000–2004 h...
The analysis of the geographical environment approach was developed from the work by Marshall (1890) and that of Becattini (1979, 2002, 2006) which, rather than emphasising the industry-the industrial environment-highlight the industrial district and clusters. Evidence of the interest in the study of the geographical environment and clusters is pro...
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Las alianzas estratégicas (acuerdos entre varias empresas para coordinar sus acciones futuras) son una herramienta estratégica cada vez mas utilizada por las empresas. Este interés ha provocado que desde numerosos campos se haya teorizado sobre las mismas generando cierta confusión y falta de delimitación de su concepto y sus explicaciones teóricas...
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Ante los movimientos estratégicos que han provocado las operaciones de fusión y adquisición de y por empresas del sector eléctrico europeo, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las características de las empresas líderes del sector eléctrico europeo (E.ON, Endesa, Enel, RWE y EDF), así como la evolución de los procesos de crecimiento me...
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This paper is intended to present a descriptive analysis of a representative set of Spanish cooperative agreements in R&D activities between firms and Research Organisations (RO), including universities, public research centres and private institutes or associations. For this purpose, we have examined 800 collaborations (1995–2000) boosted by the p...
La colaboración entre empresas y universidades es un fenómeno de creciente importancia para la creación y transferencia de la innovación que resulta fundamental para el desarrollo económico de los países. En la práctica, surgen determinados obstáculos que dificultan la gestión de este tipo de relaciones. Conocerlos e identificarlos resulta de vital...
The goal of this paper is to identify the most important organizational factors associated with the implementation stage of cooperative agreements to explain performance. To do so, we have chosen trust, commitment, communication, coordination, conflict, control and dependence as key organizational factors for the success of cooperative agreements a...
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RESUMEN Una de las razones más frecuentes para el mayor uso por parte de las empresas de alianzas estratégicas y acuerdos de cooperación es la implantación de estrategias de crecimiento para el desarrollo de nuevos productos y nuevos mercados, es decir, estrategias de diversificación. Dada la escasez de literatura que conjugue simultáneamente estos...
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Las empresas del sector de automoción, fabricantes de automóviles y de componentes, establecen relaciones de colaboración verticales y horizontales, tanto complementarias como competitivas, que se materializan en forma de contratos a largo plazo, outsourcing, empresas conjuntas e intercambios accionariales. Este trabajo presenta una justificación d...
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Gestamp Automoción forma parte, junto con Gonvarri y Esmena, de Corporación Gestamp, una multinacional líder en el sector del acero, componentes de automoción, almacenamiento y logística que está presente en catorce países y cuenta con una fuerte implantación en la Unión Europea, Mercosur y México. A lo largo de este trabajo se presenta la evolució...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los factores organizativos relacionados con la fase de implantación, que son determinantes para el éxito de los acuerdos de cooperación. Para lograr este objetivo, se han elegido la confianza, el compromiso, la comunicación, la coordinación, el conflicto, el control y la dependencia como factores organizat...
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This paper reviews the economic literature on the role of fees in patent systems. Two main research questions are usually addressed: the impact of patent fees on the behavior of applicants and the question of optimal fees. Studies in the former group confirm that a range of fees affect the behavior of applicants and suggest that a patent is an inel...
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objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la coordinación en los acuerdos de cooperación. Para ello, se ha adaptado el modelo de procesamiento de información en lo referente a la naturaleza de la tarea ¿necesidades de procesamiento de información¿ y al grado de coordinación y los mecanismos de coordinación ¿capacidad de procesamiento de información¿, y...
En la actualidad, la colaboración entre diferentes tipos de organizaciones constituye un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo de las estrategias tecnológicas. En las últimas décadas, se ha venido observando un importante crecimiento en el número de acuerdos de cooperación en tecnología, debido fundamentalmente a la imposibilidad que tienen las emp...
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Las características que definen el contexto económico actual justifican el desarrollo de relaciones de cooperación. Con el fin de ser más competitivas, muchas empresas están estableciendo una amplia gama de acuerdos de coopera ción que están llevado a la descomposición de grandes empresas integradas y al surgimiento de formas híbridas denominadas r...
A lo largo de este trabajo se presenta un marco teórico que pretende identificar y estudiar en profundidad la relación entre dos áreas o campos de estudio, el diseño organizativo y el comportamiento organizativo. Para ello, se han seleccionado únicamente dos dimensiones objeto de estudio, una por cada área respectivamente. El artículo presenta una...
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RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente el efecto de la centralización/descentralización de una organización sobre su nivel de conflicto, tanto funcional como disfuncional. Para ello, se ha utilizado una muestra de empresas del sector químico español. Los resultados han permitido analizar para la centraliza-ción tanto la jerar...
El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis tanto de los efectos directos de la confianza, la reputación de los socios y las experiencias previas sobre el éxito de una relación cooperativa, como de los efectos indirectos que se derivan de la influencia de la reputación y las experiencias previas sobre la confianza, teniendo en cuenta las expectativa...


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