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Angela P. Fuentes-Pardo

Angela P. Fuentes-Pardo
SciLifeLab Data Centre · Immunology Genetics and Pathology

Doctor of Philosophy


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I am an evolutionary biologist interested in harnessing the power of genomics, transcriptomics, and bioinformatics to reveal the genomic basis of complex traits, to understand how species adapt to their local environment, and to predict species responses to environmental change. I seek to develop genetic and computational tools that help direct conservation and management actions
August 2003 - November 2008
University of Valle
Field of study
  • Population Genetics and Marine Ecology


Publications (22)
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Whole-genome resequencing (WGR) is a powerful method for addressing fundamental evolutionary biology questions that have not been fully resolved using traditional methods. WGR includes four approaches: the sequencing of individuals to a high depth of coverage with either unresolved (huWGR) or resolved haplotypes (hrWGR), the sequencing of populatio...
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Background. Background matching, as a camouflage strategy, is one of the most outstanding examples of adaptation, where little error or mismatch means high vulnerability to predation. It is assumed that the interplay of natural selection and adaptation are the main evolutionary forces shaping the great diversity of phenotypes observed in mimicry, h...
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Understanding how marine organisms adapt to local environments is crucial for predicting how populations will respond to global climate change. The genomic basis, environmental factors and evolutionary processes involved in local adaptation are however not well understood. Here we use Atlantic herring, an abundant, migratory and widely distributed...
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Climate change is restructuring biodiversity on multiple scales and there is a pressing need to understand the downstream ecological and genomic consequences of this change. Recent advancements in the field of eco‐evolutionary genomics have sought to include evolutionary processes in forecasting species' responses to climate change (e.g., genomic o...
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Genetic monitoring of populations currently attracts interest in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity but needs long-term planning and investments. However, genetic diversity has been largely neglected in biodiversity monitoring, and when addressed, it is treated separately, detached from other conservation issues, such as habitat...
Maintenance of genetic diversity in marine fishes targeted by commercial fishing is a grand challenge for the future. Most of these species are abundant and therefore important for marine ecosystems and food security. Here, we present a road map of how population genomics can promote sustainable fisheries. In these species, the development of refer...
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Maintenance of genetic diversity in marine fishes targeted by commercial fishing is a grand challenge for the future. Most of these species are abundant and therefore important for marine ecosystems and food security. Here, we present a road map of how population genomics can promote sustainable fisheries. In these species, the development of refer...
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Understanding how populations adapt to their environment is increasingly important to prevent biodiversity loss due to overexploitation and climate change. Here we studied the population structure and genetic basis of local adaptation of Atlantic horse mackerel, a commercially and ecologically important marine fish that has one of the widest distri...
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Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and Pacific herring (C. pallasii) are sister species that split from a common ancestor about 2 million years ago. Balsfjord, a subarctic fjord in Northern Norway, harbors an outpost population of Pacific herring within the range of the Atlantic herring. We used whole genome sequencing to show that gene flow from A...
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We developed and validated a mixed-stock analysis (MSA) method with 59 single-nucleotide polymorphisms selected from genome-wide data to assign individuals to populations in mixed-stock samples of Atlantic herring from the North and Baltic seas. We analysed 3734 herring from spawning locations and scientific catches of mixed feeding stocks to demon...
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The underlying molecular mechanisms that determine long day versus short day breeders remain unknown in any organism. Atlantic herring provides a unique opportunity to examine the molecular mechanisms involved in reproduction timing, because both spring and autumn spawners exist within the same species. Although our previous whole genome comparison...
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Atlantic herring is widespread in North Atlantic and adjacent waters and is one of the most abundant vertebrates on earth. This species is well suited to explore genetic adaptation due to minute genetic differentiation at selectively neutral loci. Here we report hundreds of loci underlying ecological adaptation to different geographic areas and spa...
Atlantic herring is widespread in North Atlantic and adjacent waters and is one of the most abundant vertebrates on earth. This species is well suited to explore genetic adaptation due to minute genetic differentiation at selectively neutral loci. Here we report hundreds of loci underlying ecological adaptation to different geographic areas and spa...
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High connectivity and low potential for local adaptation have been common assumptions for most marine species, given their usual high fecundity and dispersal capabilities. Recent genomic studies however, have disclosed unprecedented levels of population subdivision in what were previously presumed to be panmictic or nearly panmictic species. Here w...
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Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a vital ecosystem component and target of the largest Northwest Atlantic pelagic fishery, undergo seasonal spawning migrations that result in elusive sympatric population structure. Herring spawn mostly in fall or spring, and genomic differentiation was recently detected between these groups. Here we used a subse...
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Atlantic herring is an excellent species for studying the genetic basis of adaptation in geographically distant populations because of its characteristically large population sizes and low genetic drift. In this study we compared whole-genome resequencing data of Atlantic herring populations from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. An important findi...
The Masquerade game Development of a board game for teaching, playing and outreach (includes tables, figures and a game kit).
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To estimate the diversity, structure and genetic flow in three colombian southwest afrodescendent populations (Buenaventura, Mulaló y Tumaco), the alleles revealed by 8 autosomal STR’swere analyzed in 78 no-related individuals, by the use of PCR and comparison with specific allelic ladders for every system resolved by polyacrylamide gel (8%). The r...


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