Angel Luis De Luque SöllheimUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | ULPGC · Department of Physics
Angel Luis De Luque Söllheim
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Publications (22)
This work identifies and analyses, from a synoptic point of view, episodes of torrential rainfall (equal to or greater than 200 mm in a single day) that occurred in the Canary Islands between 1950 and 2020. For this purpose, all daily rainfall series available in different databases were used, with a final selection, after applying various filters...
This work identifies and analyses from a synoptic point of view, episodes of torrential rainfall (equal to or greater than 200 mm in a single day) that occurred in the Canary Islands between 1950 and 2020. For this purpose, all daily rainfall series available in different databases were used, with a final selection, after applying various filters f...
Human occupation of coastal strips generates pressures that can trigger severe degradation processes in marine ecosystems and threaten human livelihoods and the sustainability of the socio-ecological system. In this context, monitoring the conservation status of algal and benthic plant communities, as the basis of coastal ecosystems, is essential f...
Zarranz Elso, M.; Manent, P.; Luque, A.; Ramdani, M., and Robaina, R.R., 2017. Genetic description and remote sensing techniques as management tools for Zostera noltii seagrass populations along the Atlantic Moroccan coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 33(1), 78-87. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Seagrass meadows provide an essential ecol...
The bathing water quality is an essential issue because of the consequences for the public health of the coastline users that make an extensive recreational use of it, even more in tourist areas. Overpopulation of coastlines generates large volumes of wastewater that must be treated as a prior step to its discharge into the coastal outfalls. In ord...
The variation in temperature on the island of Gran Canaria is studied using the method applied to the nearby island of Tenerife [1]. An upward warming trend of 0.09˚C ± 0.05˚C (α = 0.01) was seen from 1946 to date, which has accelerated since the seventies to 0.17˚C ± 0.10˚C (α = 0.01). The increase was higher at night (0.11˚C ± 0.05˚C) than by day...
The scarcity of meteorological observations in maritime areas is a well-known problem that can be an important limitation in the study of different phenomena. Tropical-like storms or medicanes developed over the Mediterranean sea are intense storms with some similarities to the tropical ones. Although they do not reach the hurricane intensity, thei...
A mesoscale simulation for Majorca Island is made using the Meso-NH model for a spring night, under a slack synoptic pressure gradient with weak general winds and clear skies. The circulations over and around the island are driven mostly by the locally generated flows, due to the topography and the land-sea thermal contrast. The verification of mes...
Cited By (since 1996): 10, Export Date: 7 February 2013, Source: Scopus, doi: 10.1175/MWR3316.1, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Martín, A.; Meteorology Group, Dept. of Physics, Balearic Islands University, E-07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain; email: alberto.martin@uib.es, References: Anthes, R.A., Warner, T.T., Develop...
Tropical-like storms on the Mediterranean Sea are occasionally observed on satellite images, often with a clear eye surrounded by an axysimmetric cloud structure. These storms sometimes attain hurricane intensity and can severely affect coastal lands. A deep, cut-off, cold-core low is usually observed at mid-upper tropospheric levels in association...
The Mediterranean area is quite frequently affected by sudden events of extreme weather, often producing high social impacts. The geography of the region makes the Mediterranean especially sensitive to the impact of weather phenomena, mainly in case of heavy rain events and strong winds. These extreme cases of the weather are a major problem in the...
The CRR (Convective Rainfall Rate) algorithm was developed to detect intense mesoscale convective cells and to screen the most probable precipitation associated. It estimates rainfall intensity using the three bands of the Meteosat-7 and matrices calibrated with earth-based radars. Calibration matrices were performed following an accurate version o...
This paper presents results of daily rainfall estimates for the flood event in Albania occurred during the end of September 2002 (from the 21 until the 23). Estimated precipitations based on Meteosat-7 data and computed using various techniques, are compared with surface based observations. The two techniques, developed for convective clouds, were...
Eddies generated by the Canary Current south of Canary Islands when the flow passes through the archipelago define a high mesoscale variability of the sea level downstream of the islands. Evidence of zonal propagation of perturbations of sea surface heights was observed by generating longitude-time plots. Hovmoeller diagrams of the altimetric data...
We describe a new protocol for tagging the long spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum to study the daily activity patterns of this echinoid. The technique consists of the in situ introducing of a fishing hook into the periproctal membrane individual D. antillarum with the help of tweezers, thus allowing the individual identification of tagged urchin...
The Northwest African Coastal Transition Zone (NACTZ) is a region
with a high mesoscale activity characterised by cyclonic and
anticyclonic eddies, and filaments associated with the Northwest African
upwelling system. This work is focused mainly in the filaments observed
in satellite images around Cape Jubi and Cape Bojador. The intensity and
Tropical-like storms in the Mediterranean Sea with a clear eye surrounded by an axisymmetric cloud structure are quite unusual. Almost one case per year on average is identified in satellite images in all the Mediterranean basin. These storms, once generated over the sea, can affect islands and continental coastal lands. Although, documented tropic...