Andrzej PaszkiewiczRzeszów University of Technology · Department of Complex Systems
Andrzej Paszkiewicz
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Publications (68)
The article presents the use of IT systems and cooperative robots in the 3D printing process based on the layered extrusion of polymer materials, enabling the construction of autonomous production cells that meet the assumptions of cyber-physical production systems. This solution allows for an innovative approach to planning the production of produ...
In the paper an example of an integrated Software-Defined Network (SDN) system with heterogeneous technological instances based on the Linux platform will be shown. For this purpose, two research testing stands with a POX controller and OVS (Open vSwitch) switches were used. In the first testing stand, the research based on the ICMP traffic was don...
Industry 4.0 is undergoing continuous evolution. Management and monitoring systems implemented in the industrial infrastructure are able to collect and process more and more data, then, based on dedicated algorithms, make decisions, and consequently send specific control commands to devices and technological processes. At the same time, there is gr...
The article presents the possibilities of automating production pre-processing and post-processing operations for the Material Extrusion - MEX process based on Fused Filament Fabrication technology. Automation is based on hardware and software solutions. For this purpose, a special research station was developed, equipped with a warehouse of workin...
The main objective of the publication is to analyze the development of additive manufacturing systems based on the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, with particular emphasis on the Internet of Everything ideology. In connection with that, the authors have resolved to review the existing devices, and also IT tools, which are applied in manu...
IoE components are becoming an integral part of our lives and support the operation of systems such as smart homes, smart cities, or Industry 4.0. The large number and variety of IoE components force the creation of flexible systems for data acquisition, processing, and analysis. The work presents a proposal for a new flexible architecture model an...
The article presents an attempt to identify an appropriate regression model for the estimation of cutting tool lifespan in the milling process based on the analysis of the R2 parameters of these models. The work is based on our own experiments and the accumulated database (which we make available for further use). The study uses a Haas VF-1 milling...
This article presents an integrated system that uses the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform a comprehensive crop analysis, combining qualitative and quantitative evaluations for efficient agricultural management. A convolutional neural network-based model, Detectron2, serves as the foundation for detecting and segmenting obj...
This work concerns automation of the training process, using modern information technologies, including virtual reality (VR). The starting point is an observation that automotive and aerospace industries require effective methods of preparation of engineering personnel. In this context, the technological process of preparing operations of a CNC num...
Continuous, real-time monitoring of occupational health and safety in high-risk workplaces such as construction sites can substantially improve the safety of workers. However, introducing such systems in practice is associated with a number of challenges, such as scaling up the solution while keeping its cost low. In this context, this work investi...
The concept of extended cloud requires efficient network infrastructure to support ecosystems reaching form the edge to the cloud(s). Standard network load balancing delivers static solutions that are insufficient for the extended clouds, where network loads change often. To address this issue, a genetic algorithm based load optimizer is proposed a...
The concept of extended cloud requires efficient network infrastructure to support ecosystems reaching form the edge to the cloud(s). Standard approaches to network load balancing deliver static solutions that are insufficient for the extended clouds, where network loads change often. To address this issue, a genetic algorithm based load optimizer...
While actual deployments of fifth generation (5G) networks are in their initial stages and the actual need for 5G in our daily lives remains an open question, their potential to deliver high speed, low latency, and dependable communication services remains promising. Nevertheless, sixth generation (6G) networks have been proposed as a way to enhanc...
The idea of Industry as a Service (IDaaS) is the concept of sharing devices among companies, as well as for individual users. In IDaaS model user has access to industries endpoint devices (manufacturing equipment) with specialized software and dedicated tools. Examples of devices that can be leased/shared in this way are e.g. 3D printers, CNC machi...
The aim of this contribution is to analyse practical aspects of the use of REST APIs and gRPC to realize communication tasks in applications in microservice-based ecosystems. On the basis of performed experiments, classes of communication tasks, for which given technology performs data transfer more efficiently, have been established. This, in turn...
In this work, the development of virtual reality software for “industrial applications” is considered. It is argued that, in this context, the vast experience from the development of computer games cannot be used directly. Especially, the specific nature of solutions dedicated to industrial applications requires taking into account their specificit...
The aim of this contribution is to analyse practical aspects of the use of REST APIs and gRPC to realize communication tasks in applications in microservice-based ecosystems. On the basis of performed experiments, classes of communication tasks, for which given technology performs data transfer more efficiently, have been established. This, in turn...
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing industry began to pay special attention to the introduction of solutions based on modern technologies. These include rapid prototyping techniques, which are also popularly known as 3D printing. As the 3D printing industry develops around the world, new brands of machine manufact...
The article presents the results of strength tests of screw-nut threaded connections made of polymeric materials such as: ABS, PLA, PET-G and RGD720. In order to make physical models, three 3D printing techniques were used: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), and PolyJet. The tests took into account the stresses cause...
Currently, medicine uses typical industrial structure techniques, including reverse engineering, data processing, 3D-CAD modeling, 3D printing, and coordinate measurement techniques. Taking this into account, one can notice the applications of procedures used in the aviation or automotive industries based on the structure of Industry 4.0 in the pla...
The article presents the place of 3D printing in the manufacturing and operational process. It analyzes selected incremental technologies in the product life cycle. It describes selected processes for testing the properties of materials used in 3D printing, including accelerated aging tests and simulation of operating conditions. Areas of applicati...
In recent years, 5G network systems start to offer communication infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, especially for health care service providers. In smart health care systems, edge computing enabled Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is an innovative technology to provide online health care monitoring facility to patients. Her...
This contribution concerns load balancing, based on mechanisms from complex systems theory dedicated to IoT solutions within the Edge-Cloud continuum. The basis of considered mechanisms is the betweenness analysis applied to distributed nodes in a wireless IoT network. A high value of this parameter can indicate the key role of a given node, which...
Areas of experience allow for the acquisition and consolidation of both existing knowledge and skills. These are significant factors in the training of staff members for companies in the Industry 4.0 area. One of the currently available modern tools used in the teaching process is virtual reality (VR) technology. This technology, due to its high le...
In this contribution, analysis of usefulness of selected parameters of a distributed information system, for early detection of anomalies in its operation, is considered. Use of statistical analysis, or machine learning (ML), can result in high computational complexity and requirement to transfer large amount of data from the monitored system’s ele...
5G networks offer novel communication infrastructure for Internet of Things applications, especially for healthcare applications. There, edge computing enabled Internet of Medical Things provides online patient status monitoring. In this contribution, a Chicken Swarm Optimization algorithm, based on Energy Efficient Multi-objective clustering is ap...
This article deals with automated urban traffic management, and proposes a new comprehensive infrastructure solution for dynamic traffic direction switching at intersection lines. It was assumed that the currently used solutions based on video monitoring are unreliable. Therefore, the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technique was introduced,...
The article presents the possibility of incremental processing of polymeric materials using the network structure of INDUSTRY 4.0. The selected network control systems for 3D printers processing polymer materials were analyzed in terms of software and hardware identification used in industrial conditions, science and education. Both solutions requi...
The paper discusses issues concerning the occurrence of anomalies affecting the process of phase transitions. The considered issue was examined from the perspective of phase transitions in network structures, particularly in IT networks, Internet of Things and Internet of Everything. The basis for the research was the Potts model in the context of...
The paper concentrates on the issues related to the detection of anomalies in computer networks that are used in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The authors proposed the architecture of such a system based on the use of the initial traffic classifier and an arbiter supervising the work of the network. In this solution, after the learning stage...
This paper presents an entirely new approach to the use of virtual reality (VR) in the educational process for the needs of Industry 4.0. It is based on the proposed comprehensive methodology, including the design, creation, implementation and evaluation of individual courses implemented in a VR environment. An essential feature of the new methodol...
The objective of this publication is to present a quality control methodology for additive
manufacturing products made of polymer materials, where the methodology varies depending on the intended use. The models presented in this paper are divided into those that are manufactured for the purpose of visual presentation and those that directly serve...
This work is a continuation of the publication [1], in which the torsional strength tests of samples made of polymer materials, loaded with torsional moment, which more and more often can be made with the use of incremental technologies, were carried out. The designed proprietary test stand, which was described in the publication [1], was used. A s...
An important factor having an impact on the condition of machine parts is their surface topography. For instance, in the production of a molded element in casting or injection molding processes, the surface topography of the molding cavity has a significant impact on the surface condition of the product. An analysis of the wear of a mold made with...
The paper aims to present modelling the sensor network operation based on the Potts model. The authors presented own approach based on three states in which each node can be. The change in the state of a given node depends on its current state, the impact of surrounding nodes on it, but also values of the parameters measured. Therefore, the Hamilto...
This study analyzes the possibility of using Go (Golang) in the context of Java and Python in decision-making processes, with particular emphasis on their use in industry-specific solutions for Industry 4.0. The authors intentionally compared Go with Java and Python, which have been widely used for many years for data analysis in many areas. The re...
This paper presents the process for creating an integrated design and manufacturing environment supporting 3D printing as part of the structure of Industry 4.0. This process is based on a developed framework for the design of modern automated and computerized infrastructure. The task of the described system is to combine all the steps included in t...
This paper proposes anew architecture for wide area networks. The architecture is based on the concept of independent islands connected via adynamically reconfigured core. Reconfiguration can take place at the level of the physical layer and data link layer, which forces the reconfiguration of other network protocols. During normal network operatio...
In this paper, the authors present a completely new approach to the remote prototyping process, taking into account the distributed nature of design and manufacturing resources. A new model is suggested, taking into account the conditions of the Industry 4.0 concept, along with a component of remote implementation and coordination of operations. On...
In the paper, the authors presented a new model of software development for the implementation of a service supporting the design and manufacturing process intended mainly for Industry 4.0. This model is based on distributed resources which integration and control occurs using centralized components. This approach has enabled the development of a h...
The paper presents a solution based on the Ising model considering the long-term nature of changes taking place in the network infrastructure. It takes into account the individual nature of separate nodes expressed through the parameter of their susceptibility to possible changes. This parameter directly affects the conviction of a given node about...
The paper focuses on the phenomenon of phase transitions related to changes taking place directly in a network structure; i.e., in physical topology. Although these changes are related to the physical layer, they directly affect the functioning of higher layers, and thus the quality and efficiency of network transmission. The research presented her...
The article is the second part of the paper [1], which describes the possibilities of applying the Industry 4.0 concept in production processes related to the processing of polymer materials. In this part, the structure of the information system architecture has been analyzed, which can be used in the plastics processing. An architecture dedicated...
The article refers to the idea of using the software defined network (SDN) as an effective hardware and software platform enabling the creation and dynamic management of distributed ICT infrastructure supporting the rapid prototyping process. The authors proposed a new layered reference model remote distributed rapid prototyping that allows the dev...
The paper presents the potential of using the Ising model to analyze changes in IT networks. These systems belong to the group of complex systems, like other natural systems, therefore, the processes occurring in them can be modeled using similar algorithms. The authors presented a modification of Ising algorithm based on the sensitivity factor. It...
The paper concerns the use of the scale-free networks theory and the power law in designing wireless networks. An approach based on generating random networks as well as on the classic Barabási-Albert algorithm were presented. The paper presents a new approach taking the limited resources for wireless networks into account, such as available bandwi...
This paper concerns the modified metrics for MESH wireless networks. This metric is important when a specific data transmission path is being chosen. The parameters regarding the connection quality and overload are introduced in it. Therefore, the proposed metric takes a closer look at changing conditions of the wireless environment and contributes...
Examples of applications of the Industry 4.0 concept in manufacturing operations connected with processing of polymer materials were presented. Implementation of Industry 4.0 structure aims at increasing the speed of manufacturing with simultaneous decrease in the number of defective products. Such results are enabled by the use of integrated infor...
The process of creating software for modeling and simulation of phenomena taking place in computer networks should take into account many aspects of their functioning. However, until now, the creation of such software was based on a reductionist approach. This approach is typical for simple or most complicated systems. In contrast, software for mod...
Models describing the wireless network environment in most cases are based on the assumption that they are simple systems. However, the parameters describing this type of networks are particularly sensitive to the volatility of the operating conditions. Simple systems take only two operating states into account apart from an overload state, i.e. un...
This article presents a new approach for detecting anomalies in the computer network. The approach is based on the determination of the network traffic statistical parameters in case of normal condition. When network anomaly happens, usually more than one statistical parameter is change. A set of parameters that have changed can be used to identify...
Limited resources are a natural feature of most real systems, both artificial and natural ones. This causes the need for effective management of access to existing resources. In this area, queuing systems are of special application. However, they are treated as simple systems for which two states are characteristic: work underload and work on the b...
In the article the authors propose a method for load-balancing of network resources for the case which uses a routing protocols. In the first part of the article the authors present currently used algorithms for load balancing and possibilities of their modification. Through the introduction of additional hardware components for each node: the agen...
The paper presents a performance study of wireless MESH networks in the context of the convergent transmission. Nowadays, the integration of voice, video and data is becoming the norm. However, the wireless LAN environment, and especially MESH technology is an unfriendly environment due to its characteristics. Therefore, the impact of the size of t...
Selection of components in contemporary computer networks is extremely important, not only because of the project budget but also because of the network performance. Therefore, it is necessary to perform tests before deploying devices. In this paper the authors show that the performance of test network devices is dependent on the nature of network...
In the paper we present a method for synthesis of a set of connection networks, which fulfill the designer’s assumption. In order to do that, the designed network is presented as a system of Diophantine constraints in a special form. A method to resolve those systems is proposed, which is characterized by lower computational complexity, especially...
The article presents a new model for intrusion detection in computer networks using the method based on statistical signatures. The proposed method allows for dynamic switching policy change in the demilitarized zone that will be triggered by changing network traffic statistics parameters represented by a time series. We will present selected stati...
In this paper an origin approach to distributed systems design is shown. It allows to include complete costs of their life circuit. In order to simplify complexity of a design procedure we assume that a created system will have a regional hierarchical structure. A model based on the equivalence relation can describe that problem. In this way, it is...
One of the basic problem of the project process is to create a structure of communication sys- tems with optimal techno-economic factors. In this paper we show optimization capital costs methods of creating the network infrastructure with reference to the defined parameters which describe a designing topology.
As on the stage systems and networks operation, part of the parameters which are taken into consideration in the design process change its meaning, the project formed earlier can not satisfy the requirements. It is necessary to respect a variability at the time of selected system or network characteristics in the design process. The authors propose...