Andry Rico RazakamanantsoaGustave Eiffel University · Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Earth Sciences, Natural Hazards (GERS)
Andry Rico Razakamanantsoa
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Publications (80)
Particulate air pollution is a major environmental problem. One of the main sources of particulate matter is the circulation of vehicles on unpaved roads. On these roads, the current techniques used to limit particle flight are either expensive, environmentally harmful, or resource-intensive. Therefore, the search for inexpensive and effective meth...
Heavy-duty dump trucks are an important source of particle emissions. When traveling on unpaved roads, they emit particles through wear and resuspension mechanisms. The particles are then dispersed by the turbulence created in the vehicle wake, leading to a deterioration of air quality in and around construction
sites. A better understanding of the...
RESUME – L’effet de la carbonatation est étudié sur un remblai en sol limoneux traité à la chaux, exposé à l’air pendant 1 an. La carbonatation du limon traité à la chaux s’est produite sur des échantillons prélevés jusqu’à 4,2 cm de profondeur. Le processus provoque l’apparition de macropores de diamètre 20 000-100 000 Å, au détriment des mésopore...
The mechanical characterization of natural fiber waste poses problems concerning the preparation of the fibers and their isolation to characterize them. Fibers are available in various forms: in the form of bunches (oil palm fibers), shells (coconuts), dried blocks (banana spines), entangled crushed fibers (sugar cane), etc. Isolating a fiber or bu...
The shaping of raw earth reinforced with natural fiber waste poses problems in the distribution of fibers and the homogeneity of the composite material. These same problems are encountered when making laboratory specimens and the scale effect. These specimens must be as homogeneous and reproducible as possible. As part of a specific study on the re...
Fluvial sediment recycling in agronomy is a relatively recent development, as sediment fertilizing potential for crops is unexplored. Freshwater sediments can act as fertilizer and improve the aeration of soils to increase the yield of crops, support vegetation for landscaping, and provide protective cover against erosion. This study focuses on the...
The use of earth as a building material is sustainable and conserves cultural
character, reduces energy consumption, is environmentally friendly, and provides
a healthy and convenient indoor climate. In this paper, cob like and adobe like
specimen were produced in the laboratory and the effects of implementation
technique on microstructure of the e...
The evolution of the microstructure of the wastepaper sludge ash-based dry-mortar mixtures is characterized. Mixtures have been prepared with a large volume of wastepaper sludge ash (WSA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) as a binder matrix mixed with water. Two ratios of water/binder (w/b) = 0.5 and 0.6 were selected. Both of these t...
In the last decades, significant efforts have been made to improve the aerodynamic performance of passenger vehicles. However, less attention has been paid to earth-moving trucks, which are still a major source of particulate pollutants, especially when moving on unpaved roads. In this work, we investigate the dynamics of the flow developing behind...
Natural fibers investigated in this study are mainly waste from agro industry. The importance of natural fibers in building composites is increasing, as they partially replace nonrenewable natural resources acting as reinforcement in composite materials such as concrete, mortar and earth bricks. Their recycling requires a detailed analysis of the p...
Reuse of dredged sediments is an effective approach to waste management. This study focuses on the reuse of Usumacinta River dredged sediments in fired bricks. Physico-chemical characteristics of sediments were investigated for their reuse. The grain size of sediments shows that Usumacinta sediments have a sandy texture with low organic matter. The...
A feasibility study on Usumacinta River sediment-based bricks for resilient housing adapted to both climate change and seismic risks is performed on laterally loaded reduced-scale walls. Mortar formulations with different volume ratios of lime and sand (2/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6) are prepared while different types of sediment-based bricks are thoroughly i...
Light earth is a natural insulating material composed of earth and vegetal fibres. It can be used to insulate existing and new buildings to reduce energy and resources consumption, and excavated earth generation by the construction sector. A pedological database is crossed with suitability thresholds in order to evaluate spatially the availability...
Unpaved roads are built on the basis of soil compaction. Therefore, the operation of vehicles on these roads results in dust emissions. As the number of passing vehicles increases, the soil surface gradually degrades under shearing caused by the tires. This enhances emissions and reduces visibility, increasing health and environmental related issue...
Transportation is a key factor for economic growth and poverty reduction because it improves access to services and opportunities for rural communities. Unpaved roads, however, still represent 80% of the global road network. The state of Tabasco, Mexico, is not an exception.
Materials and methods
Geotechnical identifications of raw and lim...
Physicochemical and microstructural evolution in lime-treated soil subjected to successive wetting and drying (W-D) cycles was investigated, and the relevance of the laboratory-implemented testing condition with in situ conditions was discussed. Lime-treated soils were exposed to 17 W-D cycles using different testing conditions. Two laboratory test...
The long-term benefit brought in lime-treated soil can be altered by the nature of the surrounding wetting fluid, thus, affecting its durability. However, studies regarding such impact are limited. In this study, the influence of different wetting fluids on the microstructural, physicochemical modifications, and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS...
The effect of carbonation on a one-year atmospherically exposed lime-treated soil structure is investigated. The investigation involves analyzing the chemical characteristics and pore-structure modifications of several specimens sampled up to 12 cm depth perpendicular to the surface. On comparing the analysis with untreated and lime-treated core-sa...
RESUME En septembre 2011, deux digues expérimentales ont été construites sur le site du Centre d'Expérimentation et de Recherche (CER) de Rouen, dont une en sol limoneux de classe GTR A1 traité à 2,5% de chaux vive. Le présent article présente la répartition spatiale des caractéristiques physico-chimiques, teneurs en eau et pH, des matériaux 7 ans...
Durability of lime-treated earthen structures is governed by the hydromechanical performances of the soil. However,
fewer studies address the influence of pore solution’s chemistry on the mechanism governing the hydraulic and microstructural
evolution of the materials. The hydraulic and leaching performances of lime-treated soil, compacted by knead...
Soil–water retention curve (SRWC), also called soil moisture characteristic, is used for simulation models of soil water storage or soil aggregate stability. The present study addresses the modeling of SRWC with particular attention paid to hysteresis effects of water filling and draining the pores attributed to ink-bottle effects. For that purpose...
Dredged sediments from ports and rivers are treated as waste material. The disposal of waste sediments has environmental concerns and requires financial resources. Dredged sediments reuse in building material such as adobe bricks can provide an alternate solution to valorize and handle this waste material. Adobe bricks are eco-friendly construction...
Crude bricks are composite materials manufactured with sediments and natural fibers. Natural fibers are waste materials and used in construction materials for reinforcement. Their reuse in manufacturing reinforced crude bricks is eco-friendly and improves mechanical and thermal characteristics of crude bricks. Factors such as type of fibers, percen...
Crude bricks are composite materials manufactured with sediments and natural fibers. Natural fibers are waste materials and used in construction materials for reinforcement. Their reuse in manufacturing reinforced crude bricks is eco-friendly and improves mechanical and thermal characteristics of crude bricks. Factors such as type of fibers, percen...
Sur la plupart des chantiers de travaux publics, aussi bien dans le bâtiment ou sur les chantiers de construction et d'aménagement de voies de transport, la poussière est une source de nuisance majeure impactant aussi bien le chantier que son environnement. La poussière est une source de nuisance majeure impactant aussi bien le chantier que son env...
Earth bricks are a traditional eco-friendly construction material. In this study, harbor-dredged sediments were used along with hemp shiv to develop a brick manufacturing procedure and compaction techniques to produce durable earth bricks for the valorization of waste hemp shiv and dredged sediments. Prismatic specimens of size 4 × 4 × 16 cm3 were...
The effects on hydromechanical performance due to chemical interactions between pore solution and soil components in lime-treated soil are investigated. Static- and kneading-compacted soils are percolated by demineralized water (DW) and a low-ionic strength solution. Kneading action causes aggregate deformation, thus consequently reducing macropore...
The palm oil industry is the leading source of palm oil waste fibers. The disposal of palm oil waste fibers by burning or dumping causes environmental issues such as the emission of CO2 and a diminution in soil fertility. Natural fiber reuse in construction materials such as concrete, mortar and adobe bricks as reinforcement provides a possible eco...
Dust emission is a major issue in general but even more for civil engineering professionals. This is particularly important on earthmoving sites with truck traffic on compacted soils. Suspended dust causes many troubles, including visibility mitigation, which leads to safety risks. To prevent the lift of particles, soils are watered abundantly. Whe...
Long-term improvement in behaviour of soil subjected to lime treatment depends on the mechanism of its implementation. In-situ lime-treated fine-grained soil is often subjected to ‘kneading action’ developed by Pad-foot roller. The mechanism underlying the effect of kneading on lime-treated soil remains less investigated. Unconfined Compressive Str...
An experimental campaign was carried out on a test track to assess resuspension of dust by vehicle traffic. Two vehicles were driven on a road covered by four different types of particles representing a wide range of fine soils. Each test consisted of running one of the vehicles at a given speed (30, 45 or 60 km.h-1) over one of the type of particl...
Le présent guide a pour objectif de donner des méthodes de qualification des travaux et de l'environnement du site, de contrôle et de prévention des émissions de poussières, ainsi que de leur inhibition par arrosage. La méthodologie proposée consiste à évaluer les sols et le matériel d'arrosage du site de travaux. Les propriétés des sols considérée...
The long-term effect of lime treatment was evaluated on a 2.5% lime-treated experimental embankment after seven years of atmospheric exposure. The evaluation was done by comparison of (i) the mechanical performance of the field sampled specimens with laboratory cured specimens, and (ii) the physicochemical and microstructural properties of the samp...
En septembre 2011, deux digues expérimentales ont été construites sur le site du CER de Rouen. L'une a été construite en utilisant un sol limoneux de classe GTR A1, la seconde est constituée du même limon traité à 2,5% de chaux vive. Le présent article fait état de la méthodologie déployée pour l'évaluation des caractéristiques des matériaux 7 ans...
This study deals with the definition of an efficient combination of fly ash (FA) with lime or cement and with both, to improve the dredged sediment (DS) properties. At early age, filler and nucleation effects of FA lead to a refinement of the microstructure in addition to the macro porosity reduction induced by lime and cement. At long term, the mi...
Haul traffic on earthworks runways during construction works is an important factor of dust emission. Compacted soils surface become progressively degraded as the number of wheels passing increases. Fine particles are then segregated from the soil surface and lifted when the shear stress generated by the flow above the surface increases, leading to...
Civil engineering works are sources of dust emissions, which can cause severe security, health and environmental damages for workers and neighbourhood. This is particularly significant for implementations of earthworks sites. The present paper reports a study conducted to characterise the soil-atmosphere interaction above compacted soils where part...
Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (MSWI) Bottom Ash has been used as a substitute for traditional aggregates in road construction; however, this material is little understood. The work presented in this paper pursues the study on the mechanical performance of bottom ash, proven by Le et al. (2017). Using a coupling technique for the first time, the...
This paper addresses the problem of the experimental characterization of cement-treated compacted soils in terms of micro-structural, hydraulic, and mechanical properties. Tests were conducted on two different types of soil: silty sand and clay as fine soils, and gravelous sand and alterite as granular soils. Samples were mixed with 5% cement and c...
h i g h l i g h t s Direct shear test and mineral elemental analyses are carried out on sediment mixture stabilized using cement, lime and fly ash. Chemical stabilization increases sample cohesion but affects friction angle significantly less. The ratios of Al and Si for sediment samples stabilized using both lime and cement are improved depending...
A new methodology based on the cross-referencing of spatialized pedological and heritage data is proposed to identify and quantify soil resources available for earth construction. The paper underlines the pedological particularities of areas containing earth heritage and uses these particularities to propose criteria to assess the suitability of so...
Cob is a vernacular earth-building technique which has encountered renewed interest for its low environmental impact compared to conventional construction materials. Relevant mechanical characterisation is essential for cob building structure design and calculation. This paper presents an improved laboratory procedure to better the characterisation...
This study deals with the problem of the experimental characterization of cement-treated compacted soils in terms of microstructural and hydraulic properties. Some tests are conducted on two different types of soil: silty sand and clay as fine soils and gravelous sand and alterite as granular soil. Some samples are mixed with 5% of cement and compa...
An experimental program is carried out to investigate the swelling properties of Na activated Ca-bentonite submitted to prehydration and polymer adding, using Free Swell Index (FSI). Three Na activated Ca-bentonite are used: S, T and V. Various concentrations (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2%) of two polyelectrolyte polymers are mixed with bentonites to underlin...
The present paper deals with the proposition of an original analytical permeability model of compacted soils. The model involves the microstructure of the material through the porosity and the pore-size distribution obtained by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), as well as the degree of compaction. Their effects on the morphological parameters of...
Rammed earth was traditionally used in western European countries before industrial building materials replace it during 20th Century. Construction strategies developed by former builders were dictated by locally available construction materials and engendered local constructive cultures. Unfortunately, this knowledge was orally transmitted and is...
The will of reducing environmental and social impact of building industry has led to a renewed interest in earth construction. Most of earth construction literature dealt with rammed earth or adobe techniques, but very little with cob. Yet, cob participates in the diversity of vernacular earth construction processes that value local materials and i...
Dehydration of the dredged sediments is necessary in different operations of sediment valorisation: valorisation matter, lagoon facilities, handling and transport of sediments. The evaluation of hydric properties (WC content, LL liquidity limit, PL plastic limit, SL shrinkage limit) and of undrained shear strength Su must be made to ensure the foll...
An experimental program is carried out to investigate the long term hydro-mechanical behavior correlated with chemical one of compacted soils with low concentration of Ca-bentonite and Ca-bentonite polymer mixture. The effect of prehydration on the hydraulic performance is compared to the polymer adding effect. All specimens are submitted to synthe...
Bentonite is used for landfill application because of its high sealing ability. Following the swelling phenomenon the water reacts with the bentonite and expands the solid particles. The voids are filled and this reduces permeability of the soil. However, the drawback is the long time needed to assess the hydraulic performance, whereas the engineer...
Determination of undrained shear strength Su and sensitivity St of soft soils and sediments are important in geotechnical design as well as in sediment management. Usually these properties are deduced from laboratory or field tests. In lab, vane shear test (VST) is commonly used in clayey soft soils. Other testing is available such as the full flow...
Dehydration of the dredged sediments is necessary in different operations of sediment valorization: lagunage, handling and transport of sediments. The evaluation of hydric properties (WC water content, LL liquidity limit, PL plastic limit, SL shrinkage limit) and of undrained shear strength Su must be made to ensure the follow-up of these operation...
Les barrières de sécurité passives reconstituées, des installations de stockage de déchets, sont conçues à l'aide de géomatériau bentonitique, sous forme d'un géosynthétique bentonitique (GSB), ou d'un sol traité. Ce travail présente les études expérimentales relatives aux comportements hydromécaniques et chimiques à long terme des géomatériaux d'é...
This paper aims to study the hydromechanical behaviour and the clay polymer interaction of amended Ca-bentonite. Specimens were formed by mixing Ca-bentonite with two soluble polyelectrolyte polymer powders. Some important parameters are studied: swelling, water adsorption and hydraulic performance for landfill applications. Tests are performed wit...
This paper aims to study the hydromechanical behaviour and the clay polymer interaction of amended Cabentonite.Samples were formed by mixing of Ca-bentonite with two soluble polyelectrolyte polymer powders.Some important parameters are studied: swelling, water adsorption and hydraulic performance for landfill andearthwork applications. Tests are pe...
Considering protection of the environment and environmental regulations, the great volumes of dredged low and/or high sediments should be treated. Because of the types of dredgers and the presence of fine particles of the sediments, they have high moisture content. So it’s necessary to carry out the treatments of dehydration and drying for decreasi...
Le comportement mécanique des ouvrages en terre construits avec du soltraité aux liants est intimement lié à l'organisation de la microstructure qui résulte des opérations à la fois de traitement et de compactage. Parmi les nombreux paramètres pouvant influencer cette organisation, on s'est intéressé aux conditions de préparation du sol avec le lia...
The present paper discusses the hydro mechanical behavior of activated Ca–bentonite mixed with two soluble polyelectrolyte powder polymers. To understand better the clay polymer interaction, swelling, water adsorption and hydraulic performance are studied. Synthetized leachate (LS) is used to reproduce the hydrochemical phenomena in the system. Hyd...
This paper presents a method to adapt a measurement in order to enhance its exploitation time and provide a suitable comparison with standard permeability tests. The filter press apparatus used for the fluid loss test (FLT) was selected to elaborate a hydraulic performance method, which is used for compacted sand-bentonite mixtures. An analytical m...
Une étude hydraulique avec le filtre presse a été effectuée sur des matériaux compactés. L’objectif consiste à étudier l’application d’une méthode graphique utilisée initialement pour les suspensions ainsi que d’une méthode analytique proposée, pour déterminer le coefficient de perméabilité des géomatériaux soumis à des sollicitations hydrauliques...
Les caractéristiques hydrauliques de bentonites sont étudiées à l’aide du filtre presse. L’essai est réalisé, soit de manière standard, sur les suspensions (avec deux exploitations), soit directement sur le cake. Les deux méthodes conduisent à des résultats de perméabilité très proches avec un fluide neutre. Cependant, la méthode proposée pour l’ap...