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October 1999 - present
March 1987 - December 2020
Publications (471)
Works councils in many countries are involved in dismissal procedures and may therefore invoke high hold-up costs for firms laying off workers. To avoid these conflicts, firms with a works council may have a stronger preference for more agreeable job applicants who have a low risk of dismissal. We conduct a discrete choice experiment among recruite...
This paper explores whether firms recruit workers with different personality traits for different tasks. We conduct a discrete choice experiment among recruiters of 634 firms in Germany, asking recruiters to choose between job applicants who differ in seven characteristics: professional competence, the Big Five personality traits, and the prospecti...
We conduct a discrete choice experiment to investigate how the mission of high-tech companies affects job attractiveness and contributes to self-selection of science and engineering graduates who differ in prosocial attitudes. We characterize mission by whether or not the company combines its profit motive with a mission on innovation or corporate...
This paper explores whether firms recruit workers with different personality traits for different tasks. For our analysis, we used data from a discrete choice experiment conducted among recruiters of 634 firms in Germany. Recruiters were asked to choose between job applicants who differed in seven aspects: professional competence, the 'big five' pe...
Internal locus of control is an important personality trait strongly related to many economic outcomes. We show that the probability to own equity and the share of equity in household portfolios increase with people’s internal locus of control. We explore, and find no evidence for, the hypothesis that this relation is driven by a link between inter...
Sustainable employability refers to individuals’ long-term abilities to work and remain employed. Despite its societal importance in the light of aging populations and rapidly changing skill demands, sustainable employability still requires further definition and conceptualization. As such, the present paper aims to define and conceptualize sustain...
This paper studies the extent to which higher education graduates with higher intrapreneurial skills – creative, brokering, and championing skills – are more involved in innovation. Crucially, we differentiate between graduates employed in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations and those employed in business occupation...
Organizations aiming to help their employees in fostering their human capital offer training, but not all employees participate. Some organizations therefore experiment with training vouchers that typically offer financial means for training to motivate training participation. However, the effectiveness of such vouchers remains suboptimal, arguably...
We show that people exposed to greater pension risk are less likely to invest in risky assets. We exploit a reform that links people’s future pension benefits to their pension funds’ funding ratio — a measure of the fund’s financial health — making funding ratios a fund-specific measure of pension risk. The effect of pension risk is stronger for pe...
Although workshop attendance appears to be as high as participation in training, this paper is the first study in the educational science, human resource management and labour economics literature that explores the drivers of workshop attendance among the working population. In our analysis of the Dutch Adult Education Survey, we find that workshop...
Pension schemes in the Netherlands allow workers to redistribute their own pension wealth to increase the survivor pension of their partner. However, due to lacking communication and knowledge of survivor pensions among workers, and also due to the lack of transparent products and choice architecture, redistribution remains limited. This paper uses...
Demographic and technological changes demand for sustainably employable employees. Various organizations therefore encourage their workforce to participate in training through voucher programs. Most voucher programs offer employees a budget to pay the training costs, but employees may also need time to be able to participate in training. The presen...
This study examines the relationship between need for recovery (NFR) and labour force exit (LFE) among older workers. Different types of LFE (early retirement, work disability and unemployment) are considered, and the role of potential confounding and modifying factors, including the availability of early LFE schemes, is examined. Also, ass...
This article contributes to research on older workers' sustainable employment by investigating the relation between training and expected retirement age. Past research has produced inconsistent findings, partly because studies rarely distinguish between the effects of training opportunities and actual training participation. To address this limitat...
An annual research into workplace innovation in the province Limburg in the Netherlands with a special focus on digitalisation and digital skills.
Free access until Oct 9, 2018: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927537118300903
This paper analyses the relationship between temporary employment and the intensity of on-the-job informal learning across 20 developed countries. Using microdata from the OECD's PIAAC survey, we estimate an instrumented endogenous switching regressi...
Dit artikel is een eerste in een reeks van drie artikelen die gebaseerd zijn op het onderzoeksprogramma Bevordering van de arbeidsparticipatie van oudere werknemers: een cohortstudie naar de determinanten van gezond en prettig doorwerken op oudere leeftijd. Andere artikelen in deze reeks betreffen Bevordering arbeidsparticipatie oudere werknemers:...
This annual report (in Dutch) presents the labor market developments in the Dutch Metalworking & Electrical Engineering sector (‘Metalektro’) in 2017. The findings for 2017 are compared and contrasted to the findings of previous years, trends are identified and an outlook for the near future is given. Topics include employment, vacancies, workforce...
Constructs capturing health or functioning can have reflective and/or formative measurement models. Although a construct's measurement model has extensive implications on the construction, validation and use of a measurement instrument, measurement models are frequently wrongly or not explicitly specified. As this is likely due to a lac...
Sociale Innovatie Monitor Limburg 2018 (in Dutch)
Objectives Various cognitive and physical abilities decline with age. Consequently, sustainable employability research has focused on the labor market participation of older employees. However, it remains unclear whether age actually affects employees' work and labor-market functioning. A major complicating factor is that age effects can be distort...
The purpose of this paper is to provide a first investigation of how new ways of working (NWW) and their various facets relate to employee informal learning at work, while accounting for a range of known antecedents of informal learning.
The job demand–control model and the job demands–resources model underpin o...
Wordt het aantal uren dat iemand werkt beïnvloed door het aantal uren dat andere mensen om hem of haar heen werken, en zo ja hoe? Om deze vraag te onderzoeken maken we gebruik van een Nederlands panel, de DNB Household Survey, waarin respondenten gevraagd wordt hoeveel de mannen en vrouwen in hun omgeving gemiddeld genomen per week werken. Dit is v...
Using data from a stated preferences experiment in the Netherlands, we find that replacing full-time pension schemes with schemes that offer gradual retirement opportunities induce workers to retire one year later on average. Total lifetime labour supply, however, decreases by 3.4 months, because the positive effect of delayed retirement on labour...
This paper aims to shed more light on the impact of the various facets of New Ways of Working (NWW) on employee work engagement, taking into account multiple sectors and occupational fields.
Insights from the literature and the JD-R model underpin our hypotheses on how NWW would affect work engagement. The hypot...
We study the effect that a series of Islamist terrorist attacks across Europe in 2004–2005 had on the integration of Muslim immigrants. Using unique panel data that oversamples immigrants in the Netherlands, we show that, shortly after the attacks, Muslim immigrants’ attitudes toward integration worsened significantly compared to those of non-Musli...
À partir de données de l'étude de cohorte de Maastricht sur la fatigue au travail, relatives à la période 2012–2014, les auteurs examinent la fréquence et la dynamique de la sous‐qualification au sein d'un échantillon d'employés de bureau en fin de carrière, ainsi que ses effets sur les besoins de récupération, l'emploi et les projets de pré...
Con una muestra de trabajadores de edad tomada del Maastricht Cohort Study, los autores investigan empíricamente la prevalencia y la evolución de la infracapacitación autopercibida y sus efectos en la necesidad de recuperación de los trabajadores, su riesgo de pérdida del empleo y sus intenciones de jubilación de 2012 a 2014. Encuentran la...
Although the population of the Netherlands is increasing, the population growth rate, even if fluctuating considerably, has been declining since the 1960s. The age structure of the Netherlands since the 1960s has also experienced change, declining youth (under 20 years old), growth and then decline in the 20–40 year-old age cohort, a significant in...
This annual report (in Dutch) presents the labor market developments in the Dutch Metalworking & Electrical Engineering sector (‘Metalektro’) in 2016. The findings for 2016 are compared and contrasted to the findings of previous years, trends are identified and an outlook for the near future is given. Topics include employment, vacancies, workforce...
This paper uncovers ‘conspicuous work’ as a new form of status seeking that can explain
social interactions in labour supply. We analyse how peer working time relates to both labour
supply and happiness for Dutch male workers. Using a unique measure of peer weekly
working time, we find that men’s working time increases with that of their peers and...
The Dunning–Kruger effect states that low performers vastly overestimate their performance while high performers more accurately assess their performance. Researchers usually interpret this empirical pattern as evidence that the low skilled are vastly overconfident while the high skilled are more accurate in assessing their skill. However, measurem...
This paper provides more insight into the assumption of human capital theory that the productivity of job-related training is driven by the improvement of workers' skills. We analyze the extent to which training and informal learning on the job are related to employee skill development and consider the heterogeneity of this relationship with respec...
Being overconfident when estimating scores for an upcoming exam is a widespread phenomenon in higher education and presents threats to self-regulated learning and academic performance. The present study sought to investigate how overconfidence and poor monitoring accuracy vary over the length of a college course, and how an intervention consisting...
Building on Lazear's skill weights approach, we study the effect of having more or less heterogeneity in the training curriculum on the demand for and supply of apprentices. Modernizations of training curricula provide us with a quasi-experimental setting as these modernizations can be seen as a relatively exogenous shock. We argue that firms will...
Les auteurs s'intéressent aux situations de surqualification et de chômage chez les jeunes diplômés du supérieur dans dix‐sept pays européens en analysant le rôle à cet égard des compétences ≪spécialisées≫ et des compétences ≪universitaires de base≫. Conformément à la thèse de l'éviction, les compétences spécialisées protègent davantage de l...
Se explora la relación entre competencias y riesgo de sobrecalificación y desempleo en titulados universitarios de 17 países europeos. Distinguiendo entre competencias especializadas y académicas, se observa que, como predice la hipótesis de exclusión, las primeras ofrecen mayor protección frente al riesgo de sobrecalificación cuando aument...
Sustainable employability (SE) is an important topic as
it deals with employees’ abilities to function adequately
at work and in the labor market throughout their work-
ing lives. However, until now there has been only one
attempt to define SE in the international literature (1).
This first definition is a valuable contribution to the field
Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) often exclusively target towards the long-term unemployed. Although it might be more efficient to intervene earlier in order to prevent long-term unemployment rather than to cure it, the climate of austerity in Eurozone countries is spreading a tendency to further reduce the basic counselling for those who beco...
This study investigates (1) the prevalence and dynamics of being underskilled among a sample of older workers from the Maastricht Cohort Study (n=1,111) and (2) the impact of being underskilled on need for recovery (NFR), the risk of losing employment and retirement intentions prospectively over two years follow-up. Being underskilled was associate...
This annual report (in Dutch) presents the labor market developments in the Dutch Metalworking & Electrical Engineering sector (‘Metalektro’) in 2015. The findings for 2015 are compared and contrasted to the findings of previous years, trends are identified and an outlook for the near future is given. Topics include employment, vacancies, workforce...
This paper investigates how newly hired workers learn on the job and the extent to which this learning is affected by their co-workers’ tenure. We estimate tenure-performance profiles using weekly panel data on individual workers’ performance. The results show a performance increase of 64% in the first year of the employment. We show that, during t...
Oudere werkzoekenden hebben het zwaar op de arbeidsmarkt. De baankansen van ouderen liggen substantieel lager, wat vaak leidt tot langdurige werkloosheid. Waar komt de geringe vraag naar oudere werknemers door werkgevers vandaan? Een veelgenoemde oorzaak is het verschil tussen het loon en de productiviteit van oudere werknemers. De perceptie bestaa...
Prospectively investigating whether different approaches of physical work demands are associated with need for recovery (NFR), employment status, retirement intentions, and ability to prolong working life among older employees from the industry and health care sector.
A subsample from the Maastricht Cohort Study was studied (...
Using data from the UK Skills Surveys 1997–2012, we show that the part-time pay penalty (PTPP) for women within low- and medium-skilled occupations has decreased significantly. The convergence in computer use and non-routine job tasks between part-time and full-time workers explains a large share of the decrease in the PTPP. This convergence took p...
An ambidextrous innovation approach, or the capability to realize high levels of both explorative and exploitative types of innovation, positively affects the performance and the long-term survival of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Nevertheless, due to the knowledge demands this innovation strategy places upon the organization, ambidex...
Organisatorische en technologische veranderingen volgen elkaar steeds sneller op. Werknemers zien zichzelf daardoor in toenemende mate geconfronteerd met tekorten aan kennis. Niet alleen de inzetbaarheid van werknemers, maar ook de concurrentie‐ kracht en innovativiteit van bedrijven en instellingen staan daarmee onder druk. Het herstellen of zelfs...
Learning lags behind events; does training help older employees recover from perceived skills shortages
Learning lags behind events; does training help older employees recover from perceived skills shortages
Organizational and technological changes are occurring ever more rapidly, and employees are faced with increasing deficits in their knowledge....
We document that the strength of negatively reciprocal inclinations affects workers’ reaction to unfair treatment. We exploit unique matched survey and administrative data on male public sector employees in the Netherlands and compare the job motivation of employees born in 1950, who faced a substantial retrenchment of their pension rights resultin...
This annual report (in Dutch) presents the labor market developments in the Dutch Metalworking & Electrical Engineering sector (‘Metalektro’) in 2014. The findings for 2014 are compared and contrasted to the findings of previous years, trends are identified and an outlook for the near future is given. Topics include employment, vacancies, workforce...
This paper investigates whether employers can induce employees to postpone retirement by offering access to training courses that maintain job proficiency. We use unique, matched employer–employee surveys for the Dutch public sector, which include detailed information on a wide range of HR practices applied in the organization, as well as the expec...
Education and Growth with Learning by Doing * We develop a general equilibrium overlapping generations model which is based on the view that education makes workers more productive by increasing their ability to learn from work experience, rather than providing skills that directly increase productivity. One important implication of the model is th...
This study investigates whether different shift work schedules, compared to day work, are associated with need for recovery (NFR), future disability, and retirement intentions for employees employed within different economic sectors over the course of their careers. Shift work exposure duration and the healthy worker effect are also examined.
To remain competitive in the global economy, a firm’s workforce has to have adequate skills and be committed to keeping those skills up-to-date. Many policymakers thus emphasize lifelong learning because continual technological change alters skill demands. But the emphasis is usually on formal training courses to the neglect of informal learning in...
Whereas many studies have shown that underemployed people experience lower objective career
success and lower subjective career success while being underemployed, little research has been
done on the lasting effects of underemployment. This study addresses the role of time in career success
research by examining the impact of level underemployment,...
Using data from a stated preferences experiment in the Netherlands, we find that replacing full-time pension schemes with schemes that offer gradual retirement opportunities induce workers to retire one year later on average. Total life-time labour supply, however, decreases with 3.4 months because the positive effect of delayed retirement on labou...
This paper is the first that analyzes the relation between maternal work hours and the cognitive outcomes of young school-going children. When children attend school, the potential time working mothers miss out with their children, is smaller than when children do not yet attend school. At the same time, working might benefit children through, for...
This annual report (in Dutch) presents the labor market developments in the Dutch Metalworking & Electrical Engineering sector (‘Metalektro’) in 2013. The findings for 2013 are compared and contrasted to the findings of previous years, trends are identified and an outlook for the near future is given.
The callcenter sector in the Netherlands' labour market and labour relations
The callcenter sector in the Netherlands' labour market and labour relations
In this article, we analyze whether the Dutch labour market for callcenter agents is a segmented market, and whether this is related to the need to have a flexible workforce. Moreover, we discuss...