Andrey Petrin

Andrey Petrin
Andrey verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Andrey verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences · Theoretical Department

EM radiation and heat transfer in layered media.


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January 1998 - present
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Leading Scientific Researcher
September 1978 - May 1987
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Field of study
  • Radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics


Publications (117)
We study the focusing of the optical electromagnetic radiation energy into a nanoscale spatial region in the vicinity of the nanoapex of a metal microtip located near a dielectric or metal plane. Focusing arises from a symmetric convergence of a surface plasmon TM wave at the nanoapex. The metal boundary near the nanoapex is approximated by a parab...
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The problem of determining the emission current as a function of voltage, radius of the micropoint curvature, and the distance between the micropoint and a conducting plane is considered on the basis of the theoretical method developed for determining the electric field in the vicinity of a paraboloidal micropoint near a plane metal surface. The un...
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The possibility of transmission of microwaves through the plasma layer with electron concentration more than critical value is considered. The problem Is solved by consideration of the nonlinear interaction of a microwave with the plane layer of magnetoactive plasma. The problem is formulated so to obtain the estimation of the greatest lower bound...
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A rigorous theory of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave that is emitted by a point elementary current source and that is focused by a flat layer filled with a substance with a negative refractive index (Veselago lens) is considered. The distributions of the electromagnetic field in the focal region are investigated and the dimensions of the...
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The method of mirror reflections of electrostatics for a point charge located next to a plane-layered medium consisting of a single film on a dielectric half-space is formulated. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. The proposed approach is applied to mathematically similar problems of electrostatics and stationa...
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The electrostatic reflection method is formulated and proven for a point charge located near a plane-layered medium consisting of two films on a dielectric half-space. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges and is used to solve mathematically similar problems of electrostatics and the stationary thermal conductivity...
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Рассмотрена трехмерная задача определения электрического поля заряженной проводящей осесимметричной капли, смачивающей диэлектрическую пленку, нанесенную на заземленную проводящую подложку. Обсуждается метод нахождения сингулярности электрического поля на линии смачивания и ее учет при вычислении электрического поля в трехмерной задаче. Предложен м...
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Предлагается метод отражений электростатики для точечного заряда, расположенного рядом с плоскослоистой средой, состоящей из двух пленок на диэлектрическом полупространстве. Метод обобщается на случай произвольной системы зарядов и применяется к решению математически аналогичных задач электростатики и стационарной теплопроводности плоскослоистых ср...
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The method of mirror reflections of electrostatics for a point charge located next to a plane-layered medium consisting of a single film on a dielectric half-space is formulated. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. The proposed approach is applied to mathematically similar problems of electrostatics and stationa...
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Представлен метод зеркальных отражений электростатики для точечного заряда, расположенного рядом с плоскослоистой средой, состоящей из трех пленок на диэлектрическом полупространстве. Метод обобщается на случай произвольной системы зарядов и применяется к решению ма-тематически аналогичных задач электростатики и стационарной теплопроводности плоско...
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The problem about heat propagation from a transient point heat source located inside or outside a plane layered heat-conducting medium is studied. The transient problem is reduced to the harmonic point heat source problem for which the reflection method is generalized. The developed reflection method for a point harmonic source is generalized to th...
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Формулируется и доказывается метод отражений электростатики для точечного заряда, расположенного рядом с плоскослоистой средой, состоящей из двух пленок на диэлектрическом полупространстве. Метод обобщается на случай произвольной системы зарядов и применяется к решению математически аналогичных задач электростатики и стационарной теплопроводности п...
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The method of reflections is formulated and proved for a point charge located next to a flat-layered medium located on a dielectric half-space. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges and is used to solve mathematically similar problems of electrostatics and stationary thermal conductivity of flat-layered media. The...
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Сформулирован и доказан обобщенный метод зеркальных отражений электростатики для точечного заряда, расположенного рядом с плоскослоистой структурой, причем подробно рассмотрен случай точечного заряда, находящегося рядом с одной пленкой. Затем этот метод обобщается на случай произвольной системы зарядов. Подробно показывается, как применить полученн...
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A generalized mirror reflection method of electrostatics is formulated and proven for a point charge next to a plane-layered structure, and the case of a point charge next to a film is considered in detail. This method is then generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. It is shown in detail how to apply the obtained method to find t...
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Исследуется задача о распространении тепла от нестационарного точечного источника, расположенного внутри или снаружи плоскослоистой теплопроводящей среды. Нестационарная задача приводится к задаче о гармоническом точечном источнике тепла, для которой обобщается метод отражения. Развитый метод отражений для точечного гармонического источника обобщае...
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Формулируется и доказывается метод отражений для точечного заряда, расположенного рядом с плоскослоистой средой, расположенной на диэлектрическом полупространстве. Метод обобщается на случай произвольной системы зарядов и применяется для решения математически аналогичных задач электростатики и стационарной теплопроводности плоскослоистых сред. Расс...
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The problem of heat conduction is studied for a point nonstationary heat source located inside or outside a plane-layered medium. A solution is found for a harmonic heat source, followed by a solution for an arbitrary time dependence of point heat release. The harmonic solution to the problem for arbitrary plane-layered media is obtained in the for...
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Исследуется задача теплопроводности для точечного нестационарного источника тепла, расположенного внутри или снаружи плоскослоистой среды. Находится решение для гармонического источника тепла, а затем решение для произвольной временной зависимости точечного тепловыделения. Гармоническое решение задачи для произвольных плоскослоистых сред получено в...
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The method of mirror reflections of electrostatics for a point charge located next to a plane-layered medium consisting of a single film on a dielectric half-space is formulated. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. The proposed approach is applied to mathematically similar problems of electrostatics and stationa...
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The electrostatic field from a point charge located inside or outside a plane-layered medium is investigated (a fundamental solution to the problem of electrostatics for plane-layered media). For arbitrary plane-layered media, the solution of the problem is obtained in the form of a one-dimensional integral. Based on the analogy between electrostat...
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The article studies the electrostatic field from a point charge inside or outside a plane-layered medium (a fundamental solution to the problem of electrostatics for plane-layered media). For arbitrary plane-layered media, a solution to the problem is obtained in the form of a one-dimensional integral. Based on the analogy between electrostatics an...
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A generalized method of mirror reflections of electrostatics for a point charge located near a flat-layered structure is formulated and proved. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. It is shown in detail how to apply the obtained method to finding the focal distribution of the electric field in the vicinity of the...
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A generalized method of mirror reflections of electrostatics for a point charge located near a flat-layered structure is formulated and proved. The method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary system of charges. It is shown in detail how to apply the obtained method to finding the focal distribution of the electric field in the vicinity of the...
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На основе строгой теории излучения элементарного источника тока, расположенного на границе плоскослоистой структуры, рассмотрено излучение произвольного распределения поверхностного тока. Получено строгое соотношение между излучаемыми по нормали полями, порожденными произвольным рас- пределением стороннего поверхностного тока в полупространства, ок...
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Based on a rigorous theory of radiation from an elementary current source located at the boundary of a plane-layered structure, the radiation by an arbitrary surface current distribution is considered. A strict relationship is obtained between the normally radiated fields generated by an arbitrary external surface current distribution in the half-s...
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Рассмотрена строгая теория излучения элементарного диполя, расположенного на границе или внутри плоскослоистой структуры. Для частного случая излучения диполя, расположенного на свободной грани-це одной пленки, продемонстрирован метод аналитического упрощения решения. Предложенный метод позволил привести выражения для излучаемых полей к одномерным...
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A rigorous theory of propagation of an electromagnetic wave from a point elementary current source is considered when it is focused by a plane layer filled with a material with a negative refractive index (Veselago lens). The distributions of the electromagnetic field in the focal region are investigated and its dimensions are determined. Key theor...
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A rigorous theory of emission of an elementary dipole located at the boundary of or within a flatlayered structure has been considered. A method of analytic simplification of the solution has been demonstrated for a particular case of emission of a dipole located on the free boundary of a single film. The proposed method has made it possible to red...
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A rigorous theory of determining radiation in the far zone of an elementary dipole that is located either on the boundary of a plane-layered structure or inside it is considered. The particular case of radiation from an elementary dipole located on a free boundary of one film is considered in detail, an efficient method for finding the radiation fi...
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Рассмотрена строгая теория излучения элементарного диполя, расположенного на границе или внутри плоскослоистой структуры. Для конкретного случая излучения диполя, расположенного на свободной границе одной пленки, продемонстрирован метод аналитического упрощения решения. Этот метод позволил привести формулы для излучаемых полей к одномерным интеграл...
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Excitation and focusing of a radially convergent surface plasmonic wave on the free surface of a gold film in the Kretschmann geometry have been considered based on the theory of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a plane-layered structure. The electric-field distribution in the vicinity of the focus on the free film surface has been q...
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Based on the theory of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a plane-layered structure, the excitation and focusing of a radially converging surface plasmon wave on the free surface of a gold film in the Kretschmann scheme are considered. The distribution of the electric field in the vicinity of the focus on the free surface of the film i...
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A rigorous theory of finding radiation in the far zone of an elementary dipole located at the boundary or inside a plane-layered structure is considered. A particular case of radiation from an elementary dipole located at the free boundary of one film is considered in detail, an effective method for finding the radiation field in the far zone in th...
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На основе теории отражения ограниченного светового пучка от плоскослоистой структуры рассмотрены возбуждаемые по схеме Кречмана поверхностная плазмонная волна на свободной поверхности пленки золота, а также для сравнения поверхностная волна в планарном поверхностном волноводе. Сравнивается чувствительность оптических датчиков на основе указанных по...
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Based on the theory of reflection of a limited light beam from a plane-layered structure, a surface plasmonic wave excited on the free surface of a gold film and, for comparison, a surface wave in a planar surface waveguide, both excited in the Kretschmann scheme, have been examined. The sensitivities of optical sensors based on these surface waves...
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A theoretical method for investigating reflection of a finite-aperture plane light beam from a flat-layered structure in the Kretschmann scheme is considered. The developed theory is applied for investigating the Goos–Hänchen effect, which arises upon incidence of a linearly polarized light beam with the polarization vector lying in the plane of in...
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A theoretical method for investigating reflection of a finite-aperture plane light beam from a flat-layered structure in the Kretschmann scheme is considered. The developed theory is applied for investigating the Goos-Hänchen effect, which arises upon incidence of a linearly polarized light beam with the polarization vector lying in the plane of in...
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Diffraction phenomena arising due to reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a metal film, which are caused by a limited size of the incident beam aperture, are considered in the Kretschmann scheme used to excite a surface plasmon wave. It is shown that the wave reflection occurs nonlocally, that is, the region of the surface on which the w...
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The excitation and focusing of a surface plasmonic wave on the free surface of a metal film in the Kretschmann scheme have been considered based on the theory of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a flat-layered structure. A method of exciting a radially convergent surface plasmonic wave is proposed. The electric-field distribution at...
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The excitation and focusing of a surface plasmonic wave on the free surface of a metal film in the Kretschmann scheme have been considered based on the theory of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a flat-layered structure. A method of exciting a radially convergent surface plasmonic wave is proposed. The electric-field distribution at...
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Исследуется фокусировка оптической энергии в наноразмерную пространственную область в окрестности нановершины металлического микроострия, возникающая при симметричном схож- дении к нановершине поверхностной плазмонной волны. Металлическая поверхность острия аппрок- симируется параболоидом вращения. Исследуется распределение фокального поля вблизи н...
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The optical energy focused on the nanosize spatial domain in the vicinity of the nanoapex of a metal microtip is studied. This focus occurs under the symmetric convergence of the surface plasmon wave to the nanoapex. The metal microtip surface is approximated by the paraboloid of revolution. The focal field distribution near the nanoapex is studied...
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На основе теоретического метода исследования отражения плоской электромагнитной волны от плоскослоистой многопленочной структуры с однородными пленками рассмотрены дифракционные явления, связанные с ограниченным размером апертуры падающей волны. Предложенная теория применяется к анализу чувствительности сенсоров на поверхностных волнах.
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A rigorous formulation of a theoretical method for investigating reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a flat-layered structure in the Kretschmann configuration is presented. Excitation of a surface wave is investigated taking into account diffraction effects caused by the finite aperture of the incident wave. Attention here is paid to ap...
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The diffraction phenomena associated with the limited aperture size of an incident wave are considered on the basis of a theoretical method for studying the reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a plane-layered multifilm structure with homogeneous films. The proposed theory is applied to the analysis of the sensitivity of sensors based on...
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An original theoretical method for the study of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a plane-layered structure consisting of anisotropic films is used to develop optical modulators and tunable sensors. Relatively low switching voltages of modulators allow applications of such units in modern ICs and make it possible to construct high-rat...
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A theoretical method for the determination of an electric field near a paraboloidal metal (conducting) tip has been proposed. The accuracy of the proposed numerical solution has been analyzed. The dependence of the electric field strength at the tip vertex on the distance to the plane, which is applicable for predicting fields in various physical p...
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A method for increasing the sensitivity of surface-wave sensors in multifilm structures is proposed based on the results of a theoretical study of the reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a flat-layered structure containing homogeneous films. A method for optimizing the parameters of the films forming the surface structure is developed...
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A method for increasing the sensitivity of surface-wave sensors in multifilm structures is proposed based on the results of a theoretical study of the reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a flat-layered structure containing homogeneous films. A method for optimizing the parameters of the films forming the surface structure is developed a...
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На основе разработанного теоретического метода нахождения электрического поля в окрестности метал-лического острия параболоидальной формы, расположенного у плоской металлической поверхности, и теории термополевой электронной эмиссии из металла рассмотрена задача определения тока эмиссии в зависимости от напряжения, радиуса закругления острия и расс...
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Исследуется фокусировка электромагнитной энергии оптического диапазона частот в на-норазмерную пространственную область в окрестности нановершины металлического микроострия, расположенного вблизи слоистой структуры, состоящей из плоских ди-электрических и/или металлических слоев. Предполагается, что фокусировка возникает при симметричном схождении...
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Исследуется нанофокусировка электромагнитной энергии оптического диапазона частот в наноразмерную пространственную область в окрестности нановершины металлического микроострия (радиус закругления вершины порядка нескольких нанометров), возникающая при схождении к нему поверхностной плазмонной волны. Граница металла вблизи вершины приближенно рассма...
Nanofocusing of the electromagnetic energy of the optical frequency range into a nanosized spatial area in the vicinity of the nanoapex of a metallic microtip with a radius of curvature of the apex on the order of a few nanometers, which occurs when the surface plasmon wave converges to the tip, is studied. The metal boundary near the apex is consi...
We study the focusing of an optical electromagnetic wave into a nanoscale spatial region in the vicinity of the nanoapex of a metal microtip, arising due to a convergent surface plasmon wave. The metal boundary near the nanoapex is approximated by a paraboloid of revolution. It is proved that an increase in the metal absorption in approaching the n...
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Consideration is given to nanofocusing the electromagnetic energy of an optic frequency at the nanodimensional space region near a nanoapex of the metallic microtip. It is suggested that at the vicinity of the microtip’s apex the surface plasmon standing wave with TE symmetry is exited. The metal boundary near the nanoapex is approximated by a para...
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Consideration is given to nanofocusing the electromagnetic energy of an optic frequency at the nanodimensional space region near a nanoapex of the metallic microtip. It is suggested that at the vicinity of the microtip's apex the surface plasmon standing wave with TE symmetry is exited The metal boundary near the nanoapex is approximated by a parab...
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Focusing of electromagnetic energy of the optical range into a nanoscale spatial region is studied in the vicinity of a metal microtip (the radius of curvature of the tip of the order of several nanometres), arising due to a convergent surface plasmon (generally, surface plasmon polariton) wave. The metal boundary near the tip is approximated by a...
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Исследована фокусировка энергии электромагнитного излучения оптического диапазона частот в наноразмерную про- странственную область в окрестности вершины металлического микроострия (радиус закругления вершины порядка нескольких нанометров), возникающая при схождении к нему поверхностной плазмонной (в общем случае плазмон- поляритонной) волны. Грани...
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It was shown that if the microwave reactors are built as a low power circuit, without special care about microwave leakage, the reactors may be dangerous for personnel. On the basis of human body’s microwave absorption modeling, it is shown that the standard limits microwave radiation accepted for personnel in US and Europe for 2.45 GHz frequency r...
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The paper shows that recent astronomical observations, from which the conclusion was drawn about the accelerated expansion of the Universe, can be interpreted differently. Accelerated expansion can be the result of the erroneous assumption that light from remote supernovae passes to the observer practically without attenuation (the intensity is inv...
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The fundamental restrictions on the resolution of optical systems are considered. The main attention of the investigation is devoted to the resolution of the lenses made of a negative-index material. It is shown that the superresolution concept is not correct and the possibility of obtaining a perfect image on its own eventually contradicts Maxwell...
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The development of the theory of three-dimensional harmonic mappings is considered. The new classes of mappings that generate three-dimensional harmonic functions are introduced. The physical interpretation of these mappings is applied to electrostatics problems. It is found that these mappings locally conserve electric charge of the equipotential...
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Resolution of the lenses made of a negative-index material is considered. It is shown that the super-resolution concept is untenable and the possibility of obtaining a perfect image on its own eventually contradicts Maxwell's equations in vacuum. It is also shown that known limitations of the diffraction theory on resolution of optical instruments...
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The microscopic structure of dielectric polarization and its applications for microscopic description of polarized dielectrics have been studied in the approximation of point polarizing dipoles. The range of applicability of this approximation to the existing materials and the metamaterials with metal spheres have been estimated on the basis of num...
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The problem of searching for the potential energy and the energy spectrum of the electrons localized over the surface of a thin liquid or solid inert film due to address electrodes placed under the film is considered.
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Nanofocusing of electromagnetic energy of the optical range near a microscale sharp cone tip on a metallic surface of the convergent surface plasmon-polariton wave is considered. Two regimes of focusing, which differ by a type of in the peculiarity of the electric field, are found. A transition from one regime to the other upon changing the apex an...
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A method for determining the heat effect that accompanies the thermal-field emission of electrons from metal into vacuum is proposed in the context of a standard model of free-electrons in the metal. Particular attention is given to a quantitative investigation of the cooling regime of a metal surface due to the electron emission. It is demonstrate...
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An electric field is considered in the vicinity of the wetting line of a dielectric plate of a conducting or a dielectric liquid. It is shown that the electric field is, at the wetting line, a feature where the modulus of the field tends to infinity when the distance from the wetting line tends to zero. At a wetting angle differing from zero, the g...
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Conditions for nanofocusing of electromagnetic energy of the optical frequency at the apex of conical metallic tips used as a surface plasmon polaritons waveguide are considered. The nanofocusing of the surface plasmon polaritons wave at the ideally sharp apex of conical metal tips is accompanied by electric field singularity at the apex. The chara...
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The electric field in the vicinity of a cone apex has an integrable singularity. Therefore, in order to calculate the thermofield emission current from a conical tip, it is necessary to find the emission current density at extremely high electric fields at the cone apex. In this paper, an original method for correctly calculating the electric field...
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The electric field in the neighborhood of the tip of conical point exhibits an integrable special feature. Therefore, for calculating the current of thermionic-field emission from a conical point, one has to find (or reasonably estimate) the emission current density, including that at high and, in the limit, infinite fields. It is suggested to solv...
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Conditions for the optimal concentration of electromagnetic energy of the optical frequency at the apex of the sharp tapered metallic tips used as the surface plasmon polariton waveguide are considered. It is theoretically predicted that nanofocusing of the surface wave is optimal when singularity of the electric field of the focusing wave exists a...
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In this chapter it was proved the fundamental result of diffraction theory: for any focusing system the existence of singularity at image point of a point source is impossible in principle. The result was illustrated for the important focusing system consisted of a layer of material with negative refraction (the superlens).
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We suggest a general approach to considering the thermionic, field, and thermionic field emissions of electrons from metals. For this purpose, based on the standard model of free electrons in a metal, we suggest a numerical method for determining the transmission coefficient through the potential barrier at the metal-vacuum interface suitable for a...
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Magnetocapillary and electrocapillary instabilities of a conducting liquid cylinder are considered, which cause the splitting of the cylinder throughout its length. Linearized magnetohydrodynamic equations describing such instabilities are considered, and their increments are found in the limit of low viscosity and high conductivity. It is demonstr...
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We consider the problem of finding the energy spectrum of electrons localized above the surface of a liquid helium film under the electrostatic attraction of induced charges. We show that the forces of attraction to the charges induced on the surface of a conductor located beneath the film begin to additionally influence the forces of attraction of...
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Focusing of an electromagnetic wave radiated by a point source and transmitted through a plane layer filled with a medium with negative refractive index is considered. An elementary electric Hertzian dipole located in the air (or vacuum) parallel to the boundaries of the layer is considered as a point source of radiation. It is rigorously shown tha...
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Refraction of an electromagnetic wave from a point source to a medium with a negative refractive index is considered. An electric Hertz dipole that is located in air and directed parallel to a plane interface is considered as the point source. It is rigorously shown that the electromagnetic radiation propagated from the dipole into the medium with...
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The axisymmetric electrocapillary instability of a conducting liquid cylinder is considered. Exact solutions of linearized Navier-Stokes equations are investigated in view of viscosity of liquid. The rates of rise of instabilities and the wavelength of the most unstable mode are found. Special attention is given to the effect of electric field.
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The electrocapillary instability of a conducting liquid cylinder is analyzed. Exact solutions to the linearized Navier-Stokes equations are examined. Growth rates are found for several unstable modes, including both axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric ones. Special attention is given to the electric field effects on the temporal growth and length scal...
The pattern of electric field singularity on the line of wetting of dielectric by conducting liquid is considered. It is known that the modulus of electric field in this case tends to infinity while the distance from the line of wetting tends to zero, i.e., the electric field has a singularity on the line of wetting. In the case of nonzero wetting...
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Electric field is analyzed at the tip of the conical protrusion of a conductive liquid surface that forms as the field strength approaches certain threshold values. When the field exceeds the threshold, the cone tip generally becomes unstable and emits a slender jet. The field strength at the sharp tip of a conducting liquid cone tends to infinity....
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A third part is presented of an investigation into a thermomechanical AFM data-storage array with local-rewriting capability. Its ultimate performance is assessed by computer simulation in terms of characteristic read time, energy consumption per heating pulse, and maximum reading sensitivity. To this end, a mathematical model is specifically devel...
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The paper deals with the possibility of controlling convective heat transfer in a dielectric liquid by way of imposition of an electric field on the system. Two-dimensional numerical simulation is used to analyze the effect of a nonuniform electric field on the structure of convective motions and on the effectiveness of convective heat transfer. Th...
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Heat transfer in a thermomechanical probe operated in a noble gas is studied by computer sim-ulation in the collisionless approximation. The study is motivated by the fact that heat transfer in the gaseous environment becomes the main factor affecting the data-reading sensitivity as the fea-ture sizes of thermomechanical probes used in data-storage...
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The size of elements of modern thermomechanical data storage devices approaches the length of molecular free path for gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. In such devices, the heat transfer by gas molecules is the main factor defining the sensitivity of thermomechanical reading of data. This paper deals with heat transfer in devices wi...
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Heat transfer in a thermomechanical probe operated in a noble gas is studied by computer simulation in the collisionless approximation. The study is motivated by the fact that heat transfer in the gaseous environment becomes the main factor affecting the data-reading sensitivity as the feature sizes of thermomechanical probes used in data-storage s...
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In this paper, the electron–cyclotron resonance (ECR) mechanism of electrons heating by electromagnetic wave in ECR microwave low-pressure plasma reactors is considered. In such reactors, ionization is mainly provided by fast electrons trapped by multipolar magnetic system. A particle simulation is carried out for statistical ensemble of electrons...
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The problem is treated of sustaining plasma in low-pressure electron-cyclotron-resonance plasma reactors in which the main source of ionization is provided by fast electrons blocked in magnetic traps of multipolar magnet systems. The electron-cyclotron heating of electrons by the electric field of a microwave is analyzed. The numerical simulation o...
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Heat transfer in a thermomechanical probe operated in a noble gas is studied by computer simulation in the collisionless approximation. The study is motivated by the fact that heat transfer in the gaseous environment becomes the main factor affecting the data-reading sensitivity as the feature sizes of thermomechanical probes used in data-storage s...


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