Andrey V. NasedkinSouthern Federal University | sfedu · Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science
Andrey V. Nasedkin
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Publications (172)
A new method for the fabrication of ceramic-matrix piezocomposites (CMC) ceramics/ceramics has been developed. Samples of piezoactive PZT/PZT composites with a mass concentration of components from 0 to 50% have been obtained. The study of microstructural and gravimetric features, as well as the dielectric properties of CMC, has been carried out. F...
The paper considers the homogenization problems for two-component poroelastic composites with a random structure of nanosized inclusions. The nanoscale nature of the inclusions was taken into account according to the generalized Gurtin–Murdoch theory by specifying surface elastic and porous stresses at the interface boundaries, the scale factor of...
The homogenization problem is described for a nanoporous material having a regular structure of Gibson-Ashby cells. The nanoscale factor is taken into account according to the Gurtin-Murdoch model of surface stresses. The homogenization problems were solved numerically by the finite element method using the ANSYS package. Technologies for creating...
In this paper, a comprehensive study of microstructure peculiarities and electromechanical properties of porous piezoceramics based on PZT compositions was performed. Experimental samples of porous piezoceramics were fabricated using a modified method of burning-out a pore formers. Porosity dependencies of elastic, dielectric, and electromechanical...
The paper presents a finite element analysis of a disk-shaped piezoelectric transducer with end-cap patches, which is usually called as Cymbal transducer. The efficiency of such a transducer is determined both by its geometric dimensions and by the values of the longitudinal and transverse piezoelectric moduli (piezoelectric charge coefficients) of...
This paper focuses on the numerical analysis of the properties of porous piezoelectric composites with metal-doped pore surfaces and assesses their effectiveness as piezoelectric sensors and actuators. Two types of porous piezoelectric composite systems are considered: the ordinary porous system and the system with metalized pore surfaces (SMPS). T...
Using the methods of effective moduli and finite elements, the elastic properties of foam materials are investigated based on models of regular lattices composed of Gibson–Ashby cells. The dependencies of the effective moduli and the anisotropy coefficient on porosity are analyzed for different lattice sizes and for different thicknesses of the edg...
Piezoelectric transducers can be classified into two main categories: piezoelectric sensors/generators and piezoelectric motors/actuators. piezoelectric sensors depend on the principle of direct piezoelectric effect, while the piezoelectric actuators rely on the converse piezoelectric effect. Some piezoelectric transducers utilize the direct piezoe...
This paper explores a piezoelectric composite composed of a piezoceramic matrix and randomly dispersed hollow metal inclusions. This composite was created by combining porous ceramic manufacturing processes with microcapsule transfer techniques previously used to deliver nanoparticle medications in medicinal applications. The equivalent properties...
This paper investigates a piezoelectric composite made up of a piezoceramic matrix with irregularly scattered random-sized hollow metal inclusions. This composite can be produced using a combination of porous ceramic fabrication methods and microcapsule transfer techniques that were previously utilized to deliver nanoparticle medicines in biomedica...
1-3], при гомогенизации исследуемых композитов ис-пользуются модели представительных объемов с расположенными на гра-ницах пор фиктивными материалами или с очень большими упругими жесткостями (для жестких границ), или с очень большими диэлектриче-скими проницаемостями (для проводящих покрытий), или с пренебрежимо малыми модулями (для пор). Такие мо...
In this paper, symmetric and antisymmetric antiplane problems about the motion with a constant subsonic velocity of an oscillating load along the boundary of an elastic isotropic nanothin strip are considered. The nanoscale strip thickness is considered by introducing surface stresses in accordance with the Gurtin-Murdoch theory. According to this...
In this paper, we study multiscale methods for piezocomposites. We consider a model of static piezoelectric problem that consists of deformation with respect to components of displacements and a function of electric potential. This problem includes the equilibrium equations, the quasi-electrostatic equation for dielectrics, and a system of coupled...
A comparison of the two different approaches for modelling damage in material in an infinitesimal strain setting is studied. The first approach is the nonlocal gradient enhanced damage model where the damage variable is taken as an independent variable which will be determined based on the local strain measure. Here, the nonlocal integral form is a...
The paper considers models of foam materials in the form of Gibson–Ashby cell arrays. The method of effective moduli, based on the equality of the potential energies of the porous and homogeneous material, is described. Six boundary value problems of the linear static elasticity theory for a representative volume are given. These problems together...
The problem on determining the effective properties of mixed composites consisting of a piezoceramic matrix with metal inclusions and pores is investigated. Composites with microporosity and mesoporosity are compared. For microporous composites, two-level models of two-phase structures are used. At the microlevel, the effective properties of a piez...
The electromechanical properties of piezoelectric materials can be modified for some specific applications, e.g., hydrophone sensing applications, by incorporating a controlled porosity into them. This work investigates the effective moduli of a newly developed piezoelectric composite, fabricated using a novel approach, in which micro-and nanoparti...
This paper presents a numerical homogenization analysis of a porous piezoelectric composite with a partially metalized pore surface. The metal layers can be added to the pore surfaces to improve the mechanical and electromechanical properties of ordinary porous piezocomposites. Physically, constructing that composite with completely metalized pore...
The paper considers a porous piezoelectric composite with metal layers deposited on the interface between the piezoelectric and vacuum phases. Such metal layers can be added technologically to improve the mechanical and electromechanical properties of the composite. To find the effective moduli, we designed a simple representative cubic volume of a...
This work investigates a developed porous piezoelectric composite with metal layers introduced at the interfaces between the piezoelectric and vacuum phases. These metal layers can be added to improve the mechanical and electromechanical properties of the composite. The ordinary porous piezocomposite, which contains only vacuum pores, and the piezo...
Phase field method is used to study the dynamic crack propagation and branching in a brittle materials. The phase-field method uses a length scale parameter to regularise the discrete crack to a diffuse crack. The coupled system containing displacement field and the phase-field is solved as sequentially coupled system using the staggered method. Th...
The paper considers the problem of determining the effective properties of piezoceramics with metal inclusions. The homogenization problem was numerically solved in the representative volume with closed structure of inclusions. The effective moduli behavior was analyzed depending on the fraction of inclusions for piezoceramic PZT-5A with platinum i...
In this work, we studied elastic and electromechanical characteristics and microstructural features of piezoactive ceramic-matrix composites PZT/LiNbO3 with a volume fraction of microcrystalline LiNbO3 filler from 0 to 15 vol. %. The dependences of the complex elastic and electromechanical parameters of composite piezoelectric elements on LiNbO3 mi...
The spatial problem of calculating the effective permittivity of two-component composite, consisting of a base material filling a spherical layer and one spherical inclusion, is considered. The homogenization problem is solved by effective moduli method with calculation of the energy characteristics in the composite medium and in its individual pha...
The plane problem of calculating the effective dielectric constant of two-phase composite consisting of main material with one circular inclusion is considered. To solve the homogenization problem, the method of effective moduli with the support of the energy balance between the composite and the homogeneous comparison medium was used. In the solut...
In this work, complex studies of the elastic dispersion and losses in porous piezoceramics based on solid solutions of the PZT system were carried out. Full set of complex constants of porous ceramics with different porosity and their frequency dependences were measured using the piezoelectric resonance analysis method.The microstructural and physi...
This investigation is devoted to the determination of the material properties of piezoelectric mixed composites with stochastically distributed inclusions or pores and with mechanical imperfect interface, which simulates the nanoscale effects. Finite element package ANSYS was used to simulate the representative volume element and to calculate the e...
This paper describes analytical and numerical modeling of the energy harvesting device based on composite piezoelectric materials. The device is a nonuniformly polarized porous piezoceramic compound plate such as a Rosen‐type piezoelectric transformer with single bimorph section. The effective properties of porous piezoceramics with great longitudi...
This paper concerns the homogenization problems for porous piezocomposites with infinitely thin metalized pore surfaces. To determine the effective properties, we used the effective moduli method and the finite element approaches, realized in the ANSYS package. As a simple model of the representative volume, we applied a unit cell of porous piezoce...
Flutter is a dynamic instability of an elastic structure subjected to fluid flow. Flutter phenomenon of the beam cannot occur unless bending and twisting vibrations occur simultaneously. This paper intends to eliminate the flutter phenomenon by suppressing the bending mode vibrations. The mathematical model under study is the Euler–Bernoulli beam r...
Рассматриваются задачи гомогенизации для определения эффективных модулей керамоматричных пьезокомпозитов с учетом разномасштабной пористости. Полагается, что пьезокомпозит состоит из пьезокерамической матрицы, более жестких упругих корундовых включений и пор. Применяются две модели пористости: для микропор и для мезопор. Микропорами называются расп...
The problem of determining the effective moduli of a ceramic matrix piezocomposite with respect to multiscale porosity was considered. To solve the homogenization problem, the method of effective moduli in the standard formulation, the finite element method and the ANSYS computational package were used. Various models of two-phase and three-phase c...
The paper presents the current version of the finite element package ACELAN-COMPOS with the focus on its capabilities for solving the homogenization problems for piezoelectric composites with inhomogeneous polarization of piezoceramic phase. We describe the basic version of the effective moduli method, as well as the simplified theoretical approach...
The paper deals with the problem of finding the effective moduli of a ceramic matrix composite with surface stresses on the interphase boundaries. The composite consists of a PZT ceramic matrix, elastic inclusions and interface boundaries. It is assumed that the interface stresses depend on the surface strains according to the Gurtin–Murdoch model....
The chapter deals with the model problem of finding the effective moduli of a nanoporous elastic material, in which the surface stresses are defined on the pore surface to reflect the size effect using the Gurtin–Murdoch model. One cell of a porous material in the form of a cube with one pore located in the center is considered. The objective of th...
The present paper considers the homogenization problems for two-phase piezocomposite materials with random inclusions and with taking into account the mechanical imperfect interface boundaries. The accepted constitutive equations on the interface correspond to the Gurtin–Murdoch model for surface stresses and give a significant effect only for nano...
At the present work, we have studied high-intensity ultrasound fields of standing cylindrical waves, generated by cylindrical piezoelectric transducer with radial polarization in its internal volume filled by liquid. The paper is focused on the study of length-extensional and thickness vibrational modes of cylindrical piezoelectric transducer. We h...
The present paper considers the homogenization problems for mixed piezoelectric composite materials with stochastic distributions of inclusions or pores and with taking into account the mechanical imperfect interphase boundaries. The accepted interface statements correspond to the Gurtin - Murdoch model and give a significant contribution only for...
In this paper, we consider the problem of calculating the effective moduli of elastic materials with random and open porosity structures. To create a representative volume of the composite, we use the special algorithm of the ACELAN-COMPOS package. This algorithm in a cubic volume generates the structure of the finite elements with material propert...
The paper investigates a disk-shaped piezoelectric transducer with plano-concave surface. Special form of the construction enhances the flexibility of the transducer and improves its effectiveness similar to the known transducers of Cymbal and Moonie types. The analysis of the transducer was performed using the finite element technologies and ANSYS...
In this chapter, for modeling magnetoelectric or piezomagnetoelectric media and transducers, the special mathematical model, which generalize the model of the magnetoelectric material with dissipation, and the Cowin-Nunziato approach for the elastic and piezoelectric media with voids are proposed. Using these models for magnetoelectric bodies with...
The chapter deals with the finite element modeling of the disk piezoelectric transducer with cymbal-shaped end-caps. Under radial oscillations of piezoceramic disk this transducer generates axial oscillations with large amplitude thanks to more flexible metal end-caps. One of the factors contributing to the efficiency of transformating radial displ...
The evolution of damage in laminated fiber reinforced composites is a complex phenomenon, which involves interaction of different modes of failure like fiber breakage, matrix cracking, fiber-matrix debonding and delamination. In the present work the effect of fiber volume fraction and different damage mechanisms such as fiber breakage, fiber-matrix...
In this work, we present the behaviour of laminated composite plates, subjected to a static bending load under the influence of varying value of material length scale parameters. Reddy’s (J Appl Mech 51:745, 1984 [1]) third order shear deformation theory (TSDT) is used, which describes the kinematics accurately. The geometric nonlinearity, which pr...
The possibility is considered of inducing high intensity ultrasonic fields in an oil-filled cylindrical volume using a radially polarized hollow cylindrical transducer. Conditions for forming standing cylindrical waves within the studied volume are established. Finite element simulations of the abovementioned transducer are performed along with its...
The problem of material properties identification for modern active composites is closely connected to the state of the art methods of design and manufacturing using composite and smart materials. This chapter deals with computer design of multiscale two-phase piezomagnetoelectric (magnetoelectric) bulk composites in finite element software ACELAN-...
The paper considers homogenization problems for porous piezoceramic material with partially metallized pore surfaces. It is assumed that the thickness of the metal layer at the boundaries of the pores is infinitesimally small, and the metallization effect is entirely described by setting the boundary conditions for equipotential surfaces. Following...
The paper presents a mathematical and computer modeling of effective properties of porous piezoelectric materials of three types: with ordinary porosity, with metallized pore surfaces, and with nanoscale porosity structure. The described integrated approach includes the effective moduli method of composite mechanics, simulation of representative vo...
The paper is devoted to finite element software ACELAN-COMPOS developed by the authors. It presents the approaches to the determination of the effective properties of piezoelectric two-phase composite materials based on the effective moduli method, the algorithms for generating representative volumes with specified properties, and the finite elemen...
Through the developed technique, the finite-element optimization and the experimental validation of the construction and parameters of low-frequency bimorph piezoelectric transducers designed for the diagnostics and activation of oil wells are carried out.
The chapter describes the methodology of finite element solutions of linear and nonlinear problems of dissipative heating of piezoelectric vibratory gyroscopes, working in the mode of steady-state oscillations. The continual formulations of these problems and their finite element approximations are presented. The chapter also presents the numerical...
The paper considers the technique of determining effective characteristics of microporous piezoceramic material with random porosity and local alloying (metallized) pore surfaces. The presented investigation is based on a complex approach, which included the effective moduli method for the mechanics of composites, modeling of representative volumes...
The chapter presents mathematical modelling and computer design of effective properties of anisotropic porous elastic materials with a nanoscale random structure of porosity. This integrated approach includes the effective moduli method of composite mechanics, the simulation of representative volumes with stochastic porosity and the finite element...
This chapter considers the eigenvalue problems for nanodimensional piezoelectric bodies with voids and with account for uncoupled mechanical and electric surface effect. The piezoelectric body is examined in frictionless contact with massive rigid plane punches and covered by the system of open-circuited and short-circuited electrodes. The linear t...
In this chapter the dynamic problems for piezoelectric nanosized bodies with account for coupled damping and surface effects are considered. For these problems we propose new mathematical model which generalizes the models of the elastic medium with damping in sense of the Rayleigh approach and with surface effects for the cases of piezoelectric ma...
The chapter presents the mathematical models for thermopiezomagnetoelectric composite materials of an arbitrary anisotropy classes for computer engineering finite element package ACELAN. These homogenization models are based on the method of effective moduli with different boundary conditions, the approaches for generation of representative volumes...
In this work an integrated approach has been proposed for the determination of the effective mechanical and temperature properties of thermoelastic periodic brick masonry wall with various porous structures. According to the classical method of determining effective moduli of composites, in order to describe internal micro- or macrostructure, we co...
The dynamic problems for two-phase piezomagnetoelectric nanosized bodies with account for surface and interphase effects and damping are considered. For these problems we propose the new mathematical model generalizing the models of the elastic medium with damping within the Rayleigh approach accounting for surface and interphase effects in the cas...
The paper presents a computer design of effective properties of microporous piezoceramic materials with fully metallized pore surfaces based on the simulation of the representative volume structure, the effective moduli method of the composite mechanics, and the finite element method. ANSYS finite element software was used to obtain numerical solut...
The paper presents an integrated approach for determination of effective properties of anisotropic porous thermoelastic materials with a nanoscale stochastic porosity structure. This approach includes the effective moduli method for composite me-chanics, the simulation of representative volumes and the finite element method. In order to take into a...
This research presents the new size-dependent models of piezoelectric materials oriented to finite element applications. The proposed models include the facilities of taking into account different mechanisms of damping for mechanical and electric fields. The coupled models also incorporate the equations of the theory of acoustics for viscous fluids...
The dynamic problems for piezomagnetoelectric nanosized bodies with account for damping and surface effects are considered. For these problems, we propose the new mathematical model, which generalizes the models of the elastic medium with damping in sense of the Rayleigh approach and with surface effects
for the cases of piezoelectric
and magnetoel...
The paper considers a focusing piezoelectric transducer in the form of a spherical segment with technological hole in the center and with separated electrodes. This transducer is designed to generate high-intensity ultrasonic fields with controllable characteristics in the focal spot in the external acoustic medium. In order to enhance the efficien...
This paper presents the method to improve the performance of underwater transducers based on the porous piezoelectric ceramics. The Pareto-based approach has been used for the optimization of two types of devices: multilayered projector with an active layer made of porous piezoe-lectric ceramics and the membrane-type hydrophone with a perforated ac...
In the present paper, a dynamic behavior of piezoelectric vibratory gyroscope in the form of a hollow piezoelectric cylinder with two pairs of electrodes placed crosswise on the outer side surface has been analyzed. In the case of one fixed end, two variants of the piezoceramic material polarization have been considered, namely, full radial polariz...
In this work, a novel approach for optimization of finite element modeling (FEM) of lossy piezoelectric elements has been proposed. Procedure of optimization has consisted in sequential and iterative application of FEM and piezoelectric resonance analysis to complex electric impedance spectra of piezoceramic elements. For validation of proposed opt...
Homogeneous problems of vibrations of nanodimensional piezoelectric bodies with surface stresses and electric charges taken into account are studied. The boundary conditions modeling the frictionless contact of a body with rigid massive punches and the body coverings by a system of open and grounded electrodes are considered. The weak statements of...
Draft version of book chapter, which is preparing for NOVA science publ.
The paper presents the Mathematical models of reversible and irreversible processes in the polycrystalline ferroelectric materials (ceramics) for a computational finite element package ACELAN. Irreversible processes are described by the nonlinear models of polarization and depolarization by an electric field and mechanical stress. New release of AC...
Theoretical aspects of the effective moduli method for an inhomogeneous piezoelectric media were examined. Different models of representative volume were considered. Corresponding equations for calculation of effective moduli of piezoelectric media with arbitrary anisotropy were derived. Based on these equations and using finite element method (FEM...
The paper discusses the approaches to the determination of the effective material properties of magnetoelectric and piezoelectric composite materials based on the effective moduli method and the finite element techniques for solving the problems for the representative volumes. The paper suggests a set of algorithms with use of symmetric saddle poin...
The paper presents the mathematical models for computational finite element package ACELAN V14. New release of ACELAN is focused not only on the composite
piezoelectric and acoustic media, but also supplemented by more general materials with connectivity of mechanical, electrical, magnetic and thermal fields. In addition, for simulation...
The paper deals with computer design of multiscale two-phase piezomagnetoelectric (magnetoelectric) bulk composites that consist of piezomagnetic and piezoelectric fractions of regular and irregular structures, modeling of the representative volumes, taking into account for microstructure features, using the finite element technologies for solving...
The paper considers the dynamic problems for piezomagnetoelectric nanodimensional bodies with account for surface stresses, surface electric charges and surface magnetic pseudocharges. For transient problem the new mathematical model is suggested, which generalize the model of the elastic medium with damping properties and surface
effects for the...
We consider the harmonic and eigenvalue problems for piezoelectric nanodimensional bodies with account for surface stresses and surface electric charges. For harmonic problem new mathematical model is suggested, which generalizes the model of the piezoelectric medium with damping properties, boundary conditions of contact type and surface effects....
The adequate complexity three-dimensional finite element model of biomechanical system with space, shell and beam-type elements was built. The model includes the Ilizarov fixator and tibial bones simulator with the regenerating tissue at the fracture location. The proposed model allows us to specify the orthotropic elastic properties of tibial bone...
The work discusses the approaches to the determination of the effective properties of magnetoelectric composite materials based on the effective moduli method, modeling of the representative volumes with account for the microstructure and the finite element technique for the representative volumes.
this paper concerns a multiobjective optimization problem for an underwater ultrasonic transducer based on the porous piezoelectric ceramics. The number of the design variables was decreased using the obtained dependences for the effective characteristics of PZT material on porosity. The optimization problem based on the Pareto-frontier calculation...