Andreja Sironić

Andreja Sironić
Rudjer Boskovic Institute | RBI · Division of Experimental Physics


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Publications (42)
The Second International Mortar Dating Intercomparison Study (MODIS2) took place in 2020. Three mortar samples from different sites and chronologies were distributed among various research groups in form of bulk mortar and grain fraction smaller than 150 µm. This is the first time the Zagreb Radiocarbon Laboratory, with support of the Center of App...
Radiocarbon (Δ14C) was measured for four years (2019–2022) in Zagreb (Croatia) and in Cvetković village near Jastrebarsko (Zagreb County, Croatia) to see whether there are differences between the city site and the rural one because of the fossil fuel combustion. The δ13CCO2 was measured as grab samples once in a month in period December 2020–Novemb...
The project ‘Last Neanderthals at the Crossroads of Central Europe and the Mediterranean’ (NECEM) combines lithic analyses of previously excavated material with new sampling for dating and environmental DNA. New radiocarbon dates from Vindija, presented here, help clarify the chronology of late Neanderthal and early modern human occupations in Sout...
Over the course of one year (2021), we monitored the carbon isotope composition of atmospheric CO2 at three locations in Croatia: the Adriatic port city of Rijeka (Cfa climate) and at two rural sites: Gornje Jelenje (Cfb climate) in the vicinity of a main road and clean-air site Parg (Dfb climate). Carbon isotope composition at all sites shows seas...
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Between 1979 and 2003, a 35 cm thick layer of laminated tufa formed around a wooden pillar located at the beginning of the Korana River, which emerges from the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia. The laminated tufa structure allowed for the stratigraphic analysis of mineral, elemental and δ18O and δ13C isotope composition. Results are compared to other carbon...
For more than 40 years, isotope research of environmental compartments has been conducted at the Plitvice Lakes. Though it started with initial idea to radiocarbon date tufa, the emerged problems regarding tufa dating eventually led to isotope research of water and carbon cycles, dating of tufa and sediments by other isotopes, using sediment and tu...
Carbonization, i.e., turning organic sample to carbon, was validated for the benzene synthesis for the radiocarbon liquid scintillation measurement. Tests of sample preparation by combustion, carbonization followed by combustion and carbonization followed by a direct reaction with lithium were performed. Wood and charcoal samples were good for carb...
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The Zagreb aquifer is the main source of potable water for the inhabitants of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. It presents a strategic water reserve protected by the Republic of Croatia. All previous studies related to the definition of the groundwater–surface interaction in the study area have been made based on the isotopic composition of th...
Determination of fraction of biogenic component in liquid fuels by a direct radiocarbon measurement in liquid scintillation counter (direct-LSC method) has been validated by participation in the international intercomparison exercise. All the results for samples with the standard quench parameter SQP(E) value above ≈ 650 were accepted. Highly quenc...
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Past environments of the Earth's surface may be deciphered and modelled using stable isotopes along with mineralogical, sedimentological, biological, palaeontological, chemical and climatological methodologies. This volume is devoted to studies investigating the distribution of stable isotopes in precipitation and groundwaters and their interaction...
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Tufa is a fresh-water surface calcium carbonate deposit precipitated at or near ambient temperature, and commonly contains the remains of macro- and microphytes. Many Holocene tufas are found along the Zrmanja River, Dalmatian karst, Croatia. In this work we present radiocarbon dating results of older tufa that was found for the first time at the Z...
Karst environments preserve some of the best archives of past climate, vegetation, hydrology, anthropogenic impact, and landscape evolution providing that a reliable chronology can be established. Here we present an example of the system of the Plitvice Lakes (Dinaric karst, Croatia), which is characterized by intensive tufa and lake sediment forma...
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During archeological excavations in the Lower Cerovačka Cave (Mt. Velebit, Croatia), the test trench penetrated to a depth of 1.8 m. An undisturbed sequence of sediments was exposed. Considering that caves represent highly efficient sediment traps it was possible to recognize changes in the depositional mechanisms during the Pleistocene–Holocene pe...
This paper presents the results of the archaeological excavations conducted next to Fort Sokol in Konavle in 2012 and 2013, as well as the results of the anthropological analysis and radiocarbon (14C) dating. The site of Sokol has a long occupation continuity starting from prehistory until the Early Modern Period. The excavation of the area adjoini...
An underwater survey was conducted in September of 2020 on several locations in Kaštela Bay, mainly around the area of Pantan near Trogir, with the aim of assessing the potential of these locations for more detailed investigations. The limited survey gave positive results, as the collected prehistoric and Roman material pointed to a great potential...
Radiocarbon activity (a 14 C) and 13 C composition (δ 13 C) were measured in hygrophyte and mesophyte (land) mosses collected in the natural habitat of the Plitvice Lakes and along the Zrmanja and Krupa Rivers (typical continental and Mediterranean climates, respectively), Croatia. a 14 C and δ 13 C values of mosses, of atmospheric CO2 and dissolve...
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The application of tritium, 2H, and 18O in the characterization of the precipitation, groundwater, and surface and lake water of the Plitvice Lakes (PL), Croatia, over the 1979–2019 period is presented. An increase in the mean annual air temperature of 0.06 °C/year and in the annual precipitation amount of 10 mm/year is observed. The good correlati...
Carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was studied at springs, lakes and tributaries of the Plitvice Lakes. The Plitvice Lakes are a unique and complex karst lakes system consisting of 16 flow-through lakes connected by waterfalls and streams and characterized by intense calcium carbonate precipitation in the form of tufa an...
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The isotope composition of precipitation has been monitored in monthly precipitation at Zagreb, Croatia, since 1976. Here, we present a statistical analysis of available long-term isotope data (3H activity concentration, 2H, 18O, and deuterium excess) and compare them to basic meteorological data. The aim was to see whether isotope composition re...
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Tritium presents a natural radioactive isotope which can be used as a tracer in hydrology. This paper presents the usage of tritium in hydrogeological research of the Zagreb aquifer, which presents the country`s strategic water reserves and is protected by the Republic of Croatia. In the research area, higher tritium content in surface water and gr...
The Aqueduct is one of the city landmarks of Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. It was part of a water-supply system, with a total original length of about 10 km, while its surface remains are about 385 m long. The age of the Aqueduct is not known—several hypotheses place it to periods between the 6th and 16th centuries. Six mortar samples from d...
This study combines radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) analysis and sclerochronology research, an approach that to the best of our knowledge, has not yet been applied using bivalves from the Mediterranean Sea. We analyzed shells from the North Adriatic Sea: live- and dead-collected specimens of the infaunal bivalve Glycymeris pilosa and two dead-collected specime...
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Summary Nikolina Topić, Ines Krajcar Bronić, Andreja Sironić RESULTS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE AND DATING OF WOODEN FOUNDATION BEAMS FROM THE ATRIUM OF THE RECTOR’S PALACE IN DUBROVNIK The Rector’s Palace in Dubrovnik is one of the most prominent Gothic-Renaissance buildings on the Adriatic coast. It was transformed from a defensive buildin...
In this work, we present the results of radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) dating of three historically important objects related to the period of the reign of the Ottoman Empire in Europe. The following objects from the museum collection of the Franciscan Monastery in Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina were ¹⁴ C dated: (1) paper from the Ahdname ( Fojnička ahdnama...
Six sediment cores, the top 30–40 cm, from two lakes of different sizes, Lake Prošće and Lake Kaluđerovac, situated in the karst region of the Plitvice Lakes system, Croatia, were studied by mineralogical and structural, C/N and total organic carbon (TOC) and isotopic analyses (a¹⁴C and δ¹³C of carbonate and organic fractions). The study of the two...
One of the major reasons for the increase in global air temperature since the early 20th century is considered to be the increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Karst relief is considered an important carbon sink, but it can also be a natural source of carbon and CO2 emission. Aquatic systems in karst areas facilitate carbon exchange between...
The fraction of biogenic component within various types of materials that can be used as fuels for energy production and transport can be determined by measuring their 14C activity. The method is based on different 14C signatures of the biogenic and the fossil components: while the biogenic component reflects the modern atmospheric 14C activity, no...
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The analyses of radioactive isotopes 14C, 137Cs and 210Pb, and stable isotope 13C were performed in the sediment cores, top 40 cm, taken in 2011 from karst lakes Prošće and Kozjak in the Plitvice Lakes National Park, central Croatia. Frozen sediment cores were cut into 1 cm thick layers and dried. 14C activity in both carbonate and organic fraction...
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Špilje su kompleksni fzikalni sustavi upravljani s nizom varijabli na različitim vremenskim skalama. Proučavanje paleookolišnih procesa tema je niza aktualnih studija u svijetu, posebno u svrhu interpretacije paleoklimatskih podataka u svjetlu aktualnih klimatskih promjena. Špilje se razvijaju pod utjecajem promjena klime i ostalih okolišnih uvjeta...
A new line for preparation of the graphite samples for 14C dating by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in the Zagreb Radiocarbon Laboratory has been validated by preparing graphite from various materials distributed within the Fifth International Radiocarbon Intercomparison (VIRI) study. 14C activity of prepared graphite was measured at the SUERC...
We present a new sea-level reconstruction for the past 1500 years based on biological indicators from the Central Adriatic islands. Biogenic littoral rims built by the coralline rhodophyte Lithophyllum byssoides were found on the particularly exposed sites on the rocky coasts of the islands of Vis, Ravnik and Biševo in Croatia. The presence of thic...
Conference Paper
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Recent archeaological excavations of the church of St. Stepehen in Pustijerna, Dubrovnik, Croatia, undertaken in 2011/2012, comprised all cultural layers inside the church area and a segment of church cemetary underneath the church courtyard resulting in some important new findings. Several phases of the church development were documented, from the...
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Recent sediments in Lake Kozjak, in the Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia, were used to study the impact of the material delivered to the lake sediment via Rječica Brook. Sediment cores, top 40 cm, were taken near the mouth of the Rječica Brook at three locations in the lake at different distances from the shore, water depth 2-9 m and analyzed...
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The natural equilibrium of 14C activity in atmospheric CO2 and in the biosphere has been disturbed globally by various anthropogenic activities. Intensive atmospheric thermonuclear bomb tests in the mid 20th century doubled the natural 14C activity in the atmosphere. Since the bomb test ban, this activity has constantly been decreasing and has almo...
Radiocarbon is a cosmogenic radioisotope equally distributed throughout the troposphere and biosphere. This fact enables its most common application—radiocarbon dating. Natural equilibrium of radiocarbon has been disturbed by diverse anthropogenic activities during the last ∼150 years, enabling also the use of 14C in various environmental applicati...
The new line for preparation of graphite samples for 14C dating by AMS has been constructed in the Zagreb Radiocarbon Laboratory. The performance of the rig and sample preparation procedure has been validated by preparing graphites from various reference materials of known 14C activity. The yield of the graphitization was good and the measured frac...
Conference Paper
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Monitoring 14 C activity in the atmospheric CO 2 and in biological samples (fruits and vegetables) in the close vicinity of the NPPK was performed regularly since 2006 to estimate the possible influence of the plant on environmental 14 C levels and the possible contribution to the effective dose of local population through food chain. Mean values o...
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Monitoring 14 C activity in the atmospheric CO 2 and in biological samples (fruits and vegetables) in the close vicinity of the NPPK was performed regularly since 2006 to estimate the possible influence of the plant on environmental 14 C levels and the possible contribution to the effective dose of local population through food chain. Mean values o...


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