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Andrei-Lucian Dragoi

Andrei-Lucian Dragoi
Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Targoviste (SJUT), Dâmbovița, Romania · Pediatric ambulatory

MD Pediatrician Specialist, whistleblower, independent researcher and reviewer in medicine (Pediatrics and NRF2 activators) and biology, theoretical physics, prime numbers, analytic philosophy; ORCID id: 0000-0002-2261-1350
MD pediatrician specialist working in the Pediatric ambulatory of the County Emergency Hospital Targoviste ("SJUT")


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Pediatrician (specialist MD with PhD in course, but no academic title) undertaking independent research in theoretical physics (including digital physics), mathematics, biology (including informational biology), medicine (mainly pediatrics) and music. Email: dr.dragoi@yahoo.com, Personal MD page: www.dragoii.com My online preprints and articles can be downloaded mainly from URLs: [1] rg.dragoii.com; [2] academia.dragoii.com Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AQYGGDVDR7KH2
Additional affiliations
July 2021 - September 2023
Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Targoviste (SJUT), Dâmbovița, Romania
  • MD pediatrician specialist
  • Head of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Department of the County Emergency Hospital Targoviste ("SJUT")
November 2018 - February 2019
Apollo Med Popesti Leordeni
  • MD pediatrician specialist
October 2016 - present
  • Independent MD pediatrician specialist
  • My latest CV in English is available at: http://andrei.dragoii.com/ALDragoi_CV_Eng.pdf My new scientific page on Loop: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/602523/overview
January 2008 - December 2012
Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru copii "Marie S. Curie" Bucuresti Romania
Field of study
  • Internship in pediatrics


Publications (195)
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In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 logarithm). This paper brings to attention a plausible triple electro-gravito-informational significance of the fine structure constant, with its implications i...
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This article proposes a synthesized classification of some Goldbach-like conjectures, including those which are "stronger" than the Binary Goldbach's Conjecture (BGC) and launches a new generalization of BGC briefly called "the Vertical Binary Goldbach's Conjecture" (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number o...
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This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper presents a case report on the effects of an ionized "saline water" called "ASEA redox Supplement®" (ARS) oral solu...
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This paper brings into attention a possible logarithmic connection between Einstein's constant and the fine-structure constant, based on a hypothetical electro-gravitational resistivity of vacuum: we also propose a zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy that mainly states a general quadrati...
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This is the short (halved) version of the original article published in PSIJ with this main online sources: https://www.journalpsij.com/index.php/PSIJ/article/view/30218 AND https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346954896 =================================================================== This paper proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box"...
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Happiness=Triadic Health − a short lesson for teenagers and young people in general about Man, Health-Happiness and Integrative Triadic Medicine (PowerPoint presentation in Romanian)// Fericirea=Sănătate triadică − o scurtă lecție pentru adolescenți și tineri în general despre Om, Sănătate-Fericire și Medicină triadică integrativă (prezentare Power...
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This very short half-page paper proposes a logically/mathematically demonstrated 1st logical principle of all elementary particles that implies time discreteness (which profoundly interconnects General relativity and quantum mechanics by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle) and elegantly solves the notorious mass gap problem. #DONATIONS. Anyone can...
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I’ve extended Einstein’s famous energy formula E=m·c^2. In my latest paper, I’ve demonstrated that any elementary rest mass (m) is also the product of a Lorentz-like factor f & c^2 (m=f·c^2) so that Einstein’s formula E=m·c^2 becomes E=(f·c^2)·c^2 <=> E=f·c^4. This new simple formula E=f·c^4 also offers an elegant solution to the notorious Millenni...
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This paper proposes a rest-mass-energy formula of all elementary particles (E=f*c^4 instead of Einstein’s famous formula E=m*c^2) based on a special 4D electro-gravitational Lorentz-like factor and a zero-energy rule (ZER) of the ground state of the quantum vacuum (GSQV), with important implications for the notorious mass-gap problem. By this simpl...
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This paper proposes a Logarithmic (toy-)model of the human mind (LMHM), in which the conscious part (cp) of the human mind (cpHM) is defined as a self-organized logarithmic map which is generated and maintained in 3 main steps: (1) the huge sensorial input (SI) received by the human brain (HB) per each time-unit (from all the sensitive and sensoria...
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This paper proposes a logical demonstration of a flexibly quantized spacetime with variable-sized spacetime units and time discreteness (TD), elementary particles (EPs) redefined as elementary time crystals, and also variable speed of light in vacuum (with discrete values) with both a strictly-positive finite-and-non-infinitesimal maximum and minim...
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Fibromialgia (FM) este o afecțiune caracterizată prin dureri musculo-scheletale generalizate cronice, dureri asociate cu stări de oboseală (fatigabilitate), tulburări de somn, tulburări de memorie (scăderea performanțelor de memorie), tulburări de dispoziție (tendință la anxietate și depresie, inclusiv la ipohondrie), cefalee, sindrom de colon irit...
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This short paper proposes both a redefinition of matter as confined antigravity (positive gravitational charge with positive curvature) and a redefinition of spacetime as negative gravitational charge (with negative curvature) repelled by matter (positive gravitational charge) explaining dark energy and the accelerated expansion of our universe imp...
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Schizofrenia este o afecțiune caracterizată prin alterarea proceselor de gândire și a reacțiilor emoționale ce devin astfel inadecvate (cu serioase disfuncții sociale și/sau profesionale/ocupaționale), cu diverse manifestări precum: halucinații auditive, deliruri paranoide și/sau mistice, vorbire și gândire dezorganizate etc Stimularea magnetică tr...
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Tulburarea obsesiv-compulsivă (TOC) este o afecțiune mentală ce constă în anumite obsesii (gânduri, frici, imagini nedorite) recurente și incontrolabile ce determină și anumite comportamente repetitive foarte greu de controlat (numite compulsii) ce durează mai mult de o ora pe zi, interferând serios cu viața cotidiană și provocându-le pacienților u...
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Depresia este o tulburare afectivă ce constă într-o dispoziție redusă în viața profesională și/sau personală cu durată de cel puțin 2 săptămâni consecutiv: depresia se manifestă deseori și printr-o stimă de sine scăzută, o energie fizică și/sau psihică redusă, lipsa plăcerii și a interesului în activități care erau anterior plăcute, inclusiv scăder...
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Migrena este o durere de cap (cefalee, de obicei asociată cu o senzație de pulsație și în general doar pe o parte a capului, uneori și cu greață) care se manifestă cu precădere la femeile tinere, putând afecta până la cca 15% din populație Stimularea magnetică transcraniană (TMS din englezescul “transcranial magnetic stimulation”) este o metodă nei...
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Boala Parkinson (BP) este o afecțiune neurodegenerativă a creierului care afectează în general vârsta a 3-a, dar poate debuta și de la vârsta a 2-a, cu un tremor ce progresează treptat, apoi cu instalarea rigidității și a încetinirii tuturor mișcărilor. Stimularea magnetică transcraniană (TMS din englezescul “transcranial magnetic stimulation”) est...
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Stimularea magnetică transcraniană (TMS din englezescul "transcranial magnetic stimulation") este o metodă neinvazivă de stimulare și modulare a sistemului nervos central folosind o bobină generatoare de câmpuri magnetice oscilante administrate pulsat (care induc micro-curenți electrici cerebrali), bobină ce se poziționează în diverse zone ale scal...
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Depresia se instalează de cele mai multe ori gradual, insiduos, progresând treptat de la forme ușoare la forrme medii și severe. Cel mai frecvent declanșator al depresiei este stresul emoțional și/sau intelectual, inclusiv profesional (izolarea/ marginalizarea socială, inclusiv autoizolarea; mediul familial și/sau profesional tensionat; schimbările...
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Depresia timpurie din tinerețe (care a devenit din ce în ce mai frecventă la noile generații!) dublează practic riscul de demență la vârsta a 3-a, conform unei meta-analize ce a însumat 26 de studii selectate, pe un eșantion combinat de aproape 2 milioane de persoane. Depresia târzie (debutată la vârstele a 2-a și a 3-a) este de asemenea asociată...
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This short paper proposes a strong gravitational Poincaré stress stabilizing all known charged elementary particles, based on Occam’s razor and a short mathematical demonstration. In the Standard model (SM) of particle physics, the non-zero rest masses (nzrm) and the electromagnetic charges (EMCs) of all known charged elementary particles (cEPs) a...
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Stimularea magnetică transcraniană (TMS din englezescul "transcranial magnetic stimulation") este o metodă neinvazivă de stimulare și modulare a sistemului nervos central folosind o bobină generatoare de câmpuri magnetice oscilante administrate pulsat (care induc micro-curenți electrici cerebrali), bobină ce se poziționează în diverse zone ale scal...
This paper presents a unique case of double meningitis with enterovirus and reactivated varicella-zoster virus without shingles in an immunocompetent male teenager, a case that offers many important medical lessons, all “gravitating” around physiopathological reasoning of any clinical case in general.
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This paper proposes a theoretical demonstration of quantum gravity based on a simple zero-energy rule of the quantum vacuum in its ground state, a demonstration that also offers a general solution to the notorious mass gap problem and some profound explanations: (1) electric charge is actually a confined electromagnetic field, so that both charge a...
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT This article proposes a sketch of a Profound Educational Reform (REP/PER) applicable in Romania and worldwide, based on the triads science-art-religion, spirit-mind-body, reason-emotionality-spirituality/superior volition, with the main purpose of developing as many virtues as possible (a concept superior to that of competence/abil...
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This paper proposes a mathematical demonstration that all the elementary zero/non-zero rest masses are actually functions of their intrinsic zero/non-zero electric charge, which is essentially a general solution to the notorious mass gap problem (MGP) in physics (a millennium prize problem, as proposed by the American Clay Mathematics Institute), o...
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This paper presents four important & probably non-coincidental symmetries associated with the electron (and also its antiparticle, the positron), which is the lightest known charged elementary particle, thus having a special place among all the other known elementary particles. In the Standard model (SM) of particle physics, both the rest-mass & t...
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This paper presents a simple common electro-gravitational toy-model of the electron plus both up & down quarks (EGEQ) with two main strengths: (1) EGEQ explains the stability of the electron (el) plus both up & down quarks (uq & dq) (a triple stability without which our universe would have looked very differently!); (2) EGEQ predicts the approxim...
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This paper presents a reinterpretation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (HUP) as a common fundamental principle of both Quantum mechanisms (QM) and General relativity (GR). Contrarily to the mainstream opinion in modern physics, this paper mathematically demonstrates that QM & GR are in fact reciprocally compatible (as the two “faces” of the s...
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This paper proposes the strongest conceivable probabilistic argument (both rational and emotional) for the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ from his tomb, based on the joint probability of N independent events. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) other past articles/preprints of the same author in analytic philosophy and PSI...
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This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of the laws that regulate the abortion in Romania (unconstitutionality demonstrated by medical & legal arguments), with the proposal to prohibit abortion after the moment of fertilization (with a few therapeutic e...
Background: Knowledge-based systems (KBS) are software applications based on a knowledge base and an inference engine. Various experimental KBS for computer-assisted medical diagnosis (CAMD) and treatment were started to be used since 70 s (VisualDx, GIDEON, DXPlain, CADUCEUS, Internist-I, Mycin etc). Objectives: This article briefly presents an...
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This paper develops an older proposal from a past author’s paper (an anti-abortion philosophy [AAP], the 2nd principle of AAP to be more specific): the Right to Refuse to Kill at Request (RRKR), which RRKR should be included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]). This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of o...
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This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of some election laws in Romania, with the proposal to implement clearly and unitarily in all the election laws the concept of "DEMOCRATIC VOTE", with its both well-known variants of (1) THE DECIDED VOTE (pro/cons...
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This paper offers and analyzes a compilation of the claimed messages of Mother Mary to humankind, on the occasion of Mother Mary’s apparitions worldwide in various places on Earth, as documented (many of which were verified and officially approved by various teams of priests & theologians) by the Roman-Catholic, Greek-Catholic and Eastern-Orthodox...
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This paper presents a short 7-steps mathematical demonstration (MD) that General relativity (GR) is actually Quantum gravity (QG), implying time discreteness (TD), spacetime quantization (STQ) in spacetime units (STUs) with non-zero finite & non-infinitesimal length (l) and mass (m) and also implying that both the Planck (h) and gravitational const...
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This paper contains a compilation of claimed appearances and revelations of Jesus Christ which are almost viral online, gaining more and more popularity with time: some of these events also contain remarkable predictions that need to be verified in the near and medium future. The huge online amount of such revelations (including predictions) is a u...
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This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in mathematics and physics and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called "Physics (including engineering), chemistry and mathematics (including IT)-significant news" which was officially discontinued by RG on 31.03.2023 (like all other RG projects), but was archived by the aut...
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This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in biology including medicine and chemistry (as reflected in various articles of science popularization) and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called “Biology (including medicine and its sub-domains) and biochemistry - significant news” which was officially discontinued by RG...
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This paper proposes a short mathematical demonstration that both the speed of light in vacuum and the Planck constant are actually composite constants, predicting the existence of both a composite big G and spacetime quantization in spacetime units (STU) (nameable “strings”, “pixels”, “voxels”) with fixed non-zero finite and non-infinitesimal lengt...
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My name is Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi and I am an MD pediatrician specialist (I practice at the Emergency County Hospital in Targoviste, Dambovita county, Romania), an amateur composer (former collaborator of the Romanian Doctors' Orchestra "dr. Ermil Nichifor"). My online guest book: www.dragoii.com My YouTube channel as an amateur composer: https://ww...
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I have published online over 150 papers until present, from which 38 papers on medicine (and biology in general): a list of these papers can be downloaded in pdf format from this link/URL. I have published online 18 volumes until present (2 vol. on physics, 1 vol. on math, 1 vol. of literature and 14 volumes of musical sheets). Anyone can donate fo...
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This paper contains a list of all my claimed world premieres/priorities in various domains: MEDICINE (plus biology and philosophy of medicine and biology), MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS and MUSIC. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AQYGGDVDR7KH2
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My papers on Asea and NRF2 activators. My papers on pediatrics/general medicine (including the philosophy of medicine and biology in general). My papers on children psychiatry. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AQYGGDVDR7KH2
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This paper proposes a toy-model of a Kerr-Newman quantum black-hole electron (with finite non-zero volume of about 10^23 Planck volumes and density of about 10^50kg) governed by very strong gravity (of about 10^30G), showing that matter is actually spacetime curvature at Planck scales and explaining quantum spin. Furthermore, besides the nature’s...
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This paper proposes a 4D (toy-)model (4DM) of all elementary particles (EPs) existing in a 4D spacetime (4D-ST) in which time is actually a real additional 4th spatial dimension (with compact topology) of our universe (OU) and not just a trivial abstract dimension. This 4DM easily explains all the apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics as: non-loc...
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This is my 10th (in chronological order) audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. IV ("Violin Concerto in E minor") ("Concert pentru vioară și orchestra in mi minor") (“The Sad Seasons of Humankind”/”Anotimpurile triste ale umanității”), a 65--minutes long concert (containing 4 sub-concerts that can be played separately, similarly to Vivaldi'...
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This paper demonstrates that a simultaneous validity of both Einstein’s General relativity (EGR) and quantum field theory (QFT) logically & mathematically implies a quantum gravity theory (QGT) in which our 3D space is just a slice of a 4D space (4DS) quantized in 4D spatial voxels (in which time is a spatial 4th dimension in which gravitons massiv...
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This is my 8th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. III ("Piano Concerto in C minor")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! Anyone...
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This is my 9th officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. IV ("Effigies")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and or...
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This paper proposes a simple hypothesis on a plausible internal structure of all the elementary particles with non-zero rest masses, a hypothesis based on gravitational and electromagnetic standing waves (similar to string theory) that may offer plenty of explanations on: (1) the shape of spacetime at very low length-scales; (2) a general mechanism...
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This is my 7th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. II ("Musical Reveries")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! Anyone can donat...
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This paper proposes a simple zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that predicts a repulsive strong gravitational field (SGF) acting at subnuclear scales under 10^(-22)m (the upper bound of the hypothetical non-zero radius of the electron as measure...
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This is my 6th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume II (“Love Stories and Other Wonders”)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! Any...
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This paper proposes and analyzes the simple hypothesis stating that big G is not a true universal constant, but only a variable composite parameter indirectly measuring a variable spacetime tension, which tension is also redefined as a direct inversely-proportional measure of the global/total entropy of our observable universe. Anyone can donate fo...
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This is my 5th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume I (A Musical Rainbow)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). For the full album of scores see URLs [1a & 1b, 2]....
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This paper is a short summary of my Amazon book called "SUSYA-a SUSY alternative based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles". This book proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box" alternative (called "SUSYA") to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentiall...
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This is my 4th officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. I (”The Escape from Myself”)>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kPDNe...
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This work proposes a supersymmetry alternative (SUSYA) based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles (predicted to be actually quantum black holes) and predicting a new type of aether theory: SUSYA offers a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts the existence...
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This is my 3rd officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. III ("The Botanical Garden ")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition! https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy...
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This is my 2nd officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. II ("Angelic and demonic")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). See also the YouTube Music page of this album https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9SrBMyOZlgs&li...
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This is my 1st officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. I ("Synapses")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). See also the Amazon iMusician promo of this album https://imusiciandigital.lnk.to/q6ljvTBX and NotePerform...
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Sistemele-expert medicale (SEM) sunt softuri ce asistă deciziile clinice cu rol în diagnosticul și/sau tratamentul medical (utilizate în Europa și SUA); Exemple de SEM: Aidoc (radiologie), VisualDX (dermatologie), GIDEON & Mycin (boli infecțioase), DXPlain & CADUCEUS & Internist-I (medicină internă), Orphanet (boli genetice rare). EPed [1] este un...
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This paper proposes some newly defined time vectors, reference frames with intrinsic clocks (observers), a new type of colinear vectors multiplication and a “vectorial energy” concept. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order,...
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This paper proposes a Modular Universe toy-model (MUTM) predicting all elementary particles (EPs) to be actually quantum black-holes (QBHs) (gravitational quasi-singularities) governed by self-gravity and self-antigravity. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physi...
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This paper proposes a simple redefinition of the physical time arrow (PTA) identified here with the thermodynamic arrow of time and defined as a gradient function of both the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (2LT) and inertia (IN)). This simple PTA definition (combined with other two additional complementary hypotheses) offers some importan...
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In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller, 1948; Salam, 1970; Bastin, 1971; Sirag, 1980, 1983; Sanchez, Kotov and Bizouard, 2009, 2011, 2012; Kritov, 2013...
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This [short-version] paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is essentially a topological/geometrical toy-theory (and mainly an exercise of imagination) which tries...
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This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is essentially a topological/geometrical toy-theory (and mainly an exercise of imagination) which tries to explain gravi...
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This paper proposes a universal electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism (ESM) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether theory (AT): this newly proposed ESM predicts a general formula for all the rest energies of all...
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This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts new types of elementary particles, including two distinct types of massless right-handed Majorana neutrinos (movin...
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This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts new types of elementary particles, including two distinct types of massless right-handed Majorana neutrinos (movin...
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This work proposes the generalization of the binary (strong) Goldbach’s Conjecture (BGC), briefly called “the Vertical Binary Goldbach’s Conjecture” (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number of conjectures stronger than BGC, which all apply on “iterative” primes with recursive prime indexes (named “i-primeths...
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This paper is a portfolio/catalog of my original graphical works and continues our familial activity in visual arts (listed in the chronological order of their creation) [1]. Each graphical work is presented as a table containing not only that piece but also important information on its creation: the title, the approximate date of its creation, the...
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This paper proposes a universal seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether theory (AT): this newly proposed universal SMEC is essentially based on an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) whi...
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The main online source of this paper: https://www.journalpsij.com/index.php/PSIJ/article/view/30218 ====================================================================== This paper proposes a potentially viable “out-of-the-box” alternative (called “SUSYA”) to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a ne...
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ALTERNATIVE URLs: https://www.academia.edu/s/ced2623feb // https://www.academia.edu/44638435 // =========================== PREFACE BY THE AUTHOR This volume (with a title that can be translated as “My Soul, Your Highness [/ Your Grace]!”) recovers a great part of my youth poems (all written around the age of 18) which can be regarded as "castles...
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This paper proposes a black-hole-associated Casimir effect (bhCE) possibly (and strongly) inhibiting Hawking radiation (HR) (and proposing an explanation on why HR wasn’t observed from far distances yet) and creating a spatial expansion around any macro / micro (/quantum) black-hole which may plausibly drive the global accelerated expansion of our...
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Rezumat lung/Long abstract (in English) (with some highlighted abbreviations further used in this paper) This article proposes the concept of "undecided vote" / "(positive) abstention" (AB) printed on the ballot papers as a legitimate electoral option in any mature democratic constitution (also constitutional in Romania) thus demonstrating the un...
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This paper proposes a very simple universe (toy-)model (UM) based on 2D spacetime branes (2DBs) (2DBUM or even more briefly “BUM”), considered here the basic structural units of both our objective and subjective universes: more specifically, these 2DBs are considered both the structural unit of the physical universe but also the unit-tool of knowle...
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WORK HYPOTHESIS PROPOSED TO BE CLINICALLY TESTED: Oxidative stress is a very important physiopathological link in most infections, and the strong cytoprotection offered by NRF2-activators dietary supplements (NADS/ANSA) (via NRF2 selective activation) against oxidative stress (demonstrated in vivo and in vitro on various types of cells / tissues /...
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BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is severe X-linked recessive congenital muscular dystrophy and the most common type of muscular dystrophy. Long-term corticosteroid therapy (LTCT) (started from the age of 4 years) is the most accessible and used pharmacological therapy of DMD in Romania. Several studies showed that "ASEA® redox supplem...
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This article is a very short version of our earlier paper ("The 'Vertical' Generalization of the Binary Goldbach's Conjecture as Applied on 'Iterative' Primes with (Recursive) Prime Indexes (i-primeths)" [6]), a paper in which we have proposed a new generalization of the binary/"strong" Goldbach's Conjecture (GC) briefly called "the Vertical Goldba...
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SHORT ABSTRACT / DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH: This projects presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”, my PhD project in medicine), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended applicability. Keywords: “Electronic Pe...
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SHORT ABSTRACT / DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH: This projects presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”, my PhD project in medicine), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended applicability. Keywords: “Electronic Pe...
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This paper contains some periodic updates of my article “On a Possible Logarithmic Connection between Einstein's Constant and the Fine-Structure Constant, in Relation to a Zero-energy Hypothesis” (Physical Science International Journal [PSIJ], ISSN: 2348-0130, Vol.: 24, Issue.: 5, pages 22-40: www.journalpsij.com/index.php/PSIJ/article/view/30191 a...
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This article proposes a simple but strong zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH), which is essentially an ambitious speculative extension of the famous zero-energy universe hypothesis (ZEUH) (updating ZEUH to an “extended ZEUH” version) applied on virtual particle-antiparticle pairs (VPAPs) produced by virtual photons or virtual gluons. ZEH ambitiously propo...
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This article proposes a simple but strong zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH), which is essentially an ambitious speculative extension of the famous zero-energy universe hypothesis (ZEUH) (updating ZEUH to an “extended ZEUH” version) applied on virtual particle-antiparticle pairs (VPAPs) produced by virtual photons or virtual gluons. ZEH ambitiously propo...
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This article argues that the electromagnetic field (EMF) might be an epiphenomenon caused by the gravitational field (GF). This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: https://www.paypal....
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This paper proposes a sketch-version of a unifying beginners’ cost-effective teaching/learning method for any fretted string instrument (like ukulele, guitalele, mandolin, banjo and guitar) using the same 4-strings tuning which may be also used to teach/learn the basic music theory and practice elements: more specifically, the standard tuning of th...
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This catalog contains linked harmonized songs (in pdf format and at least two keys: C major [/A minor] and G major [/E minor] that can be easily transposed in any other key and ambitus suited for anyone’s voice by using a capodastro/capo) which contains the lyrics of the song with inserted musical chord symbols under brackets in line with those lyr...
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This paper argues that “ASEA redox Supplement” (ARS) may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). This paper presents a third case report on the effects of an ionized “saline water” called “ASEA...
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This paper proposes a hypothesis on a falsely perceived superiority of men versus women along with the history of humanity: in short, men were falsely perceived as “superior to women” along with the human history NOT ONLY BECAUSE of their generally stronger bodies (and false-hypothetically superior intelligence and/or creativity), but ALSO POSSIBLY...
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This paper proposes a redefinition of life as a genetic & epigenetic code (starting from old philosophical questions) with all life forms (LFs) being redefined as primarily "software" (SW) and only secondarily "hardware" (HW), with all viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) being redefined as “living” software with “non-living” hardware/ “storage”; based o...
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This paper proposes an important RED list of what to NOT do in pediatrics, with the conviction that this red list should be taught from the first year of medicine and repeated in every single year of medical teaching, in all medical universities from all countries worldwide: the work-hypothesis (and the main motivation of this paper) is that insist...
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The G-clef (GC) piano/harp/accordion (GCP/GCH/GCA) is a variant of piano/harp/accordion notation in which the left hand (LH) staff uses instead of a standard F-clef (FC), an alternative G-clef (GC), GC 8vb (GC8vb) (aka GC in ”ottava bassa”) or 15mb (GC15mb) (aka GC in ”quindicesima bassa”) which means that LH notes should be played in GC but one or...
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This paper proposes an informational approach of Newton's law of universal gravitation by using the concept of physical information (including the concept of gravitational signal) as measured by Bekenstein bound: the informational gravity hypothesis launched in this paper predicts that our universe probably has at least five spatial dimensions (wit...
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This paper proposes an informational approach of Newton's law of universal gravitation (NLUG) by using the concept of physical information (including the concept of gravitational signal) as measured by Bekenstein bound (BB): the informational gravity hypothesis (IGH) launched in this paper predicts that our universe probably has at least five spati...


Questions (10)
Recently, black-holes were demonstrated to exert a pressure on their adjacent surrounding space (see: https://scitechdaily.com/physicists-total-surprise-discover-black-holes-exert-a-pressure-on-their-environment/amp/"Physicists’ Total Surprise: Discover Black Holes Exert a Pressure on Their Environment – SciTechDaily")
Reference: “Quantum gravitational corrections to the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole” by Xavier Calmet and Folkert Kuipers, 9 September 2021, Physical Review D. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.066012
In two old preprints of mine (2018 and 2020), I've also predicted that all black-holes exert a mechanical pressure on their adjacent environment which I've defined as being actually a reaction(al) force produced by a predicted universal black-hole-associated Casimir force.
More precisely, a black-hole (bh) limits the spontaneous appearance of virtual pairs (VPs) inside it and that creates a gradient between the outer and inner VPs (a positive gradient between the number of VPs per unit of volume outside vs inside that bh), a gradient translated in a (bh-associated) Casimir force (bhaCF) exerting an additional out-to-in pressure on that bh (which bhaCF also generates a reactional force that acts from inside to outside that bh, manifesting as a pressure exerted by that bh on its adjacent surrounding space). See the two preprints cited next:
[1] “(eZEH working paper - version 1.0 - 10 pages - 2.08.2018) An extended zero-energy hypothesis: on some possible quantum implications of a zero-energy universe, including the existence of negative-energy spin-1 gravitons (as the main spacetime “creators”) and a (macrocosmic) black-hole (bh) Casimir effect (bhCE) which may explain the accelerated expansion of our universe”:
[2] “(bhCE-HR-AE-ObU - version 1.0 - 18.11.2020- 2 A4 pages without references) A proposed black-hole-associated Casimir effect (bhCE) possibly inhibiting Hawking radiation (HR) and creating a spatial expansion around any macro/micro black-hole (possibly driving the global accelerated expansion of our observable universe)”:
What do you think of my proposed black-hole-associated Casimir force and its reactional force (manifested as a pressure exerted by black-holes on their surrounding space)?
See main reference:
Lu Feng, Jing-Fei Zhang & Xin Zhang (2017). “A search for sterile neutrinos with the latest cosmological observations” (preprint). URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.04884
My theory called “SUSYA” (which is an alternative to SUSY) ALSO predicts two such neutrinos named "Z-neutrino" (Zn) and "Higgs-neutrino" (Hn) (because they are predicted by SUSYA to be so-called "mass-conjugates" of the Z boson and Higgs boson respectively) which add to the currently known three generations of neutrinos: that is why I’ve called Zn & Hn as composing a hypothetical "0th" (most basic) generation of SUSYA-predicted (but still undiscovered) neutrinos.
Furthermore, SUSYA predicts that the Big Bang may have produced such massless Majorana neutrinos in such huge quantities that they may be not only a component of a so-called “hot dark radiation”, but maybe actually the components of a hypothetical “fermionic superfluid aether”.
See my most recent papers dedicated to SUSYA:
The original peer-reviewed article on SUSYA is available here:
Any answers to my question from you would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards and best health possible!
dr. Andrei Lucian Drãgoi
See main reference:
Lu Feng, Jing-Fei Zhang & Xin Zhang (2017). “A search for sterile neutrinos with the latest cosmological observations” (preprint). URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.04884
My theory called “SUSYA” (which is an alternative to SUSY) ALSO predicts two such neutrinos named "Z-neutrino" (Zn) and "Higgs-neutrino" (Hn) (because they are predicted by SUSYA to be so-called "mass-conjugates" of the Z boson and Higgs boson respectively) which add to the currently known three generations of neutrinos: that is why I’ve called Zn & Hn as composing a hypothetical "0th" (most basic) generation of SUSYA-predicted (but still undiscovered) neutrinos.
Furthermore, SUSYA predicts that the Big Bang may have produced such massless Majorana neutrinos in such huge quantities that they may be not only a component of a so-called “hot dark radiation”, but maybe actually the components of a hypothetical “fermionic superfluid aether”.
See my most recent papers dedicated to SUSYA:
The original peer-reviewed article on SUSYA is available here:
Any answers to my question from you would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards and best health possible!
dr. Andrei Lucian Drãgoi


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