Andree E. Widjaja

Andree E. Widjaja
Pelita Harapan University | UPH · Department of Information Systems

Ph.D. in International Management, Majoring in Information Technology, Operations, and Decisions


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February 2009 - March 2016
National Cheng Kung University
  • Research and Teaching Assistant


Publications (97)
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The very rapid adoption of mobile devices has attracted Open Source Mobile Application (OSMA) developers to create OSMAs and deliver them to the market. However, the majority of mobile communication studies have examined mobile applications from the end-users' perspective, and relatively little is known from the developers' side. As such, this rese...
Among online learning factors mentioned in the education literature, it is argued that online participation is the strongest factor which contributes to online learning effectiveness. Drawing from the theory of online learning as online participation, an online learning experiment was conducted in a well-known public University in southern Taiwan....
Market basket analysis is a crucial technique in retail for uncovering associations between items frequently purchased together. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of the Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms using sales data from "The Bread Basket" bakery, comprising 20,507 transactions. Key variables include TransactionNo, Items, DateTime, D...
Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan dampak positif bagi Usaha Kecil Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). Toko Sinar Terang adalah UMKM yang berlokasi di Kota Tangerang Selatan yang menjual perabot rumah tangga. Pada sistem saat ini, ditemukan beberapa kendala di antaranya, kesalahan pencatatan keuangan, transaksi jual beli, persediaan produk, dan ink...
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Mission Youth for Christ (MYC) adalah organisasi pelayanan anak muda di Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Tangerang yang telah berdiri sejak 2006. MYC melayani sekitar 2.500 anak muda yang berasal dari berbagai kota di Indonesia bahkan luar negeri. Aktivitas utama organisasi MYC adalah mengelola akomodasi mencakup tempat tinggal, makanan, dan fasili...
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Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for the sustainability of a company, including tech companies like Gojek. This condition exists because customer satisfaction affects the continuation of customers purchasing or reusing the company's services. Promotions or offers are commonly applied strategies by companies to enhance attractiveness among...
The number of internets and social media users, which continues to increase at a very fast rate, has resulted in the emergence of new business opportunities in Indonesia. One of those indications is the emergence of marketplace companies in Indonesia. The presence of these online marketplaces provides people with more online marketplace choices acc...
Over the past few years, face recognition has been widely used to help human activities in various sectors, including the education sector. By using facial recognition, the class attendance system at universities can be significantly improved. For example, students are no longer asked to sign attendance sheets manually, but attendance can be taken,...
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengenai arah dan strategi perusahaan dalam transformasi info-komunikasi saat ini. Melalui perbandingan antara e-commerce, mobile commerce, dan traditional commerce, studi ini menggunakan hasil penelitian primer non-representatif dengan analisis klaster dan analisis diskriminan. Model strategis baru tel...
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Gereja memiliki umat atau jemaat yang berkumpul untuk beribadah dan memuliakan nama Tuhan. Selain itu gereja juga memiliki aktifitas dan pengelolaan yang menjadi suatu organisasi. GPIB Menara Kasih adalah salah satu gereja presbiterian di Indonesia. Jemaat-jemaat yang bisa mengikuti kegiatan di gereja adalah jemaat yang secara resmi terdaftar di GP...
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi meningkat dengan cepat. Banyak bisnis yang sudah menggunakan teknologi untuk mendukung proses bisnis mereka, salah satunya adalah usaha bisnis kuliner. Transformasi digital dilakukan untuk mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan seperti meningkatkan pengawasan, mempertahankan kualitas produk dan pelayanan, meningkatkan kine...
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Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been increasingly utilised in mobile shopping apps to enhance consumers’ mobile shopping experiences, thereby affecting consumers’ impulse buying behaviour. Drawing upon the Spatial Presence Theory and the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the current study aims to empirically investigate AR-related factors (vividn...
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Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-based simulation technology that enables users to interact while experiencing oneself in a virtual environment.Virtual reality (VR) combines three-dimensional (3D) objects combined with hearing and vision to create effects for users as if they were in a virtual environment. It should be noted here that the use of...
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Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-based simulation technology that enables users to interact while experiencing oneself in a virtual environment.Virtual reality (VR) combines three-dimensional (3D) objects combined with hearing and vision to create effects for users as if they were in a virtual environment. It should be noted here that the use of...
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As the range and complexity of outsourced services for logistics increase, Logistics has evolved into a distinct commercial service. The question of how to fairly charge logistics services has grown urgent. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the academic research on the cost of logistics services employing bibliometric and anal...
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As the range and complexity of outsourced services for logistics increase, Logistics has evolved into a distinct commercial service. The question of how to fairly charge logistics services has grown urgent. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the academic research on the cost of logistics services employing bibliometric and anal...
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Pada saat ini pemanfaatan teknologi merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk menunjang proses bisnis suatu perusahaan sehingga perusahaan dapat memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif. PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang ingin menerapkan teknologi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang konstruksi dengan fokus pada b...
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Setiap perusahaan memiliki visi, misi, dan tujuan yang hendak di capai untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup perusahaan kearah tujuan yang jelas. Salah satu kegiatan dalam mempertahankannya adalah kegiatan produksi. Kegiatan produksi yang terhenti dapat menghambat seluruh kegiatan dalam perusahaan. Penerapan sistem manajemen produksi untuk sebuah...
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Fire is a type of disaster that can occur anytime and anywhere as a result of any accidental or intentional causes. Without exception, houses are also very vulnerable to fire. To anticipate the catastrophic effects of fire that can destroy houses, advanced technology, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) can be utilized to detect the smoke and fire...
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PT Maju Bersama Persada Dayamu merupakan salah satu perusahaan pada bidang manufaktur. Proses produksi merupakan proses penting dalam bidang manufaktur. Sistem informasi persediaan bahan baku dapat membantu proses produksi berjalan dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian dan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah mengembangan sistem informasi...
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Sistem informasi manajemen produksi dapat digunakan untuk membantu serta meningkatkan kualitas manajemen produksi pada sebuah perusahaan manufaktur agar semua proses produksi yang dilakukan dapat menjadi lebih optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian dan PkM ini yaitu mengembangkan sistem informasi manajemen produksi untuk PT. Maju Bersama Persada Dayamu (M...
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Pengenalan dasar algoritma pemograman akan jauh lebih baik jika dilakukan sejak dini, misalnya dimulai semenjak sekolah dasar. Namun, bagi kebanyakan orang, algoritma dan pemrograman dianggap sebagai pelajaran yang sulit dan membosankan, sehingga diperlukan suatu metode khusus yang membuat anak-anak menjadi tertarik. Salah satu metode yang dapat di...
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Universitas Pelita Harapan adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta yang berlokasi di Karawaci. Saat ini Universitas Pelita Harapan belum menerapkan sistem terintegrasi berbasis web yang berfungsi untuk mengelola informasi workshop / seminar dan proses pendaftaran peserta. Semua proses selalu dilakukan melalui postingan Instagram dan media sosial lain...
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Nowadays, technology is indispensable to solve problems. Technology can facilitate communication without thinking about distance, space, and time. Currently, the advancement of technology is useful for most people in carrying out their activities, especially in the field of education. Islamic Centre High School Tangerang is one of the schools that...
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Along with the popularity of social network sites, social commerce such as Facebook has rapidly become a promising platform to conduct online advertisings and business activities. Drawing from Latent State-Trait theory (LST), we conducted an online experiment to empirically investigate the impact of information quality, picture of product presentat...
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PT. Palugada Indonesia still records their transactions and inventory of goods in traditional ways, which could result in some errors caused primarily by human interventions. The aim of this research is to assist PT. Palugada Indonesia to control their inventory through an information system. Specifically, a web-based application that can process p...
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Cloud storage service (CSS) has been widely used by individuals for both personal and organizational usage purposes. While many studies have investigated the CSS, little attention is paid to the users' post-adoption to CSS, specifically when CSS is adopted for organizational users in performing work-related tasks. Drawing upon two theoretical model...
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The university as an educational institution can apply technology in the campus environment. Currently, the security system for office space that is integrated with digital data has been somewhat limited. The main problem is that office space security items are not guaranteed as there might be outsiders who can enter the office. Therefore, this stu...
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Many companies have implemented technology in conducting their business, one of them is by using information systems in managing their business. The business process that runs on the Konveksi A&N is still manual because the Konveksi A&N has not implemented or is familiar with information systems like other companies has. This causes all the data co...
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The aim of this paper is introduced the importance of information technology for all petshop business units. Givaro Petshop is a business to provides products for the needs of pet supplies and pet care services. Recently the Givaro Petshop still managed product inventory manually. To improve the business, Givaro Petshop need an e-commerce website t...
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Dewasa ini sistem pembayaran secara mobile dengan atau mobile payment sudah cukup banyak digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat di Indonesia. Beberapa pemain besar seperti OVO, Gopay, Dana, LinkAja, dan pemain lainnya turut berlomba-lomba meramaikan industri mobile payment. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut secara masif menawarkan promo berupa ca...
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This study examines the students’ online group collaboration using an online social media and social networking site (SNS) – Facebook. The objective of this study is to assess students’ group collaborative assignment using the SNS as a platform to share information, ideas, and other related classroom activities. Moreover, this study also assesses t...
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Vehicle counting is an important parameter in building highway macroscopic model. This model ultimately will help highway designers, road planners and even common commuters, since it can give short term predictions of the road's behaviour which is influenced for example by its traffic flow, number of lanes, as well as off and on ramps. This researc...
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The current competitions between businesses is getting more intense, one of those competitions is in restaurant business. 3 Wise Monkeys is a restaurant that is trying to improve its customer service. One of the main problems is the unavailability of tables when they come to the restaurant, whcih can affects customer’s judgement. This research aims...
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Nowadays, the application of information systems can be applied in many fields, one of which is to support the process of adopting dog as a pet. The purpose of this research therefore is to develop an integrated information system that can be used to facilitate the process of adopting dogs. The developed information system which is web-based has se...
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Along with the development of times, artisan cakes are increasingly in demand by the public to celebrate special days or as a gift. Online artisan cake is a cake shop that uses social media like Instagram and Facebook to sell their cakes. The current cake ordering process is still done manually through two stages. First, customer sees and chooses t...
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Recording information on sales and purchases transactions is a part that cannot be separated from business activities. This information should be recorded and stored as historical financial information. Recording historical financial information is critical for all business sizes. Skenoo is a family business that is engaged in the automotive sector...
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Hotel Ranaka yang berlokasi di kota Ruteng, NTT memiliki sistem manajemen yang efektifitas dan efisiensinya masih tergolong rendah. Hal ini terbukti dari banyaknya masalah yang dialami, seperti keterlambatan dalam melakukan proses manajemen dan reservasi kamar. Aktivitas yang dilakukan di Hotel Ranaka dikelola secara manual. Oleh karena itu, penera...
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STIKes Citra Husada Mandiri Kupang (CHM-K) merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan. Pada saat ini STIKes CHM-K belum memanfaatkan teknologi informasi, hal ini terlihat dari proses penyusunan kartu rencana studi (KRS) dan proses mengisi atau melihat kartu hasil studi (KHS) yang masih dilakukan secara manual.. Banyaknya...
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Human Resources (HR) is one of the important aspects in the company, because it will manage many aspects such as technology, resources, and capital, therefore the process of hiring and allocating training is important in the company. Human Resource Departement (HRD) is responsible for recruiting new employees and developing training programs to equ...
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In this paper, vehicle counting is investigated using various machine methods on four datasets. Vehicle counting is needed to complete the data required for short term predictions using highway traffic model, which is in turn, applicable for road design and usage planning. The goal of this research is to show that automatic car counting using machi...
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PT XYZ faced a challenge to compete in the telecommunication industry. by migrating from previous Waterfall Approach to Agile Approach, they expected to speed up the completion of their project compared to prior approach. However, the result proved to be different then what they had targeted. The project suffers from delay completion while in theor...
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The aim of this paper is to develop a framework for assessing the Financial Technology landscape, which has been implemented by a number of companies in Indonesia. Financial stability is the basic foundation of solid, sustainable and inclusive growth of financial companies in the country. In this regard, this paper responds to the 4.0 technology pr...
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Abstract-The aim of this paper is to develop a framework for assessing the Financial Technology landscape, which has been implemented by a number of companies in Indonesia. Financial stability is the basic foundation of solid, sustainable and inclusive growth of financial companies in the country. In this regard, this paper responds to the 4.0 te...
This article investigates the factors affecting the success of central bank information systems (IS) in Mongolia. Drawing from the DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success models and Seddon and Kiew's (1997) path model, the factors that could potentially affect the success of the external and the internal IS of the central bank of Mongolia were empirica...
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Dalam suatu perusahaan, peran teknologi memiliki peranan yang penting dalam menunjang proses bisnis suatu perusahaan. Pemanfaatan teknologi yang dapat diterapkan berupa sistem informasi perusahaan yang melakukan pencatatan operasional dari transaksi bisnis perusahaan yang akan diolah menjadi informasi manajemen perusahaan. Hasil pencatatan yang ada...
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Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) melalui departemen Marketing, Communication, and Admission (MCA) telah menyediakan fasilitas pengujian minat bagi siswa-siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas. Namun sayangnya, proses pengujian masih dilakukan secara manual. Dengan banyaknya jumlah calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar di UPH dan tersebar di berbagai daerah, pemberia...
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Teknik pemanggilan citra berdasarkan teks yang sudah ada pada saat ini belum sepenuhnya bisa digunakan karena nama dari sebuah file tidak dapat merepresentasikan isinya. Pemanggilan citra menjadi rancu bila ada pihak lain yang memodifikasi nama file citra tanpa memperhitungkan isi atau informasi dari file citra tersebut. Untuk mengatasi kendala ter...
This study proposes a research framework to empirically examine the relationships among environmental turbulence, socio-technical risk factors, project risk, and project performance for a New Product Development (NPD) project team in the telecommunications industry. In addition, the moderating effect of communication on the relationship between pro...
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Penganggaran merupakan rancangan atau perencanaan periodik yang disusun oleh perusahaan berdasarkan program yang telah disepakati dan dibuat menjadi satu siklus anggaran perusahaan dengan jangka waktu tertentu secara kuantitatif. PT. Badak NGL merupakan Non-Profit Company, sehingga penganggaran menjadi sangat penting, khususnya untuk mendapatkan da...
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In a company, the process of employees recruitment and performance appraisal are very crucial. The recruitment is the first process which selects the potential employees that would meet the company's pre-defined criteria. Meanwhile, the performance appraisal is a way to evaluate employees' performances whether or not the employees have achieved the...
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Online learner’s motivation has been considered as one of the most important factors that drives online learning. Drawing from the Self Determination Theory (SDT), this present study incorporated the concept of Intrinsic motivation (Flow Theory) and Extrinsic Motivation (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and satisfaction Model, or popularly known a...
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This presentation is contains a solution to traffic monitoring and planning by using nonintrusive traffic sensors only, namely Virtual Detection Zone (VDZ) and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), published in IEEExplor. We propose that our novel method, VDZ with CCTV snap shots, when combined as a system, can replace the traditional system using indu...
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Impulse purchase behavior has become a major topic in both the marketing and consumer behavior related studies. However, to the best of our knowledge, little is known about the consumers’ impulse purchase behavior within one price shop context. This study therefore aims to empirically investigate numerous factors which can affect consumer’s impulse...
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Dewasa ini berbagai jenis perusahaan telekomunikasi bermunculan seiring berkembangnya teknologi. Oleh karena itu, strategi untuk menjadi penguasa pasar khususnya dalam bidang telekomunikasi sangat dibutuhkan. PT.PINS Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan PT. Telkom Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan Business Intell...
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This current paper will present a research proposal with regard to the effect of stress on virtual teams. The proposed research will specifically concentrate on the virtual teams’ stress as double constructs (positive stress as the challenge and negative stress as the hindrance), cohesion as social support to mitigate the stress, and how these thre...
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The rise of global trade and economic development is not only apparently grown in terms of volume but with value as well. Such spurt has evoked the risk management that is associated with export business, and can allow high-tech items fall into the hands of foreign military programs or terrorist organizations. The internal control compliance for ex...
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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan dengan system Customer Relationship Management pada Hypermart dengan Hicard. Faktor – faktor yang dimaksud tersebut terdiri dari Customer Service Quality, Empaty, Promotion, Rewards, Value Added Service. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah p...
This study proposes a research framework to empirically examine the relationships among environmental turbulence, socio-technical risk factors, project risk, and project performance for a New Product Development (NPD) project team in the telecommunications industry. In addition, the moderating effect of communication on the relationship between pro...
The very rapid adoption of mobile devices has attracted Open Source Mobile Application (OSMA) developers to create OSMAs and deliver them to the market. However, the majority of mobile communication studies have examined mobile applications from the end-users' perspective, and relatively little is known from the developers' side. As such, this rese...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penerapan Knowledge Management System (KMS) Portal pada salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia terhadap kinerja karyawannya. Adapun, penelitian ini mencakup analisa KMS Portal yang sudah diterapkan, identifikasi masalah-masalah yang sering terjadi selama ini di dalam penerapan...
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Video surveillance is one of the most important components of security. With the development of the Internet and especially cloud computing technologies, customers could use video surveillance service remotely. This research aims to find the major factors that will affect customers' perception of the service quality, and reasons that will drive cus...
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang demikian pesat telah banyak mempengaruhi dunia bisnis dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat, termasuk industri pariwisata.Berdasarkan studi kepustakaan, penerapan inovasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi termutakhir (misalnya, internet of things, cloud computing, dan big data) pada industri pariwisat...
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Pada era globalisasi sekarang ini setiap perusahaan harus siap untuk menghadapi perubahan-perubahan agar dapat mempertahankan keunggulan bersaingnya. Konsumen mempunyai banyak pilihan produk yang dapat mereka beli. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus mampu berinovasi agar konsumen tetap memilih produk mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pe...
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A good distribution of information for supporting the University's learning and teaching activities has become a major necessity. Meanwhile, the recent advancement of the information and communication technology can radically enhance the process ofthe information distribution. Given the two phenomena above, a novel application was developed to faci...
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Sebagai sebuah rumah sakit bertaraf internasional, Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village mencoba untuk terus meningkatkan dan menjaga kualitas mutu serta pelayanannya. Peningkatan kualitas dilakukan secara merata pada seluruh departemen yang ada salah satunya adalah departemen farmasi. Departemen farmasi membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu pro...
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Perancangan sistem aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelaksanaan evaluasi Balanced Scorecard pada PT. Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk. Proses penilaian dan evaluasiBalanced Scorecard yang masih menggunakan metode manual membuat proses tersebut menjadi sangat sulit untuk dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, sebuah sistem aplikasi dirancang untuk membantu kegia...