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May 2004 - present
April 1995 - November 2003
December 2003 - September 2010
Publications (235)
Organizations store hundreds or even thousands of models nowadays in business process model repositories. This makes sophisticated operations, like conformance checking or duplicate detection, hard to conduct without automated support. Therefore, querying methods are used to support such tasks. This chapter reports on an evaluation of six technique...
In vielen Bereichen der Wirtschaftsinformatik spielt die Erstellung konzeptueller Modelle unter Verwendung grafischer Modellierungssprachen eine wichtige Rolle. Entsprechend wichtig ist eine fundierte Grundausbildung, die sich an den benötigten Modellierungskompetenzen orientiert und daher neben theoretischen auch praktische Aspekte...
The use of software design patterns has a long-standing history with regard to good practice in the area of software design. Software design patterns comprise (code) templates that have proven to be suitable to solve reoccurring challenges in software systems design. They enable the standardized construction of software, a common design vocabulary...
Process Mining hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zur Analyse von Prozessdaten etabliert und wird in verschiedenen Kontexten, wie beispielsweise Industrie 4.0, eingesetzt. Die Potenziale dieser Technologie liegen jedoch nicht nur in der Analyse von Wertschöpfungsprozessen im Kontext von Produktion und Verwaltung. Die Technologie kan...
Well-established design patterns offer the possibility of standardized construction of software systems and can be used in various ways. The systematic use of design patterns in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems however, has received little attention so far, despite AI being a popular research area in recent years. AI systems can be...
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of connected devices that collects and exchanges data through the Internet. These things can be artificial or natural and interact as autonomous agents that form a complex system. In turn, business process management (BPM) was established to analyze, discover, design, implement, execute, monitor, and...
Modelling is central for business process and software architecture documentation and analysis. However, business processes and software architectures are specified with their own highly developed languages, methods and tools. There are approaches in the literature for modelling privacy and security issues using existing business process or archite...
This position paper acknowledges that customer orientation is a key requirement for companies to be competitive in the marketplace. Customer orientation has led to concepts, such as personalization, one-to-one-marketing, mass customization and co-creation, which all strive for a strong alignment of individual customer demands and encounters with a...
Applications for the Internet of Things are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the large amount of available context data, such applications can be used effectively in many domains. By interlinking these data and analyzing them, it is possible to gather a lot of knowledge about a user. Therefore, these applications pose a threat to privacy. In t...
Unternehmen erkennen zunehmend die ökonomischen und operationalen Vorteile von Cloud Computing, die es ihnen ermöglichen, sowohl signifikante Kosteneinsparungen zu erzielen als auch den Einsatz neuer Software-Anwendungen zu beschleunigen. Der Einsatz von Cloud Computing erfordert jedoch eine zunehmende Betrachtung neuer Herausforderungen an die Sic...
Privacy enhancing technologies become increasingly necessary as more and more personal data is collected. Especially, as nowadays everybody is permanently online using different applications and devices, users are often lacking the means to effectively control the access to their private data. Existing approaches provide only isolated solutions for...
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of connected devices collecting and exchanging data over the Internet. These things can be artificial or natural, and interact as autonomous agents forming a complex system. In turn, Business Process Management (BPM) was established to analyze, discover, design, implement, execute, monitor and evolve...
Gamification ist ein seit Jahren anhaltender Trend, durch den die motivations-und leistungssteigernden Effekte von Spielen auf andere Kontexte jenseits der Unterhaltung übertragen werden sollen. Die Autoren haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, diese positiven Auswirkungen auf den Kontext der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung, insbesondere auf das Social BPM zu...
Business process models play an important role in today’s enterprises, hence, model repositories may contain hundreds of models. These models are, for example, reused during process modeling activities or utilized to check the conformance of processes with legal regulations. With respect to the amount of models, such applications benefit from or ev...
Dieses Buch bietet einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Modellierung und Analyse von Geschäftsprozessen. Aufbauend auf Grundlagen zur Modellbildung und Modellerstellung werden gängige Modellierungssprachen wie Ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette, Business Process Model and Notation, Unified Modeling Language - Aktivitätsdiagramm und Petri-Netze...
Unternehmen erkennen zunehmend die ökonomischen und operationalen Vorteile von Cloud Computing, die es ihnen ermöglichen, sowohl signifikante Kosteneinsparungen zu erzielen als auch den Einsatz neuer Software-Anwendungen zu beschleunigen. Der Einsatz von Cloud Computing erfordert jedoch eine zunehmende Betrachtung neuer Herausforderungen an die Sic...
Process model similarity measures can be utilized for searching process model collections, which is also called similarity-based search. While there are quite a lot of approaches, most of them base on an underlying alignment between the activities of the compared process models. Yet, according to the results of the process model matching contests c...
To work efficiently with and unlock the potentials of business process models, measuring their similarity is a basic requirement. Thus, many automatic similarity measurement approaches have been developed during the last years, which utilize very different aspects of a model. At the same time, it is unclear which measures can be meaningfully applie...
E-Assessments sind immer weiter verbreitet in der Hochschullehre. In einigen Einsatz-gebieten birgt die Erstellung von automatisierten Ansätzen für die Bewertung besondere Herausfor-derungen, so auch bei klassischen Modellierungsaufgaben. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Schema für die Bewertung von Modellen in Form von Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten...
This chapter presents the Horus Method for business process engineering, which is divided into four phases. These four phases consist of (1) an initial project preparation phase; (2) a strategy and architecture phase for the definition of strategic aspects as well as enterprise and system architecture; (3) a business process analysis phase; and (4)...
The rise of microservices as architectural pattern creates a bunch of interesting opportunities for software architec-tures of modelling editors and additional services. Main ad-vantages are the scalability in collaborative distributed scenarios and enhanced possibilities regarding service development and operation. Throughout this article, we will...
The design of a “good” business process model is a time-consuming and error-prone task and requests high training effort from the process modeler. These barriers might be a reason why business processes are often designed with software tools, which were not intentionally developed for this purpose, but are highly familiar for the process modeler (e...
A variety of methods devoted to the behavior analysis of business process models has been suggested, which diminish the task of inspecting the correctness of the model by the process modeler. Although a correct behavior has been attested, the process model might still not be feasible because the modeler or intended user is hampered in her comprehen...
Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein plattformbasierter Lösungsansatz vorgestellt, der den Dialog von Domänenexperten und zukünftigen Anwendern im Rahmen der Entwicklung von Lösungen mit interdisziplinärem Mehrwert in domänenübergreifenden Anwendungsszenarien wesentlich verbessert. Die Plattform beinhaltet zur Abbildung domänenübergreifender Anwendungs...
In order to decide on suitable strategies in nuclear emergency and rehabilitation management, radionuclides released and endangered objects are, amongst others, important to be considered. Management options, as part of a strategy, are targeted at specific objects and are applicable to certain radionuclides, while handbooks are available as a guide...
An assistance function that guides users in their modeling tasks might be equally useful for any role who works with such a system. In heavily text-oriented applications (e.g., Information Retrieval) assistance systems also referred to as recommender systems are well-established. In graphic-oriented applications (e.g., process modeling) such suppor...
Innovative IT-basierte Services im Hochschulsektor sind aufgrund der bereits ausgeprägten heterogenen und historisch gewachsenen IT-Landschaft mit zahlreichen individuellen IT-Lösungen kritisch zu betrachten. Eine Konsolidierung der heterogenen IT-basierten Services wird durch die Einführung von leistungsfähigen Campus-Management-Systemen sowie den...
Cloud Computing is a technology with vast impact on IT systems. Costs can be significantly reduced through ondemand purchase of CPU time, memory and storage, offering high flexibility. The main reason to avoid cloud technology still is security. This leads to a lack of trust in cloud services. Most cloud providers secure their systems only against...
A mobile modeling tool is presented, based on the theoretically founded and practically proven Horus Method for busineß proceß management. Our tool is location- and platform-independent - therefore it can be used at different locations and on various platforms, including desktop systems, tablets and smartphones. Furthermore, our tool supports easy...
Knowledge transfer is a critical factor in ensuring the success of offshore outsourcing software development projects and is, in many cases, neglected. Compared to in-house or co-located projects, however, such globally distributed projects feature far greater complexity. In addition to language barriers, factors such as cultural differences, time...
Significant effort has been made in the past by research to promote business process model reuse (e.g., creating reference models for reuse, workflow patterns). Business process model reuse means building up new business process models by assembling already designed ones. Plenty of benefits are assumed to result from business process model reuse (e...
Process model matching refers to the creation of correspondences between activities of process models. Applications of process model matching are manifold, reaching from model validation over harmonization of process variants to effective management of process model collections. Recently, this demand led to the development of different techniques f...
Der Zugriff von mobilen Geräten auf Unternehmensanwendungen birgt Sicherheitsrisiken, die über die stationärer Hardware hinausgehen. Diese umfassen unter anderem den Verlust oder den Diebstahl ganzer Geräte, das Aushorchen der drahtlosen Internetverbindung oder das Ausspähen per Shoulder-Sniffing. Im Rahmen des Projektes „SumoDacs“ wurde eine 3-Fak...
After a brief introduction to the topic of business process modeling, the book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. After that, the foundations of the modeling languages used are conveyed. Meaningful examples are in the foreground - each of the underlying formalisms is treated only as far as needed. Next the Horus Met...
While there is a need for business process management professionals in economy, enrolment in IS programs is declining. The resulting gap is even widened by early terminations of students due to various reasons. Missing motivation, as one of these reasons, is tackled by the Active Lab course concept presented in this paper. Such Active Labs are insp...
In unseren Volkswirtschaften gewinnt der Dienstleistungssektor eine immer größere Bedeutung. Parallel dazu verstärkt die nahezu ubiquitäre Verfügbarkeit von Informationen den Selbstbestimmungswunsch der Bürger. Als Kunden z. B. im Bereich der Ausbildung, der Finanzwirtschaft und der Mobilität sowie als Patienten im Gesundheitswesen wollen sie Diens...
Logistics processes, where RFID technologies are applied to
improve process efficiency and flexible organisation of collaboration is
required in the foreground, pose challenges to process modelling, analysis and
design in business process management. To meet these challenges, we propose
in this paper an integrated approach which bundles XSLT nets,...
Business processes are the focal point when it comes to changes in an enterprise. Be it the implementation of new business models and strategies, be it in the realization of information systems, or be it related to quality improvements—the discussion always involves business processes. As a logical consequence follows the necessity for a realistic...
The design of business processes is not a new discipline but is essentially as old as the creation of products and labor services. Over time, the originally purely experiential approach has been augmented by an engineering component so that one speaks today of business process engineering. This circumscribes the design and layout, the analysis, imp...
In this concluding chapter, we gather several thoughts on how the future of business process engineering might look like. Topics and technologies that from our perspective will definitely have an impact include virtual worlds and 3D graphics on the one hand, and socialization on the other. The latter has been brought along by Web 2.0 developments a...
Petri nets are impressive in business process modeling due to the simplicity of the graphical presentation in connection with their expressive power. One can achieve a high precision of models, and the operational semantics allows formal for analysis and dynamic simulation. Practice shows, however, that a powerful modeling language alone is not eno...
In this chapter, the concepts and modeling languages are introduced which are required for modeling, particularly of processes, objects, and organization structures in the remainder of this book. Initially, there is a brief explanation of the necessity and the motivation behind modeling. As a concrete modeling language for processes, Petri nets are...
Currently, the adequate support of mobile employees for their location-independent task execution represents a major challenge for many companies. Basic prerequisites for an effective integration of mobile information technology (mobile IT) into day-to-day business in companies are the identification of relevant mobile sub-processes in the business...
The lifecycles of business processes and business software interact with each other since business software is used to support business processes, and requirements on business software are derived from business processes. By integrating these lifecycles, it is possible to test if the business software meets the process-based requirements as well as...
Risk management and business process management are considered key success factors for organizations. Risks are part of every business activity. If a risk occurs it may threaten the organizational goals causing time delays, additional costs or loss of quality. A business process is a set of activities that are executed according to certain rules to...
We present a methodology for effective risk management in global software development process planning. The proposed methodology starts with a detailed process model which is used for identifying risks based on a risk factor list. By linking the relevant risk factors to the process we seek to ease and improve the planning of the global software dev...
Aiming at increasing flexibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of information processing and resource deployment
in organizations to ensure customer satisfaction and high quality of products and services, process-oriented information systems
(POIS) represent a promising realization form of computerized business information systems. D...
To ensure proper and efficient modeling of business processes, it is important to support users of process editors adequately. With only minimal modeling support, the productivity of novice business process modelers may be low when starting process modeling. In this article, we present a theoretically sound and empirically validated recommendation-...
Research on Semantic Web has a long tradition in the Institute AIFB, and has largely influenced many research projects in the broader field of Applied Informatics. This article reports on a selection of research activities that illustrate the fruitful exchange of Semantic Web and Applied Informatics, covering the topics of Logic and Complexity Mana...
In the industrial and commercial area, operational supply chain planning is well supported by common ERP systems. However, globally distributed collaborative manufacturing processes cause high complexity as well as a constantly changing environment for risks in tactical planning that should not be underestimated. For this purpose, approaches are de...
Information Systems Research ("Wirtschaftsinformatik") basically follows two research approaches: the behavioristic approach and the design-oriented approach. In this memorandum, 10 authors propose principles of design-oriented information systems research. Moreover, the memorandum is supported by 111 full professors from the German-speaking scient...
Recently, a trend toward collaborative, on-line business pro-
cess modeling can be observed that is also emphasized by several ini-
tiatives. Social software has the potential satisfying such a collaborative
modeling. It provides tools to collaboratively exchange and share infor-
mation resources among peers. Despite of the potential that social so...
Wie kann die Wirtschaftsinformatik am besten aus ihrer Forschung Nutzen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft erzeugen? Mit dieser Frage eröffnen die Autoren im vorliegenden Memorandum die Diskussion um die Forschungsparadigmen, die für die Disziplin adäquat sind. Die Autoren treten für die Gestaltungsorientierung der Wirtschaftsinformatik ein, machen si...
Knowledge transfer is one of the most critical success factors in IT offshore outsourcing projects and in many cases extremely underestimated. Compared to in-house or onsite projects, a much higher complexity appears in globally distributed projects. Not only language barriers but also other challenges such as cultural differences, diverse time-zon...
The basic idea of business process modeling is to identify the set of activities which has to be performed to reach a particular goal and to define a partial order on that set. A mobile business process is a process which has instances where individual activities are performed using a mobile computer like a PDA or a smartphone. The contribution of...
Knowledge of modeling language syntax is usually not sufficient for building “good” process models. Profound modeling experience
is required to apply a modeling language in practice. The productivity of users without any modeling experience is low and
thus the quality of the modeling result may be unsatisfying if respective modeling tool support is...
Offshore outsourcing software development (OOSD) is increasingly being used by the Software Industry. OOSD is a specific variant of Geographically Distributed Software Development
(GDSD). Compared to the traditional mode of software development (i.e., in-house) GDSD is more edgy and puts at risk the attainment of the expected results. Although the...
Because of a steadily increasing market for IT services, providers need to set apart from their competitors in order to successfully assert with their service offerings in the market. As compliance with negotiated service levels is becoming more and more important for service providers, the improvement of the quality of operational IT service suppo...
Social networks are known to stimulate the exchange and sharing of information among peers. Even more social networks can initiate a cooperation (e.g., people sharing music) and a collaboration (e.g., searching for collaborators for research works). However, social networks are not widely used as work resources (e.g., for help or support request) m...
Logistics processes, where RFID technologies are applied to improve process efficiency, and flexible organization of collaboration is required in the foreground, pose challenges to process modeling, analysis and design in Business Process Management. To meet these challenges, we propose in this paper an integrated approach which bundles XSLT nets,...