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April 1997 - December 2012
Publications (205)
Natural and processed geomaterials (i.e. metals, stone, glass, ceramic) were widely used and traded by ancient societies. Archaeometry, i.e. the scientific analysis of such materials, therefore is closely connected to earth sciences due to the methods applied (e.g. radiogenic and stable isotope systems and trace element patterns) and the existence...
Normally, volatiles in silicate melts are ephemeral components that escape as gases when the melt reaches fluid saturation. When fluid saturation occurs at elevated pressure, magmatic fluids may have large amounts of oxide solute dissolved, are less volatile, and may resemble viscous gels. In Cyprus we have the rare case that solutes of a magmatic...
Volcanic ash layers are important markers for the chronostratigraphy of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental archives at the southern tip of South America. However, this requires that tephras are well-dated. We report geochemical data from stalagmite MA1 formed in a non-karst cave near Mt. Burney volcano in southernmost Patagonia (~53°S). High-resol...
Arctic sea ice cover has been steeply declining since the onset of satellite observations in the late 1970s. However, the available annually resolved sea ice data before this time are limited. Here, we evaluated the suitability of annual trace element (Mg/Ca) ratios and growth increments from the long‐lived annual increment‐forming benthic corallin...
To expand the newly developed ARM glasses as reference materials for in situ microanalysis of isotope ratios and iron oxidation state by a variety of techniques such as SIMS, LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS and EPMA, we report Li‐B‐Si‐O‐Mg‐Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotope data and Fe2+/ΣFe ratios for these glasses. The data were mainly obtained by TIMS, MC‐ICP‐MS, IR‐MS and wet‐c...
Nickel is a strongly compatible element in olivine, so fractional crystallization of olivine typically looks as a concave-up trend on a Fo-Ni diagram. We consider Ni-enriched olivine compositions that fall above a crystallization trend. Ni-enriched olivine crystals are abundant in mafic alkaline rocks (Fig. 1a). Unusual olivine compositional trends...
Nickel is a strongly compatible element in olivine, and thus fractional crystallization of olivine typically results in a concave-up trend on a Fo-Ni diagram. "Ni-enriched" olivine compositions are considered those that fall above such a crystallization trend. To explain Ni-enriched olivine crystals, we develop a set of theoretical and computationa...
Diffusion coefficients for Fo and Ni in olivine (DFo and DNi) are available for temperatures from 750 to 1400 °C, experiments were carried out on high-Fo olivine close to Fo90, from 1 bar to 120 kbar pressure, and an oxygen fugacity between 10-10 and 10-4 Pa, see review in (Chakraborty, 2010). Chakraborty (2010) built a set of formulas that quantit...
Ni is a compatible element in olivine, so crystallization typically results in a concave-up trend on a Fo-Ni diagram. We consider Ni-enriched olivine phenocrysts compositions that fall above a crystallization trend. To explain the origin Ni-enriched olivine crystals, we develop a set of models to describe the diffusion in olivine phenocrysts formed...
Petrological and geochemical (major, trace, Sr-Nd isotope) data for recent (<5 kyr old) basalts that sporadically erupt on the western flank of Piton de la Fournaise (PdF), one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, allow the tracking of magma transfer and evolution from mantle to crustal depths. In the western peripheral area of PdF we document th...
Petrological and geochemical (major element, trace element, Sr-Nd isotope) data for recent (<5 kyr old) basalts that sporadically erupt on the western flank of Piton de la Fournaise (PdF), one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, allow the tracking of magma transfer and evolution from mantle to crustal depths. In the western peripheral area of Pd...
Three synthetic reference glasses were prepared by directly fusing and stirring 3.8 kg of high‐purity oxide powders to provide reference materials for micro‐analytical work. These glasses have the andesitic major composition and are doped with fifty‐four trace elements in nearly identical abundance (500, 50, 5 µg g‐1) using oxide powders or element...
Deep crustal felsic xenoliths from classic Scottish Midland Valley localities, carried to the surface by Permo-Carboniferous magmatism, are shown for the first time to include metaigneous varieties with dioritic and tonalitic protoliths. Four hypotheses regarding their origin have been evaluated: (1) Precambrian basement; (2) Permo-Carboniferous un...
The rates of magmatic processes preceding eruption are not well understood yet. Oscillating zoning of Mg-Fe-Ni-Ca-Cr-Al-P in high-Mg olivine crystals from 7600 BP tuff ring of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, enables reconstruction of the entire olivine crystallization history with characteristic times from mantle conditions to eruption. Bell-shaped F...
The duration and rates of magmatic processes preceding eruption are yet to be understood. Complex core-rim zonation in high-Mg olivines (Ol) from tuff ring of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, enables reconstruction of the Ol-crystallization history from source to eruption. Zonation in olivines was measured by EMP for elements with different diffusivit...
Appendix S2. Measurement results from EPMA (n = 84 for each of the two zircon samples) at Universität Göttingen, Germany.
Appendix S3. Documentation of locations of EPMA (Universität Göttingen, Germany) linescans, and plots and histograms of mass fractions of HfO2, ThO2 and UO2.
Appendix S1. Details for ID‐TIMS analytical procedures in the laboratories.
Appendix S4. Measurement results from SHRIMP analyses (Curtin University, Perth, Australia) including additional Concordia plots and Th/U histograms.
The shallow-marine benthic coralline alga Clathromorphum compactum is an important annual- to sub-annual-resolution archive of Arctic and subarctic environmental conditions, allowing reconstructions going back > 600 years. Both Mg content, in the high-Mg calcitic cell walls, and annual algal growth increments have been used as a proxy for past temp...
Известно, что перед извержением магматический расплав претерпевает серию процессов, изменяющих его первоначальный состав, в т.ч. дифференциацию, смешение, ассимиляцию. В последнее десятилетие проводились интенсивные исследования, направленные на изучение скоростей этих процессов, то есть на понимание характерных времен кристаллизации расплава, его...
В вулканологии существует понимание процессов, происходящих перед извержением, но, вопрос о том, как быстро магмы могут пройти от мантийного источника к поверхности, остается открытым. Опишем здесь оценки времени нахождения магмы в камере и времени подъема магмы для высоко-Mg средне-K андезибазальтов Шивелуча возраста 7600 14C лет. Состав оливинов...
В вулканологии существует понимание процессов, происходящих перед извержением, но, вопрос о том, как быстро магмы могут пройти от мантийного источника к поверхности, остается открытым. Опишем здесь, следуя (Gordeychik et al., 2018), оценки времени нахождения магмы в камере и времени подъема магмы для высоко-Mg средне-K андезибазальтов Шивелуча возр...
Complex core-rim zoning in high-Mg olivines (Ol) from tuff ring of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, enables reconstruction of the Ol-crystallization history from source to eruption. Zonation in olivine was measured by EMP for major and trace elements with different diffusivities and profile orientations controlled by EBSD. Pressure from Cpx-melt compo...
Here we document a detailed characterization of two zircon gemstones, GZ7 and GZ8. Both stones had the same mass at 19.2 carats (3.84 g) each; both came from placer deposits in the Ratnapura district, Sri Lanka. The U–Pb data are in both cases concordant within the uncertainties of decay constants and yield weighted mean ²⁰⁶Pb/²³⁸U ages (95% confid...
We have a fundamental understanding of the principal magmatic processes of compositional differentiation and mixing of magmas prior to their eruption. However, the duration of these magmatic processes preceding the eruption, i.e. differentiation, storage, mixing, and rejuvenation of the melts from crystal mush, as well as amalgamation of distinct m...
Table SM6-A. The time intervals for the diffusion in the transition zone.
Table SM5-A. The time intervals for advanced core diffusion.
Table SM4-A. The time intervals for the outer core diffusion.
Table SM3-A. Aluminum-in-olivine thermometry results using olivine-spinel pairs. Table SM3-B. Clinopyroxene and plagioclase compositions. Table SM3-C. P-T-fO2 conditions and diffusion coefficients in different crystal zones.
Table SM2-A. Raw microprobe data on studied crystal profiles. Table SM2-B. Raw crystal orientation data and calculations of the geometry factor. Table SM2-C. Plots and images for all profiles and grains.
Tables SM1.2. A systematic analysis and cross-calibration of distinct batches of San Carlos olivines.
Table SM1.1-A. EMS measurement conditions. Table SM1.1-B. San Carlos standards measured during olivine analysis and analytical statistics. Table SM1.1-C. Conditions of measurements for element maps. Table SM1.1-D. Element distribution maps.
Complex core-rim zoning of Mg-Fe-Ni-Ca-Cr-Al-P in high-Mg olivine crystals from a tuff ring of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, enables reconstruction of the entire olivine crystallization history from mantle conditions to eruption. Bell-shaped Fo86–92 and Ni profiles in crystal cores were formed by diffusion after mixing with evolved magma. Diffusion...
Supplementary materials. Growth of, and diffusion in, olivine in ultra-fast ascending basalt magmas from Shiveluch volcano.
One of the most dramatic signs of ongoing global change is the mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the resulting rise in sea level, whereby most of the recent ice sheet mass loss can be attributed to an increase in meltwater runoff. The retreat and thinning of Greenland glaciers has been caused by rising air and ocean temperatures over the pas...
The Hydrothermal Waterberg Platinum Deposit, Mookgophong (Naboomspruit), South Africa – Part II – Quartz chemistry, fluid inclusions and geochronology - Alfons M. van den Kerkhof, Graciela M. Sosa, Thomas Oberthür, Frank Melcher, Tobias Fusswinkel, Andreas Kronz, Klaus Simon, István Dunkl
Meniscal calcification is considered to play a relevant role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the knee. Little is known about the biology of acetabular labral disease and its importance in hip pathology. Here, we analyze for the first time the calcification of the acetabular labrum of the hip (ALH) and its relation to hip cartila...
The shallow–marine benthic coralline alga Clathromorphum compactum is an important annual to sub-annual resolution archive of Arctic and Subarctic environmental conditions, allowing reconstructions going back > 600 years. Both Mg content, in the high Mg-calcitic cell walls, and annual algal growth increments have been used as a proxy for past tempe...
The potential of crustose coralline algae as high-resolution archives of past ocean variability in mid- to high-latitudes has only recently been recognized. Few comparisons of coralline algal proxies, such as temperature-dependent algal magnesium to calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios, with in situ-measured surface ocean data exist, even rarer are well replicat...
Complex zonation patterns in olivine from Shiveluch basalts were studied by electron microprobe. Olivine cores (Fo87-92) show bell-shaped or flat zonation. In the mantle forsterite first decrease, then abruptly falling with a steeper gradient towards the rim. Fo-Ni relations identify distinct core populations that together form a convex trend in Fo...
The late republican military camp at Hermeskeil (Trier-Saarburg district) is one of the few known heritage sites which can be dated to the Gallic Wars and can thus be linked directly to the historical record given by Caesar’s De bello Gallico. Since 2010, the site is intensively studied as part of an interdisciplinary landscape archaeological proje...
Kamchatka is a NW part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Shiveluch is the most active volcano of Kamchatka and is located in the triple junction zone between the Kuril–Kamchatka and Aleutian island arcs. Shiveluch volcano erupted mainly high-Mg andesites during Holocene. A prominent two tephra layers of a high-Mg basalts (7600 BP and 3600 BP) was descri...
Shiveluch volcano located in northern Kamchatka erupted mainly high-Mg andesites during Holocene times. However, tephrochronologists found two Holocene tephra layers that are unusual for this volcano: a high-Mg middle-K basalts with an age of 7600 yr BP and high-Mg high-K basalt with an age of 3600 yr BP [Volynets et al, 1997]. The proximal outcrop...
Химическая зональность в оливиновых фенокристаллах и моделирование процессов диффузии использовались последние 10 лет для оценки скорости подъема и времени эволюции магмы до извержения. Фундаментальное предположение заключается в том, что смешение магм в магматическом резервуаре приводит к диффузионному обмену между кристаллами оливина и окружающим...
North Atlantic sea surface temperatures experience variability with a periodicity of 60–80 years that is known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). It has a profound imprint on the global climate system that results in a number of high value societal impacts. However the industrial period, i.e. the middle of the 19th century onwards, con...
Studies of elemental fractionation and homogeneity of CGSG reference materials (CGSG-1, CGSG-2, CGSG-4 and CGSG-5) would promote the quality assessment and application. In this study, the elemental fractionation and within-unit homogeneity of CGSG reference materials were evaluated via using EMPA and LA-ICP-MS techniques, meanwhile the analysis dat...
While the interpretation of spectral reflectance data has been widely applied to detect the presence of minerals, determining and quantifying the abundances of minerals contained by planetary surfaces is still an open problem. With this paper we address one of the two main questions arising from the spectral unmixing problem. While the mathematical...
В геохимии и петрологии существует понимание основных магматических процессов, которые вызывают дифференциацию и смешение магм до извержения. Химическая зональность в оливинах и ее моделирование как процесса диффузии могут использоваться для оценки времени нахождения магмы в очаге и ее подъема к поверхности до извержения [1, 2].
Фундаментальное пре...
Greiff S, Kronz A, Schlütter F, Prange M (2016) (Hrsg.) Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2016. Jahrestagung an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. 28. September – 1. Oktober 2016. Metalla Sonderheft 8, 240 S.
The rare potassium zirconium silicate dalyite has been identified for the first time on Terceira, Azores, within syenitic ejecta of the Caldeira-Castelinho Ignimbrite Formation. New quantitative analyses of this dalyite were combined with the small number of published analyses from various locations worldwide to evaluate the mineral's compositional...
In this article, we document a detailed analytical characterisation of zircon M127, a homogeneous 12.7 carat gemstone from Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Zircon M127 has TIMS-determined mean U-Pb radiogenic isotopic ratios of 0.084743 ± 0.000027 for ²⁰⁶Pb/²³⁸U and 0.67676 ± 0.00023 for ²⁰⁷Pb/²³⁵U (weighted means, 2s uncertainties). Its ²⁰⁶Pb/²³⁸U age of 524...
Compositional zonation in olivine phenocrysts and diffusion modelling have been used in the last ten years to estimate magma residence times and the duration of magma ascent. The fundamental assumption is that mixing with newly injected magma into a reservoir triggers diffusional exchange between mafic olivine crystals and more evolved magma and th...
Compositional zonation in olivine phenocrysts and diffusion modelling have been used in the last ten years to estimate magma residence times and the duration of magma ascent. The fundamental assumption is that mixing with newly injected magma into a reservoir triggers diffusional exchange between mafic olivine crystals and more evolved magma and th...
Herein, we report the synthesis and species distribution of copper(ii) complexes based on two different ligand scaffolds and the application of the two complexes in the electrochemical proton reduction catalysis. The ligands bind to one or two copper(ii) ions and the pH-dependent mono/dinuclear equilibrium depends on the steric bulk of the ligands....
In a previous failure analysis performed on femoral components of cemented total hip replacements, we determined high volumes of abraded bone cement. Here, we describe the topography of the polished surface of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bone cement containing zirconia radiopacifier, analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and vert...
In situ LA-ICP-MS analysis of S, Se and Te in components of chondritic meteorites provide clues to the formation of chondritic meteorites (Funk et al., this meeting).
Femtosecond laser ablation is used as it offers reduced fractionation of volatile elements during sampling [1]. Since the small scale heterogeneity of chondritic matter limits the use...
Records of high resolution climate variability in the past are essential to understanding the climate change observed today. This is particularly true for Arctic regions, which are rapidly warming. Prior to instrumental data, proxy records can be extracted from high-latitude climate archives to provide critical records of past Arctic climate variab...
Lower crustal xenoliths of the Scottish Midland Valley, carried to the surface by Lower Carboniferous volcanic activity, provide a unique insight into the Lower Palaeozoic history of this region which is largely obscured by Upper Palaeozoic sediments. Three types of xenoliths, metadiorites, metatonalites and metasediments, were the subject of geoth...
Your abstract submission has been has been submitted for the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting. You will receive an email confirmation. Click HERE to print this page now. Receipt of this notice does not guarantee that your submission was accepted for the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting. All submissions are subject to review and acceptance by the Program Committee. You m...
Greenschist to amphibolite grade Haimanta metasediments of the NW Himalaya preserve much of the prograde metamorphic history of Eohimalayan crustal thickening, which has been erased by Oligo-/Miocene migmatization elsewhere in the Himalaya. Our zircon and monazite U/Th–Pb data unravel a multi-stage prograde metamorphic evolution. The earliest evide...
The study of fluid inclusions in high-grade rocks is especially challenging as the host minerals have been normally subjected to deformation, recrystallization and fluid-rock interaction so that primary inclusions, formed at the peak of metamorphism are rare. The larger part of the fluid inclusions found in metamorphic minerals is typically modifie...
The Sredinny Range of Kamchatka (SR) is located at the back-arc of the contemporary Kamchatka subduction zone (Avdeiko et al., 2006; Churikova et al., 2001; many others). The Benioff zone at the south end of the Range (below Khangar volcano) lies at 350 depth; further to the north it is not constrained by geophysical data (Gorbatov et al., 1997). A...
This study tests the utility of the minor to trace element composition of sphalerite to discriminate between possible sources of ore-forming fluids, and to constrain processes involved in ore genesis of the world-class Irish-type Navan Zn-Pb orebody, Ireland. Detailed petrography and electron microprobe microanalyses were performed on layered sphal...